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Quite funny, US music songs, by an Asian Nation Naval crew aboard Soviet made Warships.
Sebenarnya yg buat gw prihatin itu kebanyakan massa ini sebenarnya pelajar, anak sma dan mahasiswa.

This a really bad sign tbh. Tapi gw coba positive thinking aja mereka masih berada di "fase idealis" darah muda biasalah.

Tapi kita memang butuh "doktrin NKRI" yg kuat untuk sekolah di papua agar mereka gk jatuh sama propaganda opm. Karena opm itu biasanya pake "race card" buat narik simpati
Itu 16 yg dari warga masyarakat, ga tau lagi yg dari unsur TNI /POLRI semoga aja ga ada lagi korban dari manapun. Udah saatnya perlu "operasi senyap" utk pentolan2x nya, karna klau ditrusin gini bisa ancur smua ni ngara
Tni yg gugur 1 org polisi 2 luka
Jokowi better to get rid off Wiranto and replaced him by Moeldoko or Mulyono (ex Kasad) both of them much more competent to hold Security issue compared to Wiranto who mirred with many shady dealings in the past
Tapi kita memang butuh "doktrin NKRI" yg kuat untuk sekolah di papua agar mereka gk jatuh sama propaganda opm. Karena opm itu biasanya pake "race card" buat narik simpati

Jgnkan di Papua, sekolah di pulau Jawa aja udah minim Wawasan Nusantara & Pancasila nya, dasarnya kurikulum pendidikan kita yg masalah, masih jauh lebih bagus kurikulum jaman OrBa kalau urusan Wawasan Nusantara & Pancasila.

Jokowi better to get rid off Wiranto and replaced him by Moeldoko or Mulyono (ex Kasad) both of them much more competent to hold Security issue compared to Wiranto who mirred with many shady dealings in the past

Thinking the same thing, we all know mr. W reputation. At least the inauguration day is closing by, let's hope he do get replace.
Jokowi better to get rid off Wiranto and replaced him by Moeldoko or Mulyono (ex Kasad) both of them much more competent to hold Security issue compared to Wiranto who mirred with many shady dealings in the past
Just need few month to go

Quite funny, US music songs, by an Asian Nation Naval crew aboard Soviet made Warships.
When the situation occured sis?
Replacing old tiger is a tough job, can made all bad weather coalition came down at the same time

Exactly my point. I have no doubt Jokowi already had a mind to replace mr. W but finding suitable post for him in the next cabinet going to be tricky.
Exactly my point. I have no doubt Jokowi already had a mind to replace mr. W but finding suitable post for him in the next cabinet going to be tricky.

Someone veteran and had broad mind like Juwono Sudarsono is a good adviser for him
Translated via google.


This time is not CG! South Korea unveils full-scale mockup of the 4.5th generation fighter "KFX"

The Korean-style fighter “KFX”, which only existed in computer graphics, will finally release a full-scale mockup for the general public.

In October, the full-scale mockup of the Korean-style fighter “KFX” is finally here.

The Korean National Defense Department announced on September 19 that it will exhibit a full-scale mockup of the Korean-style fighter "KFX" under development at "Seoul ADEX 2019" to be held in Seoul on the 15th of next month.

Seoul ADEX 2019 is said to be the largest defense equipment trade fair in the Asian region at the aerospace and defense industry exhibition held in Korea once every two years.

The exhibition includes a trainer / light attack aircraft "T-50 Golden Eagle" developed by the Korean defense industry (general name), a multi-purpose helicopter "KUH-1 Surion", a tank "K-2 Black Panther", The Korean media reported that many domestic weapons such as the artillery gun "K-9 Thunder" will be on display and business talks for overseas exports will be held.

Of particular note is the full-scale mockup of the Korean-style fighter “KFX”, which Korea is jointly developing with Indonesia.

The development of KFX has already progressed to the production of prototypes, but so far only the models on computer graphics and the models exhibited at Seoul ADEX 2017 are exhibited, and the actual mockup exhibition is realized this time, seen as the purpose of raising public understanding and support for KFX development.


^^ Cannot freakin' wait.
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For advising in geopolitics maybe but for MenkoPolHuKam post, I... can't comment on him. I personally prefer Moeldoko

At least not Wiranto,

There is people with civil oriented minded like Moeldoko, Mulyono, Endriartono Sutarto i would prefer for this post.

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