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Its the range in relation to combat radius/range and its future home base. Only F15 is close enough for AU requirements regarding range. Draw a circle of SU35 combat radius/range by putting Iswahjudi as a center, then you will see what the role of heavy fighter with excellent range can provide additional layer of defense either for future Viper ska in Kupang or west, north, south side of it. There are other options if we decide not to go for Heavy fighters but it might require additional numbers of airframe, maybe twice as much.

KFX is to be avaiable 2026++, and as like any other new fighters it would take time to mature (bug fix etc). The range of KFX is 50% more than F16 but still less then SU35/F15. With this KFX time frame I can understand why AU still want SU35. By the time kfx is mature enough we hopefully would already have enough workhorse (Viper), perhaps after that we can start to retire the old SU while slowly adding more numbers to KFX. Thats some of the reason why AU still need heavy fighters I think. Price wise F15 cost more then SU35, but we can always argue one fighter acquisition cost and life cost. Put politics and commonality into that mix and prolly we can understand why its not easy to go on with SU35 or even switch to other type of fighters. We all can argue back and forth about it, but its important for us to understand that AU need to operate effective in any missions or assignment. By having medium range fighters with only 1 air tanker avaiable is not a wise choice. With future plan to get it is still uncertain I guess it would be wise if we stick to heavy fighters for now.

Bruh those 11 SU35 price already comes with missiles and stuffs
If we decided to purchase F15X it will comes up with full arm tho (gak selengkap qatar tapi),political effect&trade problems is the current barriers from getting us an SU-35

Not to mention that price per unit for 20.000 operating hours, it's really worth it

In the end lets just see the progress,if the political effects got countered by our diplomacy and trade problems finished this year its not a problem anymore then,but I'm really hoping for F15X its gave us more benefit dan lebih meyakinkan dengan kondisi sekarang
Skadron pantjar gas
Our Airmen actually even prefers this (to fly) over MiGs.

De Havilland problem is UK being UK, regarding our problem with them and Netherland, and spares of De Havilland and Fairy Gannet being blocked by them is quite a problem and headache to us at the time. I would deal with USA , Germany or spain over UK 1000 times over.
De Havilland problem is UK being UK, regarding our problem with them and Netherland, and spares of De Havilland and Fairy Gannet being blocked by them is quite a problem and headache to us at the time. I would deal with USA , Germany or spain over UK 1000 times over.
Couldn't agree more, businessing with them is really hard to deal with,restrictionnya banyak banget jauh lebih parah compared to US&Germany
What's wrong with the mig?
I mean, performance wise, mig 21 definitely hundreds times better than this, right?
One of AURI best pilot at the time Leo wattimena actually had this to say

"Saat itu, pada saat ingin menerbangkan pesawat buatan Uni Soviet itu, baru sekali take off and landing, kemudian turun kembali Leo Wattimena langsung berkomentar : "Ini pesawat jelek". Meskipun begitu, tetap menerbangkan pesawat supersonik delta tersebut. Sementara di masa kejayaannya, bahwa pesawat supersonik delta merupakan pesawat unggulan produksi Uni Soviet."
One of AURI best pilot at the time Leo wattimena actually had this to say

"Saat itu, pada saat ingin menerbangkan pesawat buatan Uni Soviet itu, baru sekali take off and landing, kemudian turun kembali Leo Wattimena langsung berkomentar : "Ini pesawat jelek". Meskipun begitu, tetap menerbangkan pesawat supersonik delta tersebut. Sementara di masa kejayaannya, bahwa pesawat supersonik delta merupakan pesawat unggulan produksi Uni Soviet."
Yes that true mig 21 have bad stability when they almost run out of gas, but still stample of eastern fighter idiology; easy maintanance refuel and go, landing refuel and go

" and if they only can fight to be shot down make it cheap" so hundred will beat the few
One of AURI best pilot at the time Leo wattimena actually had this to say

"Saat itu, pada saat ingin menerbangkan pesawat buatan Uni Soviet itu, baru sekali take off and landing, kemudian turun kembali Leo Wattimena langsung berkomentar : "Ini pesawat jelek". Meskipun begitu, tetap menerbangkan pesawat supersonik delta tersebut. Sementara di masa kejayaannya, bahwa pesawat supersonik delta merupakan pesawat unggulan produksi Uni Soviet."

Pdhl viet ngandalin banget ni pesawat. Ampe dpake tu ama indiahe lawan pakistan ampe jatoh drudal aim 120
Btw knp auri jaman harto ga minta beli f4 ya
Dont get trap in perang dagang antar sales bro LOL

Its different to get what we want and what we need
LOL yea, I try not to bro. Was just trying to make a point on the user perspective instead of spec one. I agree bro, the "need" formulate the fighter specifications then translate into what kind of fighters that we want. Not the other way around :D
Please read this news especially on second and third paragraph. Apparently the reason why Indonesia chose Chinese made UAV and not Israel anymore is because Israel restrict us for fully using it and all this time Israel is the one who operate Israeli drone in our territory.

What do you think?


Salah satu contoh kemandirian memilih berdasarkan kebutuhan adalah pesawat nirawak alias drone. Indonesia pernah menggunakan produk Israel, negara yang paling menguasai teknologi drone. Tapi sampai sekarang negara itu tak mau melepas kendali pengoperasian pesawat-pesawat tersebut. Akhirnya, Hadi memilih drone buatan dalam negeri dan China.

"Alasannya, hanya China yang tak membatasi pemanfaatan drone produksi mereka, siapa pun boleh membeli teknologi maksimal yang mereka hasilkan," kata Hadi dalam buku Anak Sersan Jadi Panglima yang diluncurkan, Jumat (16/3/2018).
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all this time Israel is the one who operate Israeli drone in our territory.

So our heron drone totally controlled by tel aviv?
Or maybe if we use israeli weapon have sensitive issue?

Btw if panglima say the drone nust battle proven why not choose turkish designed drone?
Battle proven in Syria, can tot, türk friendly country to RI.....
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