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What programs will be affected by CAATSA to Turkey? Tank Harimau? What else?

Turned out choosing Ch-4 and not Anka is a great decision from us.
I dont see it will come, there is many hurdle for such things

Myself personnaly dont support such transgression from Turkish side, as Syria is still a legitimate Nation and the invasion is truly will set another incident accross the globe. How do you feel if China decided to create such "Save Zone" in entire South China Sea including Northern Natuna by put their Navy and missile system there ? Who can stopped them? Indonesia will severely affected by then if such thing happened.

Turkey clearly dont use her brain this time and playing with fire, currently they dont fit into big boys game and Sultan dragging down the whole Turkey with him this time. And this affected a number of Indonesia coorperation in defense sector with them.
Sebetulnya ane setuju "semut vs gajah si semut kalau mau menang harus naik gajah"... biar imbang gajah vs gajah
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Maksud? Mau gua roasting lagi lu disini?
Soal opm itu ga usah dbahas dlu dah. Salah lagi gw

Soal tank harimau kita pake mesin caterpillar. Semoga ini ga bermasalah kaya atak pakistan

(Tank altay mrk pengembangannya juga lambat banget. Gara2 mesin aja)
Harus hati2 deal ama Turkey

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Well as long as we can secure the blue prints and production method without involving Turkish supplier is fine
I really dont understand the situation there. Turkey supporting Syria opposition rebel? Kurdish supported by American and yet Turkey claimed them as terorist? Regardless this sanction imposed by US is really sad, its like a proof that the world need another power to balance the power of US.

Sebetulnya ane setuju "semut vs gajah si semut kalau mau menang harus naik gajah"... biar imbang gajah vs gajah
Kalo gw jadi semut mending nonton di pinggir agak jauhan sambil ngupi :D

Situ jualan paranoia
Kadang penjajah itu nga datang sendiri kadang kita juga yg ngundang mereka datang, n sorry gua nga dapat direct payment buat campaign yg kaya ginian

Kita nga kaya anak2 sebelah yg happy dapat duit dri org kedutaan buat mainan internet disini, dari kuminis alih2 jadi agen US, sorry ya
We are not just US interest, we are also Chinese interest. The difference is we have large trade surplus with US and deficit against China. Investment wise China is climbing her ladders and positioned her self in top 3 of our largest investors. I dont see the point on China invading us while on the other hand they invest pretty big here. On this point I agree with Barjo, perhaps you just being paranoia. US dont invade? They do in other form, restricting our "only" 11 Sukhoi purchased, weponized trade with economic sanction via GSP and many other forms. We are at US mercy on trade (export wise), if they imposed GSP then our export will drop by half thus effecting our economy in a big way. So yea, both are "invading" in their own way :D
Harus hati2 deal ama Turkey

View attachment 583187 View attachment 583186

Well as long as we can secure the blue prints and production method without involving Turkish supplier is fine
The question is are we already secured the blueprints and not involving turks supplier in medium tank production line?

Likely work with italy is good choice from torpedo cannon to SAMP/T missile hehehe
Yeah if only EU accepting CPO we will cooperate furthermore (excluding mbda) unfortunately,they don't
The question is are we already secured the blueprints and not involving turks supplier in medium tank production line?

Yeah if only EU accepting CPO we will cooperate furthermore (excluding mbda) unfortunately,they don't

Btw 18 tank we will have, produce by pindad not by fnss right?

Engine from caterpilar
Passive anti missile from turkey
Cannon cockeril from belgium
Falarick from ukraine

Dont know another part
Holly shit guys, someone try to stab wiranto in Pandeglang...
Metro tv now.
Holly shit guys, someone try to stab wiranto in Pandeglang...
Metro tv now.
Saw it too. The attacker already stabbed Wiranto. Wiranto now is in intensive care unit with 2 stab wounds at a local hospital and in stable condition. Police have arrested 1 male and 1 female at the scene. Where is his security? Iinm Wiranto is one of the well known people who have recieved threats. He should be guarded well.

Update: Wiranto is now being transfered to Gatot Subroto Army Hospital in Jakarta.
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I don't know that in our constitution is stated about our foreign policy (non alignment), not in the preamble or its chapters, the non alignment can be tracked back during cold war and until now, during that time it just that we dont want to get dragged to the cold war and thus pursuing non alignment policy.
Being under sphere of influence is not the same as submitting to others.
Afaik there is not stated in our constitution either that we are forbidden to join power or making alliance with other because of our non alignment stance, its just that we choose it that way, it still can change.
But idk, enlighten me.

Exactly :tup:

I wouldn't like the word if the word "Indonesia" and "under the ... sphere of influence" is written in the same sentence, i'll disagree with such mentality completely, now and forever, no compromise.

Negara menganut prinsip bebas aktif
Sampai selesai bawah bro bacanya

Landasan Politik Luar Negeri Indonesia di Tegaskan Dalam Pembukaan UUD 1945

Sebenarnya ane malu posting ginian... maaf member lain postingan ane kali ini ane OOT

Maapin dulu saya suka mbolos

Mirip2x kita berarti, kebetulan saya dulu kalau waktunya mata kuliah HTN (Hukum Tata Negara) isinya banyak bolosnya :cheers: sampai2x perlu malsu absensi :cheesy:. Tapi hal ini sebenarnya lebih masuk dalam domain SosPol Hubungan International dan bukan domain ilmu hukum.

Well anyway, pemahaman bebas-aktif itu maksudnya kita tidak masuk dalam blok pertahanan tertentu (contoh SEATO atau sejenisnya) Yg dimana kalau dlm blok pertahanan (alliance) setiap member state mempunyai kewajiban utk mempertahankan anggota lainnya yg sedang berperang (baik diserang ataupun menyerang), tetapi bukan bearti kita tidak bisa bekerja sama secara terbatas utk hal2x terkait keamanan / kepentingan bersama dalam hal ini contoh terbaik adalah Lombok Treaty antara Indonesia - Australia.
Sedangkan untuk pemahaman "sphere of influence" itu justru tidak berhubungan dengan konsep non-blok atau bebas-aktif, dikarenakan "sphere of influence" adalah kondisi yg muncul akibat proses geopolitic yg berkelanjutan dan bukan karena kesepakatan para pihak.

Situ jualan paranoia
Kadang penjajah itu nga datang sendiri kadang kita juga yg ngundang mereka datang,

Ada benernya juga ini, kebetulan akhir tahun kemarin saya malah bisa dibilang membantu seorang Tuan Meneer antek Kompeni utk kiranya dapat menjajah kembali bangsa kita :enjoy:, cuma si Tuan Meneer nya agak khawatir dgn banyaknya peraturan2x & regulasi yg sangat menghambat dan juga belum pastinya akan hasil Pemilu pd saat itu :(. Bahkan sekarang pun (hari ini) masih banyak peraturan2x & regulasi yg cukup menghambat khususnya di Daerah tingkat I / II

Saw it too. The attacker already stabbed Wiranto. Wiranto now is in intensive care unit with 2 stab wounds at a local hospital and in stable condition. Police have arrested 1 male and 1 female at the scene. Where is his security? Iinm Wiranto is one of the well known people who have recieved threats.

This kind of attack is a new kind for those kind of people in Indonesia. I'm worried other element will copy it
From last news update the 2 person involved one of them was attacking Wiranto while the other was attacking the Kapolres. The perpetrator wife was also detained.
What the hell happen with wiranto? Sigh. More problem coming ahead.
What the hell happen with wiranto? Sigh. More problem coming ahead.
He got stabbed By unknown,if our goverment act seriously about this the opposition, will respond that our goverment is a dictactor regime

yup, its already beginning to end already LOL. turkish invasion is in full swing
What a joke, trump offered turkey F35 if they stopped their invansion to kurdish

Floating powership? aircraft deals?
Aircraft deals? Which one? TFX?
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