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Indonesia Slams Asean Failure to Reach Resolution on South China Sea Disput

Khmer Rouge is like a Taliban and China is like Al-Qaeda. They are partners in Crime!

Yeah, totally agreed. China was behind the scene and 100% aid and supplied at all cost for Cambodia aka Khmer Rouge. Now its back again and yet Khmer Rouge will be re-born again.

I am surprised that Cambodia, inspite of millions from China, played in favor of China. Is Hun sen losing power in Cambodia or what?

It is doesn't matter what or who will remains in play, the Cambodia politicians always calls out played double standard [I called flip-flop]
Very clever decision made by the rest of the ASEAN members, those Viets and Pinoys constantly bring up the troubles, next time these troublemakers need to be called out to solve their own problems. :coffee:
Yeah, totally agreed. China was behind the scene and 100% aid and supplied at all cost for Cambodia aka Khmer Rouge. Now its back again and yet Khmer Rouge will be re-born again.

It is doesn't matter what or who will remains in play, the Cambodia politicians always in played double standard [I called flip-flop]

But Hunsen came to power with the support of Vietnam. And he knows very well that China was the one who was supporting Polpot regime before Vietnam got rid of that regime. And looking at the conference, Indonesia and Singapore tried a last minute though a watered down communique and Cambodia instead of playing neutral blocked it. That is unfortunate.
Cambodia - China's pet poodle - should be thrown out of ASEAN, lock stock and barrel. How were they even allowed to sign up?

ASEAN should have vetoed Cambodia at the outset. But unfortunately, it looks as though ASEAN doesn't have the balls to go against Chinese diktats. If they are so overawed by China they should just hand over the South China Sea to them, UNCLOS be damned! Bellyaching won't do. When it comes to action ASEAN just slithers away. Jeeez!
A clear victory for China.

A wake up call for ASEAN countries, that they can not depend on ASEAN to protect national interest. Some hard strategic thinking will be required.
'Severe dent on ASEAN's credibility'

Foreign Minister Shanmugam regrets bloc's inability to agree on common statement on South China Sea dispute

PHNOM PENH - The Association of South-east Asian Nations' (ASEAN) failure to reach consensus and issue a joint communique at the end of its meetings in Cambodia this week - a first in the bloc's 45-year history - has put "a severe dent" on its credibility, said Singapore's Foreign Minister K Shanmugam.

The failure underscores deep divisions within the 10-member bloc amid conflicting territorial claims in the resource-rich South China Sea involving four of its members plus China and Taiwan.

Some members have traded blame on the failure while several officials have expressed disappointment with the outcome, which has cast doubt on plans to establish a regional economic community by 2015.

"To put it bluntly, it is a severe dent on ASEAN's credibility. We talk about issues in the world in past communiques, but we are unable to deal with something that's happening right here in the neighbourhood and say something about it," said Mr Shanmugam.

"It is absolutely clear to all of us that we ought not to take any sides on any disputes. That is out of the question.

"The question is whether we can come up with a consensus or form of reflecting a desire to move forward on these issues in a way that is win-win for everyone. … It is sad that we are not even able to agree on that. We talk about ASEAN centrality, ASEAN neutrality, ASEAN connectivity, ASEAN community in 2015, but before all of that, is the central issue of credibility."

The bloc's inability to agree on a communique is unprecedented, Indonesian Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa said. "This is strange territory for me," he told reporters. "It's very, very disappointing that, at this 11th hour, ASEAN is not able to rally around a certain common language on the South China Sea. We've gone through so many problems in the past, but we've never failed to speak as one."

The ministerial summit broke down on Thursday. Participants had earlier agreed on key aspects of a draft maritime Code of Conduct but talks foundered after China insisted the ASEAN forum was not the appropriate place to discuss the matter. An emergency meeting called for early yesterday morning failed to break the deadlock.

ASEAN Secretary-General Surin Pitsuwan said the Philippines and Vietnam wanted the communique to include a reference to a recent standoff between China and the Philippines at a shoal in the South China Sea claimed by both countries.

The Philippine Department of Foreign Affairs issued a statement yesterday lambasting host Cambodia - a close ally of China - for "consistently opposing any mention of the Scarborough Shoal".

Cambodian Foreign Minister Hor Namhong said his government does not support any side in the disputes, adding that the failure to issue a statement lies with all ASEAN members, not just Cambodia. "I have told my colleagues that the meeting of the ASEAN foreign ministers is not a court, a place to give a verdict about the dispute," he said.

However, Mr Yang Razali Kassim, Senior Fellow at the S Rajaratnam School of International Studies, said: "Cambodia has to take responsibility for this debacle, which has crucial lessons for ASEAN unity going forward."

He added: "This failure to display a united ASEAN stand on strategic issues when under pressure reflects Cambodia's leanings towards China, which Phnom Penh seemed to favour, over solidarity with fellow ASEAN members over the territorial dispute. In so doing, Cambodia as the ASEAN chair shows its lack of experience and diplomatic skill as chair to preserve ASEAN solidarity."

Associate Professor Antonio Rappa, Head of Management and Security Studies at SIM University's School of Business, said that in the next few weeks, "it will be important for ASEAN to reassert its position" and "come together".

The differences represent a learning experience for ASEAN, said Mr Surin, who added that the failure to issue a communique - which serves as a record of decisions at the summit - means that ASEAN will not be able to proceed on some of the action points it agreed to, such as a joint institute for peace and reconciliation to be located in Jakarta.

Mr Shanmugam also elaborated on the implications to Singapore. "I have previously remarked the international political environment is one where the rules are often unclear between big and small countries. We are a small country and, for us, the more rules of engagement and a structured framework within countries particularly in the region have to operate, the better it is for us. Otherwise, the smallest country on the totem pole would be left without rules." Agencies

Cambodia - China's pet poodle - should be thrown out of ASEAN, lock stock and barrel. How were they even allowed to sign up?

ASEAN should have vetoed Cambodia at the outset. But unfortunately, it looks as though ASEAN doesn't have the balls to go against Chinese diktats. If they are so overawed by China they should just hand over the South China Sea to them, UNCLOS be damned! Bellyaching won't do. When it comes to action ASEAN just slithers away. Jeeez!

Viet Nam was backed/vows for Cambodia to gets in ASEAN as a members that included Lao, Myanmar. I don't think ASEAN should kicks Cambodia out but the rest of ASEAN member exclude Cambodia will re-activate as SEATO with Japan, Korea, India and the rest of country which will wants to joint in.
I laugh at the Indians getting their panties in a bunch over matters unrelated to them. 1962 must have hurt alot.
Vietnam, Philippines and other countries should start looking at TPP closely. U.S has stated its intention in terms of economy and military to play a role in APAC and it is good news for these countries. ASEAN will be dominated by China in the coming years.

I laugh at the Indians getting their panties in a bunch over matters unrelated to them. 1962 must have hurt alot.

Why is it not related to India? India was sitting there in the conference as an observer right?
Vietnam, Philippines and other countries should start looking at TPP closely. U.S has stated its intention in terms of economy and military to play a role in APAC and it is good news for these countries. ASEAN will be dominated by China in the coming years.

TPP is just a ripoff of 10+1, US now can't even provide the decent military aid, let alone any tangible economic aid.

All you Internet fanboys simply have no slight idea about the real geopolitics in this world. :coffee:
By all means, I don't getting mad on Cambodia and more than likely I love to thanks them. Without they action as its on Chairman status right now that gives ASEAN has to look for the alternative routes like re-activate SEATO with a group who can against a giant and always hungry on Lands, Seas, Rivers.
Viet Nam was backed/vows for Cambodia to gets in ASEAN as a members that included Lao, Myanmar. I don't think ASEAN should kicks Cambodia out but the rest of ASEAN member exclude Cambodia will re-activate as SEATO with Japan, Korea, India and the rest of country which will wants to joint in.

Wake up Viet, just few days ago, you losers kept bragging the hell out about Cambodia is your closest ally who is going to side with you against China.

Unfortunately the reality won't side with a bunch of losers. :coffee:
Wake up Viet, just few days ago, you losers just bragged the hell out about Cambodia is your closest ally who is going to side with you against China.

Now the reality speaks for itself. :coffee:

The person should wake up that is YOU and YOU can not prove to me or the other member here that Viet Nam getting mad on Cambodia or any matter related whatever YOU just claimed. You Claim like a China claims at SCS? So Canada should watch out cause just a matter of time, China will start to drawing maps during its getting HIGH too. That will make you pleased due to you can AUTOMATIC unify with YOURS Mainland people.
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