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70 Anniversary of Indonesian Armed Force (TNI) Parade






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Indonesian Tarantula Combat infantry support vehicle during Armed Forces Parade


Indonesian Marine Corps infantry personnel during Armed Forces parade, credit to original uploader


MONDAY, 05 OCTOBER, 2015 | 08:42 WIB
Papua TNI Commander: Defense Equipment in Papua Not Ideal

TEMPO.CO, Jayapura-Indonesian Armed Forces (TNI) main defense equipment in Indonesia or Papua is generally far from ideal, especially when compared with neighboring countries in Asia.

The statement was made by Regional Military Commander XVII/Cenderawasih Major General Hinsa Siburian when accompanied by Jayapura Airbase Commander Colonel Purwoku Aji Wibowo and Jayapura Military Sea Port X, Vice Commander Colonel Indarto Budiarto in an interactive dialogue at state radio RRI Nusantara V Jayapura, Monday morning, October 5, on the 70th Anniversary of the TNI.

“The armed forces’ defense equipment and well-being are related, in general existing defense equipment are not ideal when compared with other countries in Asia. But the TNI is relying on its identity, because TNI is soldier of the people and the country," said Major General Hinsa Siburian responding to a caller’s question.

Regarding, the welfare of soldiers who served in the interior or outer, he said the government is continuously paying attention to them in accordance with their level.

The military commander encourage the people to activate a neighborhood surveillance system in each housing complex, responding to requests to increasing military posts.

On the matter of the many Papua New Guinean citizens residing in Moso village, Muara Tami District, Jayapura, General Siburian said that he need to coordinate with relevant parties including the Border and International Cooperation Agency as well as the local government.

"We will see how it goes, things are developing rapidly, there is a market [in the village]. When I visited there last Thursday, the PNG residents were many, they have family relations [with locals]," he said.

Papua TNI Commander: Defense Equipment in Papua Not Ideal | National | Tempo.Co :: Indonesian News Portal


Public support paramount to making TNI stronger


President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) inspect the troops during a ceremony commemoration 70th anniversary of the Indonesian Armed Forces in Cilegon, Banten, on Monday (October 5, 2015). (ANTARA/Yudhi Mahatma/P003)

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) led a ceremony in Cilegon, Banten Province, on Monday to mark the 70th anniversary of the Indonesian National Defense Forces (TNI).

Themed "Together With People, TNI Becomes Strong, Great, Professional, and Ready to Realize an Independent and Sovereign Indonesia," the TNI anniversary this year is enlivened by sea combat demonstrations of war, shooting, invasion by tanks, combat jumps, and a sailing pass with combat formations.

Two Air Force jet fighters --- Sukhoi 27 and Sukhoi 30 --- demonstrated a short-range air combat, or "dogfight" to commemorate the TNI anniversary this year.

According to TNI Chief General Gatot Nurmantyo, the military deployed troops, combat vehicles, combat aircraft, and warships in land, sea, and air demonstrations to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the TNI.

"Never before since TNIs inception has it performed land, sea, and air demonstrations at a single location like it has done this year to mark its 70th anniversary," General Nurmantyo remarked.

He expressed hope that the TNI anniversary commemoration this year would offer the right momentum to improve the professionalism, discipline, and fighting spirit of the TNI soldiers in securing and maintaining the sovereignty of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI).

"The theme of the anniversary this year reflects the intentions, determination, patriotic spirit, and professionalism of the TNI soldiers to act and function better, with improved professionalism and capacity within the framework of the NKRI," the TNI chief noted.

While addressing TNIs 70th anniversary event, President Jokowi affirmed that the TNI was born from the people and must assert its identity as the peoples army.

"History has recorded that the TNI was born out of the people. The great Commander General Sudirman stated that the relationship between the TNI and the people was akin to that of fish and water. Fish will not live without water. It is the people who conceived, cared for, and raised the TNI," the president remarked.

He further reiterated that the TNI must affirm its identity as the army of the people; and to this end, the TNI should not forget the people, should not hurt the sentiments of the people, and should not stay away from the people.

"It is only by staying together with the people that the military can become strong in its duty and devotion to the nation and will be respected by other nations in the world," President Jokowi stated.

Besides this, the head of state said the TNI also has the identity of being combat soldiers, with willpower and unyielding spirit, to make the NKRI a sovereign and independent nation.

The head of state further asserted that the TNI has an important role and responsibility in various fields to maintain the integrity of the NKRI.

Jokowi noted that with a fighting spirit, the military must be able to maintain the sovereignty and integrity of the NKRI.

"The TNI should be able to confront those who illegally exploit our marine resources and fisheries. The TNI must be able to secure the border areas and the outer islands," he said, adding that the military should not be bound by race, religion, and class.

The TNI is one, the Armed Forces, which can stand united, irrespective of class, to defend personal and group interests as well as to unite different races, ethnicities, and religions in realizing the ideals of independence.

The president pointed out that Indonesia is currently facing challenges not only in the fields of politics, economy, and security but also in the management of diversity and pluralism.

Jokowi emphasized that diversity and pluralism have to be maintained.

"Several nations in the world have to face the fate of history and are divided and scattered as they are not able to maintain plurality. This should not happen in our motherland, Indonesia," Jokowi remarked.

The president stated that diversity, differences, and plurality should not become the source of conflicts but should complement each other to make Indonesia a great nation.

In light of this, President Jokowi has called on the TNI soldiers to continue to improve their abilities and professionalism to maintain Indonesias sovereignty.

"I urge all TNI soldiers to constantly improve their abilities, professionalism, and readiness to handle every condition in any area," Jokowi stated.

"I hope the TNI can maintain togetherness with the people as their power is the power of the military," the president emphasized, adding that the soldiers must honor the Sapta Marga regulation and the oath.

In the meantime, House of Representatives Deputy Speaker Agus Hermanto has urged all parties to continue to support the TNI, particularly to acquire sophisticated weaponry systems.

"All parties must work together to provide strong support to the TNI in order to have sophisticated and modern weaponry systems," Hermanto remarked at the Parliament building on Monday.

He noted that the TNI required sophisticated and modern weaponry systems to help secure the country.

"We hope the TNI can become more advanced, powerful, swift, and ready to maintain the security of the NKRI, Hermanto affirmed.

Public support paramount to making TNI stronger - ANTARA News
Indonesian Team SAR units inspecting one of Dauphin utility helicopter before taking flight into search of Aviastar operation in South Sulawesi. Indonesian SAR agency just made an order of two Eurocopter Dauphin earlier in September 2015

“Kami membeli Su-35 satu skuadron, berisi 16 pesawat. Pesawat-pesawat itu datang mulai tahun depan,” kata Kepala Dinas Penerangan AU Marsekal Pertama Dwi Badarmanto.

Menanti Skuadron Sukhoi Siluman Angkatan Udara

Hi bro, don't forget with KILO :cheers: selusin lagi :D

“TNI AL sudah memesan 12 kapal selam. Kapal-kapal itu akan berdampak luar biasa, berfungsi sebagai deterrent effect (efek gentar) bagi mereka yang kerap menyusup di wilayah RI,” ujar Zainuddin.

Selusin kapal selam itu bakal didatangkan secara bertahap, dan dianggap sangat berguna untuk mencegah pelanggaran wilayah RI serta pencurian sumber daya alam di perairan nusantara yang begitu luas.

Anggaran Emas Legiun Penopang Poros Maritim
Hi bro, don't forget with KILO :cheers: selusin lagi :D
“TNI AL sudah memesan 12 kapal selam. Kapal-kapal itu akan berdampak luar biasa, berfungsi sebagai deterrent effect (efek gentar) bagi mereka yang kerap menyusup di wilayah RI,” ujar Zainuddin.

Ngeri banget beritanya, selusin kapal selam :D
Berita yang lebih lawas sih targetnya 7 sampai 2019 (2existing+3korsel+2rusia).
Indonesia confirms plans for new White Paper
Jon Grevatt, Bangkok - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly
04 October 2015

The Indonesian Navy (TNI-AL) on exercise in 2014. Source: TNI-AL
Key Points
  • Indonesia confirms plans for new defence White Paper in the "near future"
  • New policy comes as strategic threats and regional security environment changes since last White Paper was published in 2008
Indonesia's Ministry of Defence (MoD) has confirmed plans to introduce a new national defence policy that will outline a requirement for a "robust posture" that supports military modernisation and responds to growing strategic threats.

The MoD said on 5 October that the defence policy - also referred to Indonesia's defence White Paper - would be "completed in the near future" and would "optimise" Indonesia's national defence system. Indonesia's existing defence White Paper was published in 2008.

The MoD said that a new policy is required in view of the "developing strategic environment and threats" that are facing Indonesia. It did not elaborate but this is certainly a reference to growing tension in the South China Sea, which in turn is linked to China's increasing assertiveness in the region.

The MoD also made reference of the defence policy's requirement to link the development of the Indonesian Armed Forces (TNI) with military procurement and the indigenous defence industrial base.

"If the TNI's military equipment is more comprehensive and modern and the ability and professionalism of the TNI continues to increase this will facilitate improved military modernisations… A priority is strengthening the national defence industry in supporting the military performing its constitutional duties," said the MoD.
including to enhance government commitments toward funding for military modernization programme

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