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M-16 in TNI inventory are the A1 version, it still uses older NATO standard bullet (55grain M193 from the 1960's, pindad's Code: MU4-TJ) and not compatible with SS-1/SS-2 bullet (62 grain SS109, pindad's code: MU5-TJ) due to different rifling twist used in the rifle barrel.
so yeah, it's a problem if they are still using M-16A1, because pindad doesn't produce 55 grain 5.56mm bullets anymore.

I had seen much of our second line units stil using Cetme, Ak from Bulgary, and so on
Ngegosip dulu ah.....

Kode keras dari wish list nih yeee...

Gosip : makin digosok makin sip

One squadron in Kupang another in Borneo


Dr IG military buzz

See this Instagram photo by @military_buzz
Satelit bri ,satelit telkom yg baru pengganti telkom 1 dan satelit internet atau HTS , sudah ada . ttransponder ku band pake nya , aslinya drone US pake ka band ,kita ku band saja cukup .

Kita wilayah tropis mas, kalau pakai Ka-Band urusannya langganan RTO (request time out) nanti (walaupun terbang di udara sekalipun). Paling cocok memang Ku-Band untuk wilayah tropis karna karakteristik nya ditengah tengah antara C-Band dan Ka-Band

Untuk ISR ,pt DI nanti akan ToT dg pemenang male ada beritanya kok ,karena sistem lebih teruji .. Data link yg anti jamming itu kan rumit pt LEN kalo riset kelamaan ,karena beda data link di drone dg tactical datalink seperti link16 .. Di drone arusnya komunikasinya full duplex , ada acakan frekuensi tiap detik berapa kali bukan tiap menit dan juga data yg terkunci pake enkripsi digital .jadi kalo pun bisa dibuka data nya waktu untuk melihat pun hanya ga ada hitungan sedetik . ini teknologi anti jamming data link di drone.

Drone male ini murni design rancangan indonesia tapi sistem pake teknologi luar .

Kalau sudah ke data link yang jamming proof itu kalau saya bilang itu "Kawah candradimuka" nya telekomunikasi. Dan sangat kecil kemungkinannya ada yang mau kasih ToT sampai full ke algorithm atau low-level nya. Karena mengantisipasi jamming itu khan kaitannya yang paling utama adalah encoding pada transport layer dan frequency agile pada tingkat link (air interface) nya, dan yang pasti butuh beli jadi yang siap pakai karena kalau mempelajari itu butuh waktu yang sangat lama dan pola pikir yang cocok.
Indonesia to export Anoa 3 Panzer for Middle East
10th Apr 2019 22:51


PT Pindad's General Manager of Weapons, Yayat Ruyat. (ANTARA/Aji Cakti)

Jakarta (ANTARA) - Indonesia's state-owned enterprise producing military and commercial products, PT Pindad, has planned to develop Anoa 3 panzer to be known as Anoa desert, which would then be exported to Middle East countries.

“Anoa 3 is a panzer with more powerful engines and wider cross-field capabilities,” said General Manager of Weapons at PT Pindad, Yayat Ruyat in Sentul, West Java, on Tuesday.

He stated that Anoa 3 panzer will be able to cross difficult terrains, like deserts. So it will be offered to countries in the Middle East region.

“There is already a request for this panzer in Saudi Arabia. They have not stated the number, but they are interested in it and will try our Anoa panzer there,” Ruyat noted.

Besides being capable of crossing difficult terrains, this panzer will be equipped with instruments to face nuclear, biological, and chemical attacks.

“They will be able to take on nuclear attacks, and we will also improve the features of the existing Anoas,” he said.

According to Ruyat, the Anoa 3 is also equipped with an additional protection system, such as a protective ceramic plate that would be able to withstand rocket-propelled grenade (RPG) attacks.

“Our panzer, whether it is an Anoa 3 or a tank could be equipped with an add-on ceramic, so when there are missile attacks, the missile would only destroy the ceramic plate. The vehicle and the personnel inside are expected to be still safe,” he uttered.

The Anoa 3 panzer is one of the innovation targets that will be carried out by Pindad this year. Other innovations that will be developed by Pindad in 2019 also include the development of Cornershot weapon prototypes for industrial scale and a number of other main defense system tools.

Reporter: Azizah Fitriyanti, Safira Hali

Editor: Bambang Purwanto


Kemhan beri 50 sepeda motor ke Kodam I/BB
Rabu, 10 April 2019 22:11 WIB


Menteri Pertahanan (Menhan) Ryamizard Ryacudu (kiri) secara simbolis menyerahkan bantuan kepada Pangdam I Bukit Barisan Mayjen TNI MS Fadhilah (kanan) di Kodam I Bukit Barisan di Medan, Sumatera Utara, Rabu (10/4/2019). Bantuan sepeda motor sebanyak 50 unit dan sejumlah Alat Perlengkapan Khusus (Alkapsus) tersebut bertujuan untuk mendukung tugas prajurit TNI dalam menjaga keutuhan dan kedaulatan NKRI di wilayah teritorial Kodam I Bukit Barisan. ANTARA FOTO/Septianda Perdana

Medan (ANTARA) - Menteri Pertahanan Ryamizard Ryacudu menyerahkan 50 unit sepeda motor trail berteknologi navigasi cukup canggih kepada Panglima Kodam l/Bukit Barisan Mayor Jenderal TNI M Sabrar Fadhilah di Medan, Rabu.

Sebagai komando teritorial dengan beban tanggung jawab cukup besar dan wilayah operasi luas, pemerintah menyadari personel-personel di lingkup teritorial Kodam I/Bukit Barisan memerlukan sarana transportasi yang handal.

Apalagi Pemilu 2019 sudah ada di pelupuk mata sehingga tugas pengamanan itu harus semakin didukung sarana dan prasarananya.

Dengan begitu, pemberian sepeda motor trail buatan PT Pindad bernama Bimasakti itu bertujuan membantu prajurit TNI dalam tugas pengamanan di lapangan.

"Kodam l/Bukit Barisan ini kan luas. Diperlukan kecepatan dalam bertindak. Sepeda motor ini diharapkan mampu membantu tugas-tugas prajurit," ujar Ryamizard di aula Markas Kodam l/Bukit Barisan.

Untuk tahap awal, dia memberikan 25 unit sepeda motor trail Bimadakti hasil kerja tim di PT Pindad Engineering di Bandung.

"Sekarang 25 unit dululah nanti 50 unit, nanti kita bagikan sesuai rencana. Pergunakan sebaik-baiknya untuk menjalankan tugas," katanya.

Ryamizard yang 14 tahun masa dinas aktifnya di ketentaraan habis di medan-medan penugasan di dalam dan luar negeri juga berkisah sedikit tentang Kodam I/Bukit Barisan yang memberi warna tersendiri selama memimpin TNI AD.

Ia juga yang merintis konsep organisasi hingga operasionalisasi Batalyon Infantri/Raider yang dimiliki semua Kodam di Indonesia serta Peleton Pengintai Tempur Kostrad.

Menanggapi bantuan alat transportasi darat itu, Fadillah menyatakan bantuan sepeda motor ini akan sangat membantu prajurit dalam menjalankan tugas-tugas di lapangan.

"Apalagi tanggung jawab keamanan Kodam l/Bukit Barisan itu sangat luas. Kami sampaikan ucapan rasa syukur atas perhatian menteri pertahanan,” ujarnya.

Wilayah tanggung jawab Kodam I/Bukit Barisan adalah Sumatera Utara, Sumatera Barat, Riau Kepulauan dan Riau.

Perwira tinggi TNI AD yang pernah menjabat sebagai Kepala Pusat Penerangan TNI ini mengatakan bantuan ini memberikan semangat dan menambah kinerja untuk semakin lebih baik.

"Kami sangat bersyukur dan terima kasih atas perhatian Bapak Menteri, nanti kami atur pemberian Bapak agar semua dapat menambah moril dan memperlancar kami dalam menjalankan tugas," katanya.

Ia juga menyatakan, seluruh jajarannya siap mengamankan kelangsungan semua proses Pemilu 2019.

"Saya siaga di tempat, memastikan semuanya berjalan baik, apakah itu ke dalam internal kami ataupun ke luar dengan instansi lain terkait,” kata dia.
R U BLIND or what? Yes, if you compared it with SBY era, JKW government acquire/bought less Alutsista BUT there are still some notable procurement such as:

New C-130, new hospital ship, 17 new helicopters, etc, all contract signing that you can google easily

Not to mention that under his presidency TNI build new bases and increase its force structure in Natuna and Papua (New armada, koopsau, Marine Force, and 3rd Kostrad Infantry Division) which certainly takes a large budget

And no, i'm not cebong, these achievement are just a simple fact that you choose not to see

That's why i said the MEF progress was almost stuck, procurements is there but not significant and What i'm underline here is the LACK of firepower Alutsista procurement under his era. I'm worry that people surrounding Jokowi who believes that Indonesia will not go into war in the next 20 years, Fucking 20 Years! That's a dangerous assumption. And that's why i felt during his administration he focuses more to non-offensive developments and disaster relief based on that assumption. Not to mention our MINDEF doctrine under Mr Ryamizard is suspectedly "Infantry Strong"-type. I really hope i'm wrong, just complete the contract for Large Frigate and SU-35 already....

And No, this not about Cebong-Kampret discussion as well
That's why i said the MEF progress was almost stuck, procurements is there but not significant and What i'm underline here is the LACK of firepower Alutsista procurement under his era. I'm worry that people surrounding Jokowi who believes that Indonesia will not go into war in the next 20 years, Fucking 20 Years! That's a dangerous assumption. And that's why i felt during his administration he focuses more to non-offensive developments and disaster relief based on that assumption. Not to mention our MINDEF doctrine under Mr Ryamizard is suspectedly "Infantry Strong"-type. I really hope i'm wrong, just complete the contract for Large Frigate and SU-35 already....

And No, this not about Cebong-Kampret discussion as well
I do agree with you bro, at least we expect next batch of PKR and Su-35 but it seems still "abu-abu"
Indonesia to export Anoa 3 Panzer for Middle East
10th Apr 2019 22:51


PT Pindad's General Manager of Weapons, Yayat Ruyat. (ANTARA/Aji Cakti)

Jakarta (ANTARA) - Indonesia's state-owned enterprise producing military and commercial products, PT Pindad, has planned to develop Anoa 3 panzer to be known as Anoa desert, which would then be exported to Middle East countries.

“Anoa 3 is a panzer with more powerful engines and wider cross-field capabilities,” said General Manager of Weapons at PT Pindad, Yayat Ruyat in Sentul, West Java, on Tuesday.

He stated that Anoa 3 panzer will be able to cross difficult terrains, like deserts. So it will be offered to countries in the Middle East region.

“There is already a request for this panzer in Saudi Arabia. They have not stated the number, but they are interested in it and will try our Anoa panzer there,” Ruyat noted.

Besides being capable of crossing difficult terrains, this panzer will be equipped with instruments to face nuclear, biological, and chemical attacks.

“They will be able to take on nuclear attacks, and we will also improve the features of the existing Anoas,” he said.

According to Ruyat, the Anoa 3 is also equipped with an additional protection system, such as a protective ceramic plate that would be able to withstand rocket-propelled grenade (RPG) attacks.

“Our panzer, whether it is an Anoa 3 or a tank could be equipped with an add-on ceramic, so when there are missile attacks, the missile would only destroy the ceramic plate. The vehicle and the personnel inside are expected to be still safe,” he uttered.

The Anoa 3 panzer is one of the innovation targets that will be carried out by Pindad this year. Other innovations that will be developed by Pindad in 2019 also include the development of Cornershot weapon prototypes for industrial scale and a number of other main defense system tools.

Reporter: Azizah Fitriyanti, Safira Hali

Editor: Bambang Purwanto



IF they do procure Anoa, watch as the outlets say that it's VAB.
Major Indonesian Air Force (TNI AU) plans for 2020-2024:

Organization/Force Structure Policy
-Continuing zero accident achievement/policy
-Accelerating weapon procurement program
-Improving network-centric warfare capabilities
-More cadets in pilot training program
-3 new squadrons ( Sq. 33 in Makassar, sq. 27 in Biak, sq. 9 in Jayapura)
-3 new 'type c' AFB in Batam, Saumlaki, and Wamena
-Upgrades on several existing AFB
-3 new air defense units on 3 existing AFB: Natuna, Pekanbaru, and Madiun
-1 new air defense unit in Jakarta

-NASAMS (for Jakarta's new air defense unit???)
-Oerlikon Skyshield
-C-130J -Bombardier CL-415
-Tanker aircraft
-8 helicopters
-2 VIP helicopters
-replacement aircraft for retired F-5

interesting that he didn't specifically mentioned the type/name of aircraft for replacing the F-5 while he mentioned C-130 and CL-415 for transport and amphibious aircraft..........another signal about the problem on Su-35 procurement process??

Source: http://www.angkasareview.com/2019/0...n-udara-31-bakal-diisi-c-130j-super-hercules/

Indonesia to export Anoa 3 Panzer for Middle East
10th Apr 2019 22:51


PT Pindad's General Manager of Weapons, Yayat Ruyat. (ANTARA/Aji Cakti)

Jakarta (ANTARA) - Indonesia's state-owned enterprise producing military and commercial products, PT Pindad, has planned to develop Anoa 3 panzer to be known as Anoa desert, which would then be exported to Middle East countries.

“Anoa 3 is a panzer with more powerful engines and wider cross-field capabilities,” said General Manager of Weapons at PT Pindad, Yayat Ruyat in Sentul, West Java, on Tuesday.

He stated that Anoa 3 panzer will be able to cross difficult terrains, like deserts. So it will be offered to countries in the Middle East region.

“There is already a request for this panzer in Saudi Arabia. They have not stated the number, but they are interested in it and will try our Anoa panzer there,” Ruyat noted.

Besides being capable of crossing difficult terrains, this panzer will be equipped with instruments to face nuclear, biological, and chemical attacks.

“They will be able to take on nuclear attacks, and we will also improve the features of the existing Anoas,” he said.

According to Ruyat, the Anoa 3 is also equipped with an additional protection system, such as a protective ceramic plate that would be able to withstand rocket-propelled grenade (RPG) attacks.

“Our panzer, whether it is an Anoa 3 or a tank could be equipped with an add-on ceramic, so when there are missile attacks, the missile would only destroy the ceramic plate. The vehicle and the personnel inside are expected to be still safe,” he uttered.

The Anoa 3 panzer is one of the innovation targets that will be carried out by Pindad this year. Other innovations that will be developed by Pindad in 2019 also include the development of Cornershot weapon prototypes for industrial scale and a number of other main defense system tools.

Reporter: Azizah Fitriyanti, Safira Hali

Editor: Bambang Purwanto



So Anoa 3.0: more powerful engine, better off-road capabilities, NBC filter, and more protection against RPG

Hope that it will include BMS and RCWS in its standard configuration
Major Indonesian Air Force (TNI AU) plans for 2020-2024:

Organization/Force Structure Policy
-Continuing zero accident achievement/policy
-Accelerating weapon procurement program
-Improving network-centric warfare capabilities
-More cadets in pilot training program
-3 new squadrons ( Sq. 33 in Makassar, sq. 27 in Biak, sq. 9 in Jayapura)
-3 new 'type c' AFB in Batam, Saumlaki, and Wamena
-Upgrades on several existing AFB
-3 new air defense units on 3 existing AFB: Natuna, Pekanbaru, and Madiun
-1 new air defense unit in Jakarta

-NASAMS (for Jakarta's new air defense unit???)
-Oerlikon Skyshield
-C-130J -Bombardier CL-415
-Tanker aircraft
-8 helicopters
-2 VIP helicopters
-replacement aircraft for retired F-5

interesting that he didn't specifically mentioned the type/name of aircraft for replacing the F-5 while he mentioned C-130 and CL-415 for transport and amphibious aircraft..........another signal about the problem on Su-35 procurement process??

Source: http://www.angkasareview.com/2019/0...n-udara-31-bakal-diisi-c-130j-super-hercules/

So Anoa 3.0: more powerful engine, better off-road capabilities, NBC filter, and more protection against RPG

Hope that it will include BMS and RCWS in its standard configuration



Ooooh I love the headlight design. If only they eliminate the windshield and use periscopes instead.

Oh, btw...why didn't they make it V-Hull?

I don't know, i think its time for Pindad to stop Anoa make a new 6x6 series. Anoa its not even V-Hull

Pindad should be able to make a new 6x6 line considering that they already have cooperation in Kaplan Medium Tank, Pandur, and Bushmaster
Last edited:
Menhan Resmi Luncurkan Alugoro, Kapal Selam Pertama Buatan Anak Bangsa

Menhan Ryamizard Ryacudu. ©2016 merdeka.com/andrian salam wiyono

UANG | Kamis, 11 April 2019 11:43:12
Reporter : Idris Rusadi Putra
Merdeka.com - Menteri Pertahanan, Ryamizard Ryacudu meluncurkan kapal selam pertama buatan bangsa Indonesia yang diberi nama Alugoro di Dermaga Kapal Selam PT PAL Indonesia, Kawasan Tanjung Perak, Surabaya, Kamis (11/4).

Kepala Dispenal Laksamana Pertama TNI Mohamad Zaenal mengatakan, kapal selam itu merupakan pesanan ketiga TNI Angkatan Laut, dan hasil kerja sama antara perusahaan BUMN PT PAL Indonesia (Persero) dengan Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Co Ltd (DSME) Korea Selatan.

Kapal selam pertama yang bernama KRI Nagapasa-403 dirakit dan dibuat di Korea Selatan dan telah diresmikan pada 2 Agustus 2017 serta telah memperkuat armada RI, sedangkan kapal selam kedua bernama KRI Ardadedali 404 juga telah diresmikan di Galangan Daewoo, Korea.

Terkait nama, kata dia, Alugoro diambil dari cerita pewayangan, yang merupakan salah satu senjata berbentuk Gada dimiliki Prabu Baladewa yang merupakan tokoh wayang yang dikenal adil, tegas dan jujur.

Senjata Alugoro yang dimiliki Baladewa merupakan hadiah dari gurunya Batara Brama yang mengajarkan berbagai macam ilmu.

Senjata ini diberikan Batara Brama kepada Baladewa setelah dinyatakan lulus menuntut ilmu, dimana senjata ini memiliki kekuatan pemusnah berbentuk Gada dengan kedua ujungnya yang runcing.

Sebelumnya, nama Alugoro juga pernah digunakan sebagai nama kapal selam yang didatangkan dari Uni Soviet yaitu RI Alugoro406 yang merupakan bagian dari paket pengiriman 12 kapal selam Whiskey Class.

Pemberian nama Alugoro diharapkan bisa menginsipirasi TNI AL agar mampu melaksanakan tugas dan fungsinya, serta kapal selam ini bisa menjadi senjata yang memiliki daya hancur yang besar dan dahsyat serta tidak pernah kalah dalam setiap peperangan.

Sementara itu, spesifikasi umum Kapal Selam Alugoro adalah berjenis Diesel Electric Submarine U209 / 1400 (KSDE U209 Chang Bogo Class), dan memiliki panjang keseluruhan 61,3 meter dengan kecepatan mencapai 21 knot ketika berada di bawah air.

Kapal tersebut mampu membawa 40 kru dengan kemampuan jelajah hingga 50 hari dan di desain dengan "life time" atau usia mencapai 30 tahun, dengan bobot sebesar 1.460 ton saat muncul di permukaan, dan bonot 1.596 ton ketika menyelam di bawah permukaan.


I don't know, i think its time for Pindad to stop Anoa make a new 6x6 series. Anoa its not even V-Hull

Pindad should be able to make a new 6x6 line considering that they already have cooperation in Kaplan Medium Tank, Pandur, and Bushmaster
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