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What missile they will use?
Turkey, Chinese, Europe, US?
I don't remember we have local agm program on this class yet
(I mean hellfire class, the one that can be fired from ucav)

View attachment 593732
What could that be?
La fayette class?
Seeing that our mission system is from italy,that means its from nato one.

Progres Drone MALE Nasional Garapan PTDI

Posted on December 13, 2019 by Rangga B Sawiyya
AIRSPACE REVIEW (airspace-review.com) – Dalam kunjungan kerja Menteri Riset & Teknologi Republik Indonesia Bambang Brodjonegoro ke PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI) Kamis (12/12), terlihat foto penampakan drone baru yang berdampingan dengan drone Wulung.

Bikin penasaran tentunya, karena PTDI memang tak menyebutkan atau memberi keterangan mengenai keberadaan drone berlabur warna hijau pucuk yang diunggah di media sosialnya tersebut .

Tim Airspace Review (AR) tahun lalu pada 9 Juli 2018 pernah menyambangi PTDI. Salah satu liputan kala itu adalah mengenai proyek Drone Nasional kelas MALE (Medium-Altitude Long-Endurance).

Nah, untuk mendapatkan informasi terkini mengenai proyek Drone Nasional ini, AR kembali menghubungi Nainar selaku Project Engineer PUNA PTDI yang menjadi nara sumber wawancara saat itu.

“Benar, itu airframe drone MALE buatan PTDI,” ujarnya.

Pengembangan drone MALE ini memang sedikit mundur dari target awal. Semula direncanakan terbang perdana antara tahun 2019-2020, namun bergeser ke kisaran akhir 2020 atau awal 2021.


Dibandingkan dengan drone Wulung yang digarap bersama PTDI dengan BPPT, maka drone MALE ini memiliki kinerja dan kemampuan (peran) yang jauh lebih baik.

Wulung durasinya hanya empat jam dan berperan sebagai drone pengawasan (surveillance) saja. Sedangkan drone MALE dapat beroperasi selama 24 jam dan menjalankan misi ISR (intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance) penuh.

Diungkapkan, drone MALE akan dibangun dalam empat fase atau yang disebut sebagai ‘Block’. Pertama adalah Block O, lalu Block L, Block D, dan terakhir Block C.


Pada fase awal atau Block O (O=kosong), drone belum dilengkapi sistem misi. Fase ini adalah pembuktiaan konsep (proof of concept) apakah pesawat bisa terbang sesuai dengan target atau kinerja yang ditentukan sebelumnya.

Lalu fase ke-2 atau Block L (L=LEN) mulai menerapkan sistem misi yang dikembangkan oleh PT LEN Industri.

Selanjutnya Block D (D= Data link-BLOS), drone mulai dilengkapi sistem terkait dengan perannya sebagai pesawat ISR. Terakhir Block C (Combat) dimana drone akan dipersenjatai.


Roni Sontani
Dalam Block O dan Block L, sistem roda pendarat drone masih belum dimasukkan ke dalam badan pesawat (fixed landing gear). Namun, pada tahap ke-3 dan ke-4 sistem roda sudah dirancang masuk ke dalam (retractable landing gear) yang juga akan meningkatkan aerodinamis pesawat.

Di kelasnya, drone MALE PTDI yang belum memiliki nama julukan ini akan bersaing dengan drone dari luar seperti CH-4 Rainbow dari China, lalu Anka buatan Turki, dan Shahed 129 dari Iran.

Rangga Baswara Sawiyya

editor: ron raider

What missile they will use?
Turkey, Chinese, Europe, US?
I don't remember we have local agm program on this class yet
(I mean hellfire class, the one that can be fired from ucav)

View attachment 593732
What could that be?
La fayette class?

Leonardo is supplier of our UAV mission system the same company who made the integration of UMTAS missile system into TAI T129 more smooth, i bet we will looking for UMTAS and CIRIT guided rocket into this UAV

Will it be using 2-blade propellers or 3-blade propellers?
The final block (1st pic) was using 3-blade propellers, but this prototype using 2-blade propellers.
I wonder if they are gonna change the engine and the propeller in the future.

Good news we will have satria satellite, maybe we will use it for blos satcom.
What missile they will use?
Turkey, Chinese, Europe, US?
I don't remember we have local agm program on this class yet
(I mean hellfire class, the one that can be fired from ucav)

View attachment 593732
What could that be?
La fayette class?
We have work with italian, maybe Italian fremm horizon? Heheh. If take european like french or italian so we use PAAMS system

For missile, us missile like helfire is good choice, turkish one have umtas and also has good capability (battle proven also)
What missile they will use?
Turkey, Chinese, Europe, US?
I don't remember we have local agm program on this class yet
(I mean hellfire class, the one that can be fired from ucav)

What if we are use of CH 4 design, but then in return we must use the missile that used by CH 4 and that already tested in Indonesia?
What if we are use of CH 4 design, but then in return we must use the missile that used by CH 4 and that already tested in Indonesia?

It is clearly said from PT DI engineer that the design is done by PT DI, other publication who interview UAV project manager also said similar thing. The mission system though can use the ones used in Anka, CH-4, and French drone (I forgot the name). I think I prefer Turkish engine and missile since we have close relation with the Turkish while China is projected to be our potential adversary in the future.
Seeing that our mission system is from italy,that means its from nato one.

Progres Drone MALE Nasional Garapan PTDI

Posted on December 13, 2019 by Rangga B Sawiyya
AIRSPACE REVIEW (airspace-review.com) – Dalam kunjungan kerja Menteri Riset & Teknologi Republik Indonesia Bambang Brodjonegoro ke PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI) Kamis (12/12), terlihat foto penampakan drone baru yang berdampingan dengan drone Wulung.

Bikin penasaran tentunya, karena PTDI memang tak menyebutkan atau memberi keterangan mengenai keberadaan drone berlabur warna hijau pucuk yang diunggah di media sosialnya tersebut .

Tim Airspace Review (AR) tahun lalu pada 9 Juli 2018 pernah menyambangi PTDI. Salah satu liputan kala itu adalah mengenai proyek Drone Nasional kelas MALE (Medium-Altitude Long-Endurance).

Nah, untuk mendapatkan informasi terkini mengenai proyek Drone Nasional ini, AR kembali menghubungi Nainar selaku Project Engineer PUNA PTDI yang menjadi nara sumber wawancara saat itu.

“Benar, itu airframe drone MALE buatan PTDI,” ujarnya.

Pengembangan drone MALE ini memang sedikit mundur dari target awal. Semula direncanakan terbang perdana antara tahun 2019-2020, namun bergeser ke kisaran akhir 2020 atau awal 2021.


Dibandingkan dengan drone Wulung yang digarap bersama PTDI dengan BPPT, maka drone MALE ini memiliki kinerja dan kemampuan (peran) yang jauh lebih baik.

Wulung durasinya hanya empat jam dan berperan sebagai drone pengawasan (surveillance) saja. Sedangkan drone MALE dapat beroperasi selama 24 jam dan menjalankan misi ISR (intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance) penuh.

Diungkapkan, drone MALE akan dibangun dalam empat fase atau yang disebut sebagai ‘Block’. Pertama adalah Block O, lalu Block L, Block D, dan terakhir Block C.


Pada fase awal atau Block O (O=kosong), drone belum dilengkapi sistem misi. Fase ini adalah pembuktiaan konsep (proof of concept) apakah pesawat bisa terbang sesuai dengan target atau kinerja yang ditentukan sebelumnya.

Lalu fase ke-2 atau Block L (L=LEN) mulai menerapkan sistem misi yang dikembangkan oleh PT LEN Industri.

Selanjutnya Block D (D= Data link-BLOS), drone mulai dilengkapi sistem terkait dengan perannya sebagai pesawat ISR. Terakhir Block C (Combat) dimana drone akan dipersenjatai.


Roni Sontani
Dalam Block O dan Block L, sistem roda pendarat drone masih belum dimasukkan ke dalam badan pesawat (fixed landing gear). Namun, pada tahap ke-3 dan ke-4 sistem roda sudah dirancang masuk ke dalam (retractable landing gear) yang juga akan meningkatkan aerodinamis pesawat.

Di kelasnya, drone MALE PTDI yang belum memiliki nama julukan ini akan bersaing dengan drone dari luar seperti CH-4 Rainbow dari China, lalu Anka buatan Turki, dan Shahed 129 dari Iran.

Rangga Baswara Sawiyya

editor: ron raider

Bet they're going for p&w pt6 engine choice
What missile they will use?
Turkey, Chinese, Europe, US?
I don't remember we have local agm program on this class yet
(I mean hellfire class, the one that can be fired from ucav)

View attachment 593732
What could that be?
La fayette class?
124m 25knots , its obvious , french La fayette class , I will still pick iver huitfeldt , far more flexible
Good news we will have satria satellite, maybe we will use it for blos satcom.

SATRIA only carry Ka-band transponder, it sole purpose is for stationary commercial. With only Ka-band I don't even wan't to subscribe to their service even for field jobs. More so with it 146° E orbital slot making pointing rather tricky unless your at Papua.
124m 25knots , its obvious , french La fayette class , I will still pick iver huitfeldt , far more flexible
Isn't La fayette an old design? Why doesn't France offer newer designs like FREMM, Gowind or Belharra?
Isn't La fayette an old design? Why doesn't France offer newer designs like FREMM, Gowind or Belharra?
The hull design might be old. But the electronics could be replaced by newer more capable design. Its engine could also be costumised (Indo's Navy mostly prefer CODAD these days). La fayette is quite popular and proven design being used by ROC,Saudi and SG navy.
SATRIA only carry Ka-band transponder, it sole purpose is for stationary commercial. With only Ka-band I don't even wan't to subscribe to their service even for field jobs.
The government want to utilize it to provide internet services to public facilities, schools health centers, defense establishments, security administrations and all regional government offices all over Indonesia.
It will be used for polhukam, maybe will be used to provide communication for UAV too. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, we don't have military satellite (special purpose) anyway, jadi kenapa engga pake satria (multifunction satellite) aja dulu.
Well it's not equipped with Ku band that have higher freq and wider bandwidth, but it's enough. My dosen said that Ku band not that good when in rainny season, disini kalau musim penghujan banyak awan mendungnya :v

More so with it 146° E orbital slot making pointing rather tricky unless your at Papua.
Its not that bad , well yeah its not directly above Indonesia, at least its not in the other side of the world, and isn't that bulbous head in the UAV is used to house satellite dish that can rotate? The satellite need to position itself correctly and the UAV satellite dish need to point at the right direction no probs. The UAV will be flying so no obstacle, and could get better signal than ground stations.

Eniwei I hope that the communication is secured, because in the past Iraqi insurgent use sky grabber software to 'grab' signal from US drones.
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Indonesia outlines 2020–24 military procurement priorities
Jon Grevatt, Bangkok - Jane's Defence Industry
10 December 2019


The Indonesian MoD has confirmed a range of military procurement targets for the period 2020–24, including the planned acquisition of 32 Lockheed Martin F-16V fighter aircraft (pictured here). Source: Lockheed Martin
Key Points
  • The final phase of the TNI's Minimum Essential Force (MEF) programme focuses on air force and navy modernisation
  • Funding remains a major challenge as foreign loans are required to support major acquisitions
The Indonesian Ministry of Defence (MoD) has outlined the military procurement priorities for the Indonesian National Armed Forces (Tentara Nasional Indonesia: TNI) as it enters the third and final phase of its long-term modernisation programme.

In presentations to the House of Representatives' defence commission in November, the MoD tabled plans for a multi-billion-dollar investment in assets including fighter aircraft, transport aircraft, tanks, air defence systems, and surface combatants to support the 2020-24 phase of the TNI's Minimum Essential Force (MEF) programme.

However, with Indonesia continuing to face a shortfall in defence spending, the country is expected to require substantial foreign loans to support much of this modernisation drive. The country will also look to support procurement through countertrade with commodities such as palm oil and coffee.

Similar funding methods underpinned the two previous phases of the MEF programme in 2009-2014 and 2015-19. In line with this modernisation drive, Indonesia also aims to ensure that its national defence industry is involved in all military imports. Such participation will likely be greatest in naval and land programmes, given the scope of local capabilities.

Air force
The most expensive procurement identified in the 2020-24 priorities is the Indonesian Air Force (Tentara Nasional Indonesia - Angkatan Udara: TNI-AU) project to acquire Lockheed Martin F-16V Block 70/72 Fighting Falcon multirole combat aircraft.

The MoD confirmed that the TNI-AU is planning to acquire 32 F-16s (two squadrons), which would cost about USD2 billion. Jane's understands that the F-16V has been identified by the TNI-AU as a replacement for its ageing BAE Systems Hawk 109/209 strike aircraft.


kopongan ? , usd 2 billion are extremely cheap for 2sqd of vipers
Sorry to replying a few days old news,
Just want to bring up that, Bahrain's Viper deal is 1.16 billion dollars for 16 aircrafts.
So 2 billion for 32 aircraft is quite reasonable actually. (Itu juga mungkin bukan 2 billion pas kan, masih ada lebih2nya juga kayaknya)

The one that I don't really understand is Taiwan's 8 billion deal for 66 aircraft, that's quite expensive for my itung-itungan. Well, maybe because they use new GE engine for their viper hence new service equipment (their previous f16 fleet use pw 220E btw) and they want to upgrade all their f16 to viper standard.

Mungkin juga ada deal2 alutsista lain dibelakangnya yg ga bisa diumumin biar ga buat marah si naga. Heheheh...

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