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probably they mixed up with malaysia who sought LMS patrol ship from chinese company.

anyway alman said the bid for KRI Usman Harun Future SAM still ongoing , i really hoping even though the VL MICA was the strongest candidate , CAMM-ER (italian sea ceptor variants) for more range , would give our bung tomo atleast medium range local area air defense .

"European guided weapons house MBDA (Hall D, Stand D210) is pushing its new Sea Ceptor local area anti-air missile system as a potential retrofit for the Indonesian Navy’s three Bung Tomo-class corvettes, writes Richard Scott."

Thats right, that is the strongest possibility, some time reporter makes mistake. Understandable. Particularly the ones who never do any research before writing and being pushed with the death line.

Talking about our ship VLS missile. I hope they choose the one that can also hit incoming missile. I think that capability is a must in Today naval warfare.
Ini 'Eagle' Baru Pemimpin Skadron 'Penebar Maut' Sukhoi
Yuswantoro / sindonews.com
Rabu, 18 Maret 2020 - 08:36 WIB
views: 1.129

Danlanud Iswahjudi, Marsma TNI Widyargo Ikoputra, melantik Danskadron Udara 14 Lanudi Iswahjudi, Letkol Pnb. Wanda Surijohansyah. Foto/Dok. Penerangan Lanud Iswahjudi
MADIUN - Skadron Udara 14 Lanud Iswahjudi, yang menjadi markas bagi peawat-pesawat tempur canggih Sukhoi SU 27/30, memiliki komandan baru, Letkol Pnb. Wanda Surijohansyah.

Sebagai komandan baru, dia juga dikukuhkan sebagai Eagle-00 sekaligus sebagai Eagle-105. Acara tradisi pengukuhannya sebagai E-00 dan E-105 tersebut, bersamaan dengan tradisi penyematan Badge 2.000 jam terbang pada pesawat tempur Sukhoi SU-27/30 yang dipimpin langsung oleh Danlanud Iswahjudi, Marsma TNI Widyargo Ikoputra, di apron Skadron Udara 14, Wing 3, Lanud iswahjudi.

Eagle-00 merupakan Badge yang digunakan secara temporary bagi setiap pejabat Komandan Skadron Udara 14, sementara Eagle-105 menunjukkan bahwa yang bersangkutan merupakan penerbang tempur ke-105 Skadron Udara 14, Wing 3 Lanud Iswahjudi.

"Selamat atas pengukuhan Letkol Wanda sebagai Eagle-00 yang sekaligus sebagai Eagle-105. Pengukuhan ini merupakan wujud penghargaan yang diberikan oleh satuan kepada penerbang tempur Skadron Udara 14," ujar marsekal bintang satu yang akrab disapa Iko.

Sementara itu, atas keberhasilan pencapaian 2.000 jam terbang pada pesawat tempur Sukhoi SU-27/30 yang ditorehkan oleh Letkol Pnb Wanda, Marsma Iko juga menyampaikan ucapan selamat dan apresiasinya. Menurutnya pencapaian 2.000 jam terbang bagi seorang penerbang tempur merupakan suatu kebanggaan yang harus disyukuri bersama.

"Keberhasilan ini bukan hanya menjadi kebanggaan bagi penerbangnya, namun menjadi kebanggan bagi satuan Lanud Iswahjudi, maupun menjadi kebanggaan TNI AU," demikian disampaikan Marsma Iko saat memimpin acara tradisi tersebut.

Pada kesempatan yang sama, Marsma Iko juga berharap agar pencapaian 2.000 jam terbang dapat meningkatkan skill dan profesionalisme bagi penerbangnya, sekaligus menjadi motivator bagi penerbang lainnya.

Marsma Iko juga menyampaikan, keberhasilan pencapaian 2.000 jam terbang tersebut tidak lepas dari dukungan dan kerja keras seluruh personel, baik personel Skadron Udara 14, Wing 3, Skatek 042 maupun segenap personel di jajaran Lanud Iswahjudi.

Letkol Pnb Wanda Surijohansyah merupakan alumni Akademi Angkatan Udara (AAU) tahun 2001, sebelum menjabat sebagai Danskadron Udara 14, Wing 3, Lanud Iswahjudi, Letkol Wanda menjabat sebagai Danskadron Udara 11, Lanud Hasanuddin, Makassar.

Turut hadir pada acara pengukuhan E-00 dan E-105 serta tradisi 2000 jam terbang ini, Danwing 3 Lanud Iswahjudi, Kolonel Pnb M. Satrio Utomo, dan para Kepala Dinas Lanud Iswahjudi, serta para perwira dan anggota Skadron Udara 14.

Sukhoi 30 mk2 air refuelling 2014 "Russell flight"


anyway, it's his personal youtube channel, good luck KOMANDAN, 8-1-10 :victory1:
Literatur kuno kita yang ada, bercampur mitologi dan fantasi, atau dibikin tembang dll modelnya jadi seperti dongeng. Berasa seperti mahabarata dan ramayana, mungkin karena memang pengaruh dari kebudayaan India.

Adakah yang seperti De re militari dan art of war? Yang berasa lebih nyata dan kurang dongengnya, tidak harus juga berhubungan dengan strategi militer, bukunya lebih berasa 'teknis', btw ga banyak literatur kuno dari kerajaan kerajaan kita yang survive dan ditemukan hingga abad ini, sad

Semua literatur dari jaman tsb bercampur narasi dongeng, karena audience nya pun ga mungkin bisa nerima kalau bukan cara tsb. Memangnya 孫子兵法 bukan dongeng?! Sama saja khan semua nya juga dalam narasi dongeng cuma bagaimana audience nya saja yg harus bisa mengambil kesimpulan substansi dari narasi tsb.

Ada yang hampir teknis, namanya manuskrip ilmu bedil, itu menjelaskan penggunaan istinggar Minangkabau. Tapi nampaknya manuskrip ini sekarang ada di Malaysia.

HArap maklum, JIRAN SEBELAH dari dulu memang bangsa MALING

Contemporary (dari zaman itu, bukan zaman sekarang) pictures of weapon and ships made by native people is rare. I have read that the European people visiting Java mentions painting, engraving, and reliefs in local buildings depicting various scenes, from hunting to warfare, but these does not seem to have survived until the present day. In fact, most pictures about Indonesian history (like the painting of cetbang cannon, jong ships and war scenes) comes from European sources.

Mainly because we are at TROPICAL climate, and it doesn't help in the way of preservation of anything (humidity). While the rest of the surviving manuscript were mostly burn down by Nederland to avoid Javanese to rediscover our past wisdom & knowledge.
Semua literatur dari jaman tsb bercampur narasi dongeng, karena audience nya pun ga mungkin bisa nerima kalau bukan cara tsb. Memangnya 孫子兵法 bukan dongeng?! Sama saja khan semua nya juga dalam narasi dongeng cuma bagaimana audience nya saja yg harus bisa mengambil kesimpulan substansi dari narasi tsb.

HArap maklum, JIRAN SEBELAH dari dulu memang bangsa MALING

Mainly because we are at TROPICAL climate, and it doesn't help in the way of preservation of anything (humidity). While the rest of the surviving manuscript were mostly burn down by Nederland to avoid Javanese to rediscover our past wisdom & knowledge.
there are lots of manuscript from that era, the problem are many who own those manuscript treat them as pusaka and never let anyone read or copied it, they only opened it once a year as seremonial without knowing what the manuscript all about, thus destroyed it overtime being eaten by flea, roddent or Fungea

Alot soal Sukhoi, Indonesia Buka Peluang Beli Jet F-35 AS
CNN Indonesia
Rabu, 18/03/2020 10:56
Bagikan :

Wakil Menteri Pertahanan Sakti Wahyu Trenggono. (CNN Indonesia/ Feri Agus Setyawan)

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia -- Wakil Menteri Pertahanan Wahyu Sakti Trenggono memastikan pemerintah tak pernah membatalkan pembelian 11 jet tempur Sukhoi Su-35 dari Rusia. Trenggono membantah rumor yang menyebut pembelian sukhoi itu terancam batal karena ada tekanan pejabat Amerika Serikat.

"Kami tidak pernah membatalkan," kata Trenggono saat dihubungi melalui pesan singkat, Rabu (18/3).
Lihat juga:
Diancam AS, RI Terancam Batal Beli Sukhoi Su-35 Rusia Hanya saja, kata Trenggono, saat ini Indonesia belum bisa membeli pesawat tersebut dari Rusia. Menurutnya, masih muncul beberapa kendala dalam rencana pembelian tersebut.

Namun, ia enggan mengungkapkan apa saja kendala yang tengah dihadapi Indonesia hingga membuat pembelian 11 jet tempur itu mandeg.


From deputy of Prabsky, he is open the nego about F35

Alot soal Sukhoi, Indonesia Buka Peluang Beli Jet F-35 AS
CNN Indonesia
Rabu, 18/03/2020 10:56
Bagikan :

Wakil Menteri Pertahanan Sakti Wahyu Trenggono. (CNN Indonesia/ Feri Agus Setyawan)
Jakarta, CNN Indonesia -- Wakil Menteri Pertahanan Wahyu Sakti Trenggono memastikan pemerintah tak pernah membatalkan pembelian 11 jet tempur Sukhoi Su-35 dari Rusia. Trenggono membantah rumor yang menyebut pembelian sukhoi itu terancam batal karena ada tekanan pejabat Amerika Serikat.

"Kami tidak pernah membatalkan," kata Trenggono saat dihubungi melalui pesan singkat, Rabu (18/3).
Lihat juga:
Diancam AS, RI Terancam Batal Beli Sukhoi Su-35 Rusia Hanya saja, kata Trenggono, saat ini Indonesia belum bisa membeli pesawat tersebut dari Rusia. Menurutnya, masih muncul beberapa kendala dalam rencana pembelian tersebut.

Namun, ia enggan mengungkapkan apa saja kendala yang tengah dihadapi Indonesia hingga membuat pembelian 11 jet tempur itu mandeg.


From deputy of Prabsky, he is open the nego about F35
It's pretty funny how they will never admit that they can't buy it because admitting that the US has them by the balls is somehow political suicide.
The preferable method of information preservation in Nusantara was stone building, temple reliefs etc..rather than wood-derived lontara/papers, due to the obvious tropical humidity that will erode written manuscripts in no time, while something like Borobudur lasted for centuries.
Indonesia points to F-35 ambitions

Jon Grevatt, Bangkok - Jane's Defence Industry
18 March 2020

Indonesia's Deputy Defence Minister Sakti Wahyu Trenggono has indicated that Jakarta may look to Lockheed Martin's F-35 Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter to meet the next-generation combat requirements of the Indonesian Air Force (Tentara Nasional Indonesia-Angkatan Udara: TNI-AU).

In comments to the news channel CNN Indonesia on 18 March Trenggono said that Indonesia had not terminated the TNI-AU's planned acquisition of Sukhoi Su-35 'Flanker-E' multirole combat aircraft from Russia even if that procurement programme faced challenges. "We can't buy [the Su-35s] yet because there are some obstacles," he said, without elaborating.

Given these obstacles, Trenggono said Indonesia is now also considering a bid for the F-35 through a government-to-government arrangement with the United States.

joint venture Singaporean wolfberry Pte Ltd and indonesia PT.Indocertes got notice of award for philippines tank and gunnery simulator

PT.Indocertes M113 simulator


joint venture Singaporean wolfberry Pte Ltd and indonesia PT.Indocertes got notice of award for philippines tank and gunnery simulator

PT.Indocertes M113 simulator



They can made M109 simulator too



18 March 2020

Damen Shipyards Group and its partner PT PAL recently completed installation and testing of combat systems to the second of the Indonesian Ministry of Defence’s SIGMA 10514 Perusak Kawal Rudal (PKR) guided missile frigates, the KRI Gusti Ngurah Rai (332).

The PKR frigates are constructed via a modular process operating simultaneously at Damen Schelde Naval Shipbuilding (DSNS) in the Netherlands and the PT PAL shipyard in Indonesia. In this manner, Damen is able to build high quality vessels anywhere in the world. This method also enables Damen to fulfil its commitment to the Indonesian Ministry of Defence to deliver an extensive knowledge and transfer of technology (ToT) programme.

A significant part of this transfer programme is the installation of combat systems along with provision of training to the crew in their usage and maintenance.

Hein van Ameijden, managing director of DSNS, said, “From the outset of this project DSNS and our partner Thales Netherlands have been fully committed to the development of the Indonesian defence industry and its supporting sectors. This commitment is demonstrated with a series of ToT and local content programmes starting in 2013 when project execution commenced.

“For example, DSNS has trained and educated more than 328 yard personnel, including welders, planners and engineers, during the project. Thales Netherlands has contributed by subcontracting local industry for software development, providing support, ultimately, for Indonesia to develop an indigenous combat management system.”

The combat systems installed and tested include the following:

  • VL MICA for defence from airborne threats
  • Exocet for defence from offensive targets at greater distance
  • Torpedo system for protection against submarine threat
  • 35mm rapid-fire cannon to respond to threats from both air and sea
  • Electronic detection system to divert enemy attacks with electromagnetic redirection
  • Modification of the computer operated operational system in order to operate the above
The final phase prior to handover was successfully completed on February 21st with sea-going trials – the sea acceptance test (SAT). The purpose of this was to demonstrate that installations throughout the entire chain of weapons systems meet desired efficiency and accuracy.

“All our prior efforts paid off. Already at the start of the tests it was clear that installation had been carried out with great precision during construction and that preparatory alignment activities and agreements had been carefully followed. The second PKR vessel achieved similar results to the first one. This demonstrates that the complete concept implemented in the SIGMA PKR Class can be considered reliable and robust”, concluded Mr Van Ameijden.



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Alot soal Sukhoi, Indonesia Buka Peluang Beli Jet F-35 AS
CNN Indonesia
Rabu, 18/03/2020 10:56
Bagikan :

Wakil Menteri Pertahanan Sakti Wahyu Trenggono. (CNN Indonesia/ Feri Agus Setyawan)

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia -- Wakil Menteri Pertahanan Wahyu Sakti Trenggono memastikan pemerintah tak pernah membatalkan pembelian 11 jet tempur Sukhoi Su-35 dari Rusia. Trenggono membantah rumor yang menyebut pembelian sukhoi itu terancam batal karena ada tekanan pejabat Amerika Serikat.

"Kami tidak pernah membatalkan," kata Trenggono saat dihubungi melalui pesan singkat, Rabu (18/3).
Lihat juga:
Diancam AS, RI Terancam Batal Beli Sukhoi Su-35 Rusia Hanya saja, kata Trenggono, saat ini Indonesia belum bisa membeli pesawat tersebut dari Rusia. Menurutnya, masih muncul beberapa kendala dalam rencana pembelian tersebut.

Namun, ia enggan mengungkapkan apa saja kendala yang tengah dihadapi Indonesia hingga membuat pembelian 11 jet tempur itu mandeg.


From deputy of Prabsky, he is open the nego about F35
Some news labeled him as raja BTS, so He definitely "melek" about interoperability!
Some news labeled him as raja BTS, so He definitely "melek" about interoperability!

He is already hinted about cloud data processing, interoperability, data network link, well all of them is F 35 centric, but F 35 although can be used as separate fighter but their strength lies in their Network centric warfare and processing data to feed back toward command system center for immediate decission. So we will get AEW/C and ground control central processing data units and it will be US made system along with indigenous Air Search Radar interception system if we are gonna acquire F35

And considering it is F 35, i wish we actually to acquire them in number, 80 units will be sufficient for a while and the rest of 100 plus should be F16 family.
He is already hinted about cloud data processing, interoperability, data network link, well all of them is F 35 centric, but F 35 although can be used as separate fighter but their strength lies in their Network centric warfare and processing data to feed back toward command system center for immediate decission. So we will get AEW/C and ground control central processing data units and it will be US made system along with indigenous Air Search Radar interception system if we are gonna acquire F35

And considering it is F 35, i wish we actually to acquire them in number, 80 units will be sufficient for a while and the rest of 100 plus should be F16 family.
I imagine it like this.
16 f35 (I can't imagine our country willing and able to acquire and operate a lot of them)
32 f16v ( just as planned)
Cancel KFX (there is a strong possibility toward that given recent update)
Locally produce Rafale (to replace KFX program) for new squadrons and replacing current f16 & flanker fleet in the future ("don't place your eggs in one basket" policy is too strong here, and the way I see it KFX and rafale specifications are pretty much the same, but rafale is much more mature)
And considering it is F 35, i wish we actually to acquire them in number, 80 units will be sufficient for a while and the rest of 100 plus should be F16 family.
Will our interest in F35 affect F16 purchase? Like ditch it and get F35 instead of F16 and even Su35.

Or we will get both F16 and F35.
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