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Indonesia Defence Forum

pr1v4t33r said:
just take both su35 & f16V
Well, if i am not mistaken the TNI are planning to create 3 more squadron, perhaps lockheed martin eyeing those contract with their viper, nice choice compared to eurofighter, grippen or rafale.....
Sea Platforms
Pacific 2015: Indonesia in talks with France over possible sale of Scorpene 1000 SSK
Ridzwan Rahmat, Sydney - IHS Jane's Navy International
06 October 2015


A computer-generated image of DCNS's Scorpene 1000 submarine. Source: DCNS
Key Points
  • Indonesia is considering acquisition of the Scorpene 1000 diesel-electric submarine
  • The purchase could help bolster Indonesia's archipelagic brownwater deterrence capabilities
Indonesian government officials are in talks with French counterparts over a possible sale of the French-built Scorpene 1000 diesel-electric submarine (SSK), shipbuilder DCNS told IHS Jane's on 7 October at the Pacific 2015 international maritime exhibition and conference in Sydney.

"The talks are going on at the government-to-government level, mostly to discuss the needs of the Indonesian Navy," said DCNS.

"So far, what the Indonesians have identified is the need for a complementary submarine fleet that can fill in the gaps of their new ocean-going submarines, and they are considering the Scorpene 1000."

The Indonesian Navy (Tentera Nasional Indonesia - Angkatan Laut, or TNI-AL) currently operates two Cakra Type 209/1300-class SSKs and is awaiting the delivery of three Type 209/1400 conventional boats - widely referred to in Indonesia as the Chang Bogo class - from South Korean company Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering (DSME).

Indonesian media reports have also indicated that the country may be purchasing a number of 'Kilo'-class SSKs from Russia, although a contract for these has not yet materialised.

"The Scorpene 1000 is an especially suitable platform for the Indonesian Navy, given the country's archipelagic nature," said DCNS.

"The platform has been designed to operate ... in shallow waters and is very difficult to detect due to the depths associated with littoral waters."

According to specifications provided by DCNS, the 50 m Scorpene 1000 has a surface displacement of about 1,000 tonnes. It has a maximum submerged speed in excess of 15 kt, a maximum range in excess of 4,000 n miles, and a submerged endurance of up to five days. It has a dive depth in excess of 200 m, and can accommodate 21 crew (with space for up to six divers).

via supermarine @ kaskus, source Pacific 2015: Indonesia in talks with France over possible sale of Scorpene 1000 SSK - IHS Jane's 360
Udah jadi, Agusta Westland AW139,.helikopter yang memiliki tingkat durability dan performance tinggi ini siap mengawal para rescuer Basarnas dalam menjalankan misi Search And Rescue di Indonesia...



Udah jadi, Agusta Westland AW139,.helikopter yang memiliki tingkat durability dan performance tinggi ini siap mengawal para rescuer Basarnas dalam menjalankan misi Search And Rescue di Indonesia...



It seem basarnas got more cool new toys than the army.
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Simulator pesawat tempur F-16 V hadir di Indonesia
Rabu, 7 Oktober 2015

Duta Besar Amerika Serikat untuk Indonesia, Robert Blake Jr, duduk di simulator F-16 V yang khusus dihadirkan pabrikannya, Lockheed Martin, di Jakarta, Rabu. F-16 V juga tengah dipromosikan mereka untuk berkompetisi tentang calon pengganti F-5E/F Tiger II, yang akan dipensiunkan. (www.antaranews.com/Ade P Marboen)

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Lockheed Martin, produsen pesawat tempur F-16 Fighting Falcon yang digunakan TNI AU, menghadirkan simulator F-16 V, di Jakarta, Rabu.

Duta Besar Amerika Serikat untuk Indonesia, Robert Blake Jr, sempat mencoba duduk di kursi lontar simulator itu serta mendengarkan berbagai penjelasan dari Lockheed Martin.

Selain itu, jurnalis yang hadir juga dapat melihat dan mencoba langsung simulator berukuran kompak yang dibawa mereka.

Kehadiran simulator F-16 V ini hanya sekitar dua pekan menjelang kunjungan Presiden Joko Widodo ke Amerika Serikat untuk kunjungan resmi kepada koleganya, Presiden Amerika Serikat, Barack Obama.

Dalam simulator itu, dipasang semua modul dan layar monitor yang persis sama dengan yang terdapat pada pesawat tempur itu dalam keadaan sesungguhnya. Dua head-up display utama ada di kanan dan kiri kanopi, dengan joy stick di kanan serta throttle tenaga mesin di sisi kiri.

Menurut Kepala Pilot Uji F-16 dan T-50 Lockheed Martin, Paul Bear Randall, yang bekas penerbang tempur Angkatan Laut Amerika Serikat, yang menjadi instruktur pada kesempatan itu, manajemen tempur dan kewaspadaan akan situasi pada simulator itu sama persis dengan yang ada di pesawat aslinya.

“Misalnya untuk membidik dan memilih jenis persenjataan yang akan ditembakkan, pilot tinggal mengikuti perhitungan komputer dan sistem avionika yang ada,” kata dia.

F-16 Fighting Falcon pertama kali diproduksi General Dinamics sebelum diakuisisi Lockheed Martin. Dengan rekor penjualan sekitar 4.500 unit dari berbagai tipe dan varian, F-16 Fighting Falcon menjadi pesawat tempur yang paling laris hingga saat ini.

Amerika Serikat sebagai negara asal F-16 Fighting Falcon tidak memakai F-16 V yang merupakan tipe tersebut karena telah memastikan memenuhi keperluan pesawat tempurnya dari Program Pesawat Tempur Gabungan F-35 Lighting II dan F-22 Raptor.

Kehadiran simulator F-16 V di Indonesia ini, menurut Kepala Pengembangan Bisnis F-16 Lockheed Martin, Randall Howard, dimaksudkan untuk memberi pemahaman lebih lengkap kepada jurnalis dan umum tentang berbagai hal yang terdapat pada pesawat tempur ini.

“Juga untuk mengisi keperluan Indonesia akan pengganti F-5E/F Tiger II yang akan dipensiunkan,” kata dia.

Calon pengganti F-5E/F Tiger II Nortrop Grumman dari Skuadron 14 TNI AU ada beberapa, di antaranya Sukhoi Su-35BM (Knaapo/Rusia), F-16 (Lockheed Martin/Amerika Serikat), dan JAS-39C/D Gripen (Saab/Swedia).

Kontrak pembelian calon pengganti F-5E/F Tiger II sesuai kehendak visi keperluan Kekuatan Esensial Minimum II (2019-2024) belum dilakukan walau Kementerian Pertahanan menyebut-nyebut itu adalah Sukhoi Su-35BM.


F-16V Comes to Indonesia
View attachment 263008
The advanced F-16V configuration provides advanced combat capabilities in a scalable and affordable package. Photo: Lockheed Martin.

JAKARTA, Indonesia, Oct. 7, 2015 – Lockheed Martin brought its F-16 cockpit demonstrator to Indonesia this week to highlight the F-16V, the latest version of Lockheed Martin’s venerable F-16 Fighting Falcon multirole fighter. The F-16V offers the most advanced 4th Generation capability available on the market today, including Scalable Agile Beam Radar (SABR) and enhancements to the aircraft’s mission computer, vehicle systems, aircraft structure, cockpit and electronic warfare system.

The F-16V is the next generation configuration that leverages a common worldwide sustainment infrastructure and provides significant capability improvements to the world’s most affordable and effective multi-role fighter. This upgrade and production configuration will be the predominant configuration for the F-16 worldwide fleet. The new avionics configuration represents the most significant F-16 upgrade to date.

With more than 4,500 F-16s delivered, the F-16V is a natural step in the evolution of the world’s most successful 4th Generation fighter. The Fighting Falcon program has continually evolved as it began with the F-16 A/B as the lightweight fighter then transitioned to F-16 C/D and Block 60 versions as customers’ requirements evolved.
F-16V Comes to Indonesia · Lockheed Martin

Govt should stick with SU 35 for now. i don't think we need more fighters as what the president says about modernizing the naval fleet. we should get more Kilo Subs or basically any ships than anything else
Lockheed Martin ready to provide RI with offsets for F-16V

US defense giant Lockheed Martin is ready to provide Indonesia with an offset scheme, in which Indonesia would build components, should the country decide to buy the latest variant of the venerable F-16 Fighting Falcon light jet fighter.

The pledge was made by Lockheed’s head of business development for F-16, Randy Howard, during a media event on Wednesday.

He said the company was ready to discuss with Indonesian stakeholders the requirements related to the offset scheme. “We have fulfilled our offset commitment when Indonesia first bought the F-16,” he told journalists.

readmore: Lockheed Martin ready to provide RI with offsets for F-16V | The Jakarta Post

Indonesian future fighter jet: SU35, F16V, IFX :-) not bad
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just take both su35 & f16V
Yes and at least 5 squadrons of each for GOD sake

Pacific 2015: Indonesia in talks with France over possible sale of Scorpene 1000 SSK


A computer-generated image of DCNS's Scorpene 1000 submarine. Source: DCNS
Key Points
  • Indonesia is considering acquisition of the Scorpene 1000 diesel-electric submarine
  • The purchase could help bolster Indonesia's archipelagic brownwater deterrence capabilities
Indonesian government officials are in talks with French counterparts over a possible sale of the French-built Scorpene 1000 diesel-electric submarine (SSK), shipbuilder DCNS told IHS Jane's on 7 October at the Pacific 2015 international maritime exhibition and conference in Sydney.

"The talks are going on at the government-to-government level, mostly to discuss the needs of the Indonesian Navy," said DCNS.

"So far, what the Indonesians have identified is the need for a complementary submarine fleet that can fill in the gaps of their new ocean-going submarines, and they are considering the Scorpene 1000."

The Indonesian Navy (Tentera Nasional Indonesia - Angkatan Laut, or TNI-AL) currently operates two Cakra Type 209/1300-class SSKs and is awaiting the delivery of three Type 209/1400 conventional boats - widely referred to in Indonesia as the Chang Bogo class - from South Korean company Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering (DSME).

Indonesian media reports have also indicated that the country may be purchasing a number of 'Kilo'-class SSKs from Russia, although a contract for these has not yet materialised.

"The Scorpene 1000 is an especially suitable platform for the Indonesian Navy, given the country's archipelagic nature," said DCNS.

"The platform has been designed to operate ... in shallow waters and is very difficult to detect due to the depths associated with littoral waters."

According to specifications provided by DCNS, the 50 m Scorpene 1000 has a surface displacement of about 1,000 tonnes. It has a maximum submerged speed in excess of 15 kt, a maximum range in excess of 4,000 n miles, and a submerged endurance of up to five days. It has a dive depth in excess of 200 m, and can accommodate 21 crew (with space for up to six divers).

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Pacific 2015: Indonesia in talks with France over possible sale of Scorpene 1000 SSK - IHS Jane's 360
@Indos @Jakartans@PkDef
I hope Indonesia buys at least 4 of these submarines
Well, if i am not mistaken the TNI are planning to create 3 more squadron, perhaps lockheed martin eyeing those contract with their viper, nice choice compared to eurofighter, grippen or rafale.....
maybe not three more for fighter squadron, but three more at all. BTW to accompany with S 35, better to buy Euro fighter rather than F 16. we could considering about ToT to support our IFX program...

Udah jadi, Agusta Westland AW139,.helikopter yang memiliki tingkat durability dan performance tinggi ini siap mengawal para rescuer Basarnas dalam menjalankan misi Search And Rescue di Indonesia...

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Ready for ground attack!
@ori uploaded

Udah jadi, Agusta Westland AW139,.helikopter yang memiliki tingkat durability dan performance tinggi ini siap mengawal para rescuer Basarnas dalam menjalankan misi Search And Rescue di Indonesia...

Cool toys for basarnas, bigger than dauphin
INDONESIA PRESS-State weapons maker Pindad plans UAE factory in 2017

-The Jakarta Post

Thu Oct 8, 2015 2:21am GMT

Indonesian state weaponry maker PT Pindad plans to open a weapons factory to produce its SS2 rifle in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in 2017, in cooperation with UAE company Continental Aviation Services, The Jakarta Post reported, quoting Pindad CEO Silmy Karim.

Pindad, which produces automatic rifles, pistols, grenade launchers, munitions and war vehicles, currently sells its products to Singapore, Laos, Nigeria, the Philippines, East Timor and Thailand, Karim said.

Note: Reuters has not verified this story and does not vouch for its accuracy. (Compiled by Fergus Jensen; Editing by Sunil Nair)

Source: http://af.reuters.com/article/nigeri...1280KP20151008
INDONESIA PRESS-State weapons maker Pindad plans UAE factory in 2017

PUBLISHED: 21:21 EST, 7 October 2015 | UPDATED: 21:21 EST, 7 October 2015

Indonesian state weaponry maker PT Pindad plans to open a weapons factory to produce its SS2 rifle in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in 2017, in cooperation with UAE company Continental Aviation Services, The Jakarta Post reported, quoting Pindad CEO Silmy Karim.

Pindad, which produces automatic rifles, pistols, grenade launchers, munitions and war vehicles, currently sells its products to Singapore, Laos, Nigeria, the Philippines, East Timor and Thailand, Karim said.

INDONESIA PRESS-State weapons maker Pindad plans UAE factory in 2017 -The Jakarta Post | Daily Mail Online
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