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that's gonna sucks like what happened today.
Well i suppose they'll be a good " aggresor squadron " in future. It's undeniable that those Flankers are going to " alien " within our system

Some pieces of our C-130B history
Now since you raise the issue, those Flankers are gonna be huge problem when we building our own Network Centric Warfare system, what are we gonna do with them ? These Flankers are gonna be trapped on basic radio communication, unable to connect within the system

1. Make them as an aggressor squadron, scratch them off the regular Koopsau, Kohahudnas, etc activities and use them solely for training to keep costs down. Since the PRC is our pressing adversary, the Su-30MK2's would make a good aggressor since the PLAAF have some in their fleet as well. The only down side is we need to know if we can retain their operational costs.

2. Sell them to another country that might be interested, not sure if theres any to be honest, but I think some South American or African states would be interested or maybe even Vietnam (doubt it though).

3. Make them into monuments (this is something I'm pretty sure the TNI-AU is good at this point lmao)

4. Sell them to an adversary red air company like Draken or Air USA and then contract them to do aggressor red air duties for us.

that's gonna sucks like what happened today.

Wait what happened today?
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1. Make them as an aggressor squadron, scratch them off the regular Koopsau, Kohahudnas, etc activities and use them solely for training to keep costs down. Since the PRC is our pressing adversary, the Su-30MK2's would make a good aggressor since the PLAAF have some in their fleet as well. The only down side is we need to know if we can retain their operational costs.

2. Sell them to another country that might be interested, not sure if theres any to be honest, but I think some South American or African would be interested or maybe even Vietnam (doubt it though).

3. Make them into monuments (this is something I'm pretty sure the TNI-AU is good at this point lmao)

4. Sell them to an adversary red air company like Draken or Air USA and then contract them to do aggressor red air duties for us.

Wait what happened today?

Their is stand alone platform
1. Make them as an aggressor squadron, scratch them off the regular Koopsau, Kohahudnas, etc activities and use them solely for training to keep costs down. Since the PRC is our pressing adversary, the Su-30MK2's would make a good aggressor since the PLAAF have some in their fleet as well. The only down side is we need to know if we can retain their operational costs.

2. Sell them to another country that might be interested, not sure if theres any to be honest, but I think some South American or African would be interested or maybe even Vietnam (doubt it though).

3. Make them into monuments (this is something I'm pretty sure the TNI-AU is good at this point lmao)

4. Sell them to an adversary red air company like Draken or Air USA and then contract them to do aggressor red air duties for us.

Wait what happened today?
As bad as it may seems, write off Flankers is not a wise idea. Even with the fleet right now TNI AU still stretched out to cover the air. Remember Sku 14 is still using 3-4 unit of flankers taken from sku 11. Now want to sell/write off/jadi monumen?
In this pandemic er where budget is very limited? How they gonna replace it?
And hopely no BS joke from anyone said pake produk dalam negeri aja.

Use it until the end of its age then replace them all. Make the best out of it with all their limitation. Like it or not their coverage range can not be replace that easy.
As bad as it may seems, write off Flankers is not a wise idea. Even with the fleet right now TNI AU still stretched out to cover the air. Remember Sku 14 is still using 3-4 unit of flankers taken from sku 11. Now want to sell/write off/jadi monumen?
In this pandemic er where budget is very limited? How they gonna replace it?
And hopely no BS joke from anyone said pake produk dalam negeri aja.

Use it until the end of its age then replace them all. Make the best out of it with all their limitation. Like it or not their coverage range can not be replace that easy.

You can use them until their airframe hours wear out, the problem with that is it takes money for the operational costs and its the Flankers thats been heavy on the wallet in that case. Plus I was assuming this was when we start having enough airframes and replacement for them.

Why not use those flankers as a dedicated naval attack squadron?

Better get some BrahMos then, Kh-31's not gonna provide enough punch IMO
You can use them until their airframe hours wear out, the problem with that is it takes money for the operational costs and its the Flankers thats been heavy on the wallet in that case. Plus I was assuming this was when we start having enough airframes and replacement for them.

Better get some BrahMos then, Kh-31's not gonna provide enough punch IMO
this is one of the reason also why AL or AU rarely bought new stuff, they'd keeping older stuff with a burdening operational and harwat cost that takes a large portion of their budget, may gods luck favor the remaining ahmad yani class crew and sailors, those thing are relic .
You can use them until their airframe hours wear out, the problem with that is it takes money for the operational costs and its the Flankers thats been heavy on the wallet in that case. Plus I was assuming this was when we start having enough airframes and replacement for them.

Better get some BrahMos then, Kh-31's not gonna provide enough punch IMO
Yes I believe operational costs was the point that they considered that time and they decided to buy flankers. Aaannndd...they still wanna have Su35. It means they are aware about that.
So replace them for sure but at the end of flankers life.

Imho, Kh-31 has enough deterent especially if you consider for decades TNI AU's arsenal for interdiction/maritime strike is only mavericks.
But if you give option for brahmos (I assumed air launched version) then the option to sell/make Flankers a monument becoming obsolete because MK2 version need to be upgraded to launched air launched Brahmos. Why wastingmoney on upgrading flankers then sell it out?
Why not use those flankers as a dedicated naval attack squadron?
Right now TNI AU can't afford to have any dedicated mission fighter squadron. Flanker is covering most of eastern area to engage with black flight. Leave them as dedicated naval attack squadron will leave nothing to cover the airspace. Remember sku 14 too have only 1 flight of flanker.

Same as hawk 200/100 fleet. People often say, to replace them or tell that hawks only a second line of defence fighter.
As a workhorse fighter and the spearhead of TNI AU in dark era at the end of 90's and first decade of 2000, this is penghinaan. It was Hawk that were sent to intercept Lasa-X in eastern part (hawk 200 vs RAAF hornet case)
Nobody dare to say that hawk is a second line fighter.
Same as today, the nearest fighter to LCS is hawk at sku 1. They do a heavy mission to cover and protect that hot spot. Not Flankers and not F-16s (exception if there is other CAP flight in Ranai AFB).
Soooo...can't do any dedicated mission squadron imho.
Right now TNI AU can't afford to have any dedicated mission fighter squadron. Flanker is covering most of eastern area to engage with black flight. Leave them as dedicated naval attack squadron will leave nothing to cover the airspace. Remember sku 14 too have only 1 flight of flanker.

Same as hawk 200/100 fleet. People often say, to replace them or tell that hawks only a second line of defence fighter.
As a workhorse fighter and the spearhead of TNI AU in dark era at the end of 90's and first decade of 2000, this is penghinaan. It was Hawk that were sent to intercept Lasa-X in eastern part (hawk 200 vs RAAF hornet case)
Nobody dare to say that hawk is a second line fighter.
Same as today, the nearest fighter to LCS is hawk at sku 1. They do a heavy mission to cover and protect that hot spot. Not Flankers and not F-16s (exception if there is other CAP flight in Ranai AFB).
Soooo...can't do any dedicated mission squadron imho.
No this is just for the long run, we are on our way to induct additional F16s and if @Cromwell prophecy that we are going to operate Lightning's in the future is right then there are roles that our flankers could fill as their previous roles of patrol and Frontline fighters are replaced by vipers and Lightning's. Some suggested that they be an aggressor squadron but I'm more inclined for a dedicated maritime strike platform.
No this is just for the long run, we are on our way to induct additional F16s and if @Cromwell prophecy that we are going to operate Lightning's in the future is right then there are roles that our flankers could fill as their previous roles of patrol and Frontline fighters are replaced by vipers and Lightning's. Some suggested that they be an aggressor squadron but I'm more inclined for a dedicated maritime strike platform.

Maritime strike platform better using something like KFX, they gonna use many type AShM
Don't we have an understanding already that KFX won't be here anytime soon?

Mid-2030's at least, don't put KFX in any plan or orbat of some kind for the 2020's, especially when our commitment to the program is questionable
F16 Viper as stopgap and stepping stone towards modern warfare. I am too wondering whats our maritime strike platform going to be. Or perhaps we just wait until the sukhoi retirement date sometime in 2030ish and see whats in the market for maritime strike platform thats avaiable. The only twin engine gen 5 avaiable in 2030ish (nato) might only be KFX. I doubt the German/French nor the English/SAAB might be ready at that time. As for Turkys one, I dont think they going to get it done if they cant find a good partner.

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