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Infosys becomes fourth Indian company to hit $100-billion m-cap, shares up 84% in one year

So what Nature-imposed reasons stop Infosys from restructuring itself ? It is a 40-year-old company.

Regarding the restructuring part, there's an old saying, don't try to fix something that isn't broken. And suppose even on whim if they decided to do major restructuring of their business, they won't be able to do it, remember they are publicly traded company.
Regarding the restructuring part, there's an old saying, don't try to fix something that isn't broken. And suppose even on whim if they decided to do major restructuring of their business, they won't be able to do it, remember they are publicly traded company.

1. All I am asking is for Infosys to set up a team to design an operating system software since the company is a software company. Am I being unreasonable ?

2. SpaceX isn't a publicly traded company because it doesn't want to leave its design and development to the whims of the stock markets. IIRC some ten years ago Elon Musk was asked "What is your business model for Mars ?" He said there was none. I think he meant for the moment.

No there isn't; if there was there would be many more companies designing OS's.

There are not more companies because of the intellectual capability and continued thought and development effort needed. Infosys simply doesn't have that.

There core competence is in application support and system development for BFSI. why would they get into a business that has no business case to begin with. Again a Billion dollar company doesn't need your validation.

So what was the "business case" for Microsoft, QNX Software Systems Limited, Green Hills Software etc ?

A billion dollar company but a bunch of arrogant nincompoops.

And did Elon Musk need validation from richer, bigger organizations like Boeing and NASA for him to start SpaceX at a smaller level ?

And? you have received billions in venture capital because of your breakthrough idea?

1. Why should OS development need billions ? The initial versions of QNX OS were written by two people in a small, not-so-rich company in the early 1980s who thought that the microkernel OS architecture is required to be implemented in the commercial world from the academic research world, so they developed QNX OS ( initially called QUNIX ). QNX was the first commercial microkernel OS in the world. I myself have written a very simple, microkernel-inspired, experimental OS some years ago and all it took me was learning x86 Assembly language from a book, learning it on a Windows computer and developing it using tools on Linux OS using C and Assembly. All done within the confines of my bedroom. And this led me to join up a year later with a financing partner who set up an office to commercially develop the OS further. But the company closed down some months later for non-technological reasons.

2. Even for microprocessor development the main spending is the the initial intellectual effort in designing the instruction set and other things. Further development and prototyping requires an FPGA board which costs about a couple of lakhs and requires a few hardware engineers. Why should this take billions ?

VC funding I hope to get but first there is the task of setting up at small level.

To boast we made a OS and a processor. Businesses are not run that way.

So what would Infosys be doing in five or ten years from now when computing is changed and if economic systems are changed ? Still be a subcontractee or do innovation ? I don't see what is the OP poster being so happy about such a non-necessary company.

I would like to sincerely apologise for wasting my time with you.
Cause it's useless.

Aren't you the one who told me about the hardware industry some months ago ?

1. Big Terms - Can you clarify

I was talking about Infosys not rejecting the high impression among Indian computer engineering graduates about the company.

2. Between Finacle is used in over 50 countries with clients like ICICI, SBI, ING...Not a total failed product.

Yes, it is not a failed product but it is also not something that can't be developed by other countries in the world. Nothing innovative. And like I said before I believe it cannot be used in a economic system where the interest system has been abolished.

3. Its a business entity looking to earn profits in their activities like any other companies in world. They are not bound to follow the dictate of anyone other than the share holders. So your, mine, our wish has no merits.

Well, SpaceX is not a publicly traded company yet wants to make profit and is quite innovative.

4. As its a profit earning entity so it will channelize its resource to those areas where they can earn the most, OS are in plenty in market and are having tough competition. A sensible company will always try to get in the areas where their is less competition to earn money.

I earlier spoke about DRDO declaring in 2010 that it will develop an indigenous, "futuristic" OS mainly for India's military, scientific and probably bureaucratic needs and that OS still not being developed by now in 2021. Doesn't Infosys have this market even if niche now ? It can design and develop this OS for the government. A big government contract is profitable.

5. Exceptions are always there, but in general an engineering student will have more intelligence/knowledge than a 10+.

An engineering student may know more facts than a 10th pass but may not necessarily have more intelligence and knowledge than then 10th pass.

Why they will take a chance when they need quantity not quality


no one from premier institutes join Infy.

I suppose those like from the IITs and co. will want to generally move to the West.

6. You haven't got my point. IBM is not a top 5 IT/ITES company anymore. But still they files more patients than all. It has a revenue of 77 B while Amazon has 386 B. So as a share holder I will always like company like Amazon and Amazon has not got any noble prize.

Well, the above comparison is not entirely proper. Amazon is a company that is useful globally. Infosys is not.

7. As you are a son of bank employee you must be knowing of banks. Example SBI, if you have to visit your half a day gone. It is a tradition which I have seen for last 15-20 years. But for Axis in opposite side of the road it takes hardly 15 min. Do you know why this is mixed in the DNA of SBI?

Well, I know for fact that SBI has also computerized its operations.

Another example BSNL, if your telephone wire is snapped you have to pay to bring it back. Even I was advised by a GM on to compromise as the person(s) who looks into it is with the union.

So that was your experience. With my house's BSNL landline the problem was attended duly and next day my area's telephone exchange called us up to inquire if the problem has been attended to. Also the technician who came told us that BSNL has contracted his company to attended to BSNL customers' problems.

My carrier started in a MFG company and then I sifted to Infosys on a consulting role. Later I parted with them. People were sacked from these companies on certain parameters and I can confirm you the person who were sacked were not fit for the role they were employed. Even they were given a chance for an year to improve themselves which they couldn't. Actually they are provided a warning for two years to switch the jobs which they ignored, neither they improved their skills..

Each company has its own internal processes and requirements but my question in this thread is why this 40-year-old, rich and 200,000+ person staffed software company hasn't been able to design an operating system software. My question is the non-contribution of such a company to the computing world.

In fact changing a job in it is not very complex IMO.

I see.
There are not more companies because of the intellectual capability and continued thought and development effort needed. Infosys simply doesn't have that.
Do you know what barrier to entry means?

So what was the "business case" for Microsoft, QNX Software Systems Limited, Green Hills Software etc ?

You tell me? Microsoft had first-mover advantage, look it up what it means.
Where is QNX now? or ghs?
A billion dollar company but a bunch of arrogant nincompoops.
A billion dollar company with exceptional leadership, viable and sustainable business practices that is beond your comprehension, and a 30+ yr track record of delivering exceptional value to it's shareholder, employees and customers.

And did Elon Musk need validation from richer, bigger organizations like Boeing and NASA for him to start SpaceX at a smaller level ?
I guess that is the problem in this conversation, your entire gambit is structured around aping others' success model to replicate your own success and intense jealosy for others who have carved their own niches. Infosys, TCS, HCL tech, Tata Elixsi, Wipro, SQS, all continue to do exceptional IT service side work.
None of them need to ape elon or bill or steve. They have paved thier own way.

1. Why should OS development need billions ? The initial versions of QNX OS were written by two people in a small, not-so-rich company in the early 1980s who thought that the microkernel OS architecture is required to be implemented in the commercial world from the academic research world, so they developed QNX OS ( initially called QUNIX ). QNX was the first commercial microkernel OS in the world. I myself have written a very simple, microkernel-inspired, experimental OS some years ago and all it took me was learning x86 Assembly language from a book, learning it on a Windows computer and developing it using tools on Linux OS using C and Assembly. All done within the confines of my bedroom. And this led me to join up a year later with a financing partner who set up an office to commercially develop the OS further. But the company closed down some months later for non-technological reasons.
Given you like to invoke Bill or Elon, what would have they done. Irrespective of diametrically opposing views on everything ; i do wish all the best for your project, and hope you are very sucessful one day.

2. Even for microprocessor development the main spending is the the initial intellectual effort in designing the instruction set and other things. Further development and prototyping requires an FPGA board which costs about a couple of lakhs and requires a few hardware engineers. Why should this take billions ?

VC funding I hope to get but first there is the task of setting up at small level.
Who cares, it's like asking Ducati why are you not building a F1 car. Infosys has very sound sense of business; why the hell should it go around doing things that it is not interested it. Yes if Infosys launched a bad OS and kept failing at in, it could attract justified critique, but what you are saying is just fucking ridiculous.

So what would Infosys be doing in five or ten years from now when computing is changed and if economic systems are changed ? Still be a subcontractee or do innovation ? I don't see what is the OP poster being so happy about such a non-necessary company.
You should keep you worry to yourself. It has enough reserves to be able to make any changes in it's protfolio as per the dynamics of the market, they have sucessfully done that for 30+ years, they will keep doing it.
@salute @Sudarshan, I don't know what "market cap" means nor do I want to know but about Infosys it is a code monkey company which has existed for almost 40 years and now it has 259,000+ employees out of which most will be computer engineers yet it has not set up a team to design a single local microprocessor and single local operating system which are the two most fundamental elements in a classical computer. Shame !

There even have been suicides in Infosys because of the company forcing employees to take up some internal exams for employee "employability" assessment. Not only are such suicides wrong but what has the company achieved through these suicides ?

Just you should focus on bushit talks against BJP ans others.

If you don't know about IT sector then better to keep quite please.

Just for your knowledge " Finacle" Is developed by infosys. And, other few softwares.

All IT company does only meant to make computer hardware and microprocessor...
Do you know what barrier to entry means?

Below is the google result :
Barriers to entry is an economics and business term describing factors that can prevent or impede newcomers into a market or industry sector, and so limit competition. These can include high start-up costs, regulatory hurdles, or other obstacles that prevent new competitors from easily entering a business sector.
The underlined... does Infosys have lack of money and is there a regulatory hurdle for it to create an OS ? What other obstacles are there ?

Microsoft had first-mover advantage, look it up what it means.

Microsoft was founded in 1975, the QNX company in 1980 and Infosys just one year later yet no OS from Infosys then or 40 years later now.

Where is QNX now?

QNX is used even in nuclear reactor stations, in automotive applications, in medical devices, in military applications, in factory machines and even to control the robotic arm on the International Space Station. Look up the website.

You should know more about this than me since you post about military technology developments. GHS' INTEGRITY OS is used in fighter aircraft other than in spacecraft and other things. This news is from 2005 about the Eurofighter.

GHS was founded in 1982, one year after Infosys, yet it has an OS while Infosys doesn't.

I guess that is the problem in this conversation, your entire gambit is structured around aping others' success model to replicate your own success and intense jealosy for others who have carved their own niches. Infosys, TCS, HCL tech, Tata Elixsi, Wipro, SQS, all continue to do exceptional IT service side work.
None of them need to ape elon or bill or steve. They have paved thier own way.

I don't have jealously for Infosys. I have contempt.

Irrespective of diametrically opposing views on everything ; i do wish all the best for your project, and hope you are very sucessful one day.

Thank you.

Yes if Infosys launched a bad OS and kept failing at in, it could attract justified critique, but what you are saying is just fucking ridiculous.

A wrong argument you make.

If you don't know about IT sector then better to keep quite please.

I know about the Indian IT sector. Please read my posts in this thread.

Just for your knowledge " Finacle" Is developed by infosys.

I know that.

All IT company does only meant to make computer hardware and microprocessor...

So what should a huge and rich IT company like Infosys do for the 40 years of its existence ? Keep being a code monkey company ?
Below is the google result :

The underlined... does Infosys have lack of money and is there a regulatory hurdle for it to create an OS ? What other obstacles are there ?


Even a giant like Google cannot penitrate the OS market because of the behemoth of a share of the Windows.
And ALSO they were not interested in building an OS, or microcontroller or programming language, or PLC HMI or Microchips or Monitors or keyboards or mice or floppy disks or hdd's or office suites or internet browser or video games. They set out to become an application development leader in the industry and they have done so. They have kept thier commitments to thier shareholders, they have developed exceptional talent, and have often been the springboard for newer software companies. Thier contribution to the economy, training and cultivating talent and providing high tech jobs has been among the the top few companies in the world. Thier corporate governance has been spotless which is a rare thing in India. In every parameter you evaluate , Infy comes out on top.

Microsoft was founded in 1975, the QNX company in 1980 and Infosys just one year later yet no OS from Infosys then or 40 years later now.

QNX is used even in nuclear reactor stations, in automotive applications, in medical devices, in military applications, in factory machines and even to control the robotic arm on the International Space Station. Look up the website.

You should know more about this than me since you post about military technology developments. GHS' INTEGRITY OS is used in fighter aircraft other than in spacecraft and other things. This news is from 2005 about the Eurofighter.

GHS was founded in 1982, one year after Infosys, yet it has an OS while Infosys doesn't.
And the net worth of both companies combined is not even a tenth of Infy.

I don't have jealously for Infosys. I have contempt.
Seems otherwise.

A wrong argument you make.

It's akin to complaining why doesn't OFB Ishapore doesn't make Fighter jets, afterall they are a defence company and have existed since before the Wright Brothers.
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So just because Windows has the largest world market share Infosys shouldn't even try to design an OS even for the Indian military, scientific and bureaucratic sectors as was desired and announced by DRDO in 2010 ?

BTW Microsoft too has a non-Windows OS project :

Even a giant like Google cannot penitrate the OS market because of the behemoth of a share of the Windows.

But Google too has an OS project called Fuchsia :

They have kept thier commitments to thier shareholders, they have developed exceptional talent, and have often been the springboard for newer software companies.

Springboard to whom exactly ?

Thier contribution to the economy, training and cultivating talent and providing high tech jobs has been among the the top few companies in the world.

LOL at cultivating talent.

Thier corporate governance has been spotless which is a rare thing in India.

What is this corporate governance ? Has it come of use to those Infosys employees who committed suicide because of the company oppressing them or those living employees who lead a pressurized life ?

In every parameter you evaluate , Infy comes out on top.

Yes in every parameter but in contribution to the field of fundamental computing at least in the classical digital computers and but in the field of general human behavior towards its employees.

And the net worth of both companies combined is not even a tenth of Infy.

Yeah, Infy should convince the computer systems designers and engineers of the International Space Station ( which uses QNX OS ) to look at Infy's net worth and be impressed.

Seems otherwise.

No, contempt. Why should I associate myself with Infosys given even my co-founding of a small company some years ago that was set up to commercially and further develop the simple OS I had designed then ?


You are being unreasonably stubborn.
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So just because Windows has the largest world market share Infosys shouldn't even try to design an OS even for the Indian military, scientific and bureaucratic sectors as was desired and announced by DRDO in 2010 ?

BTW Microsoft too has a non-Windows OS project :

That is the barrier to entry, If a single player owns more that 50% of the market, it commercially unviable to enter that market. remember barrier to entry?

But Google too has an OS project called Fuchsia :

As I said, Infosys doesn't have any plans to make OS, Micro processors, mixer grinder, roti maker , and whatever you have on your wish list.

Springboard to whom exactly ?
Many of it's employees, who have ventured on to other companies or started their own ventures after acquiring skill sets in infosys,

LOL at cultivating talent.

You can lol as much as you want, but Infosys still remain a great company to work for.

What is this corporate governance ? Has it come of use to those Infosys employees who committed suicide because of the company oppressing them or those living employees who lead a pressurized life ?
Simple, look up what corporate governance is, Solid accounting audits, industry best practices in Capex, Solid high performing projects for growth, accountability to stake holders all of it which lacks in the rest of the industry. Example - Satyam saga.

Yes in every parameter but in contribution to the field of fundamental computing at least in the classical digital computers and but in the field of general human behavior towards its employees.

Yeah, Infy should convince the computer systems designers and engineers of the International Space Station ( which uses QNX OS ) to look at Infy's net worth and be impressed.
Horses for the course, ISS also uses NI controllers , should Google hang it's head in shame, NO; because google is not in the DAQ and controller market. How is it so difficult to understand, it doesn't matter how you view Infosys, it's an extremely sucessful company in what it does. Are you going to complain next that Page industry just makes Jockey underwear and doesn't compete with Hugo Boss in upscale Suits?
No, contempt. Why should I associate myself with Infosys given even my co-founding of a small company some years ago that was set up to commercially and further develop the simple OS I had designed then ?
I don't wan't to comment on your personal endeavors, only best wishes from me on that front.
As I said, Infosys doesn't have any plans to make OS, Micro processors, mixer grinder, roti maker , and whatever you have on your wish list.

And yet it is doing something very right with its business plan and management, where it matters.
That is the barrier to entry, If a single player owns more that 50% of the market, it commercially unviable to enter that market. remember barrier to entry?

That barrier doesn't apply if Infosys decides to take up the OS project for the Indian military, scientific and bureaucratic sectors which DRDO had claimed to have begun on in 2010.

DRDO began the project, or at least issued a claim to have begun, because Windows OS despite its >50 percent market share cannot be used in those sectors because it is generally an unreliable and non-RTOS OS.

Simple, look up what corporate governance is, Solid accounting audits, industry best practices in Capex, Solid high performing projects for growth, accountability to stake holders

All fine and dandy about most of those things for the upper management but since you mention "industry best practices" I will again mention that Infosys must have been among the top Indian IT / ITES companies which more than two decades ago pressed upon the government to permit these companies to suppress any attempt by their employees to start employee unions. Though of course the silent sufferers, the naive, the selfish and the apathetic employees in the Indian IT / ITES sector wouldn't have gotten the idea to organize and begin employee unions. Infosys has had employee suicides because of company work pressure yet the 259,000 employees there didn't organize ? What kind of people are they ? So what are these "industry best practices" you mention ?
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That barrier doesn't apply if Infosys decides to take up the OS project for the Indian military, scientific and bureaucratic sectors which DRDO had claimed to have begun on in 2010.

DRDO began the project, or at least issued a claim to have begun, because Windows OS despite its >50 percent market share cannot be used in those sectors because it is generally an unreliable and non-RTOS OS.
Why would it, as I said It's a global leader in specialized application development and not interested in building OS, or missile seekers, or flight control systems or rotimakers.

All fine and dandy about most of those things for the upper management but since you mention "industry best practices" I will again mention that Infosys must have been among the top Indian IT / ITES companies which more than two decades ago pressed upon the government to permit these companies to suppress any attempt by their employees to start employee unions. Though of course the silent sufferers, the naive, the selfish and the apathetic employees in the Indian IT / ITES sector wouldn't have gotten the idea to organize and begin employee unions. Infosys has had employee suicides because of company work pressure yet the 259,000 employees there didn't organize ? What kind of people are they ? So what are these "industry best practices" you mention ?
Why wouldn't it, Indian employees unions have been a bane on the industry in general. All government PSU's get obliterated by employees union, not a single employee union is independent and are proxies for local political parties. The government of India's administrative core has had suicides because of work-related issues, students commit suicide every exam season; that doesn't mean that there is undue pressure.
Also please enlighten me on how many of Infosys employees committed suicides out of 259k, compute the ratio and you would know if it's even worth dicussing.
The 259k haven't not organized for the simple reason that majority of them are happy, and with employment they can always vote with there feet.
If you are not happy with where you are ............. Move.
The government of India's administrative core has had suicides because of work-related issues, students commit suicide every exam season; that doesn't mean that there is undue pressure.

So student suicides for you are not indicative of an unscientific and disharmonious education system ? You don't find anything wrong in that infamous coaching center town Kota ? You will just laugh away these student suicides ? What next, speak nothing about those 300,000+ Indian farmer suicides just between 1995 and 2015 ?

Also please enlighten me on how many of Infosys employees committed suicides out of 259k, compute the ratio and you would know if it's even worth dicussing.

Not worth discussing ? Man, these were humans, not robots. Why were they not happy with this "best industry practices" of Infosys that you mentioned ?
So student suicides for you are not indicative of an unscientific and disharmonious education system ? You don't find anything wrong in that infamous coaching center town Kota ? You will just laugh away these student suicides ? What next, speak nothing about those 300,000+ Indian farmer suicides just between 1995 and 2015 ?
I studied in the same system, came out fine. Didn't ever feel like killing myself.

Not worth discussing ? Man, these were humans, not robots. Why were they not happy with this "best industry practices" of Infosys that you mentioned ?
Obfuscation doesn't work with me, How many suicides, whats the ratio?
And let's remember, those graduates all have to have high marks in their "education" years.
Meh, That's patently false and shows that you are out of touch of reality. Infosys is known as the worst case option for people with a degree in computer science. Graduates with high marks join FAANG/other product based companies that offers 10X salary/growth compared to Infosys.
What next, speak nothing about those 300,000+ Indian farmer suicides just between 1995 and 2015 ?
60% of India is agricultural. So, on an annual basis,

Farmers dead by suicide - 300,000/20 = 15,000.
All India suicides - 135,000. [1]

Farmer's suicides as percenatge of overall suicieds - 11%
So, farmers suicides are 11 percent of all suicides while their population is 60%. It seems that farmers are dying less than the rest of population.

[1] Wayback Machine (archive.org)
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