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Infosys becomes fourth Indian company to hit $100-billion m-cap, shares up 84% in one year

Google had its Google Glass wearable computer about seven years ago and Microsoft had its Windows Phone cell phone many years ago.

Please avoid using those MBA words like "core competencies" and "center of excellence".

I have been designing a microprocessor for some years now. It is a simplified design having its own instruction set and related to other things that I can't reveal here. I hope to start a company in some months to commercially develop the processor.

Why ?

Well, I wear Jockey chaddis and surely they are stitched either in Bangladesh or in India. What's wrong with having a Jockey factory ?

What problem in every solution do you find in my post ?
Operating System should be succesful as well, genius! It’s not halwa puri that you’ll sell on streets.

Infosys is not a chip designing firm and that’s it, ask Facebook to design chips and make operating systems.
lol "not much innovative Chinese"

We have developed a whole set of our own chips in logic types, DRAM, memory, AI optimising, photonics chips for our light based quantum computers.

We have our own Harmony OS macrokernel type running 5G networks and integrating cities so transport management is automated like automatic driverless buses and food stall carts. Same with autopilot cars being integrated into the network. A farmer or construction worker can command soil excavation work from 100km away in another office.

We have innovated 3D stacking and wafer bonding chip fabrication and DUV already allows for 28nm with 14nm and 7nm lab scale production. EUV is a challenge and will take many years but in chip performance for transistor numbers, wafer bonding and 3D stacking is enough to make up for now. At least we have all of it. When our Taiwanese brothers get hired, there are even more solutions available even without EUV.
lol "not much innovative Chinese"

We have developed a whole set of our own chips in logic types, DRAM, memory, AI optimising, photonics chips for our light based quantum computers.

We have our own Harmony OS macrokernel type running 5G networks and integrating cities so transport management is automated like automatic driverless buses and food stall carts. Same with autopilot cars being integrated into the network. A farmer or construction worker can command soil excavation work from 100km away in another office.

We have innovated 3D stacking and wafer bonding chip fabrication and DUV already allows for 28nm with 14nm and 7nm lab scale production. EUV is a challenge and will take many years but in chip performance for transistor numbers, wafer bonding and 3D stacking is enough to make up for now. At least we have all of it. When our Taiwanese brothers get hired, there are even more solutions available even without EUV.

Calm down, no one mentioned china, self gloating?

lol I know but Jamihir did say "even not innovative Chinese" lol but reality is already quite the opposite. I know we are still catching up to the best and will be some more time before we are pushing the edge in every industry like Japanese did but saying we are not innovative is quite inaccurate. Every smart human can do it. No poor country nowadays innovate because they are too far behind. First money, then the organization of talented people, investment, market returns and finally innovation comes naturally.

In most of pre industrial history, Asia, African, and Middle East were the highest civilizations with the most technologies, knowledge, skills, and innovation. Now look at us. The Japanese could not do anything but subsistence farming for most of their history and then they industrialized and organized well and innovated like crazy. Same with the Europeans. Indus peoples like nowadays Pakistanis were skilled mathematicians and builders of civilization when the Europeans were in tribes from the west of Rome. But today those Germans and French have a lot of skills and industry. This is about money and organization not about race or even culture that much.
lol I know but Jamihir did say "even not innovative Chinese" lol but reality is already quite the opposite. I know we are still catching up to the best and will be some more time before we are pushing the edge in every industry like Japanese did but saying we are not innovative is quite inaccurate. Every smart human can do it. No poor country nowadays innovate because they are too far behind. First money, then the organization of talented people, investment, market returns and finally innovation comes naturally.
Jamahir is a stupid guy, he’s asking why doesn’t a software firm infosys make chips, and then other such things. Don’t take him seriously, I used to respect him but his rhetorics are straitoff funny.
Jamahir is a stupid guy, he’s asking why doesn’t a software firm infosys make chips, and then other such things. Don’t take him seriously, I used to respect him but his rhetorics are straitoff funny.

Yes he actually is. I have read many of his posts in the past for years and yes you're right. lol he is a bit of a stupid guy with low knowledge of many things not just IT company doesn't make chips like expecting car maker to build fridges. I just wanted to call him out on the typical "China cannot innovate" post he wrote. Anyway it's just for fun for the forum and I didn't even tag him.

btw congrats to India's infosys on this market cap then. Foreign investors may start getting more interested as market cap typically will have increased technical ability as money is more available. But foreign investors and capital controlling everything is also not good. Jamahir says he is a communist lol well he probably has some thoughts about capital control and rules similar to how China controls capital whoever it is whether it is Chinese or foreign.
Yes he actually is. I have read many of his posts in the past for years and yes you're right. lol he is a bit of a stupid guy with low knowledge of many things not just IT company doesn't make chips like expecting car maker to build fridges. I just wanted to call him out on the typical "China cannot innovate" post he wrote. Anyway it's just for fun for the forum and I didn't even tag him.

btw congrats to India's infosys on this market cap then. Foreign investors may start getting more interested as market cap typically will have increased technical ability as money is more available. But foreign investors and capital controlling everything is also not good. Jamahir says he is a communist lol well he probably has some thoughts about capital control and rules similar to how China controls capital whoever it is whether it is Chinese or foreign.
Who innovates or not reflects in Global Innovation Index or the Bloomberg Innovation Index…
Operating System should be succesful as well, genius! It’s not halwa puri that you’ll sell on streets.

So make it successful by creating a reliable OS compared to Windows and Linux and create a software ecosystem that at least will be used within India. Doesn't Modi speak of Atmanirbhar Bharat ?

A side fact : VK Saraswat, the chief of the big Indian military tech research establishment DRDO as of 2010, had declared that year that DRDO had begun designing a local "futuristic" OS. Two years later the only development was, as he said, addition of 150 scientists and engineers working across the country to accomplish the OS. But cut to 2021 still no "futuristic" OS from DRDO. What did these 150+ do from 2010 to 2021 ?

Infosys is not a chip designing firm and that’s it, ask Facebook to design chips and make operating systems.

I answered that in previous posts.

We have developed a whole set of our own chips in logic types, DRAM, memory, AI optimising, photonics chips for our light based quantum computers.

Ah, that mysterious new Chinese microprocessor that has 2000 instructions. I have asked Chinese members in that big thread about Chinese H/W industry even about why the processor has as many as 2000 instructions and didn't receive satisfactory answer.

About memory, all you are doing is replicating current RAM and Flash technology. The American company Nantero is at least working towards a newer form of universal memory. What about in China ?

About optics-based quantum computer, good, but when will it be miniaturized ?

We have our own Harmony OS macrokernel type

1. The OS type is "microkernel" and not "macrokernel".

2. HarmonyOS turned out to be not a new OS but a variant of Android.

A farmer or construction worker can command soil excavation work from 100km away in another office.

The next evolution of agriculture is Vertical Farming and general Urban Farming.

We have innovated 3D stacking and wafer bonding chip fabrication and DUV already allows for 28nm with 14nm and 7nm lab scale production. EUV is a challenge and will take many years but in chip performance for transistor numbers, wafer bonding and 3D stacking is enough to make up for now. At least we have all of it.

I am honestly tired of the bragging by various companies about reduction of processor feature sizes to 7nm to 5nm but keeping the transistor technology traditional. People should be thinking of producing chips of those sizes but make them immune to environmental conditions like radiation. Currently, laptops can be used on the International Space Station but only because the ISS flies below the protective shield of Earth's magnetosphere. So companies should make themselves able to brag that their processors, with 5nm feature sizes, are operable even in the hard radiation of outer space. This article is about an experiment on bringing back the concept of vacuum tube computers but miniaturized.

In most of pre industrial history, Asia, African, and Middle East were the highest civilizations with the most technologies, knowledge, skills, and innovation. Now look at us. The Japanese could not do anything but subsistence farming for most of their history and then they industrialized and organized well and innovated like crazy. Same with the Europeans. Indus peoples like nowadays Pakistanis were skilled mathematicians and builders of civilization when the Europeans were in tribes from the west of Rome. But today those Germans and French have a lot of skills and industry. This is about money and organization not about race or even culture that much.

Agreed with almost all of your post but not about the money part.
Who innovates or not reflects in Global Innovation Index or the Bloomberg Innovation Index…

I find those two are quite inaccurate or at least too lagging. They are good for older information for example their results for 2021 is good to show what the general trend is for 2010 to 2015 period maybe. Just like university rankings are not actually that good or accurate in truly showing ranking. It is due to the way they measure it with only well known things. Many innovation are still in the works and even when done, are not shown if it is not for commercial. Many times they simply do not count certain things. You will find for university rankings with the typical four publications who do it, they also have strict measurement criteria and notice anglo institutions dominate the list but we all know French, German, Russian, Swiss, and other Asian universities (including Indian ones) are also very good and at least much better than they are ranked.

The top German, French, and Russian universities are not much less than the other top 15s. They have many that barely get featured and this is partly by how they are measured and what those publications will count and also partly bias and funding or money purposes.

Same thing with livable cities. And if you notice also in the past, with ranking on how well a country can deal with a pandemic. Western countries especially anglo ones top the list but in reality they are far from even close to top.

Those two lists for innovation you showed are for publicly accessible data and mostly only commercial ones. So the information is quite incomplete for many countries especially those outside the writer's. There is also always the delay in these stats to really catch up. Anyway that's just my opinion but they are still certainly good information and definitely provides some general idea although limited.
2. HarmonyOS turned out to be not a new OS but a variant of Android.

Wrong Harmony OS that was offered for Huawei phones for use immediately was a skin of Android but that was not Harmony OS. There are essentially two. The first one for western Huawei phone users released a year ago is built on Android but even the western writers admit and know that this isn't the actual Harmony OS that is being developed and the actual one that isn't just for immediate alternative is not even close to Android OS. But it isn't widely available yet in China. The first one you are talking about is an Android to bypass google system ban.

We are talking about two OS although the release for western phone users is also called harmony... actually that is the name for the linux based one basically android skin.

The Chinese microkernal sorry you're right on my mistake here with my english i meant to write multi kernel, that OS is called "red dream" but english name is typically called harmony for some reason. They will be two very different things in fact harmony is immediate stop gap for phone users and trying in 2019 and 2020 to show customers they can still buy huawei phone and it can work despite bans from goodles ecosystem.

So they are calling it in english as Harmony OS (android and linux kernel) and Harmony OS2 (Chinese multi kernel and not Android based). I'm referring of course to "red dream" in my post. Harmony OS is basically obsolete now Huawei doesn't sell phones outside China because of google bans. Harmony OS2 is the project they are working on and it is OS for everything like traffic lights, city management, coordinating vehicles and so on.
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Credit where credit is due. Infosys are smashing it in the IT market. Companies like them and TCS could dominate in the global IT market if they weren't so greedy. I've worked with both, i've been lucky to work with some very talented colleagues, but both companies have an ethos of delivering quick and dirty solutions and ignoring best practices and documentation. They do it deliberately to force their clients into a reliance on them. They also do it to create future work when the system expands.

I'm not surprised about what @jamahir said about bullying in infosys - i saw it with my own eyes. High level management lying to the client about progress and then bullying the dev/test team to deliver a working solution and fix bugs in unrealistic timescales.

Either way though - the market is there for companies who want ready made IT teams and these guys are big players in that market. Credit to them.
Jamahir is a stupid guy, he’s asking why doesn’t a software firm infosys make chips, and then other such things. Don’t take him seriously, I used to respect him but his rhetorics are straitoff funny.
Nah man he is not ,I know it is little annoying for him to repeat same thing in every thread related to Indain IT industry,but, he just want Infosys or any big Indian IT company to diversify into chip manufacturing or fundamental computer science stream . Most companies in the west have done so , like google after their search engine have ventured into 100 of products ranging from finance to communication to operating system. Heck even facebook are designing harware for server optimastion etc. Even many smaller companies from countries like Finland, estonia have built products recognized worldwide. he is just frustrated with lack of initiative by our software companies and their reluctance to stray out of their comfort zone which is not nice in the long run. I believe he means good intention and only criticize constructively.
I'm not surprised about what @jamahir said about bullying in infosys - i saw it with my own eyes. High level management lying to the client about progress and then bullying the dev/test team to deliver a working solution and fix bugs in unrealistic timescales.

Yes, unfortunately that's what they are now.
Credit where credit is due. Infosys are smashing it in the IT market. Companies like them and TCS could dominate in the global IT market if they weren't so greedy. I've worked with both, i've been lucky to work with some very talented colleagues, but both companies have an ethos of delivering quick and dirty solutions and ignoring best practices and documentation. They do it deliberately to force their clients into a reliance on them. They also do it to create future work when the system expands.

I'm not surprised about what @jamahir said about bullying in infosys - i saw it with my own eyes. High level management lying to the client about progress and then bullying the dev/test team to deliver a working solution and fix bugs in unrealistic timescales.

Either way though - the market is there for companies who want ready made IT teams and these guys are big players in that market. Credit to them.
Infosys recently fuked our Income tax portal of GoI🥲.
Nah man he is not ,I know it is little annoying for him to repeat same thing in every thread related to Indain IT industry,but, he just want Infosys or any big Indian IT company to diversify into chip manufacturing or fundamental computer science stream . Most companies in the west have done so , like google after their search engine have ventured into 100 of products ranging from finance to communication to operating system. Heck even facebook are designing harware for server optimastion etc. Even many smaller companies from countries like Finland, estonia have built products recognized worldwide. he is just frustrated with lack of initiative by our software companies and their reluctance to stray out of their comfort zone which is not nice in the long run. I believe he means good intention and only criticize constructively.
Sorry @jamahir 😕
@salute @Sudarshan, I don't know what "market cap" means nor do I want to know but about Infosys it is a code monkey company which has existed for almost 40 years and now it has 259,000+ employees out of which most will be computer engineers yet it has not set up a team to design a single local microprocessor and single local operating system which are the two most fundamental elements in a classical computer. Shame !

There even have been suicides in Infosys because of the company forcing employees to take up some internal exams for employee "employability" assessment. Not only are such suicides wrong but what has the company achieved through these suicides ?

You do understand that Infosys is not an electronics company right?
Does CTS or Accenture have microprocessors designed? Even Microsoft don't do that even though they tried to babble with them in the past.

Do not talk like an idiot or try to show you know stuff. I have a problem with Infosys/Wipro for never trying to be product development company but instead being an cyber coolie even though that pass changed in the last 6-7 years. HCL is coming on top of software products. I am not from IT, but like any other Indian friends, majority of my friends work in IT.
IT company with money has lots of engineers. They can invest first in chip design field without needing the long experimenting with fabrication. Designing chips up to 5nm and even 2nm function and architecture is much more accessible than developing the tools for frabication. Otherwise need lens manufacturing, vacuum technologies, etching tools, numeric control equipment and so on. With design, the science is accessible and then with money and engineers, the designing is much easier to accomplish. The problem is first the organization needs to go in that direction and create the corporate goal to move the projects.

Why criticize an IT company for not making chips when it has not shown it wants to go in even designing chips direction?

Intel is also capable of fab but works with TSMC for 5nm and down because they cannot create those chips themselves. Huawei designed 7nm and 5nm chips but TSMC and Samsung both cannot make those contracts for Huawei due to bans. What has an IT company not even designing chips got in businiess of making chips?! Like asking a tank design company to manufacture aircraft engines. Even the tank designer hasn't said they want to even touch anything like aircrafts.

There is a big difference between design company and fabrication. Architect can design the idea of a building and some details they wish to have for beauty, the design engineer determine what type of steel reinforcement and bearing capacity and million other technical things, then the construction guys build the thing. Big differences between them all. Same with chips. There is the research and academics with the science, then the designers of how to use an architecture or how the design functions with the transistors and architecture, the fab builds it. They all work and communciate to make changes.
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