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Intelligence ministry arrest leader of US-based terrorist group

Tondar :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Once I knew a few of these Tondar members here in Germany.....what a disillusioned clowns, how they talked, their attitude.....I have never seen such a ridiculous out-of-the-world people like that. Other opposition guys mocked them, even MEK members are rational compared to them.

The best thing is, they seriously believed they could bring down the Islamic Republic with the help of Kurdish terror groups like PJAK :lol::lol::lol:

The terror attacks were also carried out by Kurds, not by Tondar members, they are weaklings, they paid the Kurds, very likely also some Western intelligence services were involved.

Just their name tondar :lol: these guys are anything but thunder, they are snowflakes.

All pro Monarchy shahi Saltanat talabs are retarded and the Tondar morons are no exception!

Honestly based on what facts could anyone claim the Pahlavi's where better?

Literacy & Education? Nope!
Science & Technology? Nope!
Number of universities per percentage of population? Nope!
Public Transportation per percentage of population? Nope!
Industry, Industrial Development & none oil production? Nope! In almost every industry except for the Tourism, Entertainment & Music Industry all other industries hands down go to the Islamic Republic
Fully Indigenous Capabilities? Nope!
Independence? Hell No!
Military Capabilities? Nope!
Women's rights? Even with the Hejab by force if you look at all the other factors like Education, literacy, involvement in industry and government it's still a big fat NO!
Access to electricity and powerplant development per percent of population? Nope!
Freedom of speech? Nope!
right to vote? Nope!
Holding on to the territorial integrity of the country? Nope!
An inclusive government for the people and by the people? Nope!
Ethnic and minority rights? Nope!
etc etc.

Sure when it comes to tourism, entertainment & music industry the Pahlavi's were better but what kind of idiot instead of working to improve on what is lacking in the country would instead choose to turn traitor and risk the security of the country and all that has been gained over hand full of issues like tourism and entertainment? ONLY A RETARD!

Americans fought against segregation, prohibition and fought for the women's right to vote and none of that required a revolution but now the same American are now telling us Iranians that we should have a revolution and for what exactly? To become slaves of the Rothchild Banks again? Shotor dar khab beenad pambeh doneh! LOL!
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All pro Monarchy shahi Saltanat talabs are retarded and the Tondar morons are no exception!

Honestly based on what facts could anyone claim the Pahlavi's where better?

Literacy & Education? Nope!
Science & Technology? Nope!
Number of universities per percentage of population? Nope!
Public Transportation per percentage of population? Nope!
Industry, Industrial Development & none oil production? Nope! In almost every industry except for the Tourism, Entertainment & Music Industry all other industries hands down go to the Islamic Republic
Fully Indigenous Capabilities? Nope!
Independence? Hell No!
Military Capabilities? Nope!
Women's rights? Even with the Hejab by force if you look at all the other factors like Education, literacy, involvement in industry and government it's still a big fat NO!
Access to electricity and powerplant development per percent of population? Nope!
Freedom of speech? Nope!
right to vote? Nope!
Holding on to the territorial integrity of the country? Nope!
An inclusive government for the people and by the people? Nope!
Ethnic and minority rights? Nope!
etc etc.

Sure when it comes to tourism, entertainment & music industry the Pahlavi's were better but what kind of idiot instead of working to improve on what is lacking in the country would instead choose to turn traitor and risk the security of the country and all that has been gained over hand full of issues like tourism and entertainment? ONLY A RETARD!

Americans fought against segregation, prohibition and fought for the women's right to vote and none of that required a revolution but now the same American are now telling us Iranians that we should have a revolution and for what exactly? To become slaves of the Rothchild Banks again? Shotor dar khab beenad pambeh doneh! LOL!

Why are you comparing 1979 rule to 2020? Thats like comparing the Pahalvis to Hakhamaneshis and say Pahlavis were better rulers because we had more universities in 1979 compared to 2500 BC.
The issue is there are two “intelligence” services in Iran. There is ministry of intelligence then there is IRGC intelligence.

There are power struggles between them both for supremacy. I read an article that said the so called “translator” that was killed for spying for CIA/Mossad recently wasn’t even a translator and may have been caught up in a power play/internal power struggle. Who knows.

If you are Iranian national traveling to Iran, keep your head down and don’t remotely consider doing things that can justify making you a pawn in geopolitics or internal Iranian Republic politics.

Or else you might find yourself spending time in the “white room” in Evin.

absolute ignorant horses***t. You dont have a clue what your talking about.

Iranian intel never EVER wastes its time harrasing random dual national Iranians going about their life. thats not how the Iranian government operates.

Every single person they catch they are almost 100% certain of their guilt. and im actually certain that there are many spies they are aware of and leave them alone and observe them and their activities.

These are world class professionals. not random thugs. stop repeating cheap enemy propaganda.
absolute ignorant horses***t. You dont have a clue what your talking about.

Iranian intel never EVER wastes its time harrasing random dual national Iranians going about their life. thats not how the Iranian government operates.

Every single person they catch they are almost 100% certain of their guilt. and im actually certain that there are many spies they are aware of and leave them alone and observe them and their activities.

These are world class professionals. not random thugs. stop repeating cheap enemy propaganda.

Impossible, arresting Iranian citizens who live in Iran is one thing because its much easier to recruit Iranians inside Iran for a small fee. But almost no dual citizen is dumb enough to work in a western country as a spy and be stupid enough to enter Iran. That woman reporter who worked for BBC for instance, she was charged with training Iranian journalists in spreading propaganda. You must have an IQ below 0 to actually be that dumb, and if the allegations are true, why would she even need to be in Iran?
Impossible, arresting Iranian citizens who live in Iran is one thing because its much easier to recruit Iranians inside Iran for a small fee. But almost no dual citizen is dumb enough to work in a western country as a spy and be stupid enough to enter Iran. That woman reporter who worked for BBC for instance, she was charged with training Iranian journalists in spreading propaganda. You must have an IQ below 0 to actually be that dumb, and if the allegations are true, why would she even need to be in Iran?

espionage comes in many forms my friend. its not just some random villain with a camrera taking secret pictures or something.

One of the biggest spying operations of the west involves their so called "NGOs". On paper they are "non government organizations promoting democracy". in reality many of them are CIA front groups, whos sole aim is to destabalize their target country.

these NGOs come in many different shapes and forms. Some of them even have very limited aims like "training Iranian journalists" (get them thinking and promoting western propaganda)

they routinely recruit or even unknowingly use as pawns any prominent, gentle face they can throw out there. From university professors, so called "noble peace prize winners" etc etc.

There is a multi-billion dollar CIA/MOSSAD budget whos sole aim is regime change in Iran. Where do you think all this investment is going? you really think they are just sitting on their ***? and Iranian intel is just paranoid harrasing random Iranians? (like their propaganda says)
espionage comes in many forms my friend. its not just some random villain with a camrera taking secret pictures or something.

One of the biggest spying operations of the west involves their so called "NGOs". On paper they are "non government organizations promoting democracy". in reality many of them are CIA front groups, whos sole aim is to destabalize their target country.

these NGOs come in many different shapes and forms. Some of them even have very limited aims like "training Iranian journalists" (get them thinking and promoting western propaganda)

they routinely recruit or even unknowingly use as pawns any prominent, gentle face they can throw out there. From university professors, so called "noble peace prize winners" etc etc.

There is a multi-billion dollar CIA/MOSSAD budget whos sole aim is regime change in Iran. Where do you think all this investment is going? you really think they are just sitting on their ***? and Iranian intel is just paranoid harrasing random Iranians? (like their propaganda says)

I am aware, and there definitely are a lot of CIA and Mossad spies in Iran, I remember once I just browsed the dark web for fun, and there were some sites in Farsi that paid users for leaking Iranian intel. I accept that recent Iranian emigrants who are poor, or poor Iranians who live in Iran are a big and easy target for recruitment by CIA and Mossad. But I have a hard time believing Iranian dual citizens who are already established in the west with high paying jobs like Zaghari are dumb enough to risk their lives by becoming a spy and then entering Iran.
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absolute ignorant horses***t. You dont have a clue what your talking about.

Iranian intel never EVER wastes its time harrasing random dual national Iranians going about their life. thats not how the Iranian government operates.

Every single person they catch they are almost 100% certain of their guilt. and im actually certain that there are many spies they are aware of and leave them alone and observe them and their activities.

These are world class professionals. not random thugs. stop repeating cheap enemy propaganda.

Don’t speak about something that you know nothing about.

Perhaps in response, the IRGC doubled down on its anti-infiltration and counterespionage campaign, this time scapegoating environmental activists in an unprecedented manner to wash its hands of failure. Nine environmentalists were detained in early 2018 for allegedly spying on Iran’s missile and nuclear facilities, despite protestations by the Intelligence Ministry and later the Supreme National Security Council, which declared the detainees innocent.

Or this

In an interview with Foreign Policy from his new home in Germany, Ebrahimi said that, on the whole, “107 people including my brother, his pregnant wife, and my brother-in-law” were arrested during the crackdown, only for most to be released after the IRGC’s intervention. “Seven months into my imprisonment, and after I had ‘confessed’ to all they demanded about the assassinations, an [Intelligence Ministry] interrogator wanted me to take responsibility for the Bid Kaneh explosion as well,” he added, referring to a large blast in the missile warehouse of Modarres garrison outside of Tehran in November 2011, which killed many including IRGC Maj. Gen. Hassan Tehrani Moghaddam, the father of Iran’s missile industry, and was attributed to Israel. “It was only then that the Revolutionary Guards intervened and the torture stopped as they realized all my confessions were false, but I was still kept in jail for a year and a few months.” It seems that the IRGC, which is in charge of securing and developing Iran’s missile program, considered the issue at hand to be too critical to let it be tackled by a rival body. In fact, the interagency competition, and the mutual mistrust at the heart of it, paved the way for Ebrahimi’s release.

There is a rivalry between the two intelligence services that is well known. And intelligence agencies all around the world are not infallible and arrest innocent people for various reasons (see Iranian that are arrested in US by CIA for propaganda and leverage purposes).

Again I won’t respond to you as you lack common sense and don’t include a shred of evidence to back your “100% guilty” claim, but of course quickly respond about enemy propaganda. How ironic.

For other users you can search the internet for information about the rivalry.

This article does an OK job at giving some examples.

despite protestations by the Intelligence Ministry and later the Supreme National Security Council, which declared the detainees innocent.
So IRGC intelligence has higher clearance than Ettelaat and the Security Council?
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Sentimentally I agree with you and increasingly I'm also coming around to the idea that Iran didn't do much "hard revenge" in response to the murder of Soleimani. At least not what Iran could and should have done.

If this is just another one of Iran's means to save face due to his death then it's a rather weak one imo.
Well apparently the Supreme Leader of Iran reaffirmed Iran's commitment to still carry out a strike to revenge Soleimani during a recent speech a day or 2 ago...so it is still openly on the agenda, it seems.
An activist no body who like you said “talked a big game” which is what many ex pat Iranians anti-IR are good for got caught in a make some money scheme.

This is merely Iranian intelligence trying to save face for Solemani assassination. They did similar things after the Tehran terrorist attacks.
You are so desperate to call this terrorist leader an activist.

Perhaps in US, activists take the responsibility of terrorist activities like bombing a mosques in their TV on a daily basis!
So IRGC intelligence has higher clearance than Ettelaat and the Security Council?

That’s not how the republic works. Iran has one of the most fractionalized and difficult power structures in the world. Even Western intelligence services have trouble understanding how the “web of power” works. There is a misconception that the SL and SNSC hold the power in Iran. It doesn’t work like that.

While the SL has considerable power he is more an arbitrator of the many factions rather than the absolute ruler (Putin, Saddam, Ghaddafi, MBS, Kim Jong Un etc)

The issue is IRGC has their own courts they and Inteligence Ministry has their own courts.

Thus when one body disagrees with another it comes down to which power factions are backing each body and wether they come to a compromise. If they cannot come to compromise (Intelligence Ministry says release Prisoner to IRGC or vice versa and the other party says Belakh) then it goes to more powerful factions or Rahbar may intervene to mediate.

That is how Republic or IR works. It’s a Russian nesting doll of factions each with converging and diverting interests.
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You are so desperate to call this terrorist leader an activist.

Perhaps in US, activists take the responsibility of terrorist activities like bombing a mosques in their TV on a daily basis!

Mohsen you are simpleton who doesn’t understand anything besides what you want to understand. You also called Sattari’s son many things in another thread only because of a link to Rouhani That you brought up.

If you think this loser has any significant power to command terrorist attacks in Iran you are lost. The head of the dragon is CIA/Mossad and you are sitting around looking at its nails. This guy isn’t even a nail, maybe the nail polish!
That’s not how the republic works. Iran has one of the most fractionalized and difficult power structures in the world. Even Western intelligence services have trouble understanding how the “web of power” works. There is a misconception that the SL and SNSC hold the power in Iran. It doesn’t work like that.

While the SL has considerable power he is more an arbitrator of the many factions rather than the absolute ruler (Putin, Saddam, Ghaddafi, MBS, Kim Jong Un etc)

The issue is IRGC has their own courts they and Inteligence Ministry has their own courts.

Thus when one body disagrees with another it comes down to which power factions are backing each body and wether they come to a compromise. If they cannot come to compromise (Intelligence Ministry says release Prisoner to IRGC or vice versa and the other party says Belakh) then it goes to more powerful factions or Rahbar may intervene to mediate.

That is how Republic or IR works. It’s a Russian nesting doll of factions each with converging and diverting interests.

Thats why I say I'm worried they are too eager in detaining Iranian nationals. Whenever there is some tension in Iran, one agency can just arrest someone innocent and use him/her as a political play to show they are powerful and get the job done, while the other agencies are incompetent.
Mohsen you are simpleton who doesn’t understand anything besides what you want to understand. You also called Sattari’s son many things in another thread only because of a link to Rouhani That you brought up.

If you think this loser has any significant power to command terrorist attacks in Iran you are lost. The head of the dragon is CIA/Mossad and you are sitting around looking at its nails. This guy isn’t even a nail, maybe the nail polish!
With your logic I can say Trump (monkey face and childish behavior) isn't the president of US too cause Zionists define his policies; or I can say Baghdadi, Bin Ladan or Rigi were all activists too!

CIA may have any command, but terrorists only listen to these guys, now call them activist!
Latest rumour: he was captured in Dubai.

IF that is true, then maybe UAE leaders helped.
IF UAE leaders helped, then this would further explain recent friendly exchange between Iranian and UAE foreign ministers.

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