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Intelligence ministry arrest leader of US-based terrorist group

If you are a ringleader or enemy of IR of Iran, the entire Middle East is their playground so traveling in these areas as the so called “leader” would be very unwise as Iranian agents are all over. Even Europe is not fully safe.

So unless you are in Saudi Arabia, Israel, US Iranian agents can kidnap you. So what was this guy doing in the Middle East given that he was a wanted man? Hence why I am skeptical till more information comes out.
If you are a ringleader or enemy of IR of Iran, the entire Middle East is their playground so traveling in these areas as the so called “leader” would be very unwise as Iranian agents are all over. Even Europe is not fully safe.

So unless you are in Saudi Arabia, Israel, US Iranian agents can kidnap you. So what was this guy doing in the Middle East given that he was a wanted man? Hence why I am skeptical till more information comes out.
Most of these suspects that are taken back to Iran are done through complicated intelligence deception. Most used method is the financial or the famous honey trap. Ruhollah zam was also caught with the latter method.

Like you said, if someone wants to be a enemy of the Iranian government they should totally avoid the entire Middle east except perhaps Israel. Flying over the Persian gulf or over the Iranian territory is also stupid.
They were a US based group. He lived in Los Angeles.
I am aware of that, but the headline says he is a terror leader while the rest of the article says he is the leader of a US based group, not a terror group. Kinda contradictory. I think they made a mistake because with that headline, they are indirectly admitting US is supporting a terror group, which is an unusual thing for western media to do. But it could be intentional because Norwegian media has been bashing Trump from day 1.

Apparently this is the guy.

He reminds me of Hussain Haqqani. One of our lapdogs residing in the USA. Good catch by Iran. I wish Pakistani leaders had some boldness like Iranians. Zero tolerance for terrorists.
Possibly the first one.

I don't know much about this group, but I remember there was a guy called Frood Fooladvand who insulted Islam, Muhammad and Imams and mocked the Quran. He is believed to have been kidnapped in Erbil of Iraq by the Ministry of Intelligence. He's still missing since then.

They probably planned the same thing for this guy too. Apparently this guy has been the leader of Fooladvand's group after he went missing.

good riddance. anyone mocking or opposing ideals of goodness deserve to be hanged publicly.
If Iran managed to capture this scum outside Iranian borders. It would play a huge intimidating role for future wannabe terrorists.

I think when Iran bombed and destroyed that terrorist kurdish group base in Iraq. it sent a message. That it will start openly pursuing Iranian enemies outside its borders. This might be an extension of that policy.
Most of these suspects that are taken back to Iran are done through complicated intelligence deception. Most used method is the financial or the famous honey trap. Ruhollah zam was also caught with the latter method.

Like you said, if someone wants to be a enemy of the Iranian government they should totally avoid the entire Middle east except perhaps Israel. Flying over the Persian gulf or over the Iranian territory is also stupid.

Sir, use your brain. Look at Zam and this guy. Do they look like masterminds to you? Zam looks like he sat outside a Kaboob foorooshi most of his life. They are merely political activists who inflate their credentials to pander to their audience.

These are “fall guys”. If you are truly a mastermind or leader of an international organization you are not going to be “tricked” into going into any territory where the risk of enemy capture is a decent probability no matter the opportunity.

Thus these organizations are fake set up by CIA/Mossad to be the “face” of their regime change campaign that has been waged on Iran for decades. They in reality are no bodies.
Sir, use your brain. Look at Zam and this guy. Do they look like masterminds to you? Zam looks like he sat outside a Kaboob foorooshi most of his life. They are merely political activists who inflate their credentials to pander to their audience.

These are “fall guys”. If you are truly a mastermind or leader of an international organization you are not going to be “tricked” into going into any territory where the risk of enemy capture is a decent probability no matter the opportunity.

Thus these organizations are fake set up by CIA/Mossad to be the “face” of their regime change campaign that has been waged on Iran for decades. They in reality are no bodies.
Bro, i think you should use your brain. Everyone with basic political or security knowledge is aware that the enemy foreign intel always uses native people for their jobs. You think Mossad is going to send average Moshe with a kippah to Natanz ?

While both Zam and this guy are just puppets of the big organizations taking them down causes disturbances and distruptions to their operations.
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Bro, i think you should use your brain. Everyone with basic political or security knowledge is aware that the enemy foreign intel always uses native people for their jobs. You think Mossad is going to send average Moshe with a kippah to Natanz ?

While both Zam and this guy are just puppets of the big organizations taking them down causes disturbances and distruptions to their operations.

Did Zam do the attacks? Did this idiot do the attacks? Of course not. They are no different than Jihadi John. They are spokesman or the face. The actual agents on the ground are not taking orders or listening to these idiots.

What leader of international terrorist organization goes on YouTube to host serial talk shows? LA Iranians can barely keep their personal affairs in order let alone wage a terrorist campaign on another country.

The real threats were the major spy ring that was busted by Iran years ago that led to spy rings in China and Russia being unraveled due to a communication system From handlers to agents being compromised by Iranian intelligence.

Zam and this dude are no bodies in my opinion. Just like the magical “cheetahs of Iran” that popped up to take credit for Natanz explosion.
Did Zam do the attacks? Did this idiot do the attacks? Of course not. They are no different than Jihadi John. They are spokesman or the face. The actual agents on the ground are not taking orders or listening to these idiots.

What leader of international terrorist organization goes on YouTube to host serial talk shows? LA Iranians can barely keep their personal affairs in order let alone wage a terrorist campaign on another country.

The real threats were the major spy ring that was busted by Iran years ago that led to spy rings in China and Russia being unraveled due to a communication system From handlers to agents being compromised by Iranian intelligence.

Zam and this dude are no bodies in my opinion. Just like the magical “cheetahs of Iran” that popped up to take credit for Natanz explosion.

You make a pretty good point man. I personally don't know of any Iranian American or Expat here in the states that would go so far as to be some sort of leader of an Anti-IRIA group no matter how much they might hate the current government in Iran.

Iranians here in the states are exceptionally hmm....how shall I say it.... are professional bullshit type of people with noteworthy delusions of grandeur?

They incessantly talk and talk about X and Y and Z, gathered around their dinner tables, parties or in the their basement in front of a green screen to be aired on GLWIZ or Manoto. But their grievances and words barely go beyond that. Most of them are just delusional Shah supporters who can't come to grasp with the current situation in Iran and will ramble (literally ramble) for hours on end with each other or on their respective "news" outlets about how bad things are and Mullahs are this and Israel is our "ally" that, etc...

Sure there are real tangible threats to Iran coming from bonafide Anti-Iranian groups but sometimes these people that Iran shows from time to time might not be what we think they are.
Bullying from sabatli caused this
lol, was the insults so bad they had to close the entire thread?

Waz came in and shut down the thread accusing it of being some sort of :"launching platform for attacks". I don't particularly care about what's going on.

Seems like childish banter by adults on a forum. Nothing more, nothing less.

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