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Indonesia Defence Forum

He got stabbed By unknown,if our goverment act seriously about this the opposition, will respond that our goverment is a dictactor regime

What a joke, trump offered turkey F35 if they stopped their invansion to kurdish
I thought the hull was the only part that we can make. The other parts are either imported or licensed.

Oh man I was downstair when it happened. I hope he recovers & get better soon.
Agree if you hate someone,you can hate him,but don't ever try to kill him like this for example
This attack against Wiranto has already headline news / Breaking News in Singapore medias (Straits Times, CNA) and Australia (ABC).
What a joke, trump offered turkey F35 if they stopped their invansion to kurdish
dughhhhhh its trump who give the green light for eventual ground and aerial assault. he actually stresses the importance of turkey against the kurds
He got stabbed By unknown,if our goverment act seriously about this the opposition, will respond that our goverment is a dictactor regime
No no no. You can't call responding seriously to attempts of murder to a minister as dictator regime. That's pure stupidity.
Does pindad capable enough to make kaplan mt hull? Its a new experience for us. So i think FNSS will do the job


Are welding tank hull is different from other ranpur? Meterial different so welding technique different?

Btw this is ahoot and scoot comparison betwen cesar and k9
Are there any diffrrence use for whelled self propelled arty vs tracked arty?
I see cesar slower the vrew must get out to operate the wepaon but i want know why french make system like this

Also why TNI choose this?

Btw again
What is standard security personel to guard a minister? Just a police or what?
Are welding tank hull is different from other ranpur? Meterial different so welding technique different?[/MEDIA]

Tank chassis & hull aren't that special, so they ought to manage that part. Armour however is different story entirely. For example Leopard 2A4 internal armour is a perforated steel-titanium-tungsten alloy, and Leopard 2 Revolution upgrade even take to the extreme by using Ultra Hard Steel external armour to replace the ceramic armour which Rheinmetall marketed under the name Nano crystalline steel armour

This is when we can use the other thread, why don't you create new thread.

I second that.

Why should I create new thread just for that?! It's related to defense / security anyway
Tank chassis & hull aren't that special, so they ought to manage that part. Armour however is different story entirely. For example Leopard 2A4 internal armour is a perforated steel-titanium-tungsten alloy, and Leopard 2 Revolution upgrade even take to the extreme by using Ultra Hard Steel external armour to replace the ceramic armour which Rheinmetall marketed under the name Nano crystalline steel armour

Why should I create new thread just for that?! It's related to defense / security anyway
Jika ngarah ke partai2 kebijakan pemeprintaj dpr mgkn bsa bkin forum
Indonesian Politic

But i afraid that forum ga terkendali dan jadi ajang troll atau hina2an kalo ad yg beda pendapat soal pilihan dsb.
Around 69 Hawk and 64 F 16 OCU is our initial goals. After Arms embargoe ABRI looking to procure at least 32 Flanker for initial order.

For the Army i am remember they got offer for Leopard 1 plus wiesel as recon unit, looking for Scud missiles excess from Russia and looking for French APC

ASEAN finance crisis hit us very hard, not to mention corrupt practices among higher officers severely impacted our defense capability
Back in 1996 Air Chief Marshal Tubagus Satria did calculate the number fighters we needed considering the size of our airspace almost equal to European continental ( minus Russia ). 69 Hawk ( various types from Hawk-53, 109, & 209 ) and 60 F-16s, even today the plan isn't materialised yet.
Back in 1996 Air Chief Marshal Tubagus Satria did calculate the number fighters we needed considering the size of our airspace almost equal to European continental ( minus Russia ). 69 Hawk ( various types from Hawk-53, 109, & 209 ) and 60 F-16s, even today the plan isn't materialised yet.
View attachment 583215
And the navy boosted by the ex east germany navy ship stock
Jika ngarah ke partai2 kebijakan pemeprintaj dpr mgkn bsa bkin forum
Indonesian Politic

But i afraid that forum ga terkendali dan jadi ajang troll atau hina2an kalo ad yg beda pendapat soal pilihan dsb.

When a security related gov't official get attacked it's no longer domestic politic matter, it's security related matter.

Di forum ini khan para troll & buzzer nya kerjanya sistematis cuma low level tingkat ilmunya dan kapasitas teknisnya, kebanyakan sich sengaja dibuat utk kejar traffic aja buat ads revenue. Dan kebetulan ignore list saya sudah ada lebih dari 20 nama (troll & buzzer semua isinya) termasuk yg ngaku2x orang Indo padahal postingnya pakai IP Singapore atau HK

IMO those figures need to be adjusted for inflation.
Are welding tank hull is different from other ranpur? Meterial different so welding technique different?

Btw this is ahoot and scoot comparison betwen cesar and k9
Are there any diffrrence use for whelled self propelled arty vs tracked arty?
I see cesar slower the vrew must get out to operate the wepaon but i want know why french make system like this

Also why TNI choose this?

Btw again
What is standard security personel to guard a minister? Just a police or what?
k9 can't be carried by hercules
Back in 1996 Air Chief Marshal Tubagus Satria did calculate the number fighters we needed considering the size of our airspace almost equal to European continental ( minus Russia ). 69 Hawk ( various types from Hawk-53, 109, & 209 ) and 60 F-16s, even today the plan isn't materialised yet.
View attachment 583215

If we want make fleet full of f16 maybe we can see the turk
They relly on f16 for fighter f16 block 30 40 50/52 (and ageing f4 for bombing)

k9 can't be carried by hercules
Noted this and i remeber tni interested in artilery that have mobility to transport

So we relied paladin for shoot and scout?
Btw this is ahoot and scoot comparison betwen cesar and k9
Are there any diffrrence use for whelled self propelled arty vs tracked arty?
I see cesar slower the vrew must get out to operate the wepaon but i want know why french make system like this

Also why TNI choose this?

Thats like comparing apple to orange. The video should compared it apple to apple. Wheeled SPH vs Wheeled SPH or K9 to Paladin.
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