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Indonesia Defence Forum

kebanyakan hoax sama nyinyir, orang sini kalo gak nyinyir ga bahagia hidupnya

From Boeing defense sites, they are focused on Poseidon, AEW and Chinook sales to Indonesia. KC 46 seem less priority for them

Boeing Defense, Space & Security in Indonesia

Boeing was awarded the contract to build Apache helicopters for Indonesia in 2015. Following production and flight testing at the Boeing facility in Mesa, Arizona USA, the AH-64E Apaches for Indonesia were delivered in-country in late 2017 and in the first quarter of 2018. The Apache is the world’s leading multi-role attack helicopter.

Maritime intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance capabilities are moving to the forefront in the region and we see opportunities for these capabilities in Indonesia. Our solutions encompass long range maritime reconnaissance capability with our Airborne Early Warning & Control (AEW&C) and P-8 aircraft We've also seen the relevance for CH-47 Chinook to aid in humanitarian assistance and disaster relief, search and rescue and general mobility needs across remote island and ocean territories in the region. Finally, given requirements for long distance operations and situational awareness, we also see opportunities for KC-46 tanker and AEW&C.

Maybe they're investing for influence. That's very common for countries such as Arab Saudi to spread their influence, especially in Pesantren and universities. How to spread wahabi, sunni, paham radikal etc.? Ya ini salah satunya. Biasanya pakai syarat seperti masjid terkait wajib membuka pusat pembelajaran bahasa seperti bahasa turki, arab dll. Lalu memberikan beasiswa juga untuk study ke negara mereka.
The topic is about Economic investment, nothing to do with ideology investment. This is where I think its odd. Overall in my point of view that news is no more than political statement and propaganda. One thing that is very needed for our defense as general is Refinery but from what I know its not about building it or how much money needed. More about whoever gets benefit from oil import domestically and internationally. Its kinda silly when I heard the rumor about how we export the oil and imported again as a fuel.

Heran gw ko d aviapedia dibilang batal sih? Emg batal btulan? Org2 seakan2 bilang batal gmana gan?
Bro dont be like those sosmed guy who just eat the information without digesting it. Try to be neutral and read information comprehensively. This is a good forum where information discussed from all aspects, and there are alot of discussion about ifx here for you to digest if you not that lazy. And from that information you can open a discussion about the pointer given, but not like this. "kok dibilang batal sih?", "kok kita ga bayar lagi sih?". In my point of view that kinda questions are very silly and produced by shallow mind. IFX matters is complex, the information distribution is alo limited. Our Engineers there might get the technical information, but not the deal. The politician might know the deals but not the technical one. And the Politician, engineers might not know the strategy behind the ifx except AU/Kemenham. Put the geoplolitical/trade/Inter government relation into the mix and perhaps only President knows it. See the complexity? This is a good forum to learn things if you want to learn, just read things comprehensively.
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LoL how can someone assumed something without discusion... oh boy... i mist the old guys here, belum ngomong apa2 dah dibuat kesimpulan bwakakakak...

I'm better be silent readers from now on
This is a good forum to learn things if you want to learn, just read things comprehensively.

Itu sebabnya disini ga mungkin pakai full English (seperti udah saya sebutkan di postingan saya sebelumnya). Orang bangsa kita kesulitan English reading comprehension (wajar aja sich), sering sekali kita perlu nulis sesuatu pakai Bahasa Indonesia biar ga terjadi misinterpretation.
Here we go again like the KCR-60 missile or no missile saga. The KF-X mockup is painted with ROKAF grey livery. IF-X camo is like the F-16 camo. And ADEX 2019 is a South Korean event. The KF-X what we can say is their national pride. Don't know why many Indonesian blogs will quickly jump to a conclusion without verifying to DAPA or KAI/PTDI. Again just like the KCR-60 missile or no missile saga.
LoL how can someone assumed something without discusion... oh boy... i mist the old guys here, belum ngomong apa2 dah dibuat kesimpulan bwakakakak...

I'm better be silent readers from now on

Now you know why I became silent reader and troller. Capek diskusi yang bener disini. Lo cari info, referensi, dibales cuma sebait dua bait kata kata geje.
Kayaknya memang gak baik baca berita yang dikasih editorial cari sensasi kayak gitu langsung "react", bukan dipikir atau digali lagi informasinya, akhirnya kemakan bait langsung tuduh aneh2 tentang batal atau semacamnya.

Itu page IG adminnya ngeselin banget btw, bikin orang2 kebingungan asuw, ujung2nya malah pengen fitnah pihak Indonesia sendiri.
Honestly after i follow up the coment section on that ig post many our own people debating each other

Many said dapat kabar dari orang dalam. That said jangan berharap lebih etc
And.... ujung ujungnya berantem sendiri

Ah i remember leo when many people pro and cons and finally leo is came.
Wait n see aj dh.

I am sorry for that link
27,000 security personnel to secure presidential inauguration
15th Oct 2019 08:54


Chief of the Public Information Bureau of the National Police Brigadier General Dedi Prasetyo (ANTARA/Dyah Dwi)

Jakarta (ANTARA) - The Indonesian Police (Polri) and The Indonesian Defense Forces (TNI) will deploy some 27 thousand personnel to secure a number of vital locations during the inauguration of the president-and vice president-elect in Jakarta on Sunday (Oct 20), a police spokesman said.

"Polri and TNI as well as other related agencies have readied 27 thousand personnel to secure the State Palace, the presidential inauguration venue, the residence of Mr. Jokowi, the residence of Mr. Ma'ruf Amin, the roads they will pass (during the inauguration) and other vital objects," Chief of the Public Information Bureau of the National Police Brigadier General Dedi Prasetyo said on Monday.

Dedi said the police have found no indication of security disturbance ahead of the presidential inauguration.

After all, security personnel remain on standby to anticipate any eventuality, he said.

He further called on the public to work together with security personnel in ensuring conducive situation in the capital.

If some people wish to stage a demonstration they must abide by the existing regulation and keep public order, he said.

"If they stage a rally, it must run peacefully. The rally is vulnerable to infiltration by rioters who want to commit anarchy," he said.

President-elect Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and Vice President-elect Ma'ruf Amin will be inaugurated at the Parliament Building in Jakarta on Sunday afternoon (Oct 20).

Related news: Students urged to not demonstrate prior to presidential inauguration

Related news: Jokowi urged to order assessment of police's handling of protests

Related news: Jokowi, Prabowo mull over Gerindra joining government coalition
Editor: Fardah Assegaf



Here we go again like the KCR-60 missile or no missile saga. The KF-X mockup is painted with ROKAF grey livery. IF-X camo is like the F-16 camo. And ADEX 2019 is a South Korean event. The KF-X what we can say is their national pride. Don't know why many Indonesian blogs will quickly jump to a conclusion without verifying to DAPA or KAI/PTDI. Again just like the KCR-60 missile or no missile saga.

Banyak orang nyinyir, apalagi buat kesimpulan karena admin pemerintahan. Terkait juga sama issue politik dan pemilu masih banyak yang belum move on.

Now you know why I became silent reader and troller. Capek diskusi yang bener disini. Lo cari info, referensi, dibales cuma sebait dua bait kata kata geje.

I know Right, but surely you will came again to bully those Congs :disagree::disagree:
Boeing was awarded the contract to build Apache helicopters for Indonesia in 2015. Following production and flight testing at the Boeing facility in Mesa, Arizona USA, the AH-64E Apaches for Indonesia were delivered in-country in late 2017 and in the first quarter of 2018. The Apache is the world’s leading multi-role attack helicopter.

Maritime intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance capabilities are moving to the forefront in the region and we see opportunities for these capabilities in Indonesia. Our solutions encompass long range maritime reconnaissance capability with our Airborne Early Warning & Control (AEW&C) and P-8 aircraft We've also seen the relevance for CH-47 Chinook to aid in humanitarian assistance and disaster relief, search and rescue and general mobility needs across remote island and ocean territories in the region. Finally, given requirements for long distance operations and situational awareness, we also see opportunities for KC-46 tanker and AEW&C.
This last phase of MEF is going to be interesting, specially for Air Force. With future global economy in shady projection Im really curious on how we are prioritizing between Fighters, air tanker, EWA or MPA. The rumour about putting fighter within the new capital budget pretty much indicating an effort to fullfil the target that can not be supported by forthcoming budget. The future menteri pertahanan will have his/her hands full getting all the plan moving forward with limited budget and increasing threat. I hope Mr.President choose the right person for this one :D

LoL how can someone assumed something without discusion... oh boy... i mist the old guys here, belum ngomong apa2 dah dibuat kesimpulan bwakakakak...

I'm better be silent readers from now on
No silent reader for you bruh! Beside who am I going to joke around with about the k00L russian submarine :taz:
Anyway its a public forum, how its going to become is depending on the contribution of its own members. If quality members starting to withdraw their presence then it will detoriate the quality of its content as well. :D
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Ah i see, but our goverment promised to pay the contribution fee if the renegotiation is done,thats what i always wanted to ask whats the progress of our renegotiation?

Behind the scene

The renegotiation is still going on and it should be completed this month. There is no single news that reveal about the current progress. Meanwhile I think the meeting between Jokowi with Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono recently is something that is positive for the program continuation as we know SBY is the strong backer of KFX/IFX program.

I hope current administration has long term vision about Indonesia in the future so that it willing to sacrifice financially for the program (since the main factor of our renegotiation is due to financial contribution). The vision that some day Indonesia will have the ability to produce its own fighter with own 100 % design and engine is started with KFX/IFX program, so we should not waste this opportunity. What ever the renegotiation result is, I hope Indonesia is still inside the program with 1 KFX prototype given to PT DI for test bed. And pulling out from the program will jeopardize our future defense cooperation with South Korea.

If the renegotiation is success I think government need to promote the program as I think currently this program is not widely known for general public. I believe there will be many support coming from the people if they know there is such high tech program going on. If N 219 program can be wildly supported by many Indonesian, it will be, in my opinion, more support gotten for government if the public know we are building Stealth Fighter aircraft with South Korea, so the program can strengthen this administration politically.
Captionnya gahar cuy


Komar class missile boats with Styx missile

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