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Internal leak: Military Corruption will destroy PLA & China, details of PLA anti-corruption



New Recruit

Dec 8, 2014
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Hong Kong
一场极其重要的斗争/A important War for today PLA

Since 2014.08, there's a guy named 甄情达 sent a public letter to all Chinese on internet, maybe a internal senior official who close to PLA anti-corruption, leaked some details about Corruption happened inside PLA militarytop brass, especially some corrupted PLA Generals.

Army lieutenant general: 谷俊山/Gu JunShan (Captured), Army Admiral: 徐才厚/Xu CaiHou(Captured), Army Admiral: 郭伯雄/Guo BoXiong groups their hundred millions corrupton r destroying PLA even more China.

At the end of public letter, the 甄情达 call for all PLA officers & soldiers united together and support Xi's anti-corruption inside PLA, to fight with corrupted Xu CaiHou and Guo BoXiong gangs in PLA.

















9、谷俊山给军委领导送的现金、银行卡传闻很多,他做了三尊金佛,每尊重达几十公斤,有两尊送给了军委领导,地方很多人都在说这件事。这样的事为什么不公布于众?有人说,郭、徐在悄悄的往回退赃,到现在才退为时已晚,作为受贿的赃物在法律上的定性是变不了的。 徐才厚、郭伯雄贪赃枉法为非作歹贻害军内外,绝非提拔包庇受贿于谷俊山这一个仅有的个案,大量的令人发指的贪腐行为,只要中纪委介入调查,很快便会喷发。据可靠消息来源,在徐才厚的大本营总政治部直管的解放军报社,不久前又暴出一起贪腐大案,徐才厚的嫡系、解放军报社社长、全国政协委员黄国柱等人涉嫌诈骗、贪污、挪用六亿元人民币。此案迄今为止徐还授意总政不予上报,瞒着习近平主席。他们企图只轻描淡写地处理黄国柱的“马仔”丁某(解放军报广告部主管),总政将已劫拿归案的丁某涉案金额由六亿元降为五、六千万元,妄图大事化小,避免案情再次指向黄国柱背后的徐才厚。

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LOL ... if turth, it's a dangerous singal for PLA, lost Army CCP also will be in danger like 1949 KMT in mailand China 腥风血雨, Army died & Party died.

The corruption always is the 1st biggest enemy for China.

  1. Xi maybe not strong as far as we thought
  2. Corruption inside PLA senior officials is serious, at least two gangs controlled by 2x corrupted Admiral: Xu (Captured) and Guo (not yet)
  3. Corrupted PLA try to get out from CCP.
  4. Gu JunShan's corruption case still not judged yet.
  5. Next target will be Guo Bo Xiong.
  6. Xi's anti-corruption will continue inside PLA & CCP ... might spent years (during past 10 years, many corruptions inside senior officials), Good result is PRC will healthly develop and become a developed nation, Bad result is PRC will become next USSR.

Anyway, it's GOOD to read for all Chinese here.
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LOL ... if turth, it's a dangerous singal for PLA, lost Army CCP also will be in danger like 1949 KMT in mailand China 腥风血雨, Army died & Party died.

The corruption always is the 1st biggest enemy for China.

  1. Xi maybe not strong as far as we thought
  2. Corruption inside PLA senior officials is serious, at least two gangs controlled by 2x corrupted Admiral: Xu (Captured) and Guo (not yet)
  3. Corrupted PLA try to get out from CCP.
  4. Gu JunShan's corruption case still not judged yet.
  5. Next target will be Guo Bo Xiong.
  6. Xi's anti-corruption will continue inside PLA & CCP ... might spent years (during past 10 years, many corruptions inside senior officials), Good result is PRC will healthly develop and become a developed nation, Bad result is PRC will become next USSR collapsing.

Anyway, it's GOOD to read for all Chinese here.

This is our internal matter, you don't have to discuss it on the PDF.

It is not wise to add more anti-China ammunition to those anti-China trolls.
Gu JunShan (now Captured)

Xu CaiHou (now Captured)



Guo BoXiong





Xi JinPing

This is our internal matter, you don't have to discuss it on the PDF.

It is not wise to add more anti-China ammunition to those anti-China trolls.
LOL ... If become next KMT, it's too late to discuss it, coz busy killing !
LOL ... if turth, it's a dangerous singal for PLA, lost Army CCP also will be in danger like 1949 KMT in mailand China 腥风血雨, Army died & Party died.

The corruption always is the 1st biggest enemy for China.

  1. Xi maybe not strong as far as we thought
  2. Corruption inside PLA senior officials is serious, at least two gangs controlled by 2x corrupted Admiral: Xu (Captured) and Guo (not yet)
  3. Corrupted PLA try to get out from CCP.
  4. Gu JunShan's corruption case still not judged yet.
  5. Next target will be Guo Bo Xiong.
  6. Xi's anti-corruption will continue inside PLA & CCP ... might spent years (during past 10 years, many corruptions inside senior officials), Good result is PRC will healthly develop and become a developed nation, Bad result is PRC will become next USSR.

Anyway, it's GOOD to read for all Chinese here.

I disagree, he maybe corrupted but getting rid of everyone corrupted is foolhardy.

This is and excerpt from Russian - Finish War (winter war)
"The Soviets possessed more than three times as many soldiers as the Finns, thirty times as many aircraft, and a hundred times as many tanks. The Red Army, however, had been crippled by Soviet leader Joseph Stalin's Great Purge of 1937.With more than 30,000 of its officers executed or imprisoned, including most of those of the highest ranks, the Red Army in 1939 had many inexperienced senior and mid-level officers."
LOL ... If become next KMT, it's too late to discuss it, coz busy killing !

Don't worry, CPC will never become another KMT.

Since KMT was a traitorous corrupt party since the day when it was born, whereas CPC was born as a strong nationalist party.

Those anti-China trolls often love to lump the CPC with the KMT.

However, if we look it at more details, it is apple comparing to orange.

Those anti-China trolls are doing everything to downgrade CPC.

Tell me if KMT can achieve anything remotely comparable to what CPC has done so far?
Don't worry, CPC will never become another KMT.

Since KMT was a traitorous corrupt party since the day when it was born, whereas CPC was born as a strong nationalist party.

Those anti-China trolls often love to lump the CPC with the KMT.

However, if we look it at more details, it is apple comparing to orange.

Those anti-China trolls are doing everything to downgrade CPC.

Tell me if KMT can achieve anything remotely comparable to what CPC has done so far?
USSR ever got more achievements than PRC, senior offiicals corruption also kill them. Anyway now Xi's PLA r changing fresh blood.

I disagree, he maybe corrupted but getting rid of everyone corrupted is foolhardy.

This is and excerpt from Russian - Finish War (winter war)
"The Soviets possessed more than three times as many soldiers as the Finns, thirty times as many aircraft, and a hundred times as many tanks. The Red Army, however, had been crippled by Soviet leader Joseph Stalin's Great Purge of 1937.With more than 30,000 of its officers executed or imprisoned, including most of those of the highest ranks, the Red Army in 1939 had many inexperienced senior and mid-level officers."
Since Mao's China sentence corrupted officals to death, i like to see it again ... especially for those corrupted hundred millions money PLA Senior officers ... i think we need to hear the justice of gunfire.


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Didn't china just upgrade auditng process I think that will clEar things as long as the millitary is professional they shall be OK. But corrupt people should be punished
This is our internal matter, you don't have to discuss it on the PDF.

It is not wise to add more anti-China ammunition to those anti-China trolls.

Good point. :cheesy::tup:
Cant believe there are so many persistent idiots who want to be internet heroes on an international forum
The source is unknown
It may be the acts of counter-agents
What can this so called "internal leak" as presented by the OP help to solve the anti-graft campaign which is going on so vigorously nationwide?
Good point. :cheesy::tup:
Cant believe there are so many persistent idiots who want to be internet heroes on an international forum
The source is unknown
It may be the acts of counter-agents
What can this so called "internal leak" as presented by the OP help to solve the ant-graft campaign which is going on so vigorously nationwide?

Yep, I agree, this article is clearly malicious. I seen this article posted even on English media website such as CNBC. I'm not going to be baited.
Yep, I agree, this article is clearly malicious. I seen this article posted even on English media website such as CNBC. I'm not going to be baited.

Your agreement is much appreciated :cheesy::tup:
In a forum like PDF, our community (Chinese) needs more matured and level-headed contributors.

if you are so insecure of your countries internal matters....you have no rights to discuss about other countries internal matters too...in short stop poking ur nose in indias matter too

1. do you know Chinese?
2. If yes then you can know the level of authenticity of the content
3. if you dont know Chinese, *****! 8-)
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USSR ever got more achievements than PRC, senior offiicals corruption also kill them. Anyway now Xi's PLA r changing fresh blood.

Nope, USSR never got a chance to outcompete the US.

CPC isn't stupid of getting involved in a military race at the expense of harming its own people's livelihood.

USSR was stupid of surrendering to the US, while CPC never gives up.

if you are so insecure of your countries internal matters....you have no rights to discuss about other countries internal matters too...in short stop poking ur nose in indias matter too

I fully confident about my country's internal matter, but it is annoying to see you guys keep popping up in a topic like this.
Your agreement is much appreciated :cheesy::tup:
In a forum like PDF, our community (Chinese) needs more matured and level-headed contributors.

1. do you know Chinese?
2. If yes then you can know the level of authenticity of the content
3. if you dont know Chinese, STFU! 8-)

i quoted a diffrent person for his personal point of view cause he is a thinktank which is a huge status and clearly a thinktank should have an open mind and an unsensord point of view...
and back to you, you are nothing so pls dnt say STFU to pdf members hear...use your foul language on some other forum and refrain from polluting pdf...

Nope, USSR never got a chance to outcompete the US.

CPC isn't stupid of getting involved in a military race at the expense of harming its own people's livelihood.

USSR was stupid of surrendering to the US, while CPC never gives up.

I fully confident about my country's internal matter, but it is annoying to see you guys keep popping up in a topic like this.

The only way to counter matters like this is buy rpling it with substantial proofs or atleast by debating....!
cause even pakistani and indian members face sometimes pointless or sourceless alligations,but i dont think any of those members would say to sensor these topics...
u asking sensorship in pdf ....!
Thats wrong bro, this aint chinese forum....!
i quoted a diffrent person for his personal point of view cause he is a thinktank which is a huge status and clearly a thinktank should have an open mind and an unsensord point of view...
and back to you, you are nothing so pls dnt say STFU to pdf members hear...use your foul language on some other forum and refrain from polluting pdf...

It is about an article whose source is dubious
Nothing about the ranks of a member here on this forum
If you want to believe in it, I have no restraint to keep you from doing so
Take this as a warning of "garbage in garbage out" and stop spewing nonsense like your community onPDF always do in maligning China 24/7 8-)

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