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2nd PKR


guys just found this on the internet, a ww1 vintage machine gun on navy patrol boat (KAL Sambas II 401), anyone know what type is this (vickers,maxim, M1917.....etc?)
Not that old
M2 browning 12,7mm heavy machine gun modified with water cooled barrel
The rivets at the gun receiver and the cocking handle is the clue

We have older gun in our inventory, the cavalry forces still uses model 1919 rechambered to 7.62 NATO
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Indonesian Marine Amphibious Recon during joint exercise with 1st Special Forces Group-US PACOM 2016. Repost from @waluyosadewo



Indonesian Army 328th Pararaider Bn and Malaysian Airborne unit joint exercise "Linud Malindo 2016". Photo credit : Penkostrad.

Meanwhile, in neighboring country Phillipine...

International vessel collides with PHL Navy's BRP Tarlac

A Liberian-registered merchant tanker on Monday night collided with a Philippine Navy vessel in Zamboanga City.

The Philippine Navy said merchant tanker Tasco, with Filipino and Ukranian crew, collided with BRP Tarlac while the naval ship was anchored 1,000 yards south of Ensign Majini Pier at Naval Station Romulo Espaldon at around 7:46 p.m.

Rear Admiral Jorge Amba, commander of Naval Forces Western Mindanao, said no one was hurt among the crew members, but the naval vessel sustained a minor damage in the right forward bulwark and side ramp.

Philippine Coast Guard Zamboanga Station commander, Lt. Junior Grade Jimmy Berbo, said guardsmen have been sent to the area to investigate.

The merchant tanker, meanwhile, was prevented from leaving pending the investigation.

The tanker was headed to Bintulo, Malaysia when the incident happened.

Twenty one Filipinos are part of Tasco’s crew with Dominador Taguas Jr. as its captain.

BRP Tarlac arrived is the first ever strategic sealift vessel of the Philippine Navy. It was recently acquired by the Philippine government as part of a P3.87-billion two-vessel contract entered into with Indonesian shipbuilder PT Pal Persero.

The naval vessel is leading the naval blockade against the Abu Sayyaf Group in Mindanao.

It serves as the command and control ship of the Philippine Navy in its operations against the bandits. —with a report from Cedric Castillo and Joseph Tristan Roxas/DVM/ALG/RSJ, GMA News

- See more at: http://www.gmanetwork.com/news/stor...th-phl-navy-s-brp-tarlac#sthash.JXkudlmN.dpuf
Not that old
M2 browning 12,7mm heavy machine gun modified with water cooled barrel
The rivets at the gun receiver and the cocking handle is the clue

We have older gun in our inventory, the cavalry forces still uses model 1917 rebarreled to 7.62 NATO

When you say it, the gun receiver resembles M2 browning indeed. But why would they switch from air to water cooled? The water system seems a bit complicated when it comes to maintenance or change barrel time. And also it makes the gun heavier although it ain't a matter since it's fix mounted.
Any idea?
Sorry if my curiosity kicks in:D
nice inovation
hope neighbourhood country that have 'dopper tradition' will be interested...export opportunity.. :D

Litbang TNI AD Ciptakan Senapan "Dopper" Untuk Tembaki dan Uji Nyali Prajurit Komando

Militer Indonesia dikenal memiliki tradisi “gila” dalam berlatih, yakni latihan dopper. Latihan ini senyatanya bertujuan menguji nyali prajurit, mereka wajib merayap di lahan berlumpur dengan satu atau lebih pelatih menembaki kiri kanan mereka dengan peluru tajam.

“Tidak boleh ada keraguan atau kesalahan, harus merayap rata tanah, lurus dan jangan berhenti. Kalau berhenti, pelatih akan makin rajin menembaki di sekitarnya. Kalau sampai panik, malah bisa kena tembak. Sudah banyak korban dari latihan ini,” tutur Kapten Inf Ony Mulyanto, perwira Dinas Penelitian dan Pengembangan TNI AD saat Pameran Teknologi di Solo, Kamis (12/8).

Ony memaparkan, karena sifat latihan yang sangat berisiko, para peneliti senjata di TNI AD berupaya menciptakan senjata khusus untuk latihan dopper. “Sampai saat ini belum ada negara yang menciptakan senjata khusus itu, ya karena tidak semua negara punya tradisi dopper,” terangnya.

(Kapten Inf Ony Mulyanto dengan senapan khusus dopper | Ari Kristyono)

“Bobotnya lebih besar, tidak masalah karena toh ini tidak akan dibawa lari-lari, penembak pasti menggunakan sandaran. Tapi ada empat karakter yang wajib dimiliki, yakni suaranya harus keras untuk mengusik moril, akurasi tembakan, endurance harus tahan digunakan berjam-jam, serta peluru dibikin tumpul supaya kalau kena lumpur muncratnya tinggi tapi aman tidak mudah memantul,” jelasnya.

Senapan khusus itu, kata Ony sudah selesai menjalani seluruh tahap uji. Namun apakah akan diproduksi, dirinya mengaku tidak tahu.

“Kalau jadi diproduksi, pasti nanti PT Pindad yang bikin. Tentu saya berharap ini diproduksi, karena TNI membutuhkan ini untuk menghasilkan prajurit komando yang semakin berkualitas,” tandasnya. (Timlo)


Five F-16 Fighters From US Grant Coming in Magetan Soon


MAGETAN, KOMPAS.com - Five units of F-16 fighter aircraft donated to the Government of the United States of America to Indonesian Air Force will arrive at the Air Force Base Iswahjudi, Magetan, East Java, on Wednesday (09/21/2016).

The United States government grant F-16 fighter aircraft to the Air Force gradually.

"Nine planes have been given one year prior to the Air Force. Total of all fighter aircraft F-16, which will be donated to the Air Force as many as 24 units, "said the Commander of Air Operations 1, Marsma TNI Yuyu Sutisna, in Iswahjudi Air Force Base, Tuesday (20/09/2016) afternoon.

Sutisna said, five F-16 fighter aircraft were granted the US government will be directly used in the peak of Air Force Exercise Angkasa Yudha held late September in Tanjung Pandan, Belitung Bangka. Even entire fighter pilot who will operate the aircraft was already prepared.

"Tomorrow, so come directly performed administrative processes reception and immediately used at the time of this exercise," said Sutisna.

He added that the aircraft is a grant but still needed improvement. For the repair costs are borne grant from the Air Force.

The presence of five F-16 fighter planes from the United States grant will increase the maximum capacity in the pre-workout Angkasa Yudha. Five F-16 aircraft that recently granted by the United States planned to be given a new squadron in Pekan Baru named squadron 16.



Yonif Mekanis 413 Bremoro. Photo credit to Pen Divif 2 Kostrad.


Yon Armed 12. Photo credit to Pen Divif 2 Kostrad.


Yon Arhanudri 2. Photo credit to Pen Divif 2 Kostrad.
Meanwhile, in neighboring country Phillipine...

International vessel collides with PHL Navy's BRP Tarlac

A Liberian-registered merchant tanker on Monday night collided with a Philippine Navy vessel in Zamboanga City.

The Philippine Navy said merchant tanker Tasco, with Filipino and Ukranian crew, collided with BRP Tarlac while the naval ship was anchored 1,000 yards south of Ensign Majini Pier at Naval Station Romulo Espaldon at around 7:46 p.m.

Rear Admiral Jorge Amba, commander of Naval Forces Western Mindanao, said no one was hurt among the crew members, but the naval vessel sustained a minor damage in the right forward bulwark and side ramp.

Philippine Coast Guard Zamboanga Station commander, Lt. Junior Grade Jimmy Berbo, said guardsmen have been sent to the area to investigate.

The merchant tanker, meanwhile, was prevented from leaving pending the investigation.

The tanker was headed to Bintulo, Malaysia when the incident happened.

Twenty one Filipinos are part of Tasco’s crew with Dominador Taguas Jr. as its captain.

BRP Tarlac arrived is the first ever strategic sealift vessel of the Philippine Navy. It was recently acquired by the Philippine government as part of a P3.87-billion two-vessel contract entered into with Indonesian shipbuilder PT Pal Persero.

Well, wonder if the ship still in retention or guarantee period? Whether Phillipine wants to make insurance claim pr not, PT. PAL must have good aftersales service to prove it really is professional exporter.
After all, satisfied customers will surely help PT. PAL,s marketing effort
When you say it, the gun receiver resembles M2 browning indeed. But why would they switch from air to water cooled? The water system seems a bit complicated when it comes to maintenance or change barrel time. And also it makes the gun heavier although it ain't a matter since it's fix mounted.
Any idea?
Sorry if my curiosity kicks in:D
Well, with water cooling device you don't have to change barrel during battle
You can maintain high rate of fire without worrying about overheated barrel
It is not complicated, as the addition is just water tank shroud connected to water reservoir
We don't see it often now because the system is quite heavy
Just like you said, it is not a problem since it is intended for mounted operation only
Well, wonder if the ship still in retention or guarantee period? Whether Phillipine wants to make insurance claim pr not, PT. PAL must have good aftersales service to prove it really is professional exporter.
After all, satisfied customers will surely help PT. PAL,s marketing effort

Too bad...

Afaik...Collision is not an item under factory guarantee.
But if PT. PAL can provide a repair to that ship like new one, it would be good reputation.
The cost should put to the foregin ship that hit Tarlac.
Too bad...

Afaik...Collision is not an item under factory guarantee.
But if PT. PAL can provide a repair to that ship like new one, it would be good reputation.
The cost should put to the foregin ship that hit Tarlac.

Important for PAL to deliver good aftersales service when it needed by their overseas customer e.g. repairment. AFAIK collission is not part of guarantee, damage caused by user error or other party. But I dont know if BRP Tarlac in the maintenance period after delivery have insurance on her.

Picture below show minor damage in her right forward bulwark and side ramp. www.sunstar.com.ph
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Related news to infrastructure in border area:

Telkomsel Expands 3G Network in Natuna and Anambas




Telkomsel continues to expand its 3G network in the Natuna islands in the Riau Islands and Anambas to remote even reach the outermost points directly adjacent to some neighboring countries, namely Vietnam, Cambodia, Singapore, and Malaysia.

Telkomsel's network expansion is done in an attempt to strengthen the commitment to provide benefits in the foremost islands and border areas of the country.

"The presence of Telkomsel in Natuna and Anambas which is the outermost islands of state borders would further strengthen the maintenance of the Republic of Indonesia as an archipelagic country," said Executive Vice President Telkomsel Sumatera Area Bambang Supriogo, Wednesday (09/21/2016).

Bambang added that the presence of telecommunications facilities can enhance national defense at the same time unite the Indonesian nation in the various islands in the Indonesian archipelago.

"We hope more open access to telecommunications can help the military and especially with the various operational activities of soldiers serving on the frontline in maintaining the integrity of the state," said Bambang.

Expansion of network coverage do Telkomsel among others by building 15 new base transceiver stations (BTS) in which the 10 base stations which were built in Natuna to reach many areas, such as Serasan Island and Island Midai, as well as the region outer Ranai, including the new headquarters of the TNI located Composite Company in Complex Kesatrian Marines Navy, South Bunguran.

Meanwhile, five more base stations built in Anambas Island that serves Terempa. Of the 15 new base stations, base stations 13 of which are 3G base stations. With the addition of 15 new base stations, now totally Telkomsel is already operating 59 BTS, including 22 3G base stations, to provide comfort communications services for tens of thousands of customers in Natuna and Anambas.

To continue the expansion of the mat in Natuna and Anambas network, SingTel taking steps that are not easy, especially in terms of mobilization of the device that must come from outside the island and had to take the difficult terrain.

"Despite the challenges, the development of telecommunications infrastructure in Natuna and fixed Anambas we did as a tangible commitment to build on the island's leading Telkomsel to align with other cities in Indonesia," said Bambang.


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