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Indonesia Defence Forum

I see ITB logo in that drone, so yes likely it is drone bandung.
Now in development in deftech we must invite universities. This is truly way for civitas academica to bela negara hehehe

@cabatli_53 Sorry if I ask question abt turkish capability, with recent political condition etc, turkish still can export their engine to another country?

There is not any obstacle in front of our export negotiations. The current politic tension between Turkey and US contains aboud delivery of the F-35. The projects are proceeding with very ambitious roadway and engine group is one of the most promising and difficult group that is considered as symbol of technological independance. Otherwise, The western embargoes are mostly targetting the engines of our platforms that was imported abroad.
Prajurit TNI AD Batalyon Infanteri Para Raider 501/Bajra Yudha Madiun mengikuti Latihan Pemeliharaan Kemampuan Prajurit di Madiun, Jawa Timur, Sabtu (14/12/2019). Latihan yang diikuti 400 prajurit tersebut digelar untuk mengasah dan memantapkan kemampuan prajurit Para Raider. ANTARA FOTO/Siswowidodo/wsj.





great , now the vest camo is starting to match with the uniform , but does our army have a plan to change that standarized old PASGT helmet with much more modern one ?

Berkenaan dengan pemberitaan di https://www.airspace-review.com/2019/12/13/progres-drone-male-nasional-garapan-ptdi/ kami dari BPPT merasa perlu memberikan klarifikasi bahwa:

1. Program MALE adalah program berdasarkan Permen Ristek DIKTI no 38 Tahun 2019, BPPT merupakan Koordinator Program MALE yang memimpin sebagai koordinator Program dan Anggaran kegiatan tersebut dalam program Konsorsium PRN 2020-2024, beranggotakan 7 K/L dibawah koordinasi BPPT. Disamping BPPT, sumber penganggaran kegiatan program ini juga berasal dari Kementerian/Lembaga (K/L) lainnya seperti Kementerian Pertahanan dan LAPAN.

2. Konsorsium MALE melibatkan K/L Kementerian Pertahanan, TNI-AU, BPPT, LAPAN, ITB, PTDI, dan PT Len (Persero) sehingga pihak-pihak yang terkait/terlibat dalam pembuatan Drone MALE adalah Konsorsium MALE, bukan hanya PTDI.

3. Untuk wahana/airframe Prototipe 1 (atau disebut PM-1), rancang bangun dan rekayasa (atau lazim disebut desain dan engineering) sebagian besar (lebih dari 80%) dilakukan BPPT (wing, tail, front and aft fuselage). PTDI merancang bangun center fuselage, landing gear dan bertanggungjawab dalam produksi/manufaktur dari wahana (airframe) drone MALE dan integrasi dengan sistem internal. Sumber anggaran untuk produksi wahana/airframe PM-1 berasal dari mata anggaran di BPPT.

4. Desain dan engineering sistem internal serta pengadaan sistem internal PM-1 (yang diintegrasikan dengan wahana PM-1) dibiayai dari mata anggaran di BPPT.

5. Tahapan pengembangan yang disebut dalam pemberitaan airspace-review.com adalah tahapan yang tidak mencerminkan perkembangan/kondisi terakhir.

6. Per tanggal 14 Desember 2019, sumber resmi PTDI hanya memberitakan kunjungan Pak Menristek/Ka BRIN ke PTDI dan tidak memberitakan tentang MALE.

Saran kami hendaknya anda mendasarkan pemberitaan bersumber informasi yang diberikan oleh pihak pihak yang berwenang untuk memberikan informasi terkait, agar informasi yang disampaikan ke masyarakat mencerminkan kondisi yang akurat dan proporsional.


Pusat Teknologi Industri Pertahanan dan Keamanan (PTIPK)
Kedeputian Teknologi Industri Rancang Bangun dan Rekayasa (TIRBR)
Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi


Berkenaan dengan pemberitaan di https://www.airspace-review.com/2019/12/13/progres-drone-male-nasional-garapan-ptdi/ kami dari BPPT merasa perlu memberikan klarifikasi bahwa:

1. Program MALE adalah program berdasarkan Permen Ristek DIKTI no 38 Tahun 2019, BPPT merupakan Koordinator Program MALE yang memimpin sebagai koordinator Program dan Anggaran kegiatan tersebut dalam program Konsorsium PRN 2020-2024, beranggotakan 7 K/L dibawah koordinasi BPPT. Disamping BPPT, sumber penganggaran kegiatan program ini juga berasal dari Kementerian/Lembaga (K/L) lainnya seperti Kementerian Pertahanan dan LAPAN.

2. Konsorsium MALE melibatkan K/L Kementerian Pertahanan, TNI-AU, BPPT, LAPAN, ITB, PTDI, dan PT Len (Persero) sehingga pihak-pihak yang terkait/terlibat dalam pembuatan Drone MALE adalah Konsorsium MALE, bukan hanya PTDI.

3. Untuk wahana/airframe Prototipe 1 (atau disebut PM-1), rancang bangun dan rekayasa (atau lazim disebut desain dan engineering) sebagian besar (lebih dari 80%) dilakukan BPPT (wing, tail, front and aft fuselage). PTDI merancang bangun center fuselage, landing gear dan bertanggungjawab dalam produksi/manufaktur dari wahana (airframe) drone MALE dan integrasi dengan sistem internal. Sumber anggaran untuk produksi wahana/airframe PM-1 berasal dari mata anggaran di BPPT.

4. Desain dan engineering sistem internal serta pengadaan sistem internal PM-1 (yang diintegrasikan dengan wahana PM-1) dibiayai dari mata anggaran di BPPT.

5. Tahapan pengembangan yang disebut dalam pemberitaan airspace-review.com adalah tahapan yang tidak mencerminkan perkembangan/kondisi terakhir.

6. Per tanggal 14 Desember 2019, sumber resmi PTDI hanya memberitakan kunjungan Pak Menristek/Ka BRIN ke PTDI dan tidak memberitakan tentang MALE.

Saran kami hendaknya anda mendasarkan pemberitaan bersumber informasi yang diberikan oleh pihak pihak yang berwenang untuk memberikan informasi terkait, agar informasi yang disampaikan ke masyarakat mencerminkan kondisi yang akurat dan proporsional.


Pusat Teknologi Industri Pertahanan dan Keamanan (PTIPK)
Kedeputian Teknologi Industri Rancang Bangun dan Rekayasa (TIRBR)
Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi

Angkasareview article about male uav change very much wkkwkw.

Prajurit TNI AD Batalyon Infanteri Para Raider 501/Bajra Yudha Madiun mengikuti Latihan Pemeliharaan Kemampuan Prajurit di Madiun, Jawa Timur, Sabtu (14/12/2019). Latihan yang diikuti 400 prajurit tersebut digelar untuk mengasah dan memantapkan kemampuan prajurit Para Raider. ANTARA FOTO/Siswowidodo/wsj.





great , now the vest camo is starting to match with the uniform , but does our army have a plan to change that standarized old PASGT helmet with much more modern one ?

Some unit still use m1 helmet, i look on Kormar kalender 2018, artillery crew still use m1 style helmet. So i think PASGT is good enough also, why that helmet not covered with camo
Which is more effective loreng nkri or loreng dpm?
Imo NKRI camo, i've seen them up close when i had that Bela Negara thingy, one instructor wears NKRI and the other one wears DPM and they both were chatting near bushes, needless to say, NKRI blends much better than the DPM in their ideal terrain.
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TNI Nyatakan Siap Lindungi Timor Leste dari Ancaman Militer
they are going to be our satellite nation ?

They fighting us for decades, got Independence and finally become our vassal. Quite an irony

Indonesian Protectorate Timor Leste
Maybe because Aussie will leave from Timles.....

(Aussie didint like it if China have base in Timles maybe)

Make them into a vassal/satelite state and develop them as a bridge to connect with Portuguese-speaking world like Portugal itself, Brazil and some African nations.

Yup. Timor Leste is in a somewhat awkward position.

First of all, both the population and the leadership are united in NOT wanting to be Indonesian again*.

Despite that, most economic activity that isn't related to NGOs and foreign aid (which is significant portion admittedly) is with Indonesia. When Timorese think of development, they think of Kupang & Surabaya. When they picture grandeur, they think of Jakarta.

And although the new generation doesn't have the same historical ties to the old Indonesian era like watching Indo soap operas, they are constantly bombarded with how... existing Indonesia still is in pretty much everything.

Many big employers are Indonesian companies, most of the food and consumer goods are from Indonesia, Indonesian university graduates are numerous and well regarded, and now most of the development is being done by Indonesian contractors.

Its the same for the military and the state. Their military officers receive training at Lemhannas. Their Police Generals are wined & dined by our military industrial complex, allegedly taking kickbacks for buying Indonesian produced weapons and munitions. Hell, their police force uses the same tactics and procedure as Polri since they were first set up by ex-Polri Timorese. Apparently, they also like to watch Indonesian cop shows like 86.

In all, via education, employment, and economic means, the Indonesian footprint in TL is increasing. Indonesia is not doing this out of maliciousness, its just happening naturally as Indonesian development is outpacing TL that has failed to diversify it economy away from oil. Indonesian companies and individuals have taken the economic opportunities this creates, strengthening Indonesian economic dominance. Likewise, Indonesian training and scholarships are also given in the hopes that TL could become a friendly, sustainable state.

This so called "Gradual Encroachment" back into Timor Leste has mostly gone unnoticed partially because it is a natural and organic process, and also because both governments have their own reason not to confront the issue**. I personally feel it should be better monitored though, because if instability flares up again***, the amount of economic interests and power structures that are being set up might drag Indonesia back into the entire TL mess all over again. We should instead make note of our power structures and influence channels in TL so we can use them to protect our interests during times of crises and upheaval should they come.

*Even in Indonesia, nostalgia for Timor Leste integration into Indonesia is mostly limited to Java IMO, most non-Javanese felt disgust that Indonesia was wasting so much funds on a disloyal and useless area.

**While international NGOs & Academics are still focused on "Rebuilding Post-Indonesia" & "Atrocities of the Past"

***Right now Timor Leste is flush with petroleum money, but that money is running out and even now unemployment and poverty rates are very high. Instability can break out with stunningly quick.

Likewise, Indonesian border development is causing interesting side-effects in the Indo-PNG borderlands:

People crying out for help, development at the border

The National senior reporter CLIFFORD FAIPARIK visited Wereave and Sota nestled along the Southern Papua New Guinea (PNG)-Indonesia border on Oct 18 and 19 and found shocking comparative living conditions on both sides of the border. And, it did not look good for Papua New Guineans in Wereave.

A VISIT to Wereave, PNG’s border village with Indonesia, revealed shocking living standards for Papua New Guineans compared with the Indonesians (including Papuans) in Sota town.
Since border villagers are the first PNG citizens to greet international tourists, such appalling conditions can only give a bad impression to the country, reflecting deteriorating and lacking infrastructure, and pathetic socio-economic status.

This is all PNG has to offer at its border … Indonesian tourists visiting a craft market on PNG’s side of the border near Indonesia’s border town, Sota. – Nationalpic by CLIFFORD FAIPARIK
Wereave, with about 400 people, is in Western’s South Fly and Sota, with about 3,000 Indonesians, is in the Merauke Regency (District) in Papua Province of Indonesia. The villagers are worried about their future in accessing Government services like health and education and to benefit from economic activities.

But the Indonesians in Sota, only about a kilometre away from the border, look carefree as they progress with services and development delivered by their Government – and, at the same time, are actively participating in economic activities. It is an international embarrassment where on the Indonesian side there is massive infrastructure and economic development but PNG villagers live in poverty deprived of Government services. On the Indonesian side, there is the Sota town with excellent Government services like health and education, paved roads, electricity and water supplies and other infrastructure that help stimulate and supplement economic activities.
Whereas in PNG (Wereave), there is none of those but bush and dirt road with villagers staring at a blank future. They worry about their children’s education and health as there are no school and health centres.
On the Indonesian side, there are lights from electricity but in PNG, villagers are only using kerosene lamps, battery operated torches and fire wood. In Wereave, villagers fetch water from water holes that go dry during hot seasons but in Sota, there is running water from tanks all year round.
When PNG villagers travel to Sota town to buy store goods like rice or access health services, they travel by vehicles on paved roads.
But when returning to their home border, they have to get out of their vehicles, lug their goods and walk across to the PNG side because there is just a dirt road and no vehicles to travel another 13km to the nearest PNG government station in South Fly’s Weam.
There is also no bridge at Wereave River, PNG’s last riverine at the international border.
On the Indonesian side, there is a trans-border highway (about 200km) that links to Merauke city, Sota and then up to Bupul town which is about 21km opposite PNG’s Boset in North Fly.
This highway also links to other Indonesian towns that have water and electricity supplies, and other Government services.
On the PNG side of the border, there are no roads along the Border to link South, Middle and North Fly, with villagers still living in remoteness without any access to Government services.
Why PNG Government has neglected the need to develop its border, the Indonesians are constructing a Border Administration Complex which has allegedly encroached the international 141 degrees meridian border line along the PNG-Indonesian border.

Geoffrey Wiri
Wiri … Government turning a blind eye on encroachment issues
Jayapura based PNG Consul-General Geoffrey Wiri is not happy about it and will raise it with the Foreign Affairs Departments of both countries to immediately address this (alleged) encroachment.
“Early this year, I have already advised Foreign Affairs about the (alleged) encroachment of the construction to the PNG Government but there had been no response or action.
“Our Foreign Affairs officers in Port Moresby seem to turn a blind eye on such reports concerning our sovereignty. The construction has to be stopped for a verification team of land surveyors from both countries to verify the border markers.
“I am not against the construction of the complex because both countries will benefit in terms of border security management. It is just that I am upset the construction has (allegedly) encroached into PNG territory,” he added.
Wiri said: “The border complex after completion will house border agencies like Customs, National Quarantine Inspection Authority and Immigration.
“Such (alleged border) encroachments are (happening) because the PNG Government is neglecting development along its border.
“Unlike the massive infrastructure development by the Indonesians on their side of the border, which at times (allegedly) encroached into PNG side.
“So I will call on Foreign Affairs officers to have an urgent meeting to discuss the construction of the complex in Sota. We need to have a joint verification meeting by technical surveyors from both countries to confirm whether the complex has encroached into the PNG side.

Consul-General Geoffrey Wiri (left) and West Sepik provincial liaison officer Ashley Wayne (right) and Merauke resident Paul Kanimu and two PNGDF soldiers on the road to Weam at the Southern PNG-Indonesia border. – Nationalpic by CLIFFORD FAIPARIK
“There should at least be a 50m buffer or no man’s land zone between Indonesia and PNG for citizens of both countries to move freely in a neutral zone.
“But the way the construction is shaping, there is no buffer zone and it seems the buffer zone will be pushed back into PNG territory. Just like at the Wutung- Skouw Border in West Sepik, the Indonesian had (allegedly) encroached about 70m into the PNG side.
“Such (alleged) encroachment occurs because the PNG Government, especially the Foreign Affairs, is very slow in addressing issues that affect PNG international boundaries.”
During the visit, The National met 10 PNG Defence Force soldiers at the Wereave military outpost where they also face water and food supply woes. Their supplies are about 240km away in Daru. And their struggle, especially for water supply, which is now the dry season, has prompted Wereave villagers to seek help from Sota.

Sailas Yanai
Yanai … PNGDF soldiers sought help from Indonesians
Wereave villager Sailas Yanai said that PNGDF soldiers sought help from the Indonesian border officers in Sota for water supply.
“I had to seek help from Indonesian soldiers to supply water to the PNGDF soldiers manning the military check point in Wereave. We had water shortages for three days and so I approached the Indonesia soldiers to build a make shift water tank for the PNGDF soldiers.
“The Indonesian soldiers provided water to fill up the tank. The PNGDF soldiers also don’t have electricity at their outpost and they use candle and torches for lights, whereas the Indonesian soldiers have electricity and lightings at their outpost.
“Even the Indonesian Merauke local government had to supply iron roofing for the PNGDF soldiers to build their outpost’s roof,” he added.
Yanai said the National Government, South Fly Member of Parliament Sekie Agisa and Western Governor Awi Yoto should assist the soldiers.
“We have to walk about 13km from the Weam Forward base to Wereave where the border stone is located. They have a vehicle at Weam. But they can’t drive to the outpost because there is no bridge across the Wereave River.

Jakarta-based PNG Embassy First Secretary Simon Namis in Indonesia’s Sota at the Southern PNG-Indonesia border. – Nationalpic by CLIFFORD FAIPARIK
The Government has to build a bridge or a pontoon across the Wereave River so that we are able to drive along the road to the border.”
Yanai urged the PNG Government to arrange with the Indonesian Government for the PNGDF soldiers to get their food supplies from Sota which is much closer.
“Now they have to get their supplies from Daru and it is so far away. Apart from the PNGDF soldiers facing hardship, we (villagers) are also in the same situation.
“And we want the Government to develop our side so that we can be developed, just like the Indonesians in Sota. And I have been waiting for the Government to build a border complex on my side.
“They (Indonesians) are constructing their complex but we have nothing,” he added.
Yanai said that instead of waiting for the National Government to bring development, “we have gone our own way to participate in economic spin offs in Sota”.
“So, with the help of the Merauke local government, we built our market to sell our goods to Indonesian tourists and Sota town residents.
“We sell handicraft, wild life, fish from the river and swamp, and garden food.
“But we do go across to Sota on Traditional Border Cross (TBC) permits for shopping. We are in dire need of development that can only be realised with the National Government’s commitment,” he added.

Conrad Tilau
Tilau … reintroduce the Border Development grants to help border officers
Meanwhile, West Sepik administrator Conrad Tilau wants the National Government to reintroduce the Border Development grants to help border officers man the PNG-Indonesian border.
“Previously, the Western and West Sepik provinces use to receive such grants to look after the needs of border agency officers when they are on operations along the border. Such grants were stopped when the Border Development Authority (BDA) was established in 2009. Since the BDA has now been abolished, such grants should be given back to us to look after border officers like the PNGDF soldiers who are now facing water supply problems at the Wereave military outpost.

A private clinic in Indonesia’s Sota at the Southern PNG-Indonesia border. – Nationalpic by CLIFFORD FAIPARIK

A Pertamina fuel service station in Indonesia’s Sota at the Southern PNG-Indonesia border. – Nationalpic by CLIFFORD FAIPARIK


So the difference between border region development is causing ire against PNG gov. And local journalists are also admitting that the development in Indonesia is also benefitting Papuans (not just migrants).

Furthermore, there are calls to simply start getting supplies from Indonesia, be it military rations for PNGDF troopers, or electricity for PNG towns.

Here's another article that talks about PNG defections into Indonesia:

Imonda Resident Calls For Govt To Step Up Border Security

Papua New Guinea is open o the threat of invasion by Indonesia through illegal exploitation of resources and competition in being able to deliver services to the border people.

And with PNG being unable to deliver effective government services to the border government stations like Imonda in West Sepik, people there have felt neglected and have opted to renounce their PNG citizenship to be Indonesians

Better border services have caused the PNG borderlands to be much more sympathetic to Indonesia, and have also caused defections of border communities to Indonesia (I'm not sure if 'Ward' is more similar to RW or Kelurahan).

Its also causing more patriotic PNG citizens to feel alarmed. Causing fearmongering of Indonesian invasion and resource plundering.

Of course, its good that the borderland PNG people are sympathetic to indonesia, since they make it harder for OPM to cause much trouble (Since they now believe that Indonesia is good and will likely report OPM rebel movements), on the other hand, we should try to avoid causing mass defections of PNG people as that could get us into trouble with PNG Govt.
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Yup. Timor Leste is in a somewhat awkward position.
For currency, TL people still prefer use USD and also their centavo. Rupiahs only use when they are going to NTT. Likely better we invest in TL, and let TL developed herself

Of course, its good that the borderland PNG people are sympathetic to indonesia, since they make it harder for OPM to cause much trouble
Are any member know that in 80s, menwa member from universitoes in Papua who symphatise with OPM, planned an large attack in many cities to declare opm independence? But their plan is fail, some of them and many family run away from Indonesia to PNG (but unfortunately they are still in Indonesia side). They make a rudimebtary school etc and funded by PNG i have read it in agustinus wibowo blog hehe

But now PNG (also Fiji) oppose OPM, PNG because they have sam problem with separaris in bougenville
actually US military spending is in the lowest percentage since the breaks of cold war, i wonder it is actually possible for Indonesia to boost more spending on military without affecting much on economy performance, with one big question , just like how far our industry can contribute on those military spending and how much research and development we are willing to bear the cost?


Actually during much of Korean until the way to Vietnam wars and invasion of Grenada , US spent much of their military spending is toward their local science and military industrial complex and let their local companies to compete against each other for military order, the efficiency is very top notch and resulting in so many military and engineering breakthrough like F 16, F14, F15, F18, internet, Nuclear powered Submarine or Carrier, destroyer like Arleigh burke, and so on. If We can follow their lead and nurture our spending toward local development and science research, military spending is actually will be more beneficiary toward our economy
great , now the vest camo is starting to match with the uniform , but does our army have a plan to change that standarized old PASGT helmet with much more modern one ?

AFAIK, some of other Brigif Raider already use MICH, for instance Brigif 411 PDW, they already adopt black MICH in their inventory long time ago, they even use coverall like Israeli defence force, when the last exercised i saw.
S. Korea, Indonesia vow to move forward fighter jet project
19:44 December 12, 2019

By Oh Seok-min

SEOUL, Dec. 12 -- The defense chiefs of South Korea and Indonesia on Thursday pledged efforts to move forward a joint project to develop a next-generation fighter jet, the Seoul ministry said.

Indonesia is in arrears on its payment obligations for the KF-X project, which would see South Korea developing fighter aircraft with its own technology. The Southeast Asian country joined the project to procure aircraft for its air force and advance its aerospace industry.

"As cooperation in defense industry fields, including the KF-X project, is a symbol of the two countries' strong relationship of trust, the two ministers agreed to make joint efforts to enhance their defense ties in a mutually beneficial way," Seoul's defense ministry said in a release after a meeting between Defense Minister Jeong Kyeong-doo and his Indonesian counterpart, Prabowo Subianto, in Jakarta.

Jeong arrived in the Indonesian capital earlier in the day for a two-day visit. He flew in from Australia after wrapping up a five-day trip there.

During the meeting, the two sides also discussed the security situation on the Korean Peninsula and in Asia, as well as ways to deepen bilateral defense ties, the ministry added.

Indonesia agreed to shoulder 20 percent of the development cost of the 8.8 trillion-won (US$7.36 billion) project, but has failed to pay the full 301 billion won it was supposed to pay by the end of September, according to data from the Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA). So far, it has paid 272.2 billion won.

South Korea launched the fighter jet project in 2016 and aims to complete it by 2026. Korea Aerospace Industries Co. (KAI), the country's sole aircraft manufacturer, has been building a prototype that is expected to be ready in 2021, according to the arms procurement agency.

Mahfud Pastikan Proyek Jet Tempur KFX/IFX Berlanjut
CNN Indonesia
Jumat, 13/12/2019 03:01

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia -- Menteri Koordinator Bidang Politik, Hukum dan Keamanan (Menkopolhukam) Muhammad Mahfud MD memastikan pembicaraan mengenai proyek kerjasama pembuatan jet tempur Korean Fighter Xperiment/Indonesia Fighter Xperiment (KFX/IFX) antara pemerintah Korea Selatan dan Indonesia tetap dilanjutkan.

Hal itu katakan usai bertemu dengan Menteri Pertahanan Korsel Jeong Kyeong-doo di Kantor Kemenko Polhukam, Jakarta, Kamis (12/12).

"Pembicaraannya tetap dilanjutkan," kata Mahfud.

Lebih lanjut, Mahfud mengatakan Menhan Korea sengaja datang ke Indonesia untuk menemui Menhan Prabowo Subianto. Menurutnya, kunjungan itu bertujuan untuk melanjutkan kerjasama proyek tersebut.
Mahfud menyatakan saat ini kedua negara masih dalam proses negosiasi untuk melanjutkan proyek tersebut

"Itu sekarang masih di sedang di negosiasi dan dari Indonesia memang yang ditunjuk Pak Prabowo Menteri Pertahanan untuk berbicara antar menteri pertahanan," kata dia.

Diketahui, proyek pengembangan jet tempur KFX/IFX ini pernah tertunda pada tahun 2009 lalu. Pada 7 Januari 2016, Indonesia dan Korea Selatan menandatangani cost share agreement.

Menteri Pertahanan sebelumnya, Ryamizard Ryacudu, pernah mengungkapkan Indonesia belum membayar 20 persen dari total biaya pengerjaan KF-X/IF-X fase kedua. Diketahui, kedua negara telah menyepakati kontrak proyek itu senilai Rp18 triliun atau 1,65 triliun won (US$1,3 miliar).

Sementara 80 persen sisanya ditanggung pemerintah Korsel. Total dana yang dikeluarkan kedua negara untuk penggarapan fase kedua ini sebanyak 8,6 triliun won.

Presiden Joko Widodo pada Oktober tahun 2018 lalu pernah menginstruksikan untuk melakukan perundingan ulang (renegosiasi) rencana kerja sama pembuatan jet tempur generasi 4.5 itu. Hal itu supaya Indonesia mendapatkan keringanan dalam hal pembiayaan.

Menkopolhukam sebelumnya, Wiranto mengatakan negosiasi ulang anggaran itu merupakan hasil evaluasi yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah. (rzk/rea)
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