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Indonesia Defence Forum

Seems like indonesia has bailed out or didnt prefer to contribute for project. Since i havent heard anything of their contribution, TAI has expected it to be developed together but had to move on and schedule it for its own.
Hepeng di Saku jg ngaruhnya gede, ANKA itu larang men
TAI has offered a package like it has been done in Milgem with Pakistan. It was covering sale of some systems, meanwhile helping Indonesia to re-design and produce some parts locally.
First batch was going to be produced in Turkey, delivered to Indonesia followed by assisted production and finally licensed production in Indonesia. In the end, Indonesia would have gained to design its own UAV if desired based on the earlier one (like Turkey has done with T129).
It sounds really legit,and professional.
Moreover, yet at first stage Indonesian officials were interested in co-developing TAI Aksungur, not ANKA. ANKA has been developed already.
Then,who we cooperate with? Who helped us on uav/ucav project?
Did you really suggest that? One of the main problems in Papua is that what you suggested has been done long time ago and Papuan aware slowly but surely they will become minority in their own land. It's the classic native vs non-native just like ikn Java.

Jika biasanya orang di pulau jawa nggak terima keturunan orang cina yang dianggap orang asing, kali ini orang papua yang menganggap orang bukan keturunan papua (jawa) sebagai orang asing yang perlu diusir dari tanah papua.

Bukannya menyelesaikan masalah yang ada malah nambah masalah yang sama seperti di jawa -_-

Jatuh ke lubang yang sama berulang kali.
Jawa ma china mah ok2 ja ya bro.. Jangan di steriotipe kaya jakarta

Dah OOT nih dah bahas bedil ja lagi
Did you really suggest that? One of the main problems in Papua is that what you suggested has been done long time ago and Papuan aware slowly but surely they will become minority in their own land. It's the classic native vs non-native just like ikn Java.

Jika biasanya orang di pulau jawa nggak terima keturunan orang cina yang dianggap orang asing, kali ini orang papua yang menganggap orang bukan keturunan papua (jawa) sebagai orang asing yang perlu diusir dari tanah papua.

Bukannya menyelesaikan masalah yang ada malah nambah masalah yang sama seperti di jawa -_-

Jatuh ke lubang yang sama berulang kali.

I really suggest it, for real. The case is in Papua they feel they are not part of us because they are different from other parts of Indonesia racially and ethnic, this will be the case even till two or three hundreds years from now if the Natives still being a majority in Papua. To encourage more imigran there and promote interracial marriages will solves this cultural identity problem in the long run, to made the pure Native as minority should be long run objectives. You should now, there is not only Javanese come to Papua, but Bugis, Batak and Moluccan came there and have sizeable presence there. Papuan as long as they had this kind of identity crisis there they (the rebels movements) still can play this racial cards in the long run.
I really suggest it, for real. The case is in Papua they feel they are not part of us because they are different from other parts of Indonesia racially and ethnic, this will be the case even till two or three hundreds years from now if the Natives still being a majority in Papua. To encourage more imigran there and promote interracial marriages will solves this cultural identity problem in the long run, to made the pure Native as minority should be long run objectives. You should now, there is not only Javanese come to Papua, but Bugis, Batak and Moluccan came there and have sizeable presence there. Papuan as long as they had this kind of identity crisis there they (the rebels movements) still can play this racial cards in the long run.
Yeah best way aculturism is by marriage
Jokowi menjelang periode pertama abis,keliatan terlalu disetir orang2 dibelakangnya gak sih? Terlalu keliatan disetir mantan2 98 banget semoga next cabinet bener2 gaada pelaku 98
Jokowi menjelang periode pertama abis,keliatan terlalu disetir orang2 dibelakangnya gak sih? Terlalu keliatan disetir mantan2 98 banget semoga next cabinet bener2 gaada pelaku 98
Doi product 98 bro. Kalau nga ada peristiwa 98 mana bsa doi jadi presiden
Tapi apa harus banget wiranto&luhut di dalam satu kabinet?
Filosofi politik dipangku mati

It is almost imposible to not embrace any military faction into politic in current time

And also tactic majority play role as opposition in cabinet and parliement by PDIP to not make any room for other opposition to make move.. thats smart
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Delima jaya karoseri had supplied many tactical vehicles to TNI POLRI

Send more imigran and open more areas in Papua. I am considering to advise government to accept refugee from aboard to settle in Papua and made demographic imbalance there in long run, to made the natives as minority should be long run objective

ya cara xinjiang, kirim sklian etnis2 pedagang tiongkok (maap agak sara) kan mrk kynya dmana aja sukses tnpa masalah (kcuali rusuh gede2an) atau bsa ga sih org2 papua yg merah putih dibawa aja kluar papua gtu? Yah buat ganti2 demigrafi

(Cara ini dpake turki lawan kurdi ama armenia tahun 1920an awal2 republik berdiri btw td diatas ada org turki ya)

Mari bahas pemiliteran

Are you ready basic military training? :sniper:

Still dont know abt this but i think (sorry) program kader bela negara form mindef is useless (?l)

But pak RR said it is not conscription
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armored vehicle development trends in the future, UAV for increased surveillance instead of EO optronics, Pindad had also announced that it will integrate drones into ANOA 6x6.

Gonna integrate uav to kaplan and cobra as well? We should look for UGV too

Harimau's cockerill turret can be integrated to UAV
Filosofi politik dipangku mati

It is almost imposible to not embrace any military faction into politic in current time

And also tactic majority play role as opposition in cabinet and parliement by PDIP to not make any room for other opposition to make move.. thats smart
Just some note tiap presiden yang dilayanin wiranto biasanya ngalamin sial, presidennya pada mundur semua:D
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