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Even though the Majapahit used it, they are not in considerable number. Tome Pires' 1515 account tells the army of Gusti Pati, viceroy of Batara Brawijaya, numbered 200,000 men, 2,000 of which are horsemen and 4,000 musketeers. Any pre-1900s history books mentioning Javanese army said that the Javanese primarily used infantry. Cavalry existed but only in low number, and they are primarily lancer. These cavalry sometimes dismount and attack on foot.
Many popular media depiction of Javanese cavalry is depicting them using Keris. This is, of course inaccurate (dagger used on horseback, imagine that).

Excellent points regarding numbers & role :tup:
With the majority of Nusantara being mountainous jungle the best use for working animals are mostly for logistic support. Equestrian only has limited role due to jungles terrain unlike the more open plain of Europe or China.
The figure given by Tomé Pires in Suma Oriental regarding overall strength & composition indicate Wilwatikta (Majapahit) is a formidable forces at the time
Thales Tacticos Combat Management System aboard ARM Reformador & PKR Frigates



  • Thales Tacticos Combat Management System aboard ARM Reformador & PKR Frigates.mp4_000170784.jpg
    Thales Tacticos Combat Management System aboard ARM Reformador & PKR Frigates.mp4_000170784.jpg
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  • Thales Tacticos Combat Management System aboard ARM Reformador & PKR Frigates.mp4_000183321.jpg
    Thales Tacticos Combat Management System aboard ARM Reformador & PKR Frigates.mp4_000183321.jpg
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  • Thales Tacticos Combat Management System aboard ARM Reformador & PKR Frigates.mp4_000187948.jpg
    Thales Tacticos Combat Management System aboard ARM Reformador & PKR Frigates.mp4_000187948.jpg
    202.2 KB · Views: 166
  • Thales Tacticos Combat Management System aboard ARM Reformador & PKR Frigates.mp4_000203119.jpg
    Thales Tacticos Combat Management System aboard ARM Reformador & PKR Frigates.mp4_000203119.jpg
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KIKAV1/ESC Divisi Infantry satu Kostrad

Panser Cav. For recon mission
How on earth those Scum can get on their hands those organic Ak type guns with original China or Russian type magz? While most of Indonesia frontline combatant using western type Firearms or Russian but with 5.56 type cal magz!!! Meanwhile the nearest Philippine rebels and small arms manufacturer is mostly cater NATO type standard bullets, not even Papua Nugini using those Ak's. I can see several type of SS1 and Aug Steyr on other pics or video, but mostly they are captured or stolen weapons they can get on chance, but those Ak?

Look like you read Alman Helvas twitter saying all Indonesian engineers have come back. Look dude. Almost all engineers working in KAI are designers and KFX/IFX design work has been nearly completed last year. So if he said that all Indonesian engineers have already backed home this year so it may suggest that all detail design work has been completed.

The reason of why other engineers that come from production division is not in KAI working for the prototype production may come from the fact that Indonesia have banned traveling into and from South Korea due to coronavirus outbreak at that nation.

What ever the faith of KFX/IFX may be, Indonesian have already got valuable experience in designing stealth fighter since 2010. We may start our own Stealth fighter jet program or Stealth UAV in the near future based on that experience.

Talking about unrealistic acquisition program, they are all based on interest and plan from Air Force. The final words will be decided by defense ministry office.
Are development hampered by korona?
Even though the Majapahit used it, they are not in considerable number. Tome Pires' 1515 account tells the army of Gusti Pati, viceroy of Batara Brawijaya, numbered 200,000 men, 2,000 of which are horsemen and 4,000 musketeers. Any pre-1900s history books mentioning Javanese army said that the Javanese primarily used infantry. Cavalry existed but only in low number, and they are primarily lancer. These cavalry sometimes dismount and attack on foot.
Many popular media depiction of Javanese cavalry is depicting them using Keris. This is, of course inaccurate (dagger used on horseback, imagine that).
What kind musket majapahit use? From china or from mideast?
Are development hampered by korona?

What kind musket majapahit use? From china or from mideast?

Java Arquebus

One account mentions the use of firearm in a battle against Giri forces in 1470s:

"... wadya Majapahit ambedili, dene wadya Giri pada pating jengkelang ora kelar nadhahi tibaning mimis ..."

"... Majapahit troops shooting their firearms (bedil=firearm), while Giri troops fell dead because they couldn't withstand being pierced by bullets (mimis=ball bullet)..."

- Serat Darmagandhul

This type of arquebus have similarity to the Vietnamese arquebus of the 17th century. The weapon is very long, may reach 2.2 m in length, and had its own folding bipod.
They also have canon in their jong ship, maybe they use it for their land forces too.
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Air Platforms
Russia rebuts claims that Indonesia has dropped Su-35 fighter procurement plans
Gabriel Dominguez, London and Dmitry Fediushko, Moscow - Jane's Defence Weekly
16 March 2020



Moscow said on 16 March that Indonesia’s planned procurement of Russian-made Su-35 fighter aircraft is “still active”. Source: Sukhoi
The Indonesian Air Force's (Tentara Nasional Indonesia-Angkatan Udara: TNI-AU's) planned procurement of Sukhoi Su-35 'Flanker-E' multirole combat aircraft from Russia is still "active", Dmitry Shugayev, the director of Russia's Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation (FSVTS), said on 16 March, denying media reports that Jakarta, under US pressure, has dropped a deal to buy 11 of the Russian-made fighters.

"There is no official cancellation of the [Indonesian] order [for the Su-35s]," Shugayev told the Russia 24 news channel. "We haven't received any papers regarding the issue and haven't been told about it."

Shugayev said Indonesia is still interested in acquiring the Su-35s, adding, "We hope that the contract will be implemented." No further details were provided.

Bloomberg had quoted an unnamed official "familiar with the matter" on 12 March as saying that Jakarta had recently decided against moving ahead with the plan to procure the 11 fighter aircraft for about USD1.1 billion.

The official was also quoted as saying that, as recently as February, Washington had also pressured Indonesia into walking away from talks with China to procure several naval patrol vessels for about USD200 million, adding that the moves "illustrate how the US is having some success - at times by using financial and economic levers - in deterring countries from dealing with Russia and China, which the [Donald] Trump administration has identified as the biggest threats to US national security".

Jane's reported in November 2019 that Indonesia's procurement of the Su-35s had stalled due to several factors, including the Indonesian presidential election held in April of that year, funding and countertrade issues, and concerns in Jakarta about US legislation - notably the Countering America's Adversaries Through Sanctions Act (CAATSA) - under which Washington seeks to penalise defence customers of Russia

Want to read more? For analysis on this article and access to Jane's unrivalled data and insight, learn more about our subscription options at janes.com/products
They also have canon in their jong ship, maybe they use it for their land forces too.

One must noted the glorious era of Majapahit is spanned between 1330-1380 masehi, when the European at the time still tangled in old style warfare using archery and equestrian warfare, Majapahit is already embarked series of long range conquest using powerfull Navy with their series of large Jong Java ships (sometimes four to six masted Warships) armed by heavy Lantaka and Cetbang bronze cannons. Depiction of Majapahit Navy using rigged ships in modern era is very wrong as they largely come from Borobudur relief bass from 8th century. I am always suspect Javanese people (especially Eastern Javanese) in 13th through 17th century is largely a warlike people in nature, rough but frank personality, had tendency as a Maritime people and very industrialist (as they are able to manufacturing bronze cannons and Arquebus along with their blackpowder in large number, coupled with ability to mass production large Jong Warships and cargoe ships ). The defeat of Surabaya princes and their coastal cities ally at the hands of Central Java agriculture based Mataram Kingdom sealed the Javanese people ability to produce Warships and the banning of production cannon and firearms further deteriorate the industrial ability of Java as a whole.
One must noted the glorious era of Majapahit is spanned between 1330-1380 masehi, when the European at the time still tangled in old style warfare using archery and equestrian warfare, Majapahit is already embarked series of long range conquest using powerfull Navy with their series of large Jong Java ships (sometimes four to six masted Warships) armed by heavy Lantaka and Cetbang bronze cannons. Depiction of Majapahit Navy using rigged ships in modern era is very wrong as they largely come from Borobudur relief bass from 8th century. I am always suspect Javanese people (especially Eastern Javanese) in 13th through 17th century is largely a warlike people in nature, rough but frank personality, had tendency as a Maritime people and very industrialist (as they are able to manufacturing bronze cannons and Arquebus along with their blackpowder in large number, coupled with ability to mass production large Jong Warships and cargoe ships ). The defeat of Surabaya princes and their coastal cities ally at the hands of Central Java agriculture based Mataram Kingdom sealed the Javanese people ability to produce Warships and the banning of production cannon and firearms further deteriorate the industrial ability of Java as a whole.
Musket and cannon production likely continue during demak era, in wikipedia stated that albuquerque force captured 3000 rifle from java during malacca war
Musket and cannon production likely continue during demak era, in wikipedia stated that albuquerque force captured 3000 rifle from java during malacca war

Not rifle lol, but musket, rifle is a very different weapon, largely used after 1850s. The name "rifle" refers to spiral groove inside the barrel.

Among the early reference to cannon and artillerymen in Java is from 1346 (even a passage about Battle of Bubat of 1357 mentions cannon), meanwhile firearms like the arquebus developed later, after 1460.
Musket and cannon production likely continue during demak era, in wikipedia stated that albuquerque force captured 3000 rifle from java during malacca war

Demak Sultanate is long before the rise of Mataram islam kingdom, the Demak Sultanate is styled themselves after Majapahit lineage and they are largely Maritime based forces. What destroying Javanese Maritime culture and industrial prowess is the conquest of Mataram kingdom for the all Java realm. They burnt and razed coastal cities, banning the building of ships and cannons and implemented total warfare against all of Surabaya princes and their allies. They detached themselves from Majapahit style lineage who can be traced from king Airlangga and made their own style dynasty.
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