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perhaps whisperer from Auvia Gaya Perkasa ??? because the only most probable dedicated EW plane i see is growler

Without a clear examples presented all that whispers and whatnot are meant shit when it brought to the discussion table between the brass . Everybody was pitching something in the procurement table . Without some hard evidence's backing it's a tough bargain to face all of those old timer and sell something .
Without a clear examples presented all that whispers and whatnot are meant shit when it brought to the discussion table between the brass . Everybody was pitching something in the procurement table . Without some hard evidence's backing it's a tough bargain to face all of those old timer and sell something .
Can they give Libya, Nagorno, and SCS as an examples?
Why EW capability become frequently talked these days in Indonesia defence forum?
Ada Pencerewet singgah di meja menhan?
Because we might want to get dedicated EW Fighter/squadron just like Pak Hadi said/wish when he was KASAU. With that being said, they must talked about possibility of F/A-18 or P-8 in relation to what US might be offering on the side of F16V.

If for some reason we are taking F/A-18 then having Growler in our inventory is a must.

Credit to lembaga keris
Sadly is ...they do ... 😭😭
So we'll just let this golden opportunity to get a crucial capability slide?
even thought Pak Hadi himself, a panglima already said we need it?
Kalau iya pengen nangis darah rasanya..
EW capability is the thing we must have . But only under a very thorough consideration and careful study . Along with a reputable and respectable contractor to provide the needed service and equipment . If the Auvia perkasa still could hold their credential after all those needed scrutinity then i will stand corrected from my previous remark .
It's a tax payer money that will be spent and our brethens blood that will bathings the SCS if there was ever a deliberate misshap to occured
TNI Plans to Form Special Unit to Handle Biological Warfare

“We are aware that the threat of the pandemic has awakened us to the importance of having a special counter-biowarfare unit,” said Hadi on Sunday, November 8.

Previously reported, the Commander also revealed that the military will soon build a laboratory for the specific use of researching viruses that is planned to be established over the Galang Island in Batam.

TNI Commander Reveals Plan to Build a Virus Research Lab

“In the future, we will also propose to be able to have one BSL level 3 or level 4 laboratory to research about viruses that can be used for future soldiers’ vaccination programs,” said Hadi Tjahjanto in a Youtube podcast from the TNI’s official account on Sunday, November 8.

According to the TNI commander, the virus research lab that is in the TNI’s phase 4 strategic plan, had chosen Galang Island as a special infection hospital already exists at the location that is able to treat soldiers.

“We need to be close to the BSL 3 or BSL 4 to be able to breed the diseases into a vaccine that is readily available for vaccination,” he noted in the podcast.

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TNI Plans to Form Special Unit to Handle Biological Warfare

“We are aware that the threat of the pandemic has awakened us to the importance of having a special counter-biowarfare unit,” said Hadi on Sunday, November 8.

Previously reported, the Commander also revealed that the military will soon build a laboratory for the specific use of researching viruses that is planned to be established over the Galang Island in Batam.

TNI Commander Reveals Plan to Build a Virus Research Lab

“In the future, we will also propose to be able to have one BSL level 3 or level 4 laboratory to research about viruses that can be used for future soldiers’ vaccination programs,” said Hadi Tjahjanto in a Youtube podcast from the TNI’s official account on Sunday, November 8.

According to the TNI commander, the virus research lab that is in the TNI’s phase 4 strategic plan, had chosen Galang Island as a special infection hospital already exists at the location that is able to treat soldiers.

“We need to be close to the BSL 3 or BSL 4 to be able to breed the diseases into a vaccine that is readily available for vaccination,” he noted in the podcast.

umm why do they need their own research lab in a future? They can work with others for it. BNPB is the one who should have had kinda CDC in US, and they shoulda have that research lab to identify or even create/coordinate vaccine or medication.

COVID has showed us that even for the purpose of appointing "whos in charge" got really messed up along the way. Team after team appointed as well as person in charge. Its about time we "fix" this so when it happen (amit-amit) again the govt and people know where/who to look for information/in-charge. Badan Nasional Penganggulangan Bencana must include Wabah/pandemic and not only just bencana alam/natural disaster..........
umm why do they need their own research lab in a future? They can work with others for it. BNPB is the one who should have had kinda CDC in US, and they shoulda have that research lab to identify or even create/coordinate vaccine or medication.

COVID has showed us that even for the purpose of appointing "whos in charge" got really messed up along the way. Team after team appointed as well as person in charge. Its about time we "fix" this so when it happen (amit-amit) again the govt and people know where/who to look for information/in-charge. Badan Nasional Penganggulangan Bencana must include Wabah/pandemic and not only just bencana alam/natural disaster..........
they probably wanted to follow how UK created Porton Down Facility .
Previously reported, the Commander also revealed that the military will soon build a laboratory for the specific use of researching viruses that is planned to be established over the Galang Island in Batam.

A weird choice for the location. Do they need to bring expertise from Simgkek or something? There are plenty of other more isolated island across the Nusantara if they truly wish for BSL-4 lab. Infrastructure shouldn't be a problem either.
A weird choice for the location. Do they need to bring expertise from Simgkek or something? There are plenty of other more isolated island across the Nusantara if they truly wish for BSL-4 lab. Infrastructure shouldn't be a problem either.

That's near Singapore, and with close relationship between army and their sinkies counterparts, i don't give any damn if they are being partnered behind the screen
He and Pompeo already said would resign whatever result of this election anyway.
I hope this is just temporary until elang hitam ready. Btw, any info about scan eagle??
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