Mainly because they lack the will to get themselves educated and get out of those "kachi bastis" (slums), what instead they do is devise shortcuts for making money. Very few of them plan to have their children raised and educated and prosper in life. Now mostly what happens is their women work and their males they prefer getting drunk and wasting money on beer instead of their children education. They spend much more on what they don't need. They dream of luxuries but adopt illegal means to achieve those. Then again its not all their fault, our government like it does with rest of Pakistanis never gave a thought about their welfare as well. The biggest injustice to these people is their children have to study "Islamiat" (Islamic studies) in schools and there is no other alternate subject for them.
And data is my personal experience, you will have to wait till someone invents a USB port or data cable that can link and display my memories on a computer screen