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President Jokowi urges military to boost professionalism
Senin, 5 Oktober 2015 17:18 WIB | 108 Views

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), accompanied by Lt. Gen. Edy Rahmayadi (front left) inspecting the troops during the ceremony for the 70th Anniversary of the TNI at Cilegon, Banten, on Monday (October 5, 2015). (ANTARA/Yudhi Mahatma)

Cilegon (ANTARA News) - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has called on the soldiers of the Indonesian Military to continue to improve their abilities and professionalism to maintain Indonesias sovereignty.

"I urge all Indonesian Military soldiers to constantly improve their abilities, professionalism, and readiness to handle every condition in any area," Jokowi stated here on Monday.

He delivered a speech during the 70th anniversary celebrations of the Indonesian Military at the Indah Kiat Beach, Cilegon.

The president also urged the soldiers to maintain solidarity and integrity of the Indonesian Military.

"I hope the Indonesian Military can maintain togetherness with the people as their power is the power of the military," the president emphasized, adding that the soldiers must honor Sapta Marga regulation and the oath.

The Indonesian Militarys 70th anniversary celebrations highlighted the theme "the togetherness between soldiers and people makes the military stronger to achieve a sovereign, independent, and emphatic Indonesia."

Army, Air Force, and Navy soldiers of the Indonesian Military along with military vehicles were part of the commemoration.

At least three thousand soldiers from the Indonesian Military and civil servants were part of the parade during the ceremony.

The participants attending the event can get a firsthand glimpse of some of the Indonesian weaponry systems, such as tanks, panzers, mobile howitzers, and the KRI Oswald Siahaan warship.

President Jokowi urges military to boost professionalism - ANTARA News
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meanwhile the the Jakarta Post is always bitching about TNI

TNI intrusion into public
life met with wariness

Margareth S. Aritonang, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | National | Mon, October 05 2015, 5:02 PM

Marking its 70th year of existence on Monday, the Indonesian Military (TNI) has been accused of becoming more unprofessional, with increasing involvement in political, social and economic affairs.

Watchdogs that focus on promoting democracy are concerned that the military’s lack of professionalism will drag Indonesia back to the New Order era, when it was heavily used to serve the government’s political interests under the command of president Soeharto, himself a military general.

Activists have compiled a list of memorandums of understanding (MoU) that the TNI sealed with non-military institutions during the leadership of former chief Gen. (ret) Moeldoko, which pro-democracy campaigners are worried could open the door for the military to once again meddle deeply in public life.

Besides agreements that allow military deployment to guard public infrastructure such as railway stations, harbors and airports, the list includes a deal with the Law and Human Rights Ministry to recruit former soldiers as prison guards and an agreement with the National Population and Family Planning Board (BKKBN) to involve the military in family planning programs.

“The public does not have the instruments available to evaluate these collaborations. How can the public involve themselves with checking for misuse of power by the military as it carries out its work? Will soldiers be punished for abusing their authority?” Commission for Missing Persons and Victims of Violence (Kontras) coordinator Haris Azhar asked on Sunday, questioning the purpose of military engagement in public life.

Emphasizing the threat to democracy resulting from a lack of civil control over emerging TNI public involvement, Haris described the situation as “politics as usual”.

Concerns over the professionalism of the military have further mounted after the TNI insisted on maintaining the existing law on military courts, Law No. 31/1997, which stipulates that criminal acts by soldiers must be resolved internally within the military institution.

Human rights watchdogs claim the law prevents members of the military from being held accountable for crimes against civilians, particularly in conflict-prone areas such as the country’s easternmost province of Papua.

In Papua, a shooting at Koperapoka in Mimika involving soldiers claimed the lives of two civilians in August, one of several such cases in the province that remain unresolved.

Activists also often cite the infamous attack at Cebongan Penitentiary in Sleman, Yogyakarta, by members of the Army’s Special Forces (Kopassus) in 2013 that left four detainees dead. That case was similarly tried before a military rather than civilian court, and is held up as an example of the military’s seclusion and lack of accountability.

Until the TNI allows civilian courts to try soldiers accused of crimes, activists say, it will remain vulnerable to charges of lack of professionalism and commitment to justice.

“Thus, a revision of the Military Court Law is urgent,” said Poengky Indarti of the Jakarta-based human rights watchdog Imparsial. “Revising the law is one way to make sure that the military is professional in carrying out its job.”

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- See more at: TNI intrusion into public life met with wariness | The Jakarta Post
September 22, 2015

Rehab Kapal PENELITI GEOMARINE III Tingkatkan Kapabilitas

Surabaya – Kapal Peneliti Geomarine III milik Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Geologi Kelautan (P3GL) Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral kembali akan merapat ke PT PAL Indonesia (Persero) guna melakukan perbaikan dan perawatan. Kapal Buatan Tangan Putra-Putri Negeri ini, Kembali bersandar setelah absen hampir 2 tahun, kapal penelitian ini difungsikan untuk menunjang beragam data dan informasi yang dihimpun dari lautan.

Sebagai produsen dari Kapal Peneliti Geomarine III, Insan PAL Indonesia juga dituntut memodifikasi buritan kapal untuk penambahan kapabilitas. Kepala Bagian Tata Usaha Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Geologi Kelautan, Joni Widodo menuturkan Kapal ini sudah 5 kali mengalami pengecekan perawatan sejak dioperasikan tahun 2008 silam. Kali ini perawatan dan perbaikannya meliputi penambahan kapasitas pada buritan kapal, yakni penambahan peluncur (air gun). Direktur perencanaan dan Pengembangan usaha, Eko Prasetyanto dan Direktur Produksi, Edi Widarto, menerima rombongan P3GL KemenESDM mendiskusikan perubahan dan perawatan Kapal Peneliti Geomarine III, selasa pagi (22/09).

Kapal yang berfungsi melaksanakan berbagai metoda penelitian geologi, geofisik, oseanografi dan hidrografi ini akan didesain ulang pada bagian buritan guna peningkatan kinerja. “Kami senang bahwa PT PAL lah yang mendapatkan perawatan dan perubahan KM Geomarine III kali ini, harapan kami kapal ini akan menjadi lebih baik dan siap dalam melakukan penelitan yang telah menanti” imbuhnya dalam rupat rapat gedung PIP PT PAL INDONESIA (Persero). Sementara itu Direktur Perencanaan dan Pengembangan Usaha, Eko Prasetyanto mengungkapkan bahwa keyakinan akan keberhasilan perawatan dan perubahan kapal ini akan sesuai dengan rencana. “kami bangga menjadi bagian dari perubahan pada kapal ini. Perubahan dalam penambahan kapabilitas untuk memberikan data dan informasi yang lebih akurat dalam penelitian” tuturnya.

Penyelesaian proyek Kapal Peneliti Geomarine III diharapkan pada akhir tahun akan kembali melaut, untuk meneruskan tugasnya kembali. Hingga saat ini pencapiaan kapal ini diantaranya pemetaan morfologi bawah laut, haxard and site survey untuk pengembangan dan pembangunan sarana pantai dan lepas pantai. Site survey untuk perencanaan dan konstruksi pipa dan kabel bawah laut. Inspeksi konstruksi bawah laut, survey seismic 2D untuk prospeksi dan pengembangan lapangan migas serta sub-bottom profiling dan survey seismic resolusi tinggi untuk pemetaan cadangan mineral lepas pantai.
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