Dude, don't get me wrong. I hate China as much as you do. And I want them to be blown to pieces and wiped off the world map as much as the next guy. But that doesn't change the situation about our regional challenge.
Whether you like it or not, our regional airspace will be swarmed with 5th gen fighter sooner than later. F-35s will only be the first. Singapore & Australia will only be the first. We don't know yet what 5th gen jets that malasya or vietnam or other countries would chose. One thing for sure they all want it. Whether it's F-35, SU-57, J-20, you name it.
Being non-alligned country makes me a lot less optimistic than you regarding our chance to get a hand on those wonderful F-35 jets very soon. On paper, we probably have more chance to operate SU-57 than F-35. But then we can't buy it because of CAATSA. Heck, we can't even buy SU-35.
All that we have left is F-16V, Rafale, and KFX. Against all of those 5th gen fighters. Having IAD that hopefully could detect the 5th gen fighter should be one of our goal.
Having said that, I still have hope, that current SCS alarming situation would change how the U.S. see us.
If what you said was true about the U.S. looking at the possibility to increase defense cooperation with us (by refueling activity, etc) and it means that they will give us all that they have been giving Singapore (especially the F-35) and also much less risk of military stuff embargo/sanction/banning, then I would love to be proven wrong
Btw, this new theme rather sucks. Can't see the name.