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SS3 with 7.62 NATO cal mostly will be used as rifleman / DM (designated marksman) rifle, using modified SP 1 pindad bore not good results.
We should really follow Sweden's example with Ak5. I'm thoroughly not impressed with the SS2 at all.

Furthermore, I think it's worth exploring the idea of adding another autorifleman with a minimi and an AT rifleman to the basic squad layout. For the most part having only 1 autorifleman is considered a serious lack of firepower. Literally every other country in the world has at least 2 AR's in their basic squad level formation.
We should really follow Sweden's example with Ak5. I'm thoroughly not impressed with the SS2 at all.
What do you think about komodo D5 rifle and D7 DMR? I heard the DMR variant have been ordered by MoD
Ss1 have a dust cover while as i have see and grab it in expo ss2 didnt have dust cover

AR based system have good modularity you can change upper so you can change caliber either 556 nato 762x39 5,45x39 etc
Ever colt le 901 can change from DMR (.308) to became assault rifle 556
Also why there's no indonesia name on full scale mockup KFX/IFX?
Also why there's no indonesia name on full scale mockup KFX/IFX?

I think it is because we are not serious in our payment contribution and our future in this program is still not fixed due to renegotiation process. Beside that the mock up is made by KAI, not ADD (government).
KF-X fighter jet mockup at ADEX 2019.








YESSS, but why there's no landing gear tho? :v
I think it is because we are not serious in our payment contribution and our future in this program is still not fixed due to renegotiation process. Beside that the mock up is made by KAI, not ADD (government).
Ah i see, but our goverment promised to pay the contribution fee if the renegotiation is done,thats what i always wanted to ask whats the progress of our renegotiation?

Behind the scene
UEA Akan Investasi Kapal Perang hingga Bangun Masjid di Indonesia
Adhyasta Dirgantara , Okezone Jum'at 11 Oktober 2019 16:57 WIB


Investasi. (Foto: Okezone.com)

JAKARTA - Kerjasama antara Indonesia dengan Uni Emirat Arab terus meningkat. Di mana UEA akan melakukan sejumlah investasi di Indonesia dalam beberapa waktu ke depan.

Menteri Koordinator Bidang Kemaritiman Luhut Panjaitan membeberkan, setidaknya ada 3 bidang yang ingin UEA dapatkan dari Indonesia, yaitu masjid, pertanian, dan kapal perang.
"Kerjasama kita dengan UEA ini sangat cepat. Baik menyangkut masjid, pertanian, atau kapal perang," ujar Menko Luhut di Kementerian Koordinator Bidang Kemaritiman, Jumat (11/10/2019).

Dari sektor pertanian, tim dari UEA akan survei langsung ke Kalimantan Tengah. Ini dilakukan untuk melihat tanaman apa yang cocok dikembangkan.

"Mengenai pertanian di mana mereka (tim dari UEA) mau masuk 100.000 hektare. Jadi betul-betul semua cepat. Tim pertanian mereka akan melihat lahan yang ada di Kalimantan Tengah. Mereka akan melakukan research pohon apa yang akan bisa ditanam," bebernya.
Tidak hanya itu, di sektor kelautan, UEA juga akan membeli kapal di Lampung, Sorong, dan Surabaya.
"Kemarin mereka sudah ngirim angkatan laut ke Lampung, Sorong, dan Surabaya, untuk beli kapal. Mereka puas dan senang sekali," kata Menko Luhut senang.

Intinya, Menko Luhut menyatakan kalau Indonesia harus 'jemput bola'. Contohnya adalah kerjasama antara Pertamina dengan UEA yang akan rampung saat Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) datang ke lokasi langsung.
"Kemudian juga bahwa kerjasama mereka dengan Pertamina bisa rampung sewaktu Presiden Jokowi berkunjung ke sana. Intinya kita harus jemput bola," tuturnya.

Also why there's no indonesia name on full scale mockup KFX/IFX?

for what? KAI using rokaf own livery. it's kinda weird if they put our name also indonesia aerospace or even our flag on that full mock up..lol

let me give some ex. pls take a look these pictures below,

kai already using rokaf livery in previous indodefence

indonesian aerospace(ptdi) did using tni-au livery too, for ifx mock-up



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