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OCTOBER 15, 2019 / 6:09 PM / UPDATED 3 HOURS AGO

South Korea unveils fighter jet mock-up amid program challenges

Josh Smith, Ju-min Park

SEONGNAM, South Korea (Reuters) - South Korea has displayed the first full-size mock-up of the KF-X fighter jet it is developing with Indonesia, after officials said the program passed key design reviews in September.

The next-generation aircraft being developed by Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) is designed to be a cheaper, less-stealthy alternative to the U.S.-built F-35, and the plan is to eventually replace most of South Korea’s older fighter jets and produce more for export.

The mock-up was displayed on Monday at the Seoul International Aerospace and Defense Exhibition (ADEX).

South Korea has ordered 40 of the advanced F-35A aircraft from the United States, the first of which arrived this year.

North Korea has condemned South Korea’s purchase of the F-35s, as well as the development of other advanced weapons.

KAI is currently manufacturing a KF-X prototype and plans to carry out ground testing and flight tests in 2021 and 2022, respectively, company officials said.

“On the face of it they are making good progress, but there are signs of challenges in the program,” said Greg Waldron, Asia managing editor for FlightGlobal, a publication covering the aerospace industry. Among these are Indonesia’s push to renegotiate how it will pay its portion of the costs, and breaking into an export market crowded with established alternatives, Waldron said.

“With a program this ambitious you really have to spread the cost among many partners,” he said. “They could sell a few here and there, but the problem is they are going to be kind of late to the market and there are already many strong aircraft already out there.”

South Korean and Indonesia agreed in 2014 to jointly develop the KF-X in a project worth 7.5 trillion won ($6.33 billion) with Jakarta agreeing to pay 20% of the cost.

Last year, however, Indonesia sought to renegotiate to take pressure off its foreign exchange reserves and has since offered to pay its share of the cost in the form of a barter.

The KF-X program also hit a snag when South Korea was forced to develop several key technologies after the United States refused to provide approval for the use of some systems, like a radar, which is now being developed by Hanwha Systems.

But KAI says the project is progressing, and is helping South Korea build on its earlier aircraft programs.

“We could not have done KF-X if we did not have experience in building T-50 and FA-50,” a senior company official said, speaking on condition of anonymity as he was not authorized to speak to the media. “We are advancing step by step.”

SU-35 ga ada kejelasan, KFX/IFX jg tdk ada kejelasan, wtf is wrong with our negotiator...
ADEX 2019: Indonesia committed to KF-X project despite fiscal concerns

Jon Grevatt, Seoul - Jane's Defence Weekly
15 October 2019


An artist impression of the KF-X fighter aircraft. South Korea is developing the platform in partnership with Indonesia, although the latter has fallen behind on payments. Source: DAPA

More than 100 engineers from Indonesian aerospace company PT Dirgantara (PTDI) remain involved in the project with South Korea to develop the next-generation Korean Fighter eXperimental (KF-X) fighter aircraft despite growing concern about the Southeast Asian country's financial involvement in the programme.

Industry officials told Jane's at the 2019 Seoul International Aerospace and Defense Exhibition (ADEX) that ties between PTDI at Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI), which is leading the KF-X programme, remain strong even if the South Korean and Indonesian governments have yet to reach an agreement on how - and how much - Jakarta will pay towards the development project.

"We have 114 engineers working on the KF-X in Korea," said one official from KAI. "They are mainly working on the design of the aircraft but also on manufacturing processes." PTDI told Jane's that its engineers' involvement in the programme is intended to support the company's long-term development and its ability to apply acquired skills across a range of platforms.

Industry officials would not comment directly on government-level talks intended to enable Jakarta to fund its involvement in the programme, which it refers to as IF-X. These talks started in October 2018 after Indonesia said that due to a lack of funding it wanted to renegotiate the financial arrangements that were agreed in 2015. Renegotiations were initially expected to be concluded within 12 months but have yet to be finalised.

Under the original KF-X finance agreement Indonesia is committed to pay for 20% of the total development costs of the aircraft, which are estimated at about USD8 billion. The South Korean government is committed to pay for 60% of costs, with KAI covering the remaining 20%.


Collins Aerospace Completes Critical Design Review for Key Power and Controls Systems for KF-X/IF-X

(Source: Collins Aerospace; issued Oct 15, 2019)

SEOUL --– Collins Aerospace Systems, a unit of United Technologies Corp. today announced it has completed Critical Design Review (CDR) for a number of key power and controls systems for the KF-X/IF-X advanced multirole fighter jet for the Republic of Korea and Indonesian Airforce. CDR represents a significant milestone in the systems’ development marking the completion of detailed design, ensuring readiness for fabrication of system components, followed by test readiness reviews in preparation for qualification testing.

Collins Aerospace is under contract with Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) to provide the fighter’s complete Environmental Control System (ECS), including air conditioning, bleed air control, cabin pressurization and liquid cooling systems. To help make the ECS easier to install and maintain, Collins Aerospace integrated the air conditioning and liquid cooling systems into a single pack to reduce size and weight. In addition to the ECS, Collins Aerospace is also providing the aircraft’s engine start system components, including the air turbine starter and flow control valve.

The KF-X/IF-X will be the first platform to host Collins Aerospace’s newest, more electric Variable Speed Constant Frequency (VSCF) generator. Designed to achieve an order of magnitude improvement over the industry average in operational reliability, the new generator is more efficient and 10 percent more power dense compared to the company’s existing VSCF generators. The VSCF will be part of the fighter’s Main Electric Power Generation System, which Collins Aerospace is working with KAES Hanwha to design, develop and produce for KAI.

“Collins is honored to work with KAI and KAES Hanwha on the KF-X/IF-X program,” said Tim White, president of Power & Controls. “Our systems are designed to help make this 4.5-gen fighter more electric, more reliable and easy to maintain. We look forward to supporting the KF-X/IF-X program in the years ahead as we continue to deepen our longstanding relationship with KAI.”

This last phase of MEF is going to be interesting, specially for Air Force. With future global economy in shady projection Im really curious on how we are prioritizing between Fighters, air tanker, EWA or MPA. The rumour about putting fighter within the new capital budget pretty much indicating an effort to fullfil the target that can not be supported by forthcoming budget. The future menteri pertahanan will have his/her hands full getting all the plan moving forward with limited budget and increasing threat. I hope Mr.President choose the right person for this one :D
Im agree with you bro,with our TNI dead set on getting P-8 (idk if its a rumour or info) for our MPA i think its clear who gonna fill our tanker and AEWC needs

But there's one thing concerned me,are they really2 offering their 737 AEWC or something else? Boeing gak sebut merek langsung. Could be E-767? Or E7 is a fix?

Idk sure what makes boeing KC-46 marketing is a less priority for them, maybe they already know the winner of the tender?
Could be themselves or even airbus. But looking at current situation boeing likely will win the tender
AL Indonesia dan AS Lakukan Pertemuan di Kapal Perang USS Blue Ridge
Selasa 15 Oktober 2019 - 21:06 WIB

Asisten Operasi Kepala Staf Angkatan Laut (AL), Laksamana Muda TNI Didik Setiyono berfoto bersama Komandan Armada ke-7 AL Amerika Serikat, Laksamana Madya Bill Merz di atas kapal perang USS Blue Ridge (LCC 19) pada 11 Oktober 2019. Foto/Mass Communication

YOKOSUKA - Staf Armada ke-7 Angkatan Laut (AL) Amerika Serikat (AS) mengadakan pertemuan dengan rekan-rekan sejawat mereka dari Tentara Nasional Indonesia (TNI) AL. Pertemuan berlangsung di atas kapal komando USS Blue Ridge (LCC 19) yang sedang berlabuh di Yokosuka Jepang pada 11 Oktober 2019.

Hubungan erat AL AS dengan TNI AL telah terjalin selama puluhan tahun dan pertemuan staf seperti ini menjaga kemitraan tersebut. Amerika Serikat dan Indonesia tengah merayakan ulang tahun ke-70 hubungan diplomatik kedua negara, dan kemitraan ini acap kali mencakup bidang maritim.

Kapal Bantu Rumah Sakit (BRS) Kedua TNI AL Masuki Tahapan Keel Laying

15 Oktober 2019

TNI AL membutuhkan 3 Kapal Bantu Rumah Sakit (photo : BUMN)

Surabaya – Produksi Kapal BRS kedua TNI AL (W000302) memasuki tahapan keel laying atau pemasangan lunas kapal. Keel Laying dilaksanakan pada hari Senin, 14 Oktober 2019 bertempat di Grand Assembly Divisi Niaga PT PAL Indonesia (Persero). Acara tersebut dihadiri oleh Asisten Logistik KSAL Laksamana Muda Moelyanto didampingi Direktur Utama PT PAL Indonesia (Persero) Budiman Saleh, disaksikan para pejabat TNI AL beserta jajaran Manajemen PT PAL Indonesia (Persero).

Tahapan keel laying ini penting karena nantinya usia kapal akan dihitung sejak pertama kali pemasangan lunasnya. Kapal BRS kedua TNI AL ini memiliki panjang 124 meter, lebar 21,8 meter. Kapal tersebut mampu mengakomodasi pasukan, kru dan pasien sebanyak 651 orang. Kapal tersebut memiliki berat 7300 Ton dan dapat melaju dengan kecepatan maksimal 18 knot serta endurance 30 hari, kapal tersebut mampu untuk menampung 2 unit helikopter di dek dan 2 unit ambulance boat. Hingga tahapan keel laying Kapal BRS kedua telah mencapai 27% dari keseluruhan tahapan pembangunan dan tepat waktu.

Keel laying seremoni di PT PAL (photo : PAL)

Proses pembangunan dilakukan dengan 6 starting point pada 6 zona pararel dengan pendekatan modular sistem untuk mempersingkat waktu pembangunan kapal. Dalam pembangunan tersebut PT PAL Indonesia (Persero) menggunakan fasilitas utama Graving Dock Semarang di Divisi Kapal Niaga, juga akan mengoptimalkan kapasitas yang ada seperti pembangunan blok-blok atas dilakukan di Divisi Kapal Perang, beberapa perlengkapan kapal seperti turning table dikerjakan di Divisi Rekayasa Umum.

Fungsi Kapal BRS sangat pas dengan karakteristik dan wawasan maritim Indonesia. Indonesia sebagai negara kepulauan sebagai negara yang terletak dalam kawasan ring of fire memiliki kerentanan bencana alam seperti gunung meletus, gempa bumi yang dapat diikuti oleh bencana sekunder seperti tsunami dan lainnya. Kapal BRS juga memiliki fungsi pengabdian masyarakat, dapat digerakkan ketika masyarakat membutuhkan, seperti ketika Peristiwa Wamena di Papua. Dengan situasi tersebut, Kapal BRS bersifat mobile dan dapat digerakkan kapan saja ke wilayah terdampak bencana alam atau bencana kemanusiaan yang membutuhkan untuk melaksanakan kegiatan tanggap darurat bencana. Kapal BRS dilengkapi dengan berbagai fungsi medis hingga tindakan medis. Fasilitas medis yang dimiliki setara dengan sebuah rumah sakit, hingga julukan sebagai rumah sakit mengapung layak diberikan pada Kapal BRS.

Airbus Helicopter Dukung Industri Kedirgantaraan Indonesia
Selasa, 15 Oktober 2019

Jakarta – Sekjen Kemhan Laksdya TNI Agus Setiadji, Selasa (15/10), menerima kujungan kehormatan President and CEO Airbus Helicopter Bruno Even beserta rombongan di Kemhan Jakarta. Maksud kedatangan kunjungan Presiden dan CEO Airbus yang didampingi Direktur PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PT DI) kali ini adalah untuk mendukung industri kedirgantaraan Indonesia.

Bagi Airbus Helicopter, Indonesia khususnya PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PT DI) merupakan mitra strategis dalam bidang kedirgantaraan. Untuk itu Airbus Helicopter sangat mendukung kesiapsediaan armada helikopter Indonesia. (ERA/SGY)

Menhan RI Menerima Courtesy Call UK Minister of State of The Ministry of Defence
Kamis, 26 September 2019

Jakarta – Menteri Pertahanan RI Ryamizard Ryacudu menerima Courtesy Call UK Minister of State of The Ministry of Defence, H.E. Baroness Goldie DL beserta rombongan, Kamis (26/9) di Kediaman Widya Chandra III/8 Kebayoran Baru Jakarta Selatan.

Republik Indonesia dan Kerajaan Inggris selama ini telah memiliki persetujuan kerjasama Pertahanan yang ditandatangani di London pada tahun 2012. Pada tahun 2017 Kedutaan Besar Inggris di Jakarta dan Kementerian Pertahanan RI melakukan peluncuran program PERKAMI ( Persatuan Alumni dan Kerjasama Militer Indonesia Inggris). Forum ini memperkuat kerjasama Pertahanan dengan menitikberatkan People-To-People Contact, berbagi pengalaman dan penugasan serta forum bagi para peserta untuk saling bertukar informasi.

Lebih lanjut Menhan menyampaikan bahwa pada tanggal 17-18 Juni 2019 telah dilaksanakan Joint Defence Coopration Dialogue (JDCD) yang pertama di London bersamaan dengan Peringatan 70 tahun hubungan diplomatik Indonesia-Inggris. Delegasi Kemhan dalam JDCD dipimpin Dirjen Strahan hasil JDCD Ke-1 adalah disepakatinya prioritas kerja sama di bidang Human Assistance And Disaster Relief, Counter Terrorism, Peace Keeping Operation dan Maritime Security.

Pada saat JDCD juga dilaksanakan kunjungan ke Bae System dalam bidang Cyber Defence. Kunjungan ini sangat memberikan manfaat bagi Indonesia dan memberikan gambaran pentingnya Pertahanan Siber bagi negara.

Menhan juga menyampaikan bahwa Indonesia mengapresiasi hubungan baik dan kerjasama Pertahanan yang telah dibangun selama ini antara Republik Indonesia dan Kerajaan Inggris. Indonesia berpedoman kepada tiga pilar kebijakan dalam membangun kerjasama yaitu membangun saling percaya, membangun kapasitas pertahanan serta mendorong kemandirian industri pertahanan.

this can be inspiration On how to face rioter

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Vietnamese buffalo?
Are handling them in riot condition is easy? What if buffalo panick amd injuring the handler?

Yes it is menacing to look.

I prefer horse :tup: it is battle proven, from roman until ww1 still some police riot unit in another part in world use Horse for riot control
NYPD has horse unit as i know

(Ah i remember rise planet apes scene, when police charging the apes)

Buffalo useful maybe to tow light artilery, or carry provision etc.

Mule also can be used. German still used mule in mountain unit ( there is vid in NATO yutub channel)
Kapal Bantu Rumah Sakit (BRS) Kedua TNI AL Masuki Tahapan Keel Laying
I was surprised back then when KRI Semarang suddenly have red cross logo.
I presume this new ship name will use city name, maybe we can use KRI dr. Kariadi as ship name.
Atau mungkin menggunakan nama Tjipto Mangoenkoesoemo, Wahidin Soedirohoesodo, Soetomo, Radjiman Wedyodiningrat, dan Moestopo.

this can be inspiration On how to face rioter

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