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Lapan highlights roadmap for aviation industry at AeroSummit
24th Sep 2019 16:33


Chairman of the National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (Lapan) Thomas Djamaluddin (left) hands over a placard to a speaker of AeroSummit 2019 at Bidakara Hotel, South Jakarta, Tuesday (Sept 24, 2019). (ANTARA/Martha Herlinawati Simanjuntak)

Jakarta (ANTARA) - National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (Lapan) and stakeholders discussed the national aviation industry development roadmap at AeroSummit 2019, Jakarta, Sept 24-25, to promote the aviation industry and human resources for realizing golden Indonesia 2045.

"The main objective of this international seminar and AeroSummit is to bring together researchers, engineers, and industrialists to jointly develop space technology, particularly the aerospace technology," Lapan Chairman Thomas Djamaluddin remarked during AeroSummit 2019 at Bidakara Hotel in South Jakarta on Tuesday.

Themed "Streamlining the Synergy in Aerospace Industry," the second edition of AeroSummit, is organized by Lapan in collaboration with state aircraft manufacturer PT Dirgantara Indonesia and Indonesia Aeronautical Engineering Center (IAEC).

Related news: RI to establish task force for national aviation industry's blueprint

The discussion of the roadmap involved all relevant stakeholders including those from the Transportation Ministry, Industry Ministry, Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs, aviation industry, the association of aviation and the National Committee for Economy and Industry.

In addition to highlighting the roadmap, the AeroSummit will also shed light on the key task, function, and membership of the board of trustees to expedite the development of the national aircraft technology and industry.

With this roadmap in place, the Indonesian aerospace industry is expected to develop at a quicker pace and register progress.

"To develop the aviation industry, ranging from aircraft to components, of course, we need support, including aftersales maintenance services," he stated.

He expressed hope that the roadmap discussed at the AeroSummit 2019 would be mirrored in the medium-term national development plan (RPJMN).

"The roadmap is still being prepared. Hopefully, the initial draft would be formulated soon. We will coordinate with Bappenas (the National Development Planning Agency) as far as possible to align it with the RPJMN," he added. Related news: More human resources needed to develop science, technology: Lapan

Related news: N219 aircraft under certification phase: National Aeronautics Agency


Editor: Fardah Assegaf


Lapan highlights roadmap for aviation industry at AeroSummit
24th Sep 2019 16:33


Chairman of the National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (Lapan) Thomas Djamaluddin (left) hands over a placard to a speaker of AeroSummit 2019 at Bidakara Hotel, South Jakarta, Tuesday (Sept 24, 2019). (ANTARA/Martha Herlinawati Simanjuntak)

Jakarta (ANTARA) - National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (Lapan) and stakeholders discussed the national aviation industry development roadmap at AeroSummit 2019, Jakarta, Sept 24-25, to promote the aviation industry and human resources for realizing golden Indonesia 2045.

"The main objective of this international seminar and AeroSummit is to bring together researchers, engineers, and industrialists to jointly develop space technology, particularly the aerospace technology," Lapan Chairman Thomas Djamaluddin remarked during AeroSummit 2019 at Bidakara Hotel in South Jakarta on Tuesday.

Themed "Streamlining the Synergy in Aerospace Industry," the second edition of AeroSummit, is organized by Lapan in collaboration with state aircraft manufacturer PT Dirgantara Indonesia and Indonesia Aeronautical Engineering Center (IAEC).

Related news: RI to establish task force for national aviation industry's blueprint

The discussion of the roadmap involved all relevant stakeholders including those from the Transportation Ministry, Industry Ministry, Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs, aviation industry, the association of aviation and the National Committee for Economy and Industry.

In addition to highlighting the roadmap, the AeroSummit will also shed light on the key task, function, and membership of the board of trustees to expedite the development of the national aircraft technology and industry.

With this roadmap in place, the Indonesian aerospace industry is expected to develop at a quicker pace and register progress.

"To develop the aviation industry, ranging from aircraft to components, of course, we need support, including aftersales maintenance services," he stated.

He expressed hope that the roadmap discussed at the AeroSummit 2019 would be mirrored in the medium-term national development plan (RPJMN).

"The roadmap is still being prepared. Hopefully, the initial draft would be formulated soon. We will coordinate with Bappenas (the National Development Planning Agency) as far as possible to align it with the RPJMN," he added. Related news: More human resources needed to develop science, technology: Lapan

Related news: N219 aircraft under certification phase: National Aeronautics Agency


Editor: Fardah Assegaf


You should post it here https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/indonesia-aerospace-forum.328315/
At first Indonesian Army must rely on home made weapons to continue their fights against Dutch army, two of the largest weapon production center is located in Yogyakarta, namely Demakijo and Watson.
Credit to original owner

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Waasops Kasal Kunjungi PT Steadfast Marine (TNI AL)

Rombongan Waasops Kasal yang tergabung dalam Monitoring Opsreq melaksanakan kunjungan ke PT Steadfast Marine (Jumat, 20/ 09/ 2019).

Dilansir dari laman web TNI AL (22/ 09/ 2019), rombongan tiba di PT Steadfast Marine pukul 13.05 WIB dan disambut oleh President Director Rudy Kurniawan Logam dan staf PT. Steadfast Marine.

Dalam Kunjungan kerja ke PT Steadfast Marine Waasops Kasal beserta rombongan meninjau dan melihat dari dekat proses pembangunan dua buah KAL 28 meter milik TNI AL serta berkeliling meninjau fasilitas sarana dan prasarana pembuatan kapal yang dimiliki oleh PT Steadfast Marine Tbk.
Buat Wira-wiri di Landasan, TNI AU Pesan 35 Mobil Esemka
Tiga Alasan Pilih Esemka
Ragil Ajiyanto - Detik Finance

3 dari 3

2.Tiga Alasan Pilih Esemka
Foto: Ragil Ajiyanto/detikcom


Kepala Staf TNI Angkatan Udara (KSAU), Marsekal TNI Yuyu Sutisna menjelaskan ada tiga pertimbangan mengapa TNI memililih mobil Esemka ini. Pertama, karena memiliki nilai ekonomis yang tinggi. Yuyu membandingkan, jika membeli mobil merk lain yang setara, harganya jauh lebih tinggi.


"Setelah saya hitung-hitung, saya pada kali ini membeli 35 mobil, kalau membeli kompetitor yang sudah ternama, kemudian harganya lebih tinggi, saya hanya dapat 25 mobil, sehingga dengan uang yang sama kalau membeli Esemka saya bisa membeli 35 mobil. Ini nilai ekonomis yang bagi saya cukup menarik, sehingga itulah yang kami ambil," kata Yuyu.

Alasan kedua, yakni jaminan dari pemerintah berkait pelayanan purna jualnya, seperti ketersediaan suku cadang dan sebagainya.

"Ketiga, turut menyukseskan program pemerintah. Kalau ada produksi dalam negeri, mengapa harus membeli keluar negeri. Tiga hal itu pertimbangan dari Angkatan Udara," katanya.

Lebih lanjut Yuyu menegaskan, anggaran pembelian mobil ini bukan dari anggaran rutin TNI AU. Melainkan dibiayai oleh Koperasi Angkatan Udara.

Sehingga dalam pembelian mobil Esemka ini, MoU ditandatangani Ketua Umum Induk Koperasi TNI AU, Marsekal Pertama TNI Nailul Humam dengan Direksi bagian marketing PT SMK, Regina.

Sebanyak 35 unit mobil pikap Esemka Bima tersebut akan diambil secepatnya. Selanjutnya akan dicat kuning di di depo-depo pemeliharaan TNI AU. Perubahan warna menjadi kuning itu disesuaikan dengan aturan internasional yang sudah baku terkait kendaraan di landasan.

"Jadi kami akan cat kuning, ada lorek-lorek putih, ada persyaratannya gitu," pungkasnya.


Just to carry aircraft spare parts and other ordnance

Is it true that your Esemka car is the gov't project not a swasta project?

It is also interesting to read in that article . "Ada Jaminan dari pemerintah meenyangkut purna jualnya seperti suku cadang.. etc"
Last edited:
PTDI facilities - 2018

2019 - First Flight
Seems like indonesia has bailed out or didnt prefer to contribute for project. Since i havent heard anything of their contribution, TAI has expected it to be developed together but had to move on and schedule it for its own.
At first Indonesian Army must rely on home made weapons to continue their fights against Dutch army, two of the largest weapon production center is located in Yogyakarta, namely Demakijo and Watson.
Credit to original owner

View attachment 580944 View attachment 580945 View attachment 580946 View attachment 580947 View attachment 580948 View attachment 580949
Nice.. mostly is an 9mm mitraliur.. and a model look like british sten gun.. im interisting about granat gombyok.. any info about this granat
Seems like indonesia has bailed out or didnt prefer to contribute for project. Since i havent heard anything of their contribution, TAI has expected it to be developed together but had to move on and schedule it for its own.

Well TAI offer us Development assistance for our indigenous MALE UAV if we take their product (ANKA), not joint venture like what PT PINDAD and FNSS did with Kaplan medium tank.
Well TAI offer us Development assistance for our indigenous MALE UAV if we take their product (ANKA), not joint venture like what PT PINDAD and FNSS did with Kaplan medium tank.
So we're having China as our indigenous uav/ucav assistance?
Gas air mata jam 4an
Turun busway d slipi lgsg dpt sambutan aing
Palmerah chaos anak2 UI IPB pd kumpul d palmerah pad mau pulang. Kaisan gw liatnya

Suara tembakan kedengeran ampe palmerah
Pas ane pulang eh liat truk arhanudri 1 kostrad yg kmrn ad video nembak mistral (markasnya dkt rumah tuh) wkkwkw.

Salut tvri msih mau nyiarin. .
Gas air mata jam 4an
Turun busway d slipi lgsg dpt sambutan aing
Palmerah chaos anak2 UI IPB pd kumpul d palmerah pad mau pulang. Kaisan gw liatnya

Suara tembakan kedengeran ampe palmerah
Pas ane pulang eh liat truk arhanudri 1 kostrad yg kmrn ad video nembak mistral (markasnya dkt rumah tuh) wkkwkw.

Salut tvri msih mau nyiarin. .
Ehhh ...... don't think it needs to be posted in here , the TV already filled up with such thing .
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