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Intelligence ministry arrest leader of US-based terrorist group

You make a pretty good point man. I personally don't know of any Iranian American or Expat here in the states that would go so far as to be some sort of leader of an Anti-IRIA group no matter how much they might hate the current government in Iran.

Iranians here in the states are exceptionally hmm....how shall I say it.... Professional bullshit type of people eith noteworthy delusions of grandeur?
They incessantly talk and talk about X and Y and Z, gathered around their dinner tables, parties or in the their basement in front of a green screen to be aired on GLWIZ or Manoto. But their grievances and words barely go beyond that. Most of them are just delusional Shah supporters who can't come to grasp with the current situation in Iran and will ramble (literally ramble) for hours on end with each other or on their respective "news" outlets about how bad things are and Mullahs are this and Israel is our "ally" that, etc...

Sure there are real tangible threats to Iran coming from bonafide Anti-Iranian groups but sometimes these people that Iran shows from time to time might not be what we think they are.

An activist no body who like you said “talked a big game” which is what many ex pat Iranians anti-IR are good for got caught in a make some money scheme.

This is merely Iranian intelligence trying to save face for Solemani assassination. They did similar things after the Tehran terrorist attacks.
Waz came in and shut down the thread accusing it of being some sort of :"launching platform for attacks". I don't particularly care about what's going on.

Seems like childish banter by adults on a forum. Nothing more, nothing less.
Seems like Turks have a problem with Iranians and wise versa. Turkish members always troll Iranian threads, and Iranian members here even attacked me and labeled me a "Zionist" and an "enemy of Iran" and said I should change my flags to Turkey, just because I don't agree with Chinas policy towards Uighurs.
An activist no body who like you said “talked a big game” which is what many ex pat Iranians anti-IR are good for got caught in a make some money scheme.

This is merely Iranian intelligence trying to save face for Solemani assassination. They did similar things after the Tehran terrorist attacks.

Sentimentally I agree with you and increasingly I'm also coming around to the idea that Iran didn't do much "hard revenge" in response to the murder of Soleimani. At least not what Iran could and should have done.

If this is just another one of Iran's means to save face due to his death then it's a rather weak one imo.
An activist no body who like you said “talked a big game” which is what many ex pat Iranians anti-IR are good for got caught in a make some money scheme.

This is merely Iranian intelligence trying to save face for Solemani assassination. They did similar things after the Tehran terrorist attacks.

Lately I have been worried that maybe Iranian intelligence is too eager in detaining Iranian nationals. I wonder if all those imprisoned for being spies and foreign agents etc really deserved it, or if some of them were just unlucky and wrongfully accused of doing things they never did.
Seems like Turks have a problem with Iranians and wise versa. Turkish members always troll Iranian threads, and Iranian members here even attacked me and labeled me a "Zionist" and an "enemy of Iran" and said I should change my flags to Turkey, just because I don't agree with Chinas policy towards Uighurs.

This isn't the first spat between Iranians and Turks. And yes in general there is a constant level of enmity between both groups for various reasons.

To me Mangekyo (I hate Uchihas btw :P), all of this should have never happened. But I can't say it is unique.

Best to avoid Turks on PDF in general.
This isn't the first spat between Iranians and Turks. And yes in general there is a constant level of enmity between both groups for various reasons.

Thats strange because outside of PDF and except for some cases, the respect between Iranians and Turks is huge.

I hate Uchihas btw :P

What kind of monster are you?
Thats strange because outside of PDF and except for some cases, the respect between Iranians and Turks is huge.

What kind of monster are you?

Lol, my history with Naruto is one of love and hate but the one constant is that I NEVER liked Sasuke or his emo-clan of weird eyed ninjas. (Just joking lol, I don't mind them but I don't like Sasuke).

Yeah, outside of PDF people tend to get along but PDF itself has attracted the most fiercest of nationalists so these sorts of tribalistic flare ups are to be expected.
Lol, my history with Naruto is one of love and hate but the one constant is that I NEVER liked Sasuke or his emo-clan of weird eyed ninjas. (Just joking lol, I don't mind them but I don't like Sasuke).

Yeah Sasuke in Naruto was a little annoying, but I loved Sasuke in Shippuden, he was so dark and cold. My favorite character is Itachi though, and then probably Minato.
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Lately I have been worried that maybe Iranian intelligence is too eager in detaining Iranian nationals. I wonder if all those imprisoned for being spies and foreign agents etc really deserved it, or if some of them were just unlucky and wrongfully accused of doing things they never did.

The issue is there are two “intelligence” services in Iran. There is ministry of intelligence then there is IRGC intelligence.

There are power struggles between them both for supremacy. I read an article that said the so called “translator” that was killed for spying for CIA/Mossad recently wasn’t even a translator and may have been caught up in a power play/internal power struggle. Who knows.

If you are Iranian national traveling to Iran, keep your head down and don’t remotely consider doing things that can justify making you a pawn in geopolitics or internal Iranian Republic politics.

Or else you might find yourself spending time in the “white room” in Evin.
The issue is there are two “intelligence” services in Iran. There is ministry of intelligence then there is IRGC intelligence.

There are power struggles between them both for supremacy. I read an article that said the so called “translator” that was killed for spying for CIA/Mossad recently wasn’t even a translator and may have been caught up in a power play/internal power struggle. Who knows.

If you are Iranian national traveling to Iran, keep your head down and don’t remotely consider doing things that can justify making you a pawn in geopolitics or internal Iranian Republic politics.

Or else you might find yourself spending time in the “white room” in Evin.

I hate Israel and even I was branded "enemy of Iran" and a "Zionist" for opening a thread about China and Uighurs. When that is all it takes to qualify as an enemy and a Zionist, I actually do believe most og the imprisoned dual nationals are innocent.
I hate Israel and even I was branded "enemy of Iran" and a "Zionist" for opening a thread about China and Uighurs. When that is all it takes to qualify as an enemy and a Zionist, I actually do believe most og the imprisoned dual nationals are innocent.
I think they should've branded you as 'Drama Queen'. :P
I think they should've branded you as 'Drama Queen'. :P
Haha, but seriously. If these are the same kind og people who works for our intelligence, they will basically arrest anyone they don't like.
Haha, but seriously. If these are the same kind og people who works for our intelligence, they will basically arrest anyone they don't like.
I know, but overall, intelligence agencies do not decide to arrest someone over night. A suspect is usually observed and monitored for weeks, months or even years before making a move. In most cases, intelligence agencies are more interested in learning about the connections than a particular individual. They will stay idle until they have collected more evidence and documents about the individual and his connections. They don't make a hasty move.

As for this guy, I admit I was wrong. He did take responsibility for terrorist operations in Shiraz. Maybe he was stupid enough to take responsibility for something they hadn't done to make themselves show more powerful than they were, but it will cost them dearly now. There are public videos and official statements of this group from at least 10 years ago until now where they took responsibility for violent incidents in Iran. He has no one to blame but himself at this point.
I don't know anything about this guy or his group. In a lot of cases they don't even bring up any evidence, they just accuse someone of something, arrest the person and make them confess. I think when you go through daily torture, in the end you give in and confess to make the torture end. The timing of most arrests have been very suspicious though.
Tondar :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Once I knew a few of these Tondar members here in Germany.....what a disillusioned clowns, how they talked, their attitude.....I have never seen such a ridiculous out-of-the-world people like that. Other opposition guys mocked them, even MEK members are rational compared to them.

The best thing is, they seriously believed they could bring down the Islamic Republic with the help of Kurdish terror groups like PJAK :lol::lol::lol:

The terror attacks were also carried out by Kurds, not by Tondar members, they are weaklings, they paid the Kurds, very likely also some Western intelligence services were involved.

Just their name tondar :lol: these guys are anything but thunder, they are snowflakes.

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