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Infosys becomes fourth Indian company to hit $100-billion m-cap, shares up 84% in one year

Infosys recently fuked our Income tax portal of GoI🥲.

Sorry @jamahir 😕

TBH i bet that was as much GoI to blame as Infosys. I found with every state owned project I've worked with in the UK, the politics interferes with the development of a good system. Requirements are vague, business processes are not understood, business owners start considering themselves solutions architects and interfere with design.

Then on the other hand you have the big IT companies like infosys who give unrealistic quotes to trap a customer. They then push the Software development teams to create a system riddled with assumptions and grey areas where people aren't sure of what processes should be. They know the more the client spends and the more they can somewhat deliver - the less the risk of the client leaving.

It's like a bad marriage - people starting sticking with it for the sake of the kids. Similarly govts won't back out because optics looks bad and infosys will offer to fix problems in future releases and create stacks of "technical debt".

Funny thing is though - the business model works worldwide.
1. If Infosys is purely a software company why hasn't it designed at least an operating system software ?

Do you know even a bit of software industry ?
Why don't Japanese have their own OS? Why not Chinese ? How many OS do you know about?
@salute @Sudarshan, I don't know what "market cap" means nor do I want to know but about Infosys it is a code monkey company which has existed for almost 40 years and now it has 259,000+ employees out of which most will be computer engineers yet it has not set up a team to design a single local microprocessor and single local operating system which are the two most fundamental elements in a classical computer. Shame !

There even have been suicides in Infosys because of the company forcing employees to take up some internal exams for employee "employability" assessment. Not only are such suicides wrong but what has the company achieved through these suicides ?
There is a whole world beyond microprocessor or operating system which comes under ITES.. but again its beyond some experts to understand
1. If Infosys is purely a software company why hasn't it designed at least an operating system software ?

2. Was someone forcing Infosys not to branch out into microprocessor design ? Is it written by stars in the night sky that Infosys shouldn't design microprocessors ? After all it would have been the first local design in India. What kind of graduates does it accept as employees ? And let's remember, those graduates all have to have high marks in their "education" years.

3. Doesn't IBM have their own operating system and microprocessor ?

If I am not wrong even not-much-innovative China now produces automotive robots. TVS could have collaborated with some Indian company for that.

But I suppose TVS' robots come from Japan, Germany or other such places.

Indeed, and you know the Indian IT and ITES industries have had agreement with successive Indian governments to discourage formation of employee unions in those sectors. In 2014 I almost created an employee union in an ITES company I worked in but I foolishly resigned instead, otherwise it would have been the first employee union in the Indian IT / ITES sector.

Funny thing is that at least until 2015 IBM-USA had employee union but IBM-India did not. The parent company in USA had that set up but its Indian subsidiary did not.

That's sad but expected. :sad:
1. Infosys policy makers has different thought, they made profit in without creating a software, as a public listed company it should be it main goal. Why everyone has to create an operating system?
2. A) its not a charity firm, neither they told they are an innovative company. Why they should venture in microprocessor?
B) Infosys is not forcing the high marks graduates to join them. its they who want a quick money rather than going through the tough route of higher studies and research.
3. Dare you compare IBM with the likes of Google, Amazon, Microsoft or Apple let alone Infosys. IBM employees have garnered six Nobel Prizes (non peace), six Turing Awards, 20 inductees into the U.S. National Inventors Hall of Fame, 19 National Medals of Technology, five National Medals of Science and three Kavli Prizes. IBM has changed the world of computer, while the other companies are doing business. Between the above companies have their own operating systems.
4. lefts in Bengal anteed the computers in early 90's. They have an opinion that computer will take away jobs. Now you being a leftist asking for a robot, will will happen with the jobs for the daily labours?
5. Trade union has done more harm to West Bengal what the Naxal movement of 70's can't do. Thousand of factories were closed, Lakhs of labourers were out of job. Only ones who profited are the left leaders.
Union in our country is not responsible, its violent and the leaders looks for its own goal.
1. Infosys policy makers has different thought, they made profit in without creating a software, as a public listed company it should be it main goal. Why everyone has to create an operating system?
2. A) its not a charity firm, neither they told they are an innovative company. Why they should venture in microprocessor?
B) Infosys is not forcing the high marks graduates to join them. its they who want a quick money rather than going through the tough route of higher studies and research.
3. Dare you compare IBM with the likes of Google, Amazon, Microsoft or Apple. IBM employees have garnered six Nobel Prizes (non peace), six Turing Awards, 20 inductees into the U.S. National Inventors Hall of Fame, 19 National Medals of Technology, five National Medals of Science and three Kavli Prizes. IBM has changed the world of computer, while the other companies are doing business. Between they have their own operating systems.
4. lefts in Bengal anteed the computers in early 90's. They have an opinion that computer will take away jobs. Now you being a leftist asking for a robot, will will happen with the jobs for the daily labours?
5. Trade union has done more harm to West Bengal what the Naxal movement of 70's can't do. Thousand of factories were closed, Lakhs of labourers were out of job. Only ones who profited are the left leaders.
Union in our country is not responsible, its violent and the leaders looks for its own goal.
The same is happening now as well, eastern states are remaining poor because of years of socialism which affected their future as well.

FMCG and RMG can currently be a supporting hand for them, will be great if GoI pushes for it in those areas.
If Infosys is purely a software company why hasn't it designed at least an operating system software ?

Because not every software company designs OS. Barrier to entry to OS markets are huge, and there is not much margin in creating OS products, especially with free open source floating out there which can do everything a paid product can. The same reason as why Palantir, Oracle, salesforce, adobe, dell, intuit – No one makes an Operating system.

Was someone forcing Infosys not to branch out into microprocessor design ? Is it written by stars in the night sky that Infosys shouldn't design microprocessors ? After all it would have been the first local design in India.

Why should it, who are you to dictate what a software company should do or not. Infosys is not a hardware company to begin with. Infosys has delivered 30% avg return on capital for over two decades, one of the best run businesses in India. It doesn’t need validation from anyone.

What kind of graduates does it accept as employees ? And let's remember, those graduates all have to have high marks in their "education" years.
Engineering graduates, mostly ; other fields are hired for admin, finance, HR, jobs like any other tech company around the world.

3. Doesn't IBM have their own operating system and microprocessor ?

Adobe, doesn’t; neither does SAP or Broadcom or intuit…. . IBM has been a pioneer in computing devices, that’s how it was structured.
The Chinese microkernal sorry you're right on my mistake here with my english i meant to write multi kernel, that OS is called "red dream" but english name is typically called harmony for some reason. They will be two very different things in fact harmony is immediate stop gap for phone users and trying in 2019 and 2020 to show customers they can still buy huawei phone and it can work despite bans from goodles ecosystem.

So they are calling it in english as Harmony OS (android and linux kernel) and Harmony OS2 (Chinese multi kernel and not Android based). I'm referring of course to "red dream" in my post. Harmony OS is basically obsolete now Huawei doesn't sell phones outside China because of google bans. Harmony OS2 is the project they are working on and it is OS for everything like traffic lights, city management, coordinating vehicles and so on.

1. OK, so Harmony OS2 may be a multikernel as regards to different processor cores but they also say that it is a microkernel at base architecture and that this microkernel is better in inter-process communication than even QNX. I quote this article :
Huawei claims that HarmonyOS' IPC performance is five times that of Google's Fuchsia, and three times that of QNX.
Where can I get more detailed info on this claim ?

2. This Wikipedia page for "multikernel" has link to another Wikipedia page for an experimental, open source OS called Barrelfish. Below section is interesting :
While originally being developed in collaboration with Microsoft Research, it is now partly supported by HP Enterprise Labs, Huawei, Cisco, Oracle, and VMware.
So Huawei's HarmonyOS may well derive ( at least in the multikernel part and even in the microkernel part ) from Barrelfish OS. This goes against Huawei's claim of the OS being an in-house development.

Even many smaller companies from countries like Finland, estonia have built products recognized worldwide.

Yes, Nokia is from Finland.

And some days ago I had read about a company in Poland I think which had developed a real-time OS and had local and international customers of the OS. Generally, being a small country or small company shouldn't preclude anyone from research. That leads to my question as to why the old, huge and rich software company Infosys ( which is the proud topic of the OP ) has been unable to put together a team to design an OS software.

You do understand that Infosys is not an electronics company right?
Does CTS or Accenture have microprocessors designed? Even Microsoft don't do that even though they tried to babble with them in the past.

Do not talk like an idiot or try to show you know stuff. I have a problem with Infosys/Wipro for never trying to be product development company but instead being an cyber coolie even though that pass changed in the last 6-7 years. HCL is coming on top of software products. I am not from IT, but like any other Indian friends, majority of my friends work in IT.

I am not showing off but simply asking a simple question. You and your IT friends should ask yourself that even if Infosys is a purely software company, and being huge and rich, why hasn't been able to at least design an OS which is software.

And well, Infosys did develop a product - a banking software - but that would be useless in a situation where Capitalist system elements ( like interest ) have been eliminated.

IT company with money has lots of engineers. They can invest first in chip design field without needing the long experimenting with fabrication.

That is my point too - design. The fabrication could be done elsewhere the SCL plant in India ( though this has large feature size production ), in South Korea, in USA, Israel or in Europe. But first come up with the design at least and prototype in FPGA for demonstration in India.

Intel is also capable of fab but works with TSMC for 5nm and down because they cannot create those chips themselves.

There was a PDF thread two or so months ago about Intel's fab in America. Something about 7nm or 5nm.

Do you know even a bit of software industry ?

1. Some years ago I was a teacher in general OS architecture, networking programming in Linux etc.

2. Also some years ago I had written a simple OS and had collaborated with a financing partner to set up a company and commercially develop the OS. The company had to shut down for non-technological reasons but this was the first Indian company in OS development.

3. Right now too I am designing an OS and I hope to start a company in some months. Again would be the first such company here.

Why don't Japanese have their own OS? Why not Chinese ? How many OS do you know about?

If they don't have why shouldn't Infosys have ?

There is a whole world beyond microprocessor or operating system which comes under ITES.. but again its beyond some experts to understand

No, I think at system level. I don't limit myself to narrow technical expertise.

2. A) its not a charity firm, neither they told they are an innovative company. Why they should venture in microprocessor?

Fine, then they should stop talk themselves in big terms. And since they are a software company they can at least attempt to design an OS. Can't they ?

1. Infosys policy makers has different thought, they made profit in without creating a software, as a public listed company it should be it main goal.

Technically they have one software product - Finacle - but AFAIK it would be useless in a non-Capitalist situation.

And they should be more humble since they are not an innovative company like you pointed out.

Why everyone has to create an operating system?

Not everyone yes but there are more than one OS companies - QNX, Green Hills, Microsoft etc.

And creating an OS will be an intellectual challenge. And these people can be proud.

And If more than one company can develop their own cars why can't a few companies have their own OS' ?

B) Infosys is not forcing the high marks graduates to join them. its they who want a quick money rather than going through the tough route of higher studies and research.

But if you are a 10th class pass only and wish to join Infosys will they accept you even if the company isn't really in the position to demand ( I myself am a 11th class pass and am a lot superior to them in this aspect. Please read points# 2 and 3 of my reply to Mrityunjay above ) ?

3. Dare you compare IBM with the likes of Google, Amazon, Microsoft or Apple let alone Infosys. IBM employees have garnered six Nobel Prizes (non peace), six Turing Awards, 20 inductees into the U.S. National Inventors Hall of Fame, 19 National Medals of Technology, five National Medals of Science and three Kavli Prizes. IBM has changed the world of computer, while the other companies are doing business. Between the above companies have their own operating systems.

Yes, I agree that IBM was one of the pioneers and it simplified and laid the path on which later OS companies like Microsoft and Apple may have walked for some things. And even Apple with its iPhone hasn't really designed a microprocessor but used ARM processors.

4. lefts in Bengal anteed the computers in early 90's. They have an opinion that computer will take away jobs. Now you being a leftist asking for a robot, will will happen with the jobs for the daily labours?

The Communist leadership in Bengal has acknowledged some years ago that their anti-robot and anti-computer agitation in previous decades was wrong.

5. Trade union has done more harm to West Bengal what the Naxal movement of 70's can't do. Thousand of factories were closed, Lakhs of labourers were out of job. Only ones who profited are the left leaders.
Union in our country is not responsible, its violent and the leaders looks for its own goal.

In general, employee unions are necessary in India in most sectors until the surrounding Capitalist system remains or the company operates in a Capitalist manner. The unions speak for the rights of the worker who otherwise can face injustice.

My late father who worked in the banking sector told me that the bank employees have had union system for a long time.

But yes, in some cases, violence-minded union leaders can initiate unnecessary violence in the work environments like factories.

And I have previously mentioned in this thread about suicides in Infosys. You should read about how 35,000 employees of TCS in India were suddenly removed because they had no union system. And read about such a thing in IBM-India too. This was in 2014 and 2015.

Because not every software company designs OS. Barrier to entry to OS markets are huge, and there is not much margin in creating OS products, especially with free open source floating out there which can do everything a paid product can.

The most famous open source OS, Linux, which is implemented by various companies is an unnecessarily complicated and generally unreliable piece of work hence the existence of other companies like QNX, Lynx Software and Green Hills whose OS products are used in various critical applications from automotive to nuclear reactors to spacecraft to military aircraft to network routers etc. If one makes a good product I believe there is much to earn.

The same reason as why Palantir, Oracle, salesforce, adobe, dell, intuit – No one makes an Operating system.

Well, they have selected to focus on apps but should that mean that Infosys not design an OS too ? :) And Infosys hasn't even been the type of companies you have mentioned above.

Why should it, who are you to dictate what a software company should do or not. Infosys is not a hardware company to begin with. Infosys has delivered 30% avg return on capital for over two decades, one of the best run businesses in India. It doesn’t need validation from anyone.

As I have written previously I have been designing a microprocessor and also been designing an OS so I can speak with some authority on such things. :)

Engineering graduates, mostly ; other fields are hired for admin, finance, HR, jobs like any other tech company around the world.

I know that.

IBM has been a pioneer in computing devices, that’s how it was structured.

So what Nature-imposed reasons stop Infosys from restructuring itself ? It is a 40-year-old company.
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1. OK, so Harmony OS2 may be a multikernel as regards to different processor cores but they also say that it is a microkernel at base architecture and that this microkernel is better in inter-process communication than even QNX. I quote this article :

Where can I get more detailed info on this claim ?

2. This Wikipedia page for "multikernel" has link to another Wikipedia page for an experimental, open source OS called Barrelfish. Below section is interesting :

So Huawei's HarmonyOS may well derive ( at least in the multikernel part and even in the microkernel part ) from Barrelfish OS. This goes against Huawei's claim of the OS being an in-house development.

Yes, Nokia is from Finland.

And some days ago I had read about a company in Poland I think which had developed a real-time OS and had local and international customers of the OS. Generally, being a small country or small company shouldn't preclude anyone from research. That leads to my question as to why the old, huge and rich software company Infosys ( which is the proud topic of the OP ) has been unable to put together a team to design an OS software.

I am not showing off but simply asking a simple question. You and your IT friends should ask yourself that even if Infosys is a purely software company, and being huge and rich, why hasn't been able to at least design an OS which is software.

And well, Infosys did develop a product - a banking software - but that would be useless in a situation where Capitalist system elements ( like interest ) have been eliminated.

That is my point too - design. The fabrication could be done elsewhere the SCL plant in India ( though this has large feature size production ), in South Korea, in USA, Israel or in Europe. But first come up with the design at least and prototype in FPGA for demonstration in India.

There was a PDF thread two or so months ago about Intel's fab in America. Something about 7nm or 5nm.

1. Some years ago I was a teacher in general OS architecture, networking programming in Linux etc.

2. Also some years ago I had written a simple OS and had collaborated with a financing partner to set up a company and commercially develop the OS. The company had to shut down for non-technological reasons but this was the first Indian company in OS development.

3. Right now too I am designing an OS and I hope to start a company in some months. Again would be the first such company here.

If they don't have why shouldn't Infosys have ?

No, I think at system level. I don't limit myself to narrow technical expertise.

Fine, then they should stop talk themselves in big terms. And since they are a software company they can at least attempt to design an OS. Can't they ?

Technically they have one software product - Finacle - but AFAIK it would be useless in a non-Capitalist situation.

And they should be more humble since they are not an innovative company like you pointed out.

Not everyone yes but there are more than one OS companies - QNX, Green Hills, Microsoft etc.

And creating an OS will be an intellectual challenge. And these people can be proud.

And If more than one company can develop their own cars why can't a few companies have their own OS' ?

But if you are a 10th class pass only and wish to join Infosys will they accept you even if the company isn't really in the position to demand ( I myself am a 11th class pass and am a lot superior to them in this aspect. Please read points# 2 and 3 of my reply to Mrityunjay above ) ?

Yes, I agree that IBM was one of the pioneers and it simplified and laid the path on which later OS companies like Microsoft and Apple may have walked for some things. And even Apple with its iPhone hasn't really designed a microprocessor but used ARM processors.

The Communist leadership in Bengal has acknowledged some years ago that their anti-robot and anti-computer agitation in previous decades was wrong.

In general, employee unions are necessary in India in most sectors until the surrounding Capitalist system remains or the company operates in a Capitalist manner. The unions speak for the rights of the worker who otherwise can face injustice.

My late father who worked in the banking sector told me that the bank employees have had union system for a long time.

But yes, in some cases, violence-minded union leaders can initiate unnecessary violence in the work environments like factories.

And I have previously mentioned in this thread about suicides in Infosys. You should read about how 35,000 employees of TCS in India were suddenly removed because they had no union system. And read about such a thing in IBM-India too. This was in 2014 and 2015.

The most famous open source OS, Linux, which is implemented by various companies is an unnecessarily complicated and generally unreliable piece of work hence the existence of other companies like QNX, Lynx Software and Green Hills whose OS products are used in various critical applications from automotive to nuclear reactors to spacecraft to military aircraft to network routers etc. If one makes a good product I believe there is much to earn.

Well, they have selected to focus on apps but should that mean that Infosys not design an OS too ? :) And Infosys hasn't even been the type of companies you have mentioned above.

As I have written previously I have been designing a microprocessor and also been designing an OS so I can speak with some authority on such things. :)

I know that.

So what Nature-imposed reasons stop Infosys from restructuring itself ? It is a 40-year-old company.
1. Big Terms - Can you clarify
2. Between Finacle is used in over 50 countries with clients like ICICI, SBI, ING...Not a total failed product.
3. Its a business entity looking to earn profits in their activities like any other companies in world. They are not bound to follow the dictate of anyone other than the share holders. So your, mine, our wish has no merits.
4. As its a profit earning entity so it will channelize its resource to those areas where they can earn the most, OS are in plenty in market and are having tough competition. A sensible company will always try to get in the areas where their is less competition to earn money.
5. Exceptions are always there, but in general an engineering student will have more intelligence/knowledge than a 10+. Why they will take a chance when they need quantity not quality, no one from premier institutes join Infy.
6. You haven't got my point. IBM is not a top 5 IT/ITES company anymore. But still they files more patients than all. It has a revenue of 77 B while Amazon has 386 B. So as a share holder I will always like company like Amazon and Amazon has not got any noble prize.
7. As you are a son of bank employee you must be knowing of banks. Example SBI, if you have to visit your half a day gone. It is a tradition which I have seen for last 15-20 years. But for Axis in opposite side of the road it takes hardly 15 min. Do you know why this is mixed in the DNA of SBI?
Another example BSNL, if your telephone wire is snapped you have to pay to bring it back. Even I was advised by a GM on to compromise as the person(s) who looks into it is with the union.
My carrier started in a MFG company and then I sifted to Infosys on a consulting role. Later I parted with them. People were sacked from these companies on certain parameters and I can confirm you the person who were sacked were not fit for the role they were employed. Even they were given a chance for an year to improve themselves which they couldn't. Actually they are provided a warning for two years to switch the jobs which they ignored, neither they improved their skills..
In fact changing a job in it is not very complex IMO.
1. OK, so Harmony OS2 may be a multikernel as regards to different processor cores but they also say that it is a microkernel at base architecture and that this microkernel is better in inter-process communication than even QNX. I quote this article :

Where can I get more detailed info on this claim ?

2. This Wikipedia page for "multikernel" has link to another Wikipedia page for an experimental, open source OS called Barrelfish. Below section is interesting :

So Huawei's HarmonyOS may well derive ( at least in the multikernel part and even in the microkernel part ) from Barrelfish OS. This goes against Huawei's claim of the OS being an in-house development.

Yes, Nokia is from Finland.

And some days ago I had read about a company in Poland I think which had developed a real-time OS and had local and international customers of the OS. Generally, being a small country or small company shouldn't preclude anyone from research. That leads to my question as to why the old, huge and rich software company Infosys ( which is the proud topic of the OP ) has been unable to put together a team to design an OS software.

I am not showing off but simply asking a simple question. You and your IT friends should ask yourself that even if Infosys is a purely software company, and being huge and rich, why hasn't been able to at least design an OS which is software.

And well, Infosys did develop a product - a banking software - but that would be useless in a situation where Capitalist system elements ( like interest ) have been eliminated.

That is my point too - design. The fabrication could be done elsewhere the SCL plant in India ( though this has large feature size production ), in South Korea, in USA, Israel or in Europe. But first come up with the design at least and prototype in FPGA for demonstration in India.

There was a PDF thread two or so months ago about Intel's fab in America. Something about 7nm or 5nm.

1. Some years ago I was a teacher in general OS architecture, networking programming in Linux etc.

2. Also some years ago I had written a simple OS and had collaborated with a financing partner to set up a company and commercially develop the OS. The company had to shut down for non-technological reasons but this was the first Indian company in OS development.

3. Right now too I am designing an OS and I hope to start a company in some months. Again would be the first such company here.

If they don't have why shouldn't Infosys have ?

No, I think at system level. I don't limit myself to narrow technical expertise.

Fine, then they should stop talk themselves in big terms. And since they are a software company they can at least attempt to design an OS. Can't they ?

Technically they have one software product - Finacle - but AFAIK it would be useless in a non-Capitalist situation.

And they should be more humble since they are not an innovative company like you pointed out.

Not everyone yes but there are more than one OS companies - QNX, Green Hills, Microsoft etc.

And creating an OS will be an intellectual challenge. And these people can be proud.

And If more than one company can develop their own cars why can't a few companies have their own OS' ?

But if you are a 10th class pass only and wish to join Infosys will they accept you even if the company isn't really in the position to demand ( I myself am a 11th class pass and am a lot superior to them in this aspect. Please read points# 2 and 3 of my reply to Mrityunjay above ) ?

Yes, I agree that IBM was one of the pioneers and it simplified and laid the path on which later OS companies like Microsoft and Apple may have walked for some things. And even Apple with its iPhone hasn't really designed a microprocessor but used ARM processors.

The Communist leadership in Bengal has acknowledged some years ago that their anti-robot and anti-computer agitation in previous decades was wrong.

In general, employee unions are necessary in India in most sectors until the surrounding Capitalist system remains or the company operates in a Capitalist manner. The unions speak for the rights of the worker who otherwise can face injustice.

My late father who worked in the banking sector told me that the bank employees have had union system for a long time.

But yes, in some cases, violence-minded union leaders can initiate unnecessary violence in the work environments like factories.

And I have previously mentioned in this thread about suicides in Infosys. You should read about how 35,000 employees of TCS in India were suddenly removed because they had no union system. And read about such a thing in IBM-India too. This was in 2014 and 2015.

The most famous open source OS, Linux, which is implemented by various companies is an unnecessarily complicated and generally unreliable piece of work hence the existence of other companies like QNX, Lynx Software and Green Hills whose OS products are used in various critical applications from automotive to nuclear reactors to spacecraft to military aircraft to network routers etc. If one makes a good product I believe there is much to earn.

Well, they have selected to focus on apps but should that mean that Infosys not design an OS too ? :) And Infosys hasn't even been the type of companies you have mentioned above.

As I have written previously I have been designing a microprocessor and also been designing an OS so I can speak with some authority on such things. :)

I know that.

So what Nature-imposed reasons stop Infosys from restructuring itself ? It is a 40-year-old company.

I would like to sincerely apologise for wasting my time with you.
Cause it's useless.
The most famous open source OS, Linux, which is implemented by various companies is an unnecessarily complicated and generally unreliable piece of work hence the existence of other companies like QNX, Lynx Software and Green Hills whose OS products are used in various critical applications from automotive to nuclear reactors to spacecraft to military aircraft to network routers etc. If one makes a good product I believe there is much to earn.

No there isn't; if there was there would be many more companies designing OS's.

Well, they have selected to focus on apps but should that mean that Infosys not design an OS too ? :) And Infosys hasn't even been the type of companies you have mentioned above.
There core competence is in application support and system development for BFSI. why would they get into a business that has no business case to begin with. Again a Billion dollar company doesn't need your validation.

As I have written previously I have been designing a microprocessor and also been designing an OS so I can speak with some authority on such things. :)
And? you have received billions in venture capital because of your breakthrough idea?

So what Nature-imposed reasons stop Infosys from restructuring itself ? It is a 40-year-old company.
Infosys is a massively successful company; which delivers 30% Roce over more than three decades, why the hell would it need to restructure? To boast we made a OS and a processor. Businesses are not run that way.
No there isn't; if there was there would be many more companies designing OS's.

There core competence is in application support and system development for BFSI. why would they get into a business that has no business case to begin with. Again a Billion dollar company doesn't need your validation.

And? you have received billions in venture capital because of your breakthrough idea?

Infosys is a massively successful company; which delivers 30% Roce over more than three decades, why the hell would it need to restructure? To boast we made a OS and a processor. Businesses are not run that way.
I loved your replies
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