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Indonesia Slams Asean Failure to Reach Resolution on South China Sea Disput

TPP is just a ripoff of 10+1, US now can't even provide the decent military aid, let alone any tangible economic aid.

All you Internet fanboys simply have no idea about the real geopolitics in this world. :coffee:

wow - Have you forgotten that U.S is still the super power and has a gdp almost 2 times more than China? You are not yet there mate. It will take a decade atleast for China to catchup with US. And your statement about internet fanboys and real geopolitics. I will not even comment on that.
wow - Have you forgotten that U.S is still the super power and has a gdp almost 2 times more than China? You are not yet there mate. It will take a decade atleast for China to catchup with US. And your statement about internet fanboys and real geopolitics. I will not even comment on that.

So what? Who has more growth power and manufacturing power?

The time has changed, US now has no power to decide everything in China's backyard. :coffee:
wow - Have you forgotten that U.S is still the super power and has a gdp almost 2 times more than China? You are not yet there mate. It will take a decade atleast for China to catchup with US. And your statement about internet fanboys and real geopolitics. I will not even comment on that.

My friend,

He can says a lot more than that caused his on a very SAFE country, whatever happens with China in the futures it will not effecting him much. One more thing and it also big that his will be "Proud to be a Chinese" in a very SAFE and PEACEFUL country [Canada].

Wasn't Canada has very good systems that for education and health care? If it a YES then whoever Chinese lives in there should be re-enter to school and go to hospital check up. It's FREE anyway and goes till they can while its can before CHINA getting HIGH to drawing maps again.
So what? Who has more growth power and manufacturing power?

Time has changed, US has no power to change everything in China's backyard. :coffee:

You have your potential but you are not there yet. I would again say wait for a decade. Anything can change in a decade . You assume that it is going to be a 1-1 tussle between US and China. Geopolitics does not work that way. China is trying SCO, ASEAN+3, U.S. is trying TPP trying to rope in Japan and Korea and Obama has announced that US is there to stay in APAC. The picture is not clear yet.

So I suggest wait and watch instead of us being internet warriors.

Involving yourself in disputes unrelated to you has a price.

Again my question remains - why isnt it unrelated? India was invited to ASEAN as observer and Japan is trying to get India a membership but for its own interests. So why isn't it unrelated expressing a opinion about ASEAN?
You have your potential but you are not there yet. I would again say wait for a decade. Anything can change in a decade . You assume that it is going to be a 1-1 tussle between US and China. Geopolitics does not work that way. China is trying SCO, ASEAN+3, U.S. is trying TPP trying to rope in Japan and Korea and Obama has announced that US is there to stay in APAC. The picture is not clear yet.

So I suggest wait and watch instead of us being internet warriors.

It won't take us more than 5 years to catch up US in nominal GDP, and most of ASEAN members favor our 10+1 over TPP.

At most they wanna seek the military ties with US.

However when it comes to the economic ties, China ALWAYS has the first priority.

This is China's ASEAN, if Viet and Pinoy don't like it, then just GTFO. :coffee:
wow - Have you forgotten that U.S is still the super power and has a gdp almost 2 times more than China? You are not yet there mate. It will take a decade atleast for China to catchup with US. And your statement about internet fanboys and real geopolitics. I will not even comment on that.

US has a large GDP and a large army. But I'm against Americans fighting a war that has nothing to do with Americans. Its time for Vietnamese and Philippinos to fight for themselves instead of having Americans spilling blood for them. US need to grow its economy and lower its unemployment rates first.

So what? Who has more growth power and manufacturing power?

The time has changed, US now has no power to decide everything in China's backyard. :coffee:

US still has the power. But US choose not to interfere with other's business. Territorial claims are something that Vietnam should work out with China instead of involving others.
What a shame! Cambodia as the Chair of ASEAN has failed miserably. Cambodia's stance has CHINA written all over it. It was mistake for ASEAN to have an unexperienced and poorer state than the Philippines to lead it. Very disappointing. It can't even protect his fellow ASEAN from the might of bully CHINA! my goodness! What a puppet state! ASEAN is so proud to model itself from the EU but in reality it can't unite! That is a stark contrast to the EU where they are all united. Shame on Cambodia, better replace them as chairman of the ASEAN , nothing will happen favorable to all members if still Cambodia holds the chairmanship. This nation can't protect the interest of it's associates.

Philippine is so childish in diplomacy, without the support of CHina and US, just want kidnapping other ASEAN countries for your own territorial disputes, even Minister of Foreign Affairs of VN didn't support Philippines openly, Philippine should learn more on diplomacy

US has a large GDP and a large army. But I'm against Americans fighting a war that has nothing to do with Americans. If time for Vietnamese and Philippinos to fight for themselves instead of having Americans spilling blood for them. US need to grow its economy and lower its unemployment rates first.

See my postings above. I have not mentioned fighting a war or military power of US anywhere. My postings are only about TPP and Vietnam and Philippines joining that forum instead of ASEAN+3. Not sure where you got the idea.
I laugh at the Indians getting their panties in a bunch over matters unrelated to them. 1962 must have hurt alot.
Oh darn! 1962 again!! You Chinese are like a goddamn broken record with the needle stuck forever in the grove! You Chinese conveniently forget the hiding you guys received at the hands of the Indian Army at Nathula in 1967 when 400 of your robot soldiers lay dead as dodos and scores of your artillery gun positions and pill boxes destroyed beyond recognition.

And the way you fellas ran away from the Somdorongchu Valley in Arunachal Pradesh in the 1980s without the IA even firing a shot, isn't even funny! :cheesy:

Let me know if you want further details. Otherwise STFU!
See my postings above. I have not mentioned fighting a war or military power of US anywhere. My postings are only about TPP and Vietnam and Philippines joining that forum instead of ASEAN+3. Not sure where you got the idea.

US have enough of military alliances and fight enough war for others. Its time for US to protect its own porous borders instead of looking after other. These SE Asian countries need to learn how to protect themselves instead of relying on others.
Philippine is so childish in diplomacy, without the support of CHina and US, just want kidnapping other ASEAN countries for your own territorial disputes, even Minister of Foreign Affairs of VN didn't support Philippines openly, Philippine should learn more on diplomacy

I have to agree. I was surprised by the amateur level of diplomatic response in the Philippines. I mean, send a MILITARY vessel to the area? It was a good thing China decided not to respond in kind and only sent civilian ships, or else the situation could escalate.

I can guarantee you that Uncle Sam won't lift a finger to help the Philippines in that case and they'll have to fend for themselves with an antique navy against the biggest navy in Asia. Not to mention the economic devastation.

What were the leaders thinking? Sending a military vessel against China with no cards in hand has got to be one of the Dumbest Moves Ever. Seriously.
US have enough of military alliances and fight enough war for others. Its time for US to protect its own porous borders instead of looking after other. These SE Asian countries need to learn how to protect themselves instead of relying on others.

TPP is a free trade forum which US is trying to forge with countries from Pacific, Asia and South America. It is in the best interests of U.S in terms of geo politics and economy. So I do not still get it when you talk in terms of military alliances. Mate - we are talking apples and oranges here.
The person should wake up that is YOU and YOU can not prove to me or the other member here that Viet Nam getting mad on Cambodia or any matter related whatever YOU just claimed. You Claim like a China claims at SCS? So Canada should watch out cause just a matter of time, China will start to drawing maps during its getting HIGH too. That will make you pleased due to you can AUTOMATIC unify with YOURS Mainland people.

Whatever, you Viets are now on your own, and there is no free meal in this world and stop begging others for everything.
I have to agree. I was surprised by the amateur level of diplomatic response in the Philippines. I mean, send a MILITARY vessel to the area? It was a good thing China decided not to respond in kind and only sent civilian ships, or else the situation could escalate.

I can guarantee you that Uncle Sam won't lift a finger to help the Philippines in that case and they'll have to fend for themselves with an antique navy against the biggest navy in Asia. Not to mention the economic devastation.

What were the leaders thinking? Sending a military vessel against China with no cards in hand has got to be one of the Dumbest Moves Ever. Seriously.

Philippines did not send any military vessels, just a coast guard cutter.
Also, there were some maids on the ships. They were hoping that Chinese ships would transport them to Hong Kong and thus save some air fare.

TPP is a free trade forum which US is trying to forge with countries from Pacific, Asia and South America. It is in the best interests of U.S in terms of geo politics and economy. So I do not still get it when you talk in terms of military alliances. Mate - we are talking apples and oranges here.

South East Asian countries are generally very poor. They need to work with both US and China give them a hand. Why restrict business with one market if you can sell to both the largest and the 2nd largest market on earth.
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