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Induction of Astra missile into IAF fleet will tilt the scales in India's favour

Astra No but Meteor will surely tilt the balance in India's favour.
MBDA said they could integrate Meteor only on platforms using French or certain EU radars when we asked for it to be integrated on our MKI's. Astra has been successfully tested with it's designated range multiple times only after which it has been inducted. There's a Mk-2 version under development which is supposed to have significantly longer range

If this missile has HALF the range it claim it does and India can manufacture it locally, it helps them a lot. BVRs are notoriously hard to get right.
It's a missile developed by DRDO which will ofcourse be manufactured in India by BEL/BDL-Hyderabad. Though certain arms of DRDO suck big time, missile and rotary winged aircraft departments are among it's best
Read my other point as well. PL-15 works in conjugation with J-20. Its J-20's stealth that makes PL-15 useful for China. That is assuming if it works at all.
PL 15 can be carried by J 20, J 10 and J 16. it is indeed a tough competition for any opponent and the opponents are not foolish enough to "assume" that it "won't" work".
The tilt in scale is because it's indigenous - giving India the freedom to exploit it's use on many platform, particularly UAVs for which India was heavily reliant on foreign sources. Many sources in the IAF have expressed that the IAF has been very impressed with the trials conducted so far. More importantly we have the codes, we developed it and hence we know both how to use it and how not to.

The skirmish on 27th is a good example of how PAF used longer range to keep IAF's fighters at bay, but that is not indicative of an assured kill from the longer ranged BVR. The IAF was successful in dodging the missiles. The F-16 could not come closer since they knew or had assumed SAMs were active and the loner they loitered, the more they could expose themselves to more IAF fighters joining the mix. Hence, it was short and was effective because it was short. The no escape zone is what is important in an BVR and the BVR with the longest no escape zone will probably be the winner.

Additionally, it was disclosed that Astra 2 can be available at a much faster rate. The power of going indigenous.
This is a good watch for someone who wants to learn more about the ASTRA.
Astra is another tejas

They will keep threatening us with Astra for next 100100 years without actually inducting it
Astra is another tejas

They will keep threatening us with Astra for next 100100 years without actually inducting it
Astra has already been inducted on Su-30, Mig-29, Mirage 2K and Tejas while volume production has also started recently
PL 15 can be carried by J 20, J 10 and J 16. it is indeed a tough competition for any opponent and the opponents are not foolish enough to "assume" that it "won't" work".
PL-15 with J-20 is a somewhat of a threat for USAF. PL-15 alone is not useful at all because its platform need to go in hostile airspace to score a kill. You need stealth for that.

There is a reason why Pakistan relies on AMRAAM to this day. It does its job. Always.
PL-15 with J-20 is a somewhat of a threat for USAF. PL-15 alone is not useful at all because its platform need to go in hostile airspace to score a kill. You need stealth for that.

There is a reason why Pakistan relies on AMRAAM to this day. It does its job. Always.
PAF doesnt only rely on AMRAAM AIM 120 . it has SD 10 in its arsenal as well. we have over 100 JFTs in our inventory and they carry only SD 10 for BVR engagement. the reason why PAF doesnt has PL 15 yet is that it doesnt have any platform for launching this missile. if PAF can bring down IAF jets inside indian air space while staying inside pak with AMRAAM then what makes you think that PAF will need to go inside indian air space with even a longer ranged BVR missile?
it has SD 10 in its arsenal as well
PAF ever used it in war? It sucks worse than a R-77. It is basically R-77 with a Chinese motor strapped to it.

. if PAF can bring down IAF jets inside indian air space while staying inside pak with AMRAAM
With AMRAAM, remember that. You have 100+ JF-17 all carrying Chinese missiles but you still chose F-16 with ARMRAAM to fight a Mig. Why? Could have done the entire mission with JF-17s. You did it because you knew AMRAAM and F-16 will do its job while Chinese stuff will fail.

the reason why PAF doesnt has PL 15 yet is that it doesnt have any platform for launching this missile
Unless Pakistan is getting a real stealth fighter, PL-15 is useless for attacking AWACS or Tankers. You will need to sneak behind enemy lines. Cann't do it well without a stealth.
Unless Pakistan is getting a real stealth fighter, PL-15 is useless for attacking AWACS or Tankers. You will need to sneak behind enemy lines. Cann't do it well without a stealth.

What makes u think PL15 cant hit a fighter? That too the size of SU30. Ur argument of PL15 being useless is totally immature.
PAF ever used it in war? It sucks worse than a R-77. It is basically R-77 with a Chinese motor strapped to it.

With AMRAAM, remember that. You have 100+ JF-17 all carrying Chinese missiles but you still chose F-16 with ARMRAAM to fight a Mig. Why? Could have done the entire mission with JF-17s. You did it because you knew AMRAAM and F-16 will do its job while Chinese stuff will fail.

Unless Pakistan is getting a real stealth fighter, PL-15 is useless for attacking AWACS or Tankers. You will need to sneak behind enemy lines. Cann't do it well without a stealth.
i was getting an idea from your previous posts that you are suffering from typical western mentality who generally take every thing from russia and china as inferior. your this post makes it very clear that no mater whatever logic and facts are given to you you will not accept it because of your already clouded mind set. i am feeling sorry for myself wasting my time arguing with you. you have very little idea about what happened on 26 and 27 feb and which jets were deployed by the PAF and in what roles. good night.

What makes u think PL15 cant hit a fighter? That too the size of SU30. Ur argument of PL15 being useless is totally immature.
he has a typical mentality that everything from russia and china are useless. they are not ready to accept the fact that in some areas the russia and china are getting at par or even better then the west. just look at his display pic and you will understand that he is another "marwi sarmad" .
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What makes u think PL15 cant hit a fighter? That too the size of SU30. Ur argument of PL15 being useless is totally immature.
Sure it can hit Su30. From a distance of 20-30 KM max. At a distance of 80+ KM it is of no use.

Lastly, I speak from point of view of history. Has AMRAAM ever secured a kill against russian planes? Sure as hell!

Chinese PL-XX? Never heard of it. Thats why I say "Assuming it works". Chinese wares are untested.

he has a typical mentality that everything from russia and china are useless.
I am of the mind that ANYTHING is useless unless proven otherwise. Chinese weapons are useless. American weapons work. Ask your own military.
Errr... nope. First its a Chinese weapon. Second its more like an AWACS/Tanker killer. Its range and kinematics against fighter is limited at best.
No its not.
PL 15 and PLXX are two different missles

Sure it can hit Su30. From a distance of 20-30 KM max. At a distance of 80+ KM it is of no use.

Lastly, I speak from point of view of history. Has AMRAAM ever secured a kill against russian planes? Sure as hell!

Chinese PL-XX? Never heard of it. Thats why I say "Assuming it works". Chinese wares are untested.

I am of the mind that ANYTHING is useless unless proven otherwise. Chinese weapons are useless. American weapons work. Ask your own military.
I would suggest trying to see it rather than hearing about it
PL XX is heavy missle with odd kinetics
but PL 15 is more like AIM 120D ++
PL12 is their aim 120C

MICA With 50km is real doop for mirage 2000 basically rendering them outgunned against any PAF fighter..i wonder why did IAF spent 3 b $ on this

i was getting an idea from your previous posts that you are suffering from typical western mentality who generally take every thing from russia and china as inferior. your this post makes it very clear that no mater whatever logic and facts are given to you you will not accept it because of your already clouded mind set. i am feeling sorry for myself wasting my time arguing with you. you have very little idea about what happened on 26 and 27 feb and which jets were deployed by the PAF and in what roles. good night.

he has a typical mentality that everything from russia and china are useless. they are not ready to accept the fact that in some areas the russia and china are getting at par or even better then the west. just look at his display pic and you will understand that he is another "marwi sarmad" .
Look at corona virus response and we can see where west and china lies..
China is world manfacturing hub..and US intelligence has never underestimated this..we only see this in indians and western idiots
I would suggest trying to see it rather than hearing about it
What trying? When Pakistan had a chance to try it, they preferred American weapons. Even at the cost of a little bit of diplomatic mess with USA. China's biggest customer of its weapons bailed out on it. It trusts American weapons more.
Induction of PL 15 missile into PAF fleet will tilt the scales in pakistan's favour.
BTW we have been hearing this non sense since long. su 30 will eat f-16s and JFT, tejas will be far superior then f16 and JFT, 126 MRCA will tilt the scale in india's favor. then the world saw what happened 27 feb 2019.

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