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Induction of Astra missile into IAF fleet will tilt the scales in India's favour

What trying? When Pakistan had a chance to try it, they preferred American weapons. Even at the cost of a little bit of diplomatic mess with USA. China's biggest customer of its weapons bailed out on it. It trusts American weapons more.
So what should we do wrap up the f16..
It was thunders who took part in the strikes not the f16s.
Pakistan has 75 f16s and 100 thunders justs by common sense odds the f16 had 40% chance of being the aircarft would be shooter..seems you dont even have enough brains to understand this simple logic..

Is pakistan deperate about f16s? No we walked away from perfectly available f16s because we dont need them anymore..in 1990s and early 2000s we were begging for the same f16s and paid 5 b$ when our economy was much smaller and much more trouble
Sure it can hit Su30. From a distance of 20-30 KM max. At a distance of 80+ KM it is of no use.

Lastly, I speak from point of view of history. Has AMRAAM ever secured a kill against russian planes? Sure as hell!

Chinese PL-XX? Never heard of it. Thats why I say "Assuming it works". Chinese wares are untested.

20to 30 km? Are u nuts? Thats not even the range of SD10. The no escape zone of PL15 is about 60 to 80km, its has an AESA seeker and a total range of more than 150km. Chinese have not used its weapons as there have never been a need but does that mean its useless? Do u know countries buy and induct weapons after extensive testing. By ur logic even the S400 is useless as it has never shot down anything, heck even THAAD is useless. Many other weapons have never been used in battle. Again an extremely immature argument.
The no escape zone of PL15 is about 60 to 80km, its has an AESA seeker and a total range of more than 150km.
NEZ of PL-15 is a mere 35 km as it still uses older dual pulse motor propulsion (inferior to Ramjet).
Simple laws of physics means that without ramjet like propulsion no missile with dual pulse motor can even dream of 50 km NEZ.

Anyways back to topic, best part of Rafale is not just Meteor but Spectra.
Spectra is so menacing that even the powerful S-300PMU2 radars are completely unable to detect Rafale with Spectra engaged.

As for Astra, Bharat Dynamics Limited has the industrial ability to roll out hundreds of Astra missile every year
NEZ of PL-15 is a mere 35 km as it still uses older dual pulse motor propulsion (inferior to Ramjet).
Simple laws of physics means that without ramjet like propulsion no missile with dual pulse motor can even dream of 50 km NEZ.

Anyways back to topic, best part of Rafale is not just Meteor but Spectra.
Spectra is so menacing that even the powerful S-300PMU2 radars are completely unable to detect Rafale with Spectra engaged.

As for Astra, Bharat Dynamics Limited has the industrial ability to roll out hundreds of Astra missile every year

Which simple law of physics led u to that conclusion?? The PL15 achieves mach 4 so tell me how is its NEZ limited? It also depends on a number of other factors, so how can u claim it has a mere 35 km NEZ? Also the true range and capabilities of A2A missiles are never revealed.
On topic, indian had exact same language about SU30 and its mighty radars and missiles, wonder where is all that bragging gone?
NEZ of PL-15 is a mere 35 km as it still uses older dual pulse motor propulsion (inferior to Ramjet).
Simple laws of physics means that without ramjet like propulsion no missile with dual pulse motor can even dream of 50 km NEZ.

Anyways back to topic, best part of Rafale is not just Meteor but Spectra.
Spectra is so menacing that even the powerful S-300PMU2 radars are completely unable to detect Rafale with Spectra engaged.

As for Astra, Bharat Dynamics Limited has the industrial ability to roll out hundreds of Astra missile every year
Yeah yeah thats why aim 260 will be dual pulse rocket and will outrange the meteor(aim 120d matches the meteor)..even meteor replacement will be dual pulse rocket..so all those advance countries engnrs are idiots and you are the genious

Spectra is so advance that 3b$ upgraded mirage2000 that are from same manufacturer got "glitches" in its radar per indian sources and had to put their tail between their legs and run
@SIPRA @StormBreaker @Mentee @PakSword @Verve @peagle @Sine Nomine @BHarwana @Windjammer

Well done Indians, well done!!!

After this mijjile ... there will be no scales left to be tilted... this mijjile will replace Meteor ...which is already Intergalctic missile... @dbc my friend, Indians are so advanced then why are they buying weapons from France? Or jet engines from GE?

PL15 or the US missile in PAF arsenal are just duds
... same goes for PLAAF too...

Indians are the most fasicnating beings... they make life fun!


India has mastered many path breaking technology. Duel pulse motor, solid fuel ducted ramjet with bypass mechanism to save fuel and increase the range , high precision seekers etc. India was always good at writing the codes. India has written great algorithm for Akash missile and refined it and hundreds of tests. Now India is in top league of these technologies with US, Russia and Europe.
A decade or two ago similar articles used to surface how 'worldclass','best in class','top class','gamechanger' n what not LCA tejas is,,,,,n now this manjan.

The actual hidden message in such articles--- dpsu doing grt,make in india grt,,its all conspiracy of phoren maal,,,,chai biskut zindabad.
It is to get most money out of govt for their department so that they earn more.

India has mastered many path breaking technology. Duel pulse motor, solid fuel ducted ramjet with bypass mechanism to save fuel and increase the range , high precision seekers etc. India was always good at writing the codes. India has written great algorithm for Akash missile and refined it and hundreds of tests. Now India is in top league of these technologies with US, Russia and Europe.
@SIPRA @StormBreaker @Mentee @PakSword @Verve @peagle @Sine Nomine @BHarwana @Windjammer

Well done Indians, well done!!!

After this mijjile ... there will be no scales left to be tilted... this mijjile will replace Meteor ...which is already Intergalctic missile... @dbc my friend, Indians are so advanced then why are they buying weapons from France? Or jet engines from GE?

PL15 or the US missile in PAF arsenal are just duds
... same goes for PLAAF too...

Indians are the most fasicnating beings... they make life fun!
Yeah yeah thats why aim 260 will be dual pulse rocket and will outrange the meteor(aim 120d matches the meteor
Actually US never disclosed that dual thrust prop will be for AIM260:
Lockheed Martin may have adopted some form of boost-coast-boost configuration for the AIM-260 motor, possibly with a higher-energy propellant than previous generations of solid motors. Even so, it remains questionable whether this would provide a similar overall performance to a Meteor-class missile

Spectra is so advance that 3b$ upgraded mirage2000 that are from same manufacturer got "glitches" in its radar per indian sources and had to put their tail between their legs and run
There were no glitches.
You own Kaiser Tufail admitted that contrary to pilots claiming a glitch M2K radar was emitting.

Which simple law of physics led u to that conclusion?? The PL15 achieves mach 4 so tell me how is its NEZ limited? It also depends on a number of other factors, so how can u claim it has a mere 35 km NEZ? Also the true range and capabilities of A2A missiles are never revealed.
On topic, indian had exact same language about SU30 and its mighty radars and missiles, wonder where is all that bragging gone?
PL-15 dual pulse motors have total ignition time of just 20 secs (both phases combined) in comparison the meteor's ramjet stays on for 106 seconds.
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