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Is that for Osprey?
only KCR?
No fighter procurement next year?

They don't put external loan funding on such yearly budget plan, they will only put the yearly payment schedule on it after contract done deal. So what it is funded directly by APBN it is usually every stuff bought with direct hard cash and in rupiah
Based on which design?
PT PAL again?
gak jadi kelewat sibuk tu? IVER, nagapasa class, Hospital ship, KCR 60.
KCR-60 dengar dengar mau dilempar ke swasta ,ini saya nangkep nya malah kemungkinan bremen retrofit.
Pak Prabowo, Duit Alutsista TNI AU kok Lebih Gede dari AL-AD?
Muhammad Choirul Anwar, CNBC Indonesia

20 August 2020 08:10


Foto: Presiden Joko Widodo Gunakan Heli Merah Putih Menuju Kapuas (Biro Pers Sekretariat Presiden/ Laily Rachev)
Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia - Ada yang menarik dalam anggaran Kementerian Pertahanan (Kemenhan) yang nilainya mencapai Rp 136,9 triliun dalam RUU APBN Tahun Anggaran 2021.

Besaran anggaran Kemenhan ini diungkapkan oleh Menteri Keuangan Sri Mulyani Indrawati dalam penjelasan Nota Keuangan dan RAPBN 2021.

"Itu sesuai dengan prioritas Kemenhan dan melihat tidak deviasi besar (peningkatan anggaran)," ujar Sri Mulyani, dalam konferensi pers, Jumat (14/8/2020).

Dari jumlah total anggaran bagi kementerian yang dipimpin oleh Prabowo Subianto tersebut, dialokasikan di antaranya untuk belanja pegawai, belanja barang, penyelesaian pekerjaan yang ditunda tahun anggaran 2020, dan anggaran kesehatan.

Deal! Prabowo Gandeng Scytalys Bangun Sistem Pertahanan RI
Selain itu, di tahun 2021, Kemenhan juga akan melanjutkan kegiatan prioritas dan strategis dalam rangka mendukung terwujudnya pemenuhan Minimum Essential Force (MEF) guna menjamin tegaknya kedaulatan, terjaganya keutuhan wilayah NKRI, dan terlindunginya keselamatan bangsa dari ancaman dan gangguan terhadap keutuhan bangsa dan negara.

MEF adalah amanat pembangunan nasional bidang pertahanan keamanan sesuai dengan RPJMN 2010-2014 mengacu Peraturan Presiden Nomor 5 Tahun 2010.

Adapun yang menarik ialah alokasi anggaran ke kesatuan yang ternyata lebih tinggi untuk TNI Angkatan Udara (AD), disusul berikutnya TNI Angkatan Laut (AL) dan terakhir paling rendah TNI Angkatan Darat (AD).

Berikut rincian output yang akan dicapai oleh Kementerian Pertahanan Tahun Anggaran 2021 antara lain:

1. Dukungan pengadaan alutsista (alat utama sistem persenjataan) sebesar Rp 9.305,1 miliar (Rp 9,31 triliun);

2. Modernisasi dan harwat (pemeliharaan dan perawatan) alutsista antara lain sebagai berikut:

- TNI AD sebesar Rp 2,65 triliun untuk pengadaan material dan alutsista strategis, dan untuk perawatan alutsista Arhanud, overhaul pesawat terbang dan heli angkut sebesar Rp 1,24 triliun, jadi total Rp 3,89 triliun.

- TNI AL sebesar Rp 3,75 triliun, antara lain pengadaan kapal patroli cepat, dan peningkatan pesawat udara matra laut, serta Rp 4,28 triliun untuk pemeliharaan dan perawatan alutsista dan komponen pendukung alutsista, total Rp 8,03 triliun.

- TNI AU sebesar Rp 1,19 triliun, antara lain pengadaan Penangkal Serangan Udara (PSU) dan material pendukung, serta pemeliharaan dan perawatan pesawat tempur sebesar Rp 7 triliun, total Rp 8,19 triliun.

Prabowo-Nadiem Siapkan Pendidikan Militer untuk Mahasiswa RI
Data tersebut mengacu pada dokumen Himpunan Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran Kementerian Negara/Lembaga (RKA K/L) Tahun 2021.

Kementerian Pertahanan disebutkan mempunyai tugas menyelenggarakan urusan di bidang pertahanan dalam pemerintahan untuk membantu Presiden dalam menyelenggarakan pemerintahan negara.

Sebagai perbandingan, sejak tahun 2016 hingga 2019, anggaran Kemenhan mengalami peningkatan setiap tahun, dengan diiringi kinerja penyerapan anggaran secara kumulatif sebesar 93% dari total pagu DIPA (Daftar Isian Pelaksana Anggaran), kinerja penyerapan belanja pegawai hingga 99%, diikuti dengan kinerja penyerapan anggaran belanja barang 97%.

Namun demikian, kinerja penyerapan anggaran belanja modal hanya sekitar 87% akibat dari proses pengadaan barang dan jasa militer yang bersumber dari PHLN (pinjaman/hibah luar negeri) tidak dapat secara optimal dilaksanakan di tahun berjalan akibat dinamika dan kebutuhan riil terhadap alutsista produksi luar negeri.

Tahun 2020, pagu DIPA Kemenhan yang tercantum dalam Perpres 72/2020 yaitu Rp 117,91 triliun yang terdiri atas belanja pegawai sebesar Rp 53 triliun, belanja barang sebesar Rp 30,54 triliun, dan belanja modal sebesar Rp 34,37 triliun.

Dalam rangka percepatan penanganan Covid 19, Kemenhan telah melakukan refocusing kegiatan dan realokasi kegiatan sebesar Rp 383,75 miliar.

Di samping itu, Kemenhan mendapat penambahan pagu berupa pergeseran dari BA BUN untuk pemenuhan alat material kesehatan (almatkes) untuk 110 Rumah Sakit Kemenhan/TNI dan almatkes Lapangan TNI serta penyiapan anggota komponen pendukung bidang kesehatan sebesar Rp 8,09 triliun.

Gagal Bayar, Suspensi, hingga Digugat, Ada Apa dengan Kresna?

I mean, that's how it's supposed to be regardless at all times. An Air Force should always have the biggest budget.
based on navy research , Exo block 3 remain the best SSM option for our future craft



the most interesting part is , they're starting to impelement data analytic for choosing procurement option.
Well If you compare it with Chinese made missile, of course it gonna win..
based on navy research , Exo block 3 remain the best SSM option for our future craft
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the most interesting part is , they're starting to impelement data analytic for choosing procurement option.
This study is very biased since if you look at the sample missiles that they used, the end result would obviously go in favor of the MM40 Block 3.

For the most part, the MM40 Block 3 is already decades ahead to the C-705/802 (which is outdated as the technologies used are ones from the 70's/80's). It's pretty obvious to those who are knowledgeable enough on anti ship missiles that this study was done to skew in favor of the Exocet.

A more fair and accurate study would be if they took the Kongsberg NSM, Boeing's Harpoon, or the Chinese YJ-12/CM-302 and YJ-18.
TNI AD sebesar Rp 2,65 triliun untuk pengadaan material dan alutsista strategis, dan untuk perawatan alutsista Arhanud, overhaul pesawat terbang dan heli angkut sebesar Rp 1,24 triliun
Hmm... 1.24T. I know its a lot of money, I just hope it will be enough for penerbad since they are playing catch up as well with this year budget.

That 7T for AU harwat hopefully will increase readyness as well. Specially those hercules and sukro fleet.
I will be very upset if a good chunk of that money is spent trying to keep the Flankers airworthy.

If they don't want to have an all american fighter fleet for whatever reason they want to come up with then fine, buy a European triangle plane or hell continue on the KFX bandwagon and call it a day.

Just for the love of god don't make the same mistake the Malaysians made by repeatedly throwing money down the Russian maintenance rabbit hole.


Gee guys, I wonder who that could be? /s
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Gee guys, I wonder who that could be?
I dont know, but I am pretty sure its not for China :lol::lol:
And this writing comes while the possibility of future fighter purchase is being discussed? There must be one hell of a "discussion" going on right now. :D
Well If you compare it with Chinese made missile, of course it gonna win..

Not really, on the contrary Exo is weaker.

Exo max speed is only mach 0.93 with max range 180km, while YJ-18 range is 540km max speed 3 mach (terminal phase). YJ-12 is scarier, range max 400km max speed 4 mach with zigzag maneuver at terminal phase.

French is not at the fore front on missile tech including AShM.
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I will be very upset if a good chunk of that money is spent trying to keep the Flankers airworthy.

If they don't want to have an all american fighter fleet for whatever reason they want to come up with then fine, buy a European triangle plane or hell continue on the KFX bandwagon and call it a day.

Just for the love of god don't make the same mistake the Malaysians made by repeatedly throwing money down the Russian maintenance rabbit hole.


Gee guys, I wonder who that could be? /s

Most likely US. There was some rumor that US is keen to upgrade its relationship with Indonesia to a higher level.
What Antonius said. The study is skewed. Modern Chinese AShM's like the YJ series are much more impressive than the C-705's and 802's that they export.

Exocets are unfortunately lagging behind and if they did a study including the YJ series along with newer NATO missiles like the NSM it would put the Exocet at a much more unfavorable light.

I dont know, but I am pretty sure its not for China :lol::lol:
And this writing comes while the possibility of future fighter purchase is being discussed? There must be one hell of a "discussion" going on right now. :D
Most likely US. There was some rumor that US is keen to upgrade its relationship with Indonesia to a higher level.

*Yankee Doodle intensifies in the distance*
What Antonius said. The study is skewed. Modern Chinese AShM's like the YJ series are much more impressive than the C-705's and 802's that they export.

Exocets are unfortunately lagging behind and if they did a study including the YJ series along with newer NATO missiles like the NSM it would put the Exocet at a much more unfavorable light.

*Yankee Doodle intensifies in the distance*

Maybe the study is based on what TNI AL can get their hands on. No point comparing Exo to YJ series if TNI AL has no chance of having them in its inventory.
Should be compared to Otomat latest variant or NSM. China strangely put the same path of Russian, they clearly Made "export" variants of their Missiles system
Maybe the study is based on what TNI AL can get their hands on. No point comparing Exo to YJ series if TNI AL has no chance of having them in its inventory.
The YJ-12 has an export variant, the CM-302, which I don't doubt the Navy can get their hands on if they wanted to. The Harpoon and NSM were already offered to the Navy as well.

If anything you can say that this study was done to compare the missiles that they have in inventory, but to say that the Exocet would be the best missile that the Navy can procure is just intellectually dishonest on UnHan's part.

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