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Indonesia Defence Forum

The message that appeared on the last bit of the video (@2:20) is a bit ironic given his presidency is so willing to kill the IFX project or so appears from the outside anyway. Don't get me wrong, I'm fond of Jokowi and I understand he does have his priority in order, but as have been discussed above, he seems to be surrounded with the wrong people when it comes to strategic & security planning, not helping as well that those around him is mostly from the "infantry strong" school of thoughts (Ryamizard, Panjaitan, Wiranto). At least in SBY presidency had Djoko Suyanto and the legendary Purnomo Yusgiantoro.

During SBY era, i was among one of them who think SBY decision to pick Mr Yusgiantoro as MINDEF was a wrong cdecision. Then he proved me to be wrong.

When President Jokowi selected Mr Ryamizard as MINDEF i was enthusiastic given his record in the past, don't get me wrong he is indeed have a very assertive personality, which i like. But the progress of our MEF under his period is almost stuck, Jokowi era as of today literally brought no new Alutsista into our inventory. Even this KFX project which was started by previous administration is currently threatened. Then the Su-35 contract which still far from completion.
During SBY era, i was among one of them who think SBY decision to pick Mr Yusgiantoro as MINDEF was a wrong cdecision. Then he proved me to be wrong.

When President Jokowi selected Mr Ryamizard as MINDEF i was enthusiastic given his record in the past, don't get me wrong he is indeed have a very assertive personality, which i like. But the progress of our MEF under his period is almost stuck, Jokowi era as of today literally brought no new Alutsista into our inventory. Even this KFX project which was started by previous administration is currently threatened. Then the Su-35 contract which still far from completion.

R U BLIND or what? Yes, if you compared it with SBY era, JKW government acquire/bought less Alutsista BUT there are still some notable procurement such as:

New C-130, new hospital ship, 17 new helicopters, etc, all contract signing that you can google easily

Not to mention that under his presidency TNI build new bases and increase its force structure in Natuna and Papua (New armada, koopsau, Marine Force, and 3rd Kostrad Infantry Division) which certainly takes a large budget

And no, i'm not cebong, these achievement are just a simple fact that you choose not to see
Tinggal masalahnya sekarang bandwith satelitnya dari mana? Satelite nya sopo? Kalau optical package masih bisa beli jadi, tapi flight control, guiding system harus kembangkan sendiri, itu belum lagi urusan komunikasi nya (yang paling rawan). Walaupun misalnya kita punya satelit khusus sekalipun, masih tetap rawan kalau masih belum mampu develop strong encryption pada transport dan application layer nya. Kalau cuma sekedar encryption pada air interface (link layer) saja itu sich kalau menurut saya encryption abal2x.

Satelit bri ,satelit telkom yg baru pengganti telkom 1 dan satelit internet atau HTS , sudah ada . ttransponder ku band pake nya , aslinya drone US pake ka band ,kita ku band saja cukup .

Untuk ISR ,pt DI nanti akan ToT dg pemenang male ada beritanya kok ,karena sistem lebih teruji .. Data link yg anti jamming itu kan rumit pt LEN kalo riset kelamaan ,karena beda data link di drone dg tactical datalink seperti link16 .. Di drone arusnya komunikasinya full duplex , ada acakan frekuensi tiap detik berapa kali bukan tiap menit dan juga data yg terkunci pake enkripsi digital .jadi kalo pun bisa dibuka data nya waktu untuk melihat pun hanya ga ada hitungan sedetik . ini teknologi anti jamming data link di drone.

Drone male ini murni design rancangan indonesia tapi sistem pake teknologi luar .
Pindad akan buat prototipe senjata "Cornershot" untuk skala industri.


Selain senjata Cornershot, Pindad pada tahun ini juga akan mengembangkan senapan SS kaliber 7,62mm, pistol polimer dan "heavy barrel", munisi kaliber besar yakni 90mm serta 105mm, dan subsistem kendaran tempur 8x8.

Cornershot merupakan senjata yang pernah didesain pada awal tahun 2000-an untuk kebutuhan personel SWAT Amerika Serikat dan pasukan khusus dalam situasi genting, seperti pembebasan sandera dan pemberantasan teroris.

Fungsi senjata ini mirip dengan teropong senapan penembak jitu atau "sniper", yang memungkinkan penggunanya melihat dan menembak lawannya dalam posisi bersembunyi.
yea if jokowi win again his mindef maybe buy "disaster relief" alusista
no more offensive weapon, we dont have war , we are friends with everyone
Kembangkan panser Anoa gurun, Pindad incar pasar Timur Tengah


Anoa 3 adalah panser Anoa yang memiliki mesin lebih bertenaga, kemampuan lintas medan yang lebih luas," kata General Manajer Senjata Pindad Yayat Ruyat di Sentul, Bogor, Jawa Barat, Selasa.

Nanti ada juga kemampuan untuk menghadapi serangan Nubika atau nuklir, biologi, dan kimia. Jadi kalau ada serangan itu, mampu menghadapinya. Selain itu ada penyempurnaan-penyempurnaan dari Anoa yang ada," ujar Yayat.

"Kendaraan-kendaraan tempur kita baik itu Anoa 3 maupun tank dapat ditambahkan juga dengan pelat keramik tambahan (add-on ceramic).Pada saat ada serangan rudal atau amunisi yang menggunakan energi kinetik, maka serangan ini hanya akan menghancurkan pelat keramiknya saja yang kemudian mudah dicopot dan diganti lagi, sedangkan bodi utama pansernya, termasuk personel di dalamnya masih aman," kata Yayat.
Pindad berencana "groundbreaking" pabrik amunisi kaliber sedang 2020


"Untuk ekspor ini sangat terbuka, kalau kita melihat data yang ada di global, pada saat ini perkembangan di ASEAN maupun di Asia Pasifik dikarenakan konstelasi geopolitik dan hubungan antarnegara yang sedang panas seperti Laut China Selatan, hubungan India-Pakistan, Semenanjung Korea menjadikan kebutuhan untuk amunisi ini sangat besar," ujarnya.

"Berdasarkan data yang disampaikan oleh perwakilan dari Asisten Perencanaan Umum Panglima TNI bahwa untuk rencana strategis atau renstra lima tahun mendatang terdapat dana Rp3 triliun, jadi dengan kita melakukan produksi sendiri kita bisa menghemat devisa triliunan rupiah," tuturnya.

Selain itu, menurut Yayat, penguasaan teknologi amunisi kaliber sedang juga memiliki nilai strategis yakni Indonesia bisa mandiri, memiliki daya tawar dan daya gentar terhadap ancaman yang datang dari luar.
The first foremost intention of Indonesian participation in this is to expand PT DI knowledge in Aircraft designs in order to develop its own designs based on a foreign design. The same way was used in almost all recent ToT projects, at the end of the day, Indonesia would likely develop new products based on what has been learned. PT PAL did that with the LPD and now it is doing the same thing with PKR Frigates.

Do you want to start flaming war again? Tone down your language.

If you have no long term commitment from the beginning .... why did Indonesia agree to sign a participation of 20% in the KFX/IFX project with South Korea ? Did you read a detail term and condition at the agreement ? If not ...please blame by yourselves for that very very "amateur" behavior which already badly damage your reputation ... :crazy::D:blah:
M16 is still very good for training beginner shooter (accurate, lightweight, low recoil, and easy to shoot), IMO is far better for beginner to training using M16 before moving to anything with piston such as AKM, SS2 or HK416
M-16 in TNI inventory are the A1 version, it still uses older NATO standard bullet (55grain M193 from the 1960's, pindad's Code: MU4-TJ) and not compatible with SS-1/SS-2 bullet (62 grain SS109, pindad's code: MU5-TJ) due to different rifling twist used in the rifle barrel.
so yeah, it's a problem if they are still using M-16A1, because pindad doesn't produce 55 grain 5.56mm bullets anymore.
Indonesia prepares to launch third Nagapasa-class submarine
Ridzwan Rahmat, Singapore - Jane's Navy International
10 April 2019

Indonesian state-owned shipbuilder PT PAL will launch the country’s third Nagapasa (Type 209/1400)-class diesel-electric submarine (SSK) on 11 April.

According to details provided in an invitation card of the event that was forwarded toJane’s , the vessel, Alugoro (405), will be launched at 1000 h local time in Surabaya, Indonesia on that day.

The vessel was initially scheduled to be launched on 12 April, but the date has been brought forward to accommodate the schedule of VIPs who will be present at the event, an industry source has informed Jane’s .

Alugoro is the first-ever submarine to be assembled locally at PT PAL’s facilities in Surabaya.

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(107 of 297 words)

The message that appeared on the last bit of the video (@2:20) is a bit ironic given his presidency is so willing to kill the IFX project or so appears from the outside anyway. Don't get me wrong, I'm fond of Jokowi and I understand he does have his priority in order, but as have been discussed above, he seems to be surrounded with the wrong people when it comes to strategic & security planning, not helping as well that those around him is mostly from the "infantry strong" school of thoughts (Ryamizard, Panjaitan, Wiranto). At least in SBY presidency had Djoko Suyanto and the legendary Purnomo Yusgiantoro.

Who said he wants to kill it?

.. "Dalam pertemuan tersebut, Wiranto membawa pesan Presiden Indonesia Joko Widodo (Jokowi) yang memutuskan melanjutkan program kerja sama pengembangan jet tempur KF-X/IF-X. Keputusan ini dibuat dengan mempertimbangkan hubungan strategis (strategic partnership) antara Indonesia dan Korea Selatan yang selama ini sudah berjalan dengan baik dan semakin erat."



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