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I had an argument with two boomers about this...

They kept saying SCYTALYS is somehow going to magically datalink the F-16 and Su-27/30/35 together even though they can't answer my question of whether or not Russia and America will give you the source code for the radar data.

Again, boomers need to face the day of the pillow.
What is boomers?
I read some kiddos with no manner in internet said boomers this and that.
But what is exactly boomer means in this context? Old people? Org tua sok tau? Or what?
What is boomers?
I read some kiddos with no manner in internet said boomers this and that.
But what is exactly boomer means in this context? Old people? Org tua sok tau? Or what?
Orang tua yang sok tau dan gak mau denger opini orang karena alesannya "sAya lBh tUa jD SaYA lbH tAhU!!!1!!"
SEAD/DEAD is the first thing i imagine when I heard F35
sorry, not that I have knowledges about our military doctrine. but, isn't SEAD/DEAD is kinda against our military doctrin which, AFAIK is that we are not agressor ?
thats why i think that we may need the F35, but now isnt really the right time. more like after 2030 is the time.
Speaking of which, here's a nice video sent @Gen3115 showcasing a Hornet in a WVR with a Flanker.

Notice how the supposed 'Super Maneuverable' Flanker was stretched thin by an arguably outdated fighter.

sorry, not that I have knowledges about our military doctrine. but, isn't SEAD/DEAD is kinda against our military doctrin which, AFAIK is that we are not agressor ?
thats why i think that we may need the F35, but now isnt really the right time. more like after 2030 is the time.
Destroying enemy capability to attack us is offensive defence. Something like destroying their airfield, power grid, port, etc.
Asal kita gak menduduki daerah orang aja.
(Though, It's not like we never invade another country before :victory1:)
sorry, not that I have knowledges about our military doctrine. but, isn't SEAD/DEAD is kinda against our military doctrin which, AFAIK is that we are not agressor ?
thats why i think that we may need the F35, but now isnt really the right time. more like after 2030 is the time.
preemptive strike is also a form of defense, bring the conflict as far as possible from our border.
sorry, not that I have knowledges about our military doctrine. but, isn't SEAD/DEAD is kinda against our military doctrin which, AFAIK is that we are not agressor ?
thats why i think that we may need the F35, but now isnt really the right time. more like after 2030 is the time.

nooooo, there is no doctrine which stated we can't attack other countries first to secure our interest and objective. On contrary, Indonesia armed forces posture is more on expeditionary forces since long long time. That's why they dedicated Kostrad or Caduad in the past as expeditionary forces elements along with the Marine Corps or KKO. There is long wishes among military planner reformer to restore the function and roles of Indonesian Armed Forces into more aggressive posture just like in Old Era, especially for the Navy and Air Forces.
sorry, not that I have knowledges about our military doctrine. but, isn't SEAD/DEAD is kinda against our military doctrin which, AFAIK is that we are not agressor ?
thats why i think that we may need the F35, but now isnt really the right time. more like after 2030 is the time.
You can conduct SEAD/DEAD on enemy ships as well. A HARM missile would still lock on to a Navy ship's radar just as it would if it were a GBAD.
Are you sure we aren't gonna getting it now?
Wamenhan is lobbying F35 to replace flanker deal, not something else, any other US made jets are rarely mentioned. (Not even F15, meskipun seberapa pengennya gw sama itu jet, yg nyebut F15 cuma video ksau sekali itu aja)

Ordering it now and getting it near 2030 is great, but I doubt it. Plus like I said better for us to wait until it's more affordable and mature.
Destroying enemy capability to attack us is offensive defence. Something like destroying their airfield, power grid, port, etc.
Asal kita gak menduduki daerah orang aja.
(Though, It's not like we never invade another country before :victory1:)
I see, thank you for that.

thank you for the explanations. its just in public, our petinggi militer and pengamat militer kita somehow always made the impression that we are waiting for another country to invade us, so i just gotta ask. thans though
Orang tua yang sok tau dan gak mau denger opini orang karena alesannya "sAya lBh tUa jD SaYA lbH tAhU!!!1!!"
Aahh I see. So 'younger' people get upset to the sok tau older person and call them boomer.
I wonder what average age range to called boomer. So next time I would know if a boomer asking me to fight (like a man of course, not a keyboard warrior), it won't be a boomer vs a boomer.
I had an argument with two boomers about this...

They kept saying SCYTALYS is somehow going to magically datalink the F-16 and Su-27/30/35 together even though they can't answer my question of whether or not Russia and America will give you the source code for the radar data.

Again, boomers need to face the day of the pillow.
Now since you raise the issue, those Flankers are gonna be huge problem when we building our own Network Centric Warfare system, what are we gonna do with them ? These Flankers are gonna be trapped on basic radio communication, unable to connect within the system
Now since you raise the issue, those Flankers are gonna be huge problem when we building our own Network Centric Warfare system, what are we gonna do with them ? These Flankers are gonna be trapped on basic radio communication, unable to connect within the system

that's gonna sucks like what happened today.
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