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Indonesia need to learn a lot about how to deploy and maneuvering Armored, mechanized and Infantry division at minimum Corps level unit at hostile soil and getting to sustain the logistick to keep the tempo or else the enemy will try to regroup and fortify their defense and increasing the risk toward the whole operation...This look like an insane task considering our Armed forces current condition but look at bigger scale, our most potential hostile enemies is got large number of Marines or amphibious units complete with their armored and composite compositions. Thus it is no strange to keep our active maneuvering forces at Corps level at least.

But if the general above still thinking to playing hide and seeks against lightly armed criminal in Papua, so be it.

Indonesia need to learn a lot about how to deploy and maneuvering Armored, mechanized and Infantry division at minimum Corps level unit at hostile soil and getting to sustain the logistick to keep the tempo or else the enemy will try to regroup and fortify their defense and increasing the risk toward the whole operation...This look like an insane task considering our Armed forces current condition but look at bigger scale, our most potential hostile enemies is got large number of Marines or amphibious units complete with their armored and composite compositions. Thus it is no strange to keep our active maneuvering forces at Corps level at least.

But if the general above still thinking to playing hide and seeks against lightly armed criminal in Papua, so be it.
what do you think about this vid ? what do you think we're really lacking in that kind of circumstances ? is there something we could deploy to actually really help our soldier to atleast fire at the right direction where enemy hide and not just doing surpressive fire into nowhere ?

but im myself is not an soldier , and never face such situation , nonetheless they're doing their best .

and also aren't we just doing joint drill with USMC in recent latgab ? did they not taught our strategician / field commander or our soldier with something you'd mention above ?
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Indonesia need to learn a lot about how to deploy and maneuvering Armored, mechanized and Infantry division at minimum Corps level unit at hostile soil and getting to sustain the logistick to keep the tempo or else the enemy will try to regroup and fortify their defense and increasing the risk toward the whole operation...This look like an insane task considering our Armed forces current condition but look at bigger scale, our most potential hostile enemies is got large number of Marines or amphibious units complete with their armored and composite compositions. Thus it is no strange to keep our active maneuvering forces at Corps level at least.

But if the general above still thinking to playing hide and seeks against lightly armed criminal in Papua, so be it.

I think deploying armored corps into papua conflict just worsening the situations,we'll just act brutally like what we did in GAM,social persuade i think is the safest way for now but if it didn't succed very well we can ask permission for military ops in papua
I think deploying armored corps into papua conflict just worsening the situations,we'll just act brutally like what we did in GAM,social persuade i think is the safest way for now but if it didn't succed very well we can ask permission for military ops in papua
she did not mention deploying armored corps against papuan duh , she'd mention about future threat which is "some country" with their expedition corps .
what do you think about this vid ? what do you think we're really lacking in that kind of circumstances ? is there something we could deploy to actually really help our soldier to atleast fire at the right direction where enemy hide and not just doing surpressive fire into nowhere ?

but im myself is not an soldier , and never face such situation , nonetheless they're doing their best .

and also aren't we just doing joint drill with USMC in recent latgab ? did they not taught our strategician / field commander or our soldier with something you'd mention above ?

I will not talk in tactical ways, as i am not an Soldier and dont know much what tactical verses usually used in our Army. But from strategic PoV i can try to give my opinion

You know, Papua is quite vast and much of it is jungles, virgin ones. There is only limited access toward hinterland in Papua (especially Papua Tengah all the way from Puncak Jaya, Wamena until Jayapura) unless you opened them by constructing a highway and cobble roads system to put more troops, population from the beach sides and logistic units to sustain such long occupation. The way SBY and Jokowi put his infrastructure program into motion and priority thats to open area in hinterland Puncak Jaya all the way to Jayapura and connecting them into friendly population in Lembah Baliem, the days of OKB in Papua is numbered.

You know Dutch strategy to put Diponegoro guerillas ressistance into a hold and eventually crush them militarily is by constructing postal roads in hinterland Central Java, connecting all settlements and put Military outpost in strategic location to monitor the activities of Diponegoro groups and contained them until larger units came and crushed them. Thus, the government strategy to open hinterland in Central Papua is more or less like that, the recent news is TNI AD preparing to creating more KODAM and KOREM units along with sufficient combatant units in Papua especially in Puncak Jaya and Pegunungan Tengah Papua, they will acts like military outpost with double purposes, to win heart and minds of local villagers and contain the OKB activities there. With more population from outside Papua Tengah came to this area, the resistance will fade away naturally. Thus to prevent such scenario the leadership of OKB made ruckus in Papua lately and organized their resistance cell in Indonesia to create the condition and prevent the construction program in Papua progessing, even they got simpathizer from local government ranks...

I think deploying armored corps into papua conflict just worsening the situations,we'll just act brutally like what we did in GAM,social persuade i think is the safest way for now but if it didn't succed very well we can ask permission for military ops in papua

Double check my comments above

Even if we must taking action in Papua at scale happened in Aceh, there is no way Armored Corps will taking much action there , they will just act as deterrence and securing cities or settlements . Infantry is the king, supported by Mobile cavalry and persistence monitoring from above (MALE UAV will reign there).
South Korean public opinion (the ones who being internet warrior and never going abroad) is easy to be stirred, well they prefer Vietnam over Indonesia as Indonesian in their view had long standing relationship with Japan and culturally much closer to Japan and had a very positive view towards Japan.

But the more broaded minded ones will find Indonesia is more closer to them, as we are multy party democracy like them, once being ruled by iron fisted corrupt dictatorship with equally bloody history, got the same fervent hate against communist (in this world only South Korean and Indonesia who actively purging communist and rooted them from society by bloody means), the same attitude toward super power and suspicion with fervent Nationalist view. And they realized Indonesia is actually a large emerging industry country with huge appetite toward new capital and technology products, in which the South Korean hoped can fill the needs, in which Vietnam or other country in the region cant be compared. In this case, it was actually South Korean who invited us, LoL, and we are being late to pay them but continue active in this programme had actually proved one point in this project South Korean need us more than they not. LoL.

Dont Worry they still trying to appease and entertain us in long term

The anti communist country favor vietnam that is a communist state lol

Joke aside

Maybe some korean hate us because some Indonesian said korea terbuat dari plastik

Maing fortress and road is dutch system so we use dutch strategy effectivness?
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The anti communist country favor vietnam that is a communist state lol

Joke aside
Maybe some korean hate us because some Indonesian said korea terbuat dari plastik
no it just simply their genetics , korean are straight forward and too "Honest" , if they don't like you , they will tell that infront of you .

Jusuf Kalla giving reply, he is giving the reply while standing and listening attentively
I think that so called boiling vessel on numerous british vehicle developed by them to brew tea

Also we can use that thing to brew tea coffe indomie also the ransum in tni must boiled in water didint have portable heating like us MRE
no it just simply their genetics , korean are straight forward and too "Honest" , if they don't like you , they will tell that infront of you .

Makanya kita lebih nge klik ama Jepang secara kultur, unggah ungguh mereka mirip ama Jawa.
South Koreans policymakers knew very well that Indonesia is the key to ASEAN, for obvious reasons of course. It's just some of their people are too foolish to think farther than their own ego, saying shits they don't quit understand to favors the superficial way of thinking, supporting communist yet gives too much skepticism towards a strategic country just because we are close to Japan.

Nevermind, they surely implement their policy well that i regularly eat Tteokbokki here, it is very beneficial for both parties to continue this cultural exchange and trade cooperation, and it will be very stupid for them to abandon this out of stupid ego, as we're the BIG one here.
South Koreans policymakers knew very well that Indonesia is the key to ASEAN, for obvious reasons of course. It's just some of their people are too foolish to think farther than their own ego, saying shits they don't quit understand to favors the superficial way of thinking, supporting communist yet gives too much skepticism towards a strategic country just because we are close to Japan.

Nevermind, they surely implement their policy well that i regularly eat Tteokbokki here, it is very beneficial for both parties to continue this cultural exchange and trade cooperation, and it will be very stupid for them to abandon this out of stupid ego, as we're the BIG one here.

Kalo korea marah ke kita
someone posted this in previous page
Yes yesterday and we have conclusion tni prefer cesar for mobility because can lifted by hercules
what do you think about this vid ? what do you think we're really lacking in that kind of circumstances ? is there something we could deploy to actually really help our soldier to atleast fire at the right direction where enemy hide and not just doing surpressive fire into nowhere ?

In jungle warfare visibility is severely limited, typically its somewhere around 60m in daylight, things get worse during nighttime. However same as the jungle environment, visibility is also double edge sword (neutral) it doesn't choose side. The best option when shot is heard is to seek nearest cover. Mitigating such condition is also tricky at best, and if anyone told you that there is some tech out there that can reliably pin point the location of the shooter (usually citing something about thermal vision) than you can be sure that person is a sales rep who will be offering some headgear system + optic o_O

they got simpathizer from local government ranks...

They even got support from some peoples in Java and elsewhere in Indonesia.

persistence monitoring from above (MALE UAV will reign there).

Assuming the said drone doesn't crash. Flying around in Papua is real tricky. It is unlikely there is any unmanned system that could fly at least in par to those with human pilot.

Maing fortress and road is dutch system so we use dutch strategy effectivness?

Dutch strategy may not be perfect, but in the absent of other viable strategy might as well using it.

no it just simply their genetics , korean are straight forward and too "Honest" , if they don't like you , they will tell that infront of you .

IMO in my experience, whenever I interact with South Korean I've got the feeling they position themselves as the more superior race

I think that so called boiling vessel on numerous british vehicle developed by them to brew tea

Also we can use that thing to brew tea coffe indomie also the ransum in tni must boiled in water didint have portable heating like us MRE

hold on a sec there 8-) First of all using MRE heater isn't as easy as they claim to be not to mention you can't use it in enclosed space (such as tent) due to the fume they created and you still need to find that "proverbial rock". I really like the idea of having water heater close by, but if your out on the field instead of inside some vehicle than having solid fuel tablet such as US military Trioxane fuel tablet rather than Hexamine fuel tablet that we currently use is better option for so many reasons than having those MRE heater. Having hot water is more useful in many ways (buat masak "nasi bantal" tetep aja 5 menitan)

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