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Sial amat kita. Dulu deal sama Mattis dah ada eh dia mundur. Skrg dah ngomong sama Esper eh dia dipecat :tsk::tsk::tsk:

Yea, Austria meeting
German second hand are better actually (bvr amraam capability and double seater availability) but I don't know if they can use amraam c7 or not.

Tenang aja, januari nanti New admin gak kebanyakan drama kok, lebih stabil.
So he doesn't wan't single engine (which is completely understandable), but he want F35 which is single engine?
Ah yes, forget to clear it more

4th gen single engine fighter

It's the matter of ego right now:disagree:

This is too just a speculation from journalists.

"The “equivalent fighter” jet to the F-16 could only be the F/A-18 Super Hornet"

Not a bad offer though. But do we really need to choose between F16 or F18?
Why not both, a skadron of SHornet and 2 skadron falcon whatever block it is.

Could it be, we will take german route?
Forget F35, take Typhoon x SHornet instead!!
Trust me, there's no F-15 offered to us
Ah yes, forget to clear it more

4th gen single engine fighter

It's the matter of ego right now:disagree:

Trust me, there's no F-15 offered to us
These not-f15 fighters they are offering, are they super or not?
F-18 E/F is quite affordable though, they are rugged beyond belief and had more or less the same engine family with future KFX/IFX. It's not like the Air Force never using Aircraft carrier fighter for their fleets....
F-18 E/F is quite affordable though, they are rugged beyond belief and had more or less the same engine family with future KFX/IFX. It's not like the Air Force never using Aircraft carrier fighter for their fleets....

Do not forget we are very strapped on cash . Even 15 % DP from the whole budget could put a very big strain on our finance .
Do not forget we are very strapped on cash . Even 15 % DP from the whole budget could put a very big strain on our finance .

Easy solution as long there is political will to do so. Just add more "hutang" And if necessary just issue Presidential Regulation declaring the urgent national necessity for it. Keep in mind PakDe coalition has parlementary majority
Do not forget we are very strapped on cash . Even 15 % DP from the whole budget could put a very big strain on our finance .

Someone has put it, presiden just actually put off the roof for ceilling debts and deficit limit on state budget for covid 19 pandemic and actually state income from tax until September has reach 62 percentage from the target. Still manageable actually even during pandemic.
Easy solution as long there is political will to do so. Just add more "hutang" And if necessary just issue Presidential Regulation declaring the urgent national necessity for it. Keep in mind PakDe coalition has parlementary majority
Someone has put it, presiden just actually put off the roof for ceilling debts and deficit limit on state budget for covid 19 pandemic and actually state income from tax until September has reach 62 percentage from the target. Still manageable actually even during pandemic.

That is more of a band aid solution and everybody even pakde knows that Loan was always carry some excess baggage that detrimental to our economic future hence much of the hesitation on his side .
But i agree we are closing in on the point of no return soon enough that something substantial were going to be revealed/appealead in the upcoming month ...

No, instead it's growler
3 skadron worth of growler?! 🤔
(Merujuk pada kebutuhan 2 skadron baru dan pengganti F5)

Are you sure about that?

Edit: or perhaps they give some space to something else?
Perhaps, Typhoon??
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No, instead it's growler
its weird if they only offer growler without offering super hornet though (and US still got plenty of it since it's still their backbone naval fighter even when the F-35 started to enter services) .......
3 skadron worth of growler?! 🤔
(Merujuk pada kebutuhan 2 skadron baru dan pengganti F5)
we dont really need that much of a squadron worth of Dedicated Electronic Warfare plane .
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its weird if they only offer growler without offering super hornet though (and US still got plenty of it since it's still their backbone naval fighter even when the F-35 started to enter services) .......

we dont really need that much of a squadron worth of Dedicated Electronic Warfare plane .
Ya makanya ga masuk akal kan
wooi emang nya ada yg nawarin Growler? Dari kemarin baca yg ada cuma tawaran Viper & Super Bug
Ya superbug come with growler lah , like the aussie procurement , plus the poseidon ,but well again nothing is certain for now, still long way to go ,everything is got paused and will re start after the new Potus came in the house ,just let's hope for the best shall we .
Ya superbug come with growler lah , like the aussie procurement , plus the poseidon ,but well again nothing is certain for now, still long way to go ,everything is got paused and will re start after the new Potus came in the house ,just let's hope for the best shall we .

kalau itu sich namanya kebablasan khayalannya mas. Ga ada paket include bonus EW

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