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Indonesia Slams Asean Failure to Reach Resolution on South China Sea Disput

What China does is DIVIDE and CONQUER. She feeds the less developed countries like Cambodia with economic packages so that it can influence these countries into protecting its interest as what is happening now within ASEAN. The best thing for the Philippines,Vietnam is to start developing weapons and beef up its own defence.
I couldn't agree more. Actually China used to be a good neighbor. They were courteous and polite but that was just a ruse. It was a short termed diplomatic tactic designed to have countries help them with their economic recovery. Now we see China's real long term military strategy of dominance by means of military force. That's why the Philippines must strongly modernize the military year by year for self-defense like what Taiwan did. If they intend to attack at least we have the capability to defend our country. It's not about how big your enemy is but it's about the capability to defend. If you allow them to drag you then they will do that all the time.
Cambodians have shown the inability to lead. They have already made their own bad image.
not exactly. it's more like, it's time for them to stand up against VN. it seems like most Vietnamese people pretend to forget
"how much Cambodians hates what Vietnamese have done for them before 1975 and after 1975...just ask them, even the one
was born in Vietnam.
you may also need to ask youself "why Cambodia is backing China while Cambodia is Vietnam's allied?"
not exactly. it's more like, it's time for them to stand up against VN. it seems like most Vietnamese people pretend to forget
"how much Cambodians hates what Vietnamese have done for them before 1975 and after 1975...just ask them, even the one
was born in Vietnam.
you may also need to ask youself "why Cambodia is backing China while Cambodia is Vietnam's allied?"

hate or love ? let Cambodian people think.
dBut Mr. Hong did it roughly when Indonesia anf Singapore Ministers persuaded him tho find out consensus for it. He taken papers and went out.
is the comedia is good for China and Cambodian ? :P
not exactly. it's more like, it's time for them to stand up against VN. it seems like most Vietnamese people pretend to forget
"how much Cambodians hates what Vietnamese have done for them before 1975 and after 1975...just ask them, even the one
was born in Vietnam.
you may also need to ask youself "why Cambodia is backing China while Cambodia is Vietnam's allied?"

Only the Khmer Rouge supporters in Cambodia hate Vietnam. Cambodian people, who were the victims of the Khmer Rouge, contrary, they are grateful Vietnam.

Cambodia is now trying to be neutral, it is because a cause which everyone can see, it is aid "giant" [compared to the GDP of Cambodia] from China.
One reason that few people know, there is a dispute from the Temple of Preah Vihear between Cambodia and Thailand.
Cambodian government is afraid if she does not listen to China, then China will fully support Thailand in this dispute.

HOWEVER any reason, the failure of the Cambodian government in the rotational chair of ASEAN shows their inability to lead.
Indonesia: ASEAN must push on with South China Sea code

The Indonesian foreign minister met his Philippine counterpart on Wednesday, saying Southeast Asian nations must push forward with a "code of conduct" over the disputed South China Sea.

The comments came after disagreements at the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) meeting in Cambodia last week held up progress on the code, which is aimed at soothing tensions in the flashpoint waters.

Indonesian Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa met his counterpart Albert del Rosario in Manila on the first leg of a tour of ASEAN nations.

"ASEAN must continue to maintain its cohesion, its unity in addressing the issue of the South China Sea," Natalegawa told reporters.

He said both ministers agreed ASEAN should rally around basic principles concerning the South China Sea, including the implementation of the code of conduct to avoid conflicts in the area.

And he said he hoped his regional tour would result in a "common ASEAN position" on the waters, which would dispel the perception that the group is divided.

China claims sovereignty over nearly all of the resource-rich sea, which is home to vital shipping lanes, but ASEAN members the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia and Brunei have overlapping claims in the area.

The long-stalled code of conduct, strongly supported by the United States, is seen as a way of reducing the chances of a spat over fishing, shipping rights or oil and gas exploration tipping into an armed conflict.

But splits in Cambodia saw the Philippines accuse China of "duplicity" and "intimidation".

Tensions between the Philippines and China have worsened since April after a face-off began over the Scarborough Shoal, an outcropping of rocks in the South China Sea claimed by both countries.

The two ministers "agreed on the basic principles on how to reinforce the ten-member organization, in view of the failure of ASEAN to issue a joint communiqué... in Phnom Penh last week," the Philippine government said in a statement. — Agence France-Presse

What is interesting is that all ASEAN countries apart from puppet Combodia is against Chinese dictate and domination !
Thank you Indonesia for standing with your brothers in ASEAN, for understanding the importance of Code of Conduct.This is what all the ASEAN members should be doing, so that China will respect all the ASEAN members. A strong ASEAN is what we need to thwart the greedy Chinese ambition,excluding Cambodia, a whoring traitor selling their ASEAN brothers in exchange for money. ASEAN should really UNITE to show China, that it cannot bully its way around the so-called "South China Sea." Who the heck on earth owns the entire sea? That's simply ridiculous and could only claim coming from an aggressor with a dangerous evil agenda to control Southeast Asian region by shameless and fraudulent claims on shoals and islets hundred miles away its southernmost tip of its territory.
I see you Indians conveniently overlooked the fact that it was the Viet monkeys that started with the "chink" talk. Misery loves company and you guys are a match made in heaven.

Do not answer this Troll he has lost it along with CCP on SCS issue.
Thank you Indonesia for standing with your brothers in ASEAN, for understanding the importance of Code of Conduct.This is what all the ASEAN members should be doing, so that China will respect all the ASEAN members. A strong ASEAN is what we need to thwart the greedy Chinese ambition,excluding Cambodia, a whoring traitor selling their ASEAN brothers in exchange for money. ASEAN should really UNITE to show China, that it cannot bully its way around the so-called "South China Sea." Who the heck on earth owns the entire sea? That's simply ridiculous and could only claim coming from an aggressor with a dangerous evil agenda to control Southeast Asian region by shameless and fraudulent claims on shoals and islets hundred miles away its southernmost tip of its territory.
You are acting as if ASEAN is invincible. LOL Ever try to take on the Soviet Union back then?!
You are acting as if ASEAN is invincible. LOL Ever try to take on the Soviet Union back then?!
The mere fact you dictate to the ASEAN nations how this matter should be solved (one on one) is all the more reason why we should band together. Your game,your rule? Keep on dreaming. A mixture of superiority complex and grand delusion is a good recipe for defeat. We know the more you threaten to attack your small neighbors, the higher your chances not to do it because you will realize the wider International repercussion, and that you will only regret because it will cause a big dent to your economy. Plus surely your action will give an instant alliance among ASEAN with strong backing support of USA, Japan, S.Korea, Australia, India and even Russia or EU at the highest mammoth against China's greed.
a major setback for all Asean members! this point goes to China.

The club has showed its inability to unite and speak on the most important issue if one country opposes it, here in this case Cambodia. For Vietnam, it will draw consequences about this.
The mere fact you dictate to the ASEAN nations how this matter should be solved (one on one) is all the more reason why we should band together. Your game,your rule? Keep on dreaming. A mixture of superiority complex and grand delusion is a good recipe for defeat. We know the more you threaten to attack your small neighbors, the higher your chances not to do it because you will realize the wider International repercussion, and that you will only regret because it will cause a big dent to your economy. Plus surely your action will give an instant alliance among ASEAN with strong backing support of USA, Japan, S.Korea, Australia, India and even Russia or EU at the highest mammoth against China's greed.
Stop acting like a crybaby. Is the "international community" already your daddy or what? LOL
Stop acting like a crybaby. Is the "international community" already your daddy or what? LOL

He's nothing but a phony false flagger.

What these cry babies are missing is why should other ASEAN nations do Vietnam bidding. It's not like no one knows Vietnam is the actual aggressor in SCS. But I tell you though, they are doing a good job directing all the 'bully image' toward China. They know how to catch the mood of the west , I guess.

China, IMO, must keep an eye on Vietnam in the future for they could hurt you more ways than one with her deviousness.
He's nothing but a phony false flagger.

What these cry babies are missing is why should other ASEAN nations do Vietnam bidding. It's not like no one knows Vietnam is the actual aggressor in SCS. But I tell you though, they are doing a good job directing all the 'bully image' toward China. They know how to catch the mood of the west , I guess.

China, IMO, must keep an eye on Vietnam in the future for they could hurt you more ways than one with her deviousness.

The best solution is to let the crybaby out, especially Philippines. :coffee:
These ridiculous Chinese doesn’t know what are they talking about. The nerve to say those things even for a fact that you greedy Chinese come right at our doorstep claiming our territories. China is a certified territorial sea thief. You should be the one to learn to act in a manner that contributes to regional stability. Stop bullying us and your other loving peaceful neighbors and stop claiming our territories as yours! If you want go to the moon, venus, mars, jupiter, pluto or even the sun. Go and claim it yourselves. Take them home if you can freaks!

Philippine leader says he won’t yield in territorial dispute with China, will bolster military

By Associated Press, Updated: Monday, July 23, 10:06 PM

MANILA, Philippines — President Benigno Aquino III said Monday that the Philippines won’t back down in a South China Sea dispute with China and that his country’s military will soon get dozens of new aircraft and ships for maritime defense.

Aquino announced in his annual state of the nation address that more than 40 military aircraft — including attack helicopters and two newly refurbished C-130 cargo planes — and other weapons would be delivered in the next two years to bolster Philippine military muscle amid renewed territorial tensions in the South China Sea.

A second former U.S. Coast Guard cutter is to arrive soon from the United States, following a refurbished cutter that was relaunched by the Philippine navy last year as its largest and most modern warship.

Washington has also provided $30 million to strengthen the Philippine military in addition to helping establish a national coast watch center to help protect the country’s 36,000-kilometer (22,370-mile) coastline, Aquino said.

But he stressed that the Philippines hopes to forge a peaceful solution that will be acceptable to China.

A standoff erupted in April between Chinese and Philippine ships at Scarborough Shoal, which both countries claim. The territory is called Huangyan Island in China and Bajo de Masinloc in the Philippines. Aquino withdrew his country’s ships from the area last month as tensions with Beijing escalated, but Chinese government ships have stayed.

Some Philippine lawmakers have suggested that the Aquino administration tone down its rhetoric and quietly negotiate a compromise with China. A senator has described the lopsided feud as a clash between a mosquito and a dragon.

“There are those who say that we should let Bajo de Masinloc go. We should avoid the trouble,” Aquino said in his nationally televised speech before Congress. “But if someone entered your yard and told you he owned it, would you agree? Would it be right to give away that which is rightfully ours?”

“I do not think it excessive to ask that our rights be respected, just as we respect their rights as a fellow nation in a world we need to share,”
Aquino said, referring to China.

Taiwan, Malaysia, Vietnam and Brunei also have conflicting claims in the South China Sea. Many fear the resource-rich and busy waters could spark Asia’s next major armed conflict.

China, meanwhile, on Monday named the mayor and other officials of a new city it established last month under its southernmost Hainan province to administer all the disputed territories it claims in the South China Sea, the official Xinhua News Agency reported.

Xiao Jie was named mayor of Sansha city, which will have a military presence, Xinhua said.

Vietnam and the Philippines have protested the city’s establishment.

About 6,000 police officers were deployed to secure the House of Representatives, where Aquino spoke, and nearby roads. Several people were injured when riot police clashed with thousands of left-wing and trade union protesters who were seeking higher wages, land reform and a halt to alleged human rights violations.

Philippine leader says he won’t yield in territorial dispute with China, will bolster military - The Washington Post

Speak with one voice on China, Aquino urges Pinoys

MANILA, Philippines - Saying his government has bent over backwards in its dispute with China over the South China Sea, President Benigno Aquino III asked that Beijing "respect" the rights of the Philippines.

In his 3rd State of the Nation Address (SONA) on Monday, July 23, the President also urged Filipinos to "speak with one voice" so that he could relay "to logic of our stand" to China.

"This is not a simple situation, and there can be no simple solutions," the President said. "Rest assured: we are consulting experts, every leader of our nation, our allies—even those on the other side—to find a resolution that is acceptable to all."

He recalled that it was Manila that withdrew its warship from Scarborough Shoal as a "sign of our goodwill." The President added: "We chose not to respond to their media’s harangues. I do not think it excessive to ask that our rights be respected, just as we respect their rights as a fellow nation in a world we need to share."

The standoff between the Philippines and China in the Scarborough Shoal is almost on its 4th month. Just recently, Chinese vessels were also spotted in territories claimed by the Philippines in the Spratlys.

The President said his government "demonstrated utmost forbearance in dealing with this issue."

The South China Sea dispute proved to be a thorny issue in the last foreign ministers' meeting of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean). As a result, the unprecedented happened - the Asean ministers failed to come up with a joint communiqué. - Rappler.com

Speak with one voice on China, Aquino urges Pinoys
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