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Most likely US. There was some rumor that US is keen to upgrade its relationship with Indonesia to a higher level.
Can confirm, but it's not the time to explain this further right now
I don't think YJ can be installed on KCR.

Itu bukannya cuman makalah biasa aja, bukan resmi penilaian dari AL.
Most likely US. There was some rumor that US is keen to upgrade its relationship with Indonesia to a higher level.

Can confirm, but it's not the time to explain this further right now

It's really is a no brainer to guess that the US is the likely partner looking for such expanded cooperation with us... it's not like a nation like East Timor will be making such requests would they..?
The real question is :
1. What does this "logistics cooperation" entails..? Military ships from various countries have been making visits to our ports for years and there was never a need for any specific logistics cooperation agreement before...
2. Our gov reaction to this cooperation proposal and the possible response...
3. Are there any additional tangible benefits to us..? Other than some generic statements like "better cooperation with the US" or "gaining the goodwill of the US".
4. Are there anything in our law or constitution that may hamper such agreements..?
it's not like a nation like East Timor will be making such requests would they..?

Could be Australia :cheers::lol:

The real question is :
1. What does this "logistics cooperation" entails..? Military ships from various countries have been making visits to our ports for years and there was never a need for any specific logistics cooperation agreement before...
2. Our gov reaction to this cooperation proposal and the possible response...
3. Are there any additional tangible benefits to us..? Other than some generic statements like "better cooperation with the US" or "gaining the goodwill of the US".
4. Are there anything in our law or constitution that may hamper such agreements..?

  1. The term "logistics" (plural) can be interpret broadly albeit it still doesn't entice to "direct action"
  2. There will be domestic political respond without doubt. And I'm sure our VP will be the one who will be dealing with it
  3. the Goodwill of the Federal Government of USA :usflag: (which is a lot)
  4. As long it doesn't blatantly said anything about "alliance"
If its US then its prolly like whats they have with Singapore now. And I dont think its Australia, they can easily have it from Malaysia and they already have Butterworth for aircraft base.
Sejumlah Kontrak Bidang Pertahanan Berhasil Diperoleh PT Len Tahun Ini

21 Agustus 2020

PT Len mendapatkan pekerjaan modernisasi MRLF MLM (Multi Role Light Frigate) KRI Usman Harun (graphic : Royyan Arianto)

PT Len Revisi RKAP 2020 Jadi Rp4,2 Triliun

Bisnis.com, BANDUNG -- PT Len Industri (Persero) merevisi target atau Rencana Kerja Anggaran Perusahaan (RKAP) dari semula menagetkan capaian pendapatan sebesar Rp5,7 triliun direvisi menjadi Rp4,2 triliun.

Penyesuaian RKAP tersebut dilakukan lantaran sejumlah kontrak yang semula akan dilakukan tahun ini harus tertunda akibat pandemi Covid-19.

“Tahun lalu Len berhasil membukukan pendapatan Rp4,2 triliun. Tahun ini memang tidak mudah dan banyak penyesuaian, sehingga 2020 ini kami ingin fokus mempertahankan pencapaian tahun lalu," jelas Direktur Utama Len Industri Zakky Gamal Yasin, Rabu (19/8/2020).

Struktur pendapatan yang didapat pada tahun lalu di antaranya bersumber dari transportasi perkeretaapian 34,7%, renewable energy 18,7%, ICT dan navigasi 22,3%, pertahanan 15,9%, dan 8,4% dari pendapatan lainnya.

Kontrak-kontrak pertahanan

Selain bergantung pada proyek carry over, tahun ini Len Industri juga telah mengantongi sejumlah proyek baru. Proyek-proyek baru tersebut antara lain perbaikan Sista Meriam Komposit TD2000, Modernisasi Kapal Multi Role Light Frigate (MRLF), perbaikan Simulator ATNP Kolat Armada dan Simulator NFS Kolat Armada, pengadaan Alkom dan Intercomm, dan proyek Joint Production Pesawat Terbang Tanpa Awak (PTTA) jenis Medium Altitude Long Endurance (MALE).

Di bidang non-pertahanan, perusahaan juga telah mengantongi proyek-proyek baru, seperti proyek Jaringan Gas (Jargas) Rumah Tangga Serang 6111SR, Penerangan Jalan Umum (PJU), Persinyalan dan Telekomunikasi (Sintel) jalur Makassar – Parepare, jalur Bogor – Cicurug, dan jalur Kedundang – New Yogyakarta International Airport (NYIA), pemelliharan Radar Cuaca dan Sistem Monitoring Gempa Bumi BMKG, dan juga proyek Managed Service Partner BRIBox.

Agar target 2020 tercapai, Len Industri telah merancang program quick wins 2020. Program ini salah satunya berupa penguatan produksi radar dan penguatan posisi perusahaan di pasar pertahanan, seperti mejadi lead integrator radar dan integrator naval combat system di Indonesia.

Program quick wins 2020 juga difokuskan pada peningkatan kompetensi SDM, penguatan kondisi finansial perusahaan, optimalisasi program inovasi bisnis dan pengembangan produk/teknologi, serta penetrasi dan ekspansi bisnis. Selain itu, mulai tahun 2020 ini, Len Industri telah melakukan transformasi proses bisnis melalui penerapan Len 5.0 ERP System.

"Dengan mengantongi sejumlah proyek baru dan penerapan program-program perbaikan kinerja perusahan, kami optimistis akan tembus target tahun 2020," pungkasnya.

Can confirm, but it's not the time to explain this further right now

If this means that there will be no longer (or at least much less) military stuff embargo/sanction/banning possibilities in the future, AND, we can get F-35s sooner, then I'm willing to scrap the "full Russian" ideas and thoroughly support this.

But I still want the S-400 though:D
It's really is a no brainer to guess that the US is the likely partner looking for such expanded cooperation with us... it's not like a nation like East Timor will be making such requests would they..?
The real question is :
1. What does this "logistics cooperation" entails..? Military ships from various countries have been making visits to our ports for years and there was never a need for any specific logistics cooperation agreement before...
2. Our gov reaction to this cooperation proposal and the possible response...
3. Are there any additional tangible benefits to us..? Other than some generic statements like "better cooperation with the US" or "gaining the goodwill of the US".
4. Are there anything in our law or constitution that may hamper such agreements..?

Wait a minute. Are we sure that it's not India? It's no secret that they want to target all the cargo ships from/to China that's passing through Indonesian territory especially Malacca strait in tonnage war against China in case the war starts between QUAD vs China.
Wait a minute. Are we sure that it's not India? It's no secret that they want to target all the cargo ships from/to China that's passing through Indonesian territory especially Malacca strait in tonnage war against China in case the war starts between QUAD vs China.
I dont think so, btw how is the plan to give them access to our port in Sabang going?
. . . .
But I still want the S-400 though:D
The best missile for the AD is arguably the SAMP/T in terms of cost to benefit ratio. Me, @Gen3115, @Azull, Striver, and a couple of others talked about it out of boredom.

As much as I like the MEADS/Patriot series (and arguably the fact that the PAC-3/4 blows the SAMP/T out of the water in terms of ABM capability), the fact that a lot of the TNI-AD's existing GBAD infrastructure exists on a network based around Thales architecture (Think the CONTROLMaster for the Starstreak and Mistral) it would be cheaper and more streamlined overall for the TNI-AD to get either the Crotale NG or VL MICA for MRAD and the Aster 30NT SAMP/T for HIMAD and ABM duties. At the end of the day what we should be looking to do is an TNI-AD CEC like system that work in conjunction with a larger network of IADS among the tri-services. And although you can still do it with MEADS/Patriot it would just be more expensive to to integrate all of them together as you would have to pay both Raytheon and Thales integration costs.

The fact that it's a a huge probability that the Navy is likely installing the Aster over the SM series (along with the VL MICA already onboard the Martadinatas) means that the services can rely on a common pool of missiles when it comes to GBAD/IADS. Think Singapore and their Asters.

I wouldn't know where to begin when it comes to the newer S-400 system (no one does, and if they do they are either breaking the law or lying). But if the export variant would lead us to somewhat similar (but improved) performance to the S-300, then we can thank the Syrians for demonstrating how colossally terrible they are. And that's coming from a system that's (partly) integrated with other GBAD's such as Buk, Tor, and Pantsirs. It would be even worse when it comes unintegrated with existing GBAD since all of ours are Western made.
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There's Belharra design by naval group in DJKI (Direktorat Jenderal Kekayaan Intelektual) maybe expect this ship to be contracted later?

The best missile for the AD is arguably the SAMP/T in terms of cost to benefit ratio. Me, @Gen3115, @Azull, Striver, and a couple of others talked about it out of boredom.

As much as I like the MEADS/Patriot series (and arguably the fact that the PAC-3/4 blows the SAMP/T out of the water is terms of ABM capability), the fact that a lot of the AD's existing GBAD infrastructure exists on a network based around Thales architecture (Think the CONTROLMaster for the Starstreak and Mistral) it would be cheaper and more streamlined overall for the AD to get either the Crotale NG or VL MICA for MRAD and the Aster 30NT SAMP/T for HIMAD and ABM duties. At the end of the day what we should be looking to do is an TNI-AD CEC like system that work in conjunction with a larger network of IADS among the tri-services. And although you can still do it with MEADS/Patriot it would just be more expensive to to integrate all of them together as you would have to pay both Raytheon and Thales integration costs.

The fact that it's a a huge probability that the Navy is likely installing the Aster over the SM series (along with the VL MICA already onboard the Martadinatas) means that the services can rely on a common pool of missiles when it comes to GBAD/IADS. Think Singapore and their Asters.

I wouldn't know where to begin when it comes to the newer S-400 system (no one does, and if they do they are either breaking the law or lying). But if the export variant would lead us to somewhat similar (but improved) performance to the S-300, then we can thank the Syrians for demonstrating how colossally terrible they are. And that's coming from a system that's (partly) integrated with other GBAD's such as Buk, Tor, and Pantsirs. It would be even worse when it comes unintegrated with existing GBAD since all of ours are Western made.
Why i think the SAMP/T would be one of the best candidate for our forces is based on only two words. Interoperability and commonality. Would be one of the best decision of our mindef if its ever chosen.

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