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Indonesia Defence Forum

Theres any plan to change our malvinas? Im prever to use kostrad camo as standard camo in tni

Commoniality doesn't create enough "proyek" & "penyerapan anggaran". Why do you think the US military keep designing overrice camo pattern? Its the same deal here


Pindad Berencana Bikin Mesin Sendiri Ketimbang Comot Merek Lain
Rabu, 15 Juli 2020 | 07:22 WIB


Lihat Foto
Dok. Pindad
Pindad Maung 4x4

Penulis: Stanly Ravel
Editor: Agung Kurniawan

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Meski saat ini masih menggunakan mesin dan sasis milik Toyota Hilux, namun PT Pindad (Persero) berniat akan menggarap kendaraan taktis (Rantis) bernama Maung tersebut dengan komponen bikinan sendiri.

Direktur Utama PT Pindad Abraham Mose mengatakan, dirinya sudah mendapatkan sinyal agar ke depan tak lagi memproduksi kendaraan militer atau sejenisnya dengan mencomot mesin atau komponen dari pabrikan lain.

"Kemarin pak Prabowo juga sudah sempat bicara, seharusnya sudah waktunya kami (Pindad) memproduksi mesin sendiri, jangan kalah dengan pabrikan lain. Intinya beliau berpesan harus bisa produksi sendiri," ucap Abraham kepada Kompas.com Selasa (14/7/2020).

Baca juga: Pindad Maung Pakai Mesin dan Sasis Hilux, Begini Respon Toyota

Abraham menjelaskan, hal tersebut memang sudah sempat dipikirkan sejak lama, namun memang dalam praktiknya tidak mudah. Ada banyak sekali kendala-kendala yang dihadapi.

Lihat Foto
Dok. Pindad
Prabowo test drive Rantis Maung garapan Pindad

Namun demikian, bukan berarti tidak bisa. Menurut Abraham, secara kemampuan dan sumber daya manusia (SDM), Indonesia sudah punya pontensi untuk memproduksi mesin sendiri, dan harusnya kondisi ini akan menciptakan banyak keuntungan serta lapangan kerja juga.

Karena itu, bila memang nantinya peminat terhadap produk-produk Pindan makin besar, Abraham menjelasakan bukan hal yang mustahil ke depannya Pindad akan membangun pabrik mesin sendiri.

"Pastinya rencana sudah ada, kita juga berharap produk kami bisa diterima banyak market juga, tidak hanya sebatas kalangan militer saja. Jadi kita lihat perkembangannya akan seperti apa," kata Abraham.

Sebelumnya, Abraham mengakui bila masalah mesin memang menjadi salah satu pekerjaan rumah bagi Pindad. Karena itu dia berharap mendapat nantinya Pindad bisa mengembangkan dan memproduksi sendiri spesifikasi mesin yang dibutuhkan.

Baca juga: Maung Pindad Sudah Dilirik Negara Lain

Lihat Foto
Twitter @prabowo
Menteri Pertahanan Prabowo Subianto saat menjajal rantis Maung buatan PT Pindad, Minggu (12/7/2020).

"Nantinya semua kita kembangkan sendiri, di luar dari mesin yang masih pakai Toyota. Sasis sekarang kita pakai Hilux, namun kita rombak lagi, nanti juga kita akan buat sendiri," ucap Abraham.

"Jadi PR (pekerjaan rumah) selanjutnya tinggal masalah mesin saja, karena kami ingin nantinya mesin dibuat lokal, tidak beli lagi," kata dia.


The market is the most important consideration before PT PINDAD joint the gray to build their own engine. Hope other institution like POLRI, local government body like Satpol PP, kementerian Hukum dan HAM , and other paramilitary units obliged to use Maung. I sincerely hope they can use local Made engines and chasis


Are are

This should be a strong indication where Indonesian foreign policy and security alignment swaying to which sides. Military Academy college is the most basic institution within any country military to nurture high ranking officers to lead the armed forces in future. If foreigner being let to become an instructure to the Academy you can expect there is Will be common sharing goals for both Armed Forces to achieved in the future.

Welcome to Michael Kiting, first Australian instructure to Indonesian Military College Academy in Magelang and congrats for Petrus Paramayudo for being Indonesian first instructure to Royal Australian Military Academy

@Chestnut @Cromwell @Nilgiri
Some shit who said Indonesia Navy doesnt need ocean going vessels should go to the gutter. Those Frosch class can't take shit anymore, high wave and they go down to the bottom, they need be replaced by more bigger and stronger logistic ships.
She was replace by local made lst..this is 2nd accident for frosch class after biscany bay 1994..
For parchim its better use by bakamla with no bru and missile,only fitted with gun..and tni al use a newly class maybe from local shipyard


Pindad Berencana Bikin Mesin Sendiri Ketimbang Comot Merek Lain
Rabu, 15 Juli 2020 | 07:22 WIB


Lihat Foto
Dok. Pindad
Pindad Maung 4x4

Penulis: Stanly Ravel
Editor: Agung Kurniawan

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Meski saat ini masih menggunakan mesin dan sasis milik Toyota Hilux, namun PT Pindad (Persero) berniat akan menggarap kendaraan taktis (Rantis) bernama Maung tersebut dengan komponen bikinan sendiri.

Direktur Utama PT Pindad Abraham Mose mengatakan, dirinya sudah mendapatkan sinyal agar ke depan tak lagi memproduksi kendaraan militer atau sejenisnya dengan mencomot mesin atau komponen dari pabrikan lain.

"Kemarin pak Prabowo juga sudah sempat bicara, seharusnya sudah waktunya kami (Pindad) memproduksi mesin sendiri, jangan kalah dengan pabrikan lain. Intinya beliau berpesan harus bisa produksi sendiri," ucap Abraham kepada Kompas.com Selasa (14/7/2020).

Baca juga: Pindad Maung Pakai Mesin dan Sasis Hilux, Begini Respon Toyota

Abraham menjelaskan, hal tersebut memang sudah sempat dipikirkan sejak lama, namun memang dalam praktiknya tidak mudah. Ada banyak sekali kendala-kendala yang dihadapi.

Lihat Foto
Dok. Pindad
Prabowo test drive Rantis Maung garapan Pindad

Namun demikian, bukan berarti tidak bisa. Menurut Abraham, secara kemampuan dan sumber daya manusia (SDM), Indonesia sudah punya pontensi untuk memproduksi mesin sendiri, dan harusnya kondisi ini akan menciptakan banyak keuntungan serta lapangan kerja juga.

Karena itu, bila memang nantinya peminat terhadap produk-produk Pindan makin besar, Abraham menjelasakan bukan hal yang mustahil ke depannya Pindad akan membangun pabrik mesin sendiri.

"Pastinya rencana sudah ada, kita juga berharap produk kami bisa diterima banyak market juga, tidak hanya sebatas kalangan militer saja. Jadi kita lihat perkembangannya akan seperti apa," kata Abraham.

Sebelumnya, Abraham mengakui bila masalah mesin memang menjadi salah satu pekerjaan rumah bagi Pindad. Karena itu dia berharap mendapat nantinya Pindad bisa mengembangkan dan memproduksi sendiri spesifikasi mesin yang dibutuhkan.

Baca juga: Maung Pindad Sudah Dilirik Negara Lain

Lihat Foto
Twitter @prabowo
Menteri Pertahanan Prabowo Subianto saat menjajal rantis Maung buatan PT Pindad, Minggu (12/7/2020).

"Nantinya semua kita kembangkan sendiri, di luar dari mesin yang masih pakai Toyota. Sasis sekarang kita pakai Hilux, namun kita rombak lagi, nanti juga kita akan buat sendiri," ucap Abraham.

"Jadi PR (pekerjaan rumah) selanjutnya tinggal masalah mesin saja, karena kami ingin nantinya mesin dibuat lokal, tidak beli lagi," kata dia.


The market is the most important consideration before PT PINDAD joint the gray to build their own engine. Hope other institution like POLRI, local government body like Satpol PP, kementerian Hukum dan HAM , and other paramilitary units obliged to use Maung. I sincerely hope they can use local Made engines and chasis


Are are

This should be a strong indication where Indonesian foreign policy and security alignment swaying to which sides. Military Academy college is the most basic institution within any country military to nurture high ranking officers to lead the armed forces in future. If foreigner being let to become an instructure to the Academy you can expect there is Will be common sharing goals for both Armed Forces to achieved in the future.

Welcome to Michael Kiting, first Australian instructure to Indonesian Military College Academy in Magelang and congrats for Petrus Paramayudo for being Indonesian first instructure to Royal Australian Military Academy

@Chestnut @Cromwell @Nilgiri
By logic Australia should've been and always been our natural partner, economically both G20 member and geopolitically we face the common threat against our interest in the region. This instructor sent to us going to take years to bear the fruit however worth investment

In the framework of international exhibition Indo Defence-2016 – held in Indonesian capital city Jakarta – the talks between UKROBORONPROM leadership and representatives of the Armed Forces of Indonesia were held.

During the meeting, Assistant Commander-in-Chief Bonar Hutagaol and Deputy Commander of the Air Force of Indonesia showed strong interest in new radar systems, manufactured by UOP enterprises-participants. Air-to -air missiles, produced by JSHC “Artem,” and military transport aircraft of "Antonov" production were also discussed among other UOP products during the talks.

At Indo Defence-2016 expo the State Concern represented 37 exhibits from 16 UOP enterprisers-participants. In addition to new partners search, UOP aims for active dialogue with representatives of other countries, experience and technology exchange, import substitution program speed up.

Indo Defence-2016 covers a whole range of armament and military equipment used by the Army, Air and Navy of Southeast Asia. The exhibition is supported by the Ministry of Defence of Indonesia and is recognized in the industry as a place for presentations, training, communication and business, where there are more than 20,000 professional visitors and more than 670 companies from 49 countries, demonstrating the latest military equipment and systems.

During military exercises “Rubizh-2016” radio-technical battalion of the radio-technical troops successfully tested 3-D surveillance radar “Pelican”. Specialists of UOP SE“Scientific and Production Complex “Iskra” were engaged in development and production of the new military equipment.

former vice president looking at antonov AN-148-300MP (Maritime Patrol Variants) at indo defence




if i remember antonov also in search for foreign aerospace industry partner for resuming some of their airplane series production line ,because their main partner get into bitter end due to crimea conflict (russia) .

hiu kencana

In the framework of international exhibition Indo Defence-2016 – held in Indonesian capital city Jakarta – the talks between UKROBORONPROM leadership and representatives of the Armed Forces of Indonesia were held.

During the meeting, Assistant Commander-in-Chief Bonar Hutagaol and Deputy Commander of the Air Force of Indonesia showed strong interest in new radar systems, manufactured by UOP enterprises-participants. Air-to -air missiles, produced by JSHC “Artem,” and military transport aircraft of "Antonov" production were also discussed among other UOP products during the talks.

At Indo Defence-2016 expo the State Concern represented 37 exhibits from 16 UOP enterprisers-participants. In addition to new partners search, UOP aims for active dialogue with representatives of other countries, experience and technology exchange, import substitution program speed up.

Indo Defence-2016 covers a whole range of armament and military equipment used by the Army, Air and Navy of Southeast Asia. The exhibition is supported by the Ministry of Defence of Indonesia and is recognized in the industry as a place for presentations, training, communication and business, where there are more than 20,000 professional visitors and more than 670 companies from 49 countries, demonstrating the latest military equipment and systems.

During military exercises “Rubizh-2016” radio-technical battalion of the radio-technical troops successfully tested 3-D surveillance radar “Pelican”. Specialists of UOP SE“Scientific and Production Complex “Iskra” were engaged in development and production of the new military equipment.

former vice president looking at antonov AN-148-300MP (Maritime Patrol Variants) at indo defence
if i remember antonov also in search for foreign aerospace industry partner for resuming some of their airplane series production line ,because their main partner get into bitter end due to crimea conflict (russia) .

hiu kencana
Personally I wouldn't touch Ukrainian stuff with a 10-foot barge pole.
Personally I wouldn't touch Ukrainian stuff with a 10-foot barge pole.

I hope they choose the good stuff, not the bad ones. their BTR4 have bad reputation from their buyers, and the last time member from the ruling party wanted Bulat from ukraine instead of Leopard.
I hope they choose the good stuff, not the bad ones. their BTR4 have bad reputation from their buyers, and the last time member from the ruling party wanted Bulat from ukraine instead of Leopard.

Their problem is not the product itself but their non exist quality control !!!

We need this Iver

OMT presentation; there will be amandements on weaponry specs contract. Importantly OMT has no shipyard and thus there's no option that PT.PAL must do majority the works or partially with Babcock not 4% works of share we earned from DSNS

After much studies, Iver is the ideal option
View attachment 651338
We need this Iver
View attachment 651340
OMT presentation; there will be amandements on weaponry specs contract. Importantly OMT has no shipyard and thus there's no option that PT.PAL must do majority the works or partially with Babcock not 4% works of share we earned from DSNS
View attachment 651341
After much studies, Iver is the ideal option
Speaking of long term plan, how many Iver that we'll get...let's say 10-15 years the future?
View attachment 651338
We need this Iver
View attachment 651340
OMT presentation; there will be amandements on weaponry specs contract. Importantly OMT has no shipyard and thus there's no option that PT.PAL must do majority the works or partially with Babcock not 4% works of share we earned from DSNS
View attachment 651341
After much studies, Iver is the ideal option

When the cutting steel Will be implemented sir? Is the process Will be doing in irian dock at Surabaya or another dock?
Speaking of long term plan, how many Iver that we'll get...let's say 10-15 years the future?
For now the provision is up to 4 units total, idk whether the number would be added considering possible conflict up in the north

When the cutting steel Will be implemented sir? Is the process Will be doing in irian dock at Surabaya or another dock?
Will be discussed when assesment from Babcock & OMT arrived to PT.PAL shipyard facillities.


Pindad Berencana Bikin Mesin Sendiri Ketimbang Comot Merek Lain
Rabu, 15 Juli 2020 | 07:22 WIB


Lihat Foto
Dok. Pindad
Pindad Maung 4x4

Penulis: Stanly Ravel
Editor: Agung Kurniawan

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Meski saat ini masih menggunakan mesin dan sasis milik Toyota Hilux, namun PT Pindad (Persero) berniat akan menggarap kendaraan taktis (Rantis) bernama Maung tersebut dengan komponen bikinan sendiri.

Direktur Utama PT Pindad Abraham Mose mengatakan, dirinya sudah mendapatkan sinyal agar ke depan tak lagi memproduksi kendaraan militer atau sejenisnya dengan mencomot mesin atau komponen dari pabrikan lain.

"Kemarin pak Prabowo juga sudah sempat bicara, seharusnya sudah waktunya kami (Pindad) memproduksi mesin sendiri, jangan kalah dengan pabrikan lain. Intinya beliau berpesan harus bisa produksi sendiri," ucap Abraham kepada Kompas.com Selasa (14/7/2020).

Baca juga: Pindad Maung Pakai Mesin dan Sasis Hilux, Begini Respon Toyota

Abraham menjelaskan, hal tersebut memang sudah sempat dipikirkan sejak lama, namun memang dalam praktiknya tidak mudah. Ada banyak sekali kendala-kendala yang dihadapi.

Lihat Foto
Dok. Pindad
Prabowo test drive Rantis Maung garapan Pindad

Namun demikian, bukan berarti tidak bisa. Menurut Abraham, secara kemampuan dan sumber daya manusia (SDM), Indonesia sudah punya pontensi untuk memproduksi mesin sendiri, dan harusnya kondisi ini akan menciptakan banyak keuntungan serta lapangan kerja juga.

Karena itu, bila memang nantinya peminat terhadap produk-produk Pindan makin besar, Abraham menjelasakan bukan hal yang mustahil ke depannya Pindad akan membangun pabrik mesin sendiri.

"Pastinya rencana sudah ada, kita juga berharap produk kami bisa diterima banyak market juga, tidak hanya sebatas kalangan militer saja. Jadi kita lihat perkembangannya akan seperti apa," kata Abraham.

Sebelumnya, Abraham mengakui bila masalah mesin memang menjadi salah satu pekerjaan rumah bagi Pindad. Karena itu dia berharap mendapat nantinya Pindad bisa mengembangkan dan memproduksi sendiri spesifikasi mesin yang dibutuhkan.

Baca juga: Maung Pindad Sudah Dilirik Negara Lain

Lihat Foto
Twitter @prabowo
Menteri Pertahanan Prabowo Subianto saat menjajal rantis Maung buatan PT Pindad, Minggu (12/7/2020).

"Nantinya semua kita kembangkan sendiri, di luar dari mesin yang masih pakai Toyota. Sasis sekarang kita pakai Hilux, namun kita rombak lagi, nanti juga kita akan buat sendiri," ucap Abraham.

"Jadi PR (pekerjaan rumah) selanjutnya tinggal masalah mesin saja, karena kami ingin nantinya mesin dibuat lokal, tidak beli lagi," kata dia.


The market is the most important consideration before PT PINDAD joint the gray to build their own engine. Hope other institution like POLRI, local government body like Satpol PP, kementerian Hukum dan HAM , and other paramilitary units obliged to use Maung. I sincerely hope they can use local Made engines and chasis


Are are

This should be a strong indication where Indonesian foreign policy and security alignment swaying to which sides. Military Academy college is the most basic institution within any country military to nurture high ranking officers to lead the armed forces in future. If foreigner being let to become an instructure to the Academy you can expect there is Will be common sharing goals for both Armed Forces to achieved in the future.

Welcome to Michael Kiting, first Australian instructure to Indonesian Military College Academy in Magelang and congrats for Petrus Paramayudo for being Indonesian first instructure to Royal Australian Military Academy

@Chestnut @Cromwell @Nilgiri

Looking good! I was just looking at new ford bronco earlier too haha.

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