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Indonesia Defence Forum

Jumlah pegawai hampir stagnan tapi anggaran selalu naik kan?
Defisit gara2 inflansi terus katanya... sebetulnya kalau gaji kurang atau lebih bkn salah pemerintah juga, gaji naik belanja ikut nambah nga ngitung kalau tekor, blanja kalau nambah malah jadi inflansi ya efek domino kelas menengah
In SCS enviroment jet fighter easly reach our space sis from any direction vice versa, and sub will not so effective with shallow waters (only 50m average deep sea floor), any strategy or tech to put down enemy radar and airport its capability we dont have yet, our neighbourgh already have those capability, they can silent natuna and our ship in ease if they wanted to
Only Island Hopping or Carrier Battlegroup would work via SCS, it's not that "easy" for fighter jets to just go across the sea to hit their target without an extensive "accomodation", just like in the case of the Falklands War
Only Island Hopping or Carrier Battlegroup would work via SCS, it's not that "easy" for fighter jets to just go across the sea to hit their target without an extensive "accomodation", just like in the case of the Falklands War
With sukhoi internal tanks or f15 it will do bro, just hit and run, and the bad news is those jet is have jamming capablelity

With hi lo hi flight patern

My thoughts. We need something like CAMM or ESSM, the current VL MICA range (20km) is too short for fleet escort duties. Considering our transport LPD's is largerly unarmed (20mm cannons arrnt a thing this day) we need to extend the engagement range as far as possible.
And CIWS bro
Only Island Hopping or Carrier Battlegroup would work via SCS, it's not that "easy" for fighter jets to just go across the sea to hit their target without an extensive "accomodation", just like in the case of the Falklands War

China by 2030 will have at least four to six Carrier battle group with each battle group got at least 20-30 fighter, with thumb of rules 1 operational, one stand by duty and one in maintenance there is at least two battle group of carrier readily available for them. One thing is to be sure, their area of engagement is only located in and around western side of Pacific and South China sea, it means they are readily available around North of our border area. Not to mention they can put forward fighter or even bomber at their manmade islands in SCS. Even Hainan can be used to base their bomber fleets to support their Navy units and can reach Borneo (the supposed our new capital city is here).

Meanwhile in another North problem is India, they got their Carrier battle group too, but with solid defense base in Andaman and Nicobar they can encroach our territory more easily compared to China. I got reports from Navy and Air Force unit situated there, their activities in and around Malacca strait is increasing at worrying level. They even several times illegaly crossing our air space border in and around Aceh all the way to West Sumatra province. India seems doesnt see us in the eye anymore and thinking Indian Ocean is their playground in which i am abhors the most such attitude from them.

Without adequate number of squadron fighter to defend those area gap, we are prone to be bully subject by those big boys. To assert our sovereign in our teritory is a must. I hope we can be more active in defense sector as diplomacy without bone and muscle is nothing, they just can trample us and intimidate us.
The weakness of our military really disgust me.

The govt really need to get serious on building our military

If the rumour is true i have no problem if prabowo became MoD, no matter how much of a clown he was in the last election.
He seem serious on building the military
In SCS enviroment jet fighter easly reach our space sis from any direction vice versa, and sub will not so effective with shallow waters (only 50m average deep sea floor), any strategy or tech to put down enemy radar and airport its capability we dont have yet, our neighbourgh already have those capability, they can silent natuna and our ship in ease if they wanted to

So...make a military alliance with USA, Japan, South Korea, Austalia, Singapore and India....And then...you can focus to improve your economy for your people. Let your military alliance tobuild their military capability to secure your nation to face PRC..

Malaysia did it ....but still don't want to disclose it openly.,.
So...make a military alliance with USA, Japan, South Korea, Austalia, Singapore and India....And then...you can focus to improve your economy for your people. Let your military alliance tobuild their military capability to secure your nation to face PRC..

Malaysia did it ....but still don't want to disclose it openly.,.
Yeah you always flying low so low that almost you can smell the chicken fart bro LOL

You sounds like fans of trump tet tot... LOL

There are some member here called trumpeter LOL

Fake id wont work here
In SCS enviroment jet fighter easly reach our space sis from any direction vice versa, and sub will not so effective with shallow waters (only 50m average deep sea floor)

Depend on tasking. For cruising kind of tasking the Sunda Shelf is a horrible environment for any sub, but for laying ambush (as mobile mine) littoral water is great environment to be.
Depend on tasking. For cruising kind of tasking the Sunda Shelf is a horrible environment for any sub, but for laying ambush (as mobile mine) clitoral water is great environment to be.
Just need a botle neck ground bro, strait will okay but this SCS is large area, seems german in atlantic for me, we need to lure them inside a strait

And bay also fine
We need to contemplated our military capability right now, as a G 20 Nation, as a trillion US dollar club member, as a Nation with 260 million population, as Nation with wide array of industry and manufacturing capability like Automotive even Aircraft maker, as a Nation with area of more than 1,9 million kilometer square land area and more than 5 million kilometer square of sea and land area.

What we had right now seems understated us, Indonesian as a big country whose should be feared and respected by our friend enemies alike. Even a country like Vanuatu dare to look our diplomacy efforts like a farts, like a nothing, because they know we can do nothing to retaliate against them, even diplomaticaly and in economy. Well i can accept logically if the one who made " cawe cawe " against us is a big and powerful country, in which clearly indicated your status among your peers. But to be made of fun by obscure country like Vanuatu is beyond jokes to me, its pathetic.
We need to contemplated our military capability right now, as a G 20 Nation, as a trillion US dollar club member, as a Nation with 260 million population, as Nation with wide array of industry and manufacturing capability like Automotive even Aircraft maker, as a Nation with area of more than 1,9 million kilometer square land area and more than 5 million kilometer square of sea and land area.

What we had right now seems understated us, Indonesian as a big country whose should be feared and respected by our friend enemies alike. Even a country like Vanuatu dare to look our diplomacy efforts like a farts, like a nothing, because they know we can do nothing to retaliate against them, even diplomaticaly and in economy. Well i can accept logically if the one who made " cawe cawe " against us is a big and powerful country, in which clearly indicated your status among your peers. But to be made of fun by obscure country like Vanuatu is beyond jokes to me, its pathetic.
What if we pay them visit (vanuatu) in the course to rimpac next time
China by 2030 will have at least four to six Carrier battle group with each battle group got at least 20-30 fighter, with thumb of rules 1 operational, one stand by duty and one in maintenance there is at least two battle group of carrier readily available for them. One thing is to be sure, their area of engagement is only located in and around western side of Pacific and South China sea, it means they are readily available around North of our border area. Not to mention they can put forward fighter or even bomber at their manmade islands in SCS. Even Hainan can be used to base their bomber fleets to support their Navy units and can reach Borneo (the supposed our new capital city is here).

Meanwhile in another North problem is India, they got their Carrier battle group too, but with solid defense base in Andaman and Nicobar they can encroach our territory more easily compared to China. I got reports from Navy and Air Force unit situated there, their activities in and around Malacca strait is increasing at worrying level. They even several times illegaly crossing our air space border in and around Aceh all the way to West Sumatra province. India seems doesnt see us in the eye anymore and thinking Indian Ocean is their playground in which i am abhors the most such attitude from them.

Without adequate number of squadron fighter to defend those area gap, we are prone to be bully subject by those big boys. To assert our sovereign in our teritory is a must. I hope we can be more active in defense sector as diplomacy without bone and muscle is nothing, they just can trample us and intimidate us.

Just what i confuse, why India action violating our border never so much exposed as chinese, malayas, or vietnamese intrusion to our home?

In some forum said that Su30mki have violating our sky but, when I do googling i never found it

Are in india case we are just silent because we pay attention more on China or malaysia?
(Or because India adalah sahabat lama bla2.... menjaga keseimbangan kawasan dsb. Ga mungkin juga sih kita sekutuan ama pakistan yg pro cina)

Denger2 menhan ada yg bilang budi gunawah tak tahu ah bner apa ga
Yeah you always flying low so low that almost you can smell the chicken fart bro LOL

You sounds like fans of trump tet tot... LOL

There are some member here called trumpeter LOL

Fake id wont work here
Be civil and constructive even to fake id please.

The weakness of our military really disgust me.

The govt really need to get serious on building our military

If the rumour is true i have no problem if prabowo became MoD, no matter how much of a clown he was in the last election.
He seem serious on building the military
Eh don't bowo. Dia orang partai. Takutnya pengadaan alutsista jadi mainan. Apalagi di ladang basah kaya menteri pertahanan gitu.

Kalau maksa jadi menteri ya kasih menteri sosial aja.
Just what i confuse, why India action violating our border never so much exposed as chinese, malayas, or vietnamese intrusion to our home?

In some forum said that Su30mki have violating our sky but, when I do googling i never found it

Are in india case we are just silent because we pay attention more on China or malaysia?
(Or because India adalah sahabat lama bla2.... menjaga keseimbangan kawasan dsb. Ga mungkin juga sih kita sekutuan ama pakistan yg pro cina)

Denger2 menhan ada yg bilang budi gunawah tak tahu ah bner apa ga
masa polisi , ngamuk itu nanti tni , sipil pengamat militer mungkin masih diterima deh .

i never heard india trespassing our territory , indonesia is kinda become the moderator between both pak and india even though we're leaning into pak more , since indo pakistani war .

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