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I think for immidiate needs we will see more IFVs & APCs like BMP-3F & BT-3F slowly replacing ageing PT-76B & BTR-50. In fact marines focus most likely will be to replace many of ageing equipments from USSR.
View attachment 569922
What seems like AWACS simulation using MPA aircraft during Exercise Angkasa Yudha

I dont know what to tell after reading the word "asumsi" lol, hope the next exercise will have the real AWACS, ameen.
I dont know what to tell after reading the word "asumsi" lol, hope the next exercise will have the real AWACS, ameen.
Far from being ideal. I doubt that even by next exercise we already have AEWC platforms, it will be years to come when we see a pair of them with our roundel.

Btw general information of Airbus C-295 AEW with ELTA supplied EL/W-2090 AESA radar.
Far from being ideal. I doubt that even by next exercise we already have AEWC platforms, it will be years to come when we see a pair of them with our roundel.

Btw general information of Airbus C-295 AEW with ELTA supplied EL/W-2090 AESA radar.View attachment 569930
I prefer Wedgetail more tbh, rotodome-style AWACS seems to gone out of fashion these days (Sentry?).
I prefer Wedgetail more tbh, rotodome-style AWACS seems to gone out of fashion these days (Sentry?).
At this point i agree on any platforms which favour us more. So far we have Saab offering Erieye ER AEWC ( however Saab 2000 is very rare aircraft and production line already stopped, so the maintenance will cost us more money especially this type of aircraft isn't in service of TNI-AU ), Boeing with Wedgetail like my posting previously (
https://www.thejakartapost.com/news...-collaborate-to-enhance-aerospace-growth.html , we already get used on operating Boeing in 5th Squadron especially Boeing 737 series, importantly our GMF Aeroasia can do MRO on Boeing 737 platform ) and Airbus with C-295 AEW ( PT.DI alliance with Airbus has been for long term, in fact our medium & light lifts also helicopters are mostly Airbus products or previously CASA & Aerospatiale again C-295 also has been being in service of 2nd Squadron so maintenance, spare parts are no issue ). In the end I can only watch and see what user ( TNI-AU ) will choose based on pro & cons they asses. Regardless i suppose Boeing Wedgetail vs Airbus C-295 AEW are the likely strongest candidates.
I think for immidiate needs we will see more IFVs & APCs like BMP-3F & BT-3F slowly replacing ageing PT-76B & BTR-50. In fact marines focus most likely will be to replace many of ageing equipments from USSR.
View attachment 569922
What seems like AWACS simulation using MPA aircraft during Exercise Angkasa Yudha

Dont know about the chance, but sprut sd is the main contender to replace some of our PT76 light tank as the main amphibious assault tank
View attachment 569897 View attachment 569898 What to gain & timeline from KFX/IFX, idk if this overly too ambitious or realistic

as an engineer my self it is overly ambitious to have those stuff ready by the date it was supposed to be ready.

IDK how much of thing they need to research from the ground up from "Pengembangan <Tech Name>" and how much thing they procure from buying research or licensing the patent and all that stuff.

the only thing we can know is that the Korean is doing somewhat a good job at doing it, IMO I believe our engineer didn't actually participate at actually doing the research/designing the aircraft but instead learning the stuff that are currently available for the aircraft.
(who knows maybe I'm wrong cuz im not from aviation industrie anyway)
Dont know about the chance, but sprut sd is the main contender to replace some of our PT76 light tank as the main amphibious assault tank
Well time will tell

as an engineer my self it is overly ambitious to have those stuff ready by the date it was supposed to be ready.

IDK how much of thing they need to research from the ground up from "Pengembangan <Tech Name>" and how much thing they procure from buying research or licensing the patent and all that stuff.

the only thing we can know is that the Korean is doing somewhat a good job at doing it, IMO I believe our engineer didn't actually participate at actually doing the research/designing the aircraft but instead learning the stuff that are currently available for the aircraft.
(who knows maybe I'm wrong cuz im not from aviation industrie anyway)
Well our participation is only 20% making us junior partner in the programme so we entrust KAI in all designs. That particular ASRAAM/AMRAAM development in the infographic catch my attention as i know we are nowhere to be close to even understanding AtoA missile moreover replicating even older retired AtoA missiles. Despite we entrust KAI in all designs and we simply follow their lead, IFX has distinction as requested by Air Force; Probe & Drogue refuelling system, Drag & Chute, Bigger External Tanker, Greater range, etc.

Credit to Fb page FSM
Sections we manufacture : Wings, Pylons and Tails

Credit to Fb page TSM
IFX distinctions with KFX
maybe the function almost similar like a USAF aircraft J-STAR.
but only airborne command & control only?

I dont know what to tell after reading the word "asumsi" lol, hope the next exercise will have the real AWACS, ameen.
Far from being ideal. I doubt that even by next exercise we already have AEWC platforms, it will be years to come when we see a pair of them with our roundel.
I know its almost imposible to happen om, but lets just pray the best for our TNI. Base on the experience most probaly TNI will take C-295 platform instead of boeing because of factor "D" hehe
as an engineer my self it is overly ambitious to have those stuff ready by the date it was supposed to be ready.

IDK how much of thing they need to research from the ground up from "Pengembangan <Tech Name>" and how much thing they procure from buying research or licensing the patent and all that stuff.

the only thing we can know is that the Korean is doing somewhat a good job at doing it, IMO I believe our engineer didn't actually participate at actually doing the research/designing the aircraft but instead learning the stuff that are currently available for the aircraft.
(who knows maybe I'm wrong cuz im not from aviation industrie anyway)

I am more worry about the continuation. Once they've learned whatever they got from IFX project then what? Engineer as of other science discipline need on hand/on the job practice to apply what they have learned. In this case some kind of project needed for them to work with. Now question is do we have Fighter project after this? I dont think so. What about all knowledge they have learned? Memorize it? Put all the notes in a shelf? Thats a waste of money and time.

AFAIK the IFX is not allowed to be modified by us base on the contract agreemant. This is why I really hope we can manage to negotiate it. With the ability to modify then our engineer can get their own "praktikum" and their expensive knowledge doesnt go into the drain. If we just aim to be just "Tukang Jahit" then why bother with all those knowledge? Simply get Typhoon who have had proposed that we can "Rakit" it here or perhaps gripen. We dont need to pay 2 billion dollars for the right to be tukang jait right? :D
Latihan Bersama Tentera Kukuh Kerjasama Malaysia-Indonesia
Angkatan Tentera Malaysia (ATM), dan Tentera Nasional Indonesia (TNI), mengadakan latihan bersama di Pusat Latihan Misi Pengaman Antarabangsa, Sentul Bogor. Latihan Gabungan Bersama Malaysia-Indonesia Darat, Samudera, Angkasa, yang diadakan tiga tahun sekali bertujuan meningkatkan tahap keselamatan dan kerjasama bagi menangani serangan keganasan.





Indonesia and Malaysia Holds Joint Exercises Malindo Darsasa-10 Ab 2019

Bogor, indomaritim.id - Implementation of Malindo Darsasa Latgabma-10AB / 2019 aims to develop the professionalism of the Armed Forces in addition to an effort to exchange experiences and increase border security cooperation in particular in the field of terrorism prevention.

Operations Assistant (Asops) TNI Commander Maj Ganip Warsito, SE, MM, which was read by Wadanjen Special Forces Brigadier General Mohammad Hasan, SH as the Director of Training at the time of opening the Joint Exercises Joint Malaysia-Indonesia Land Ocean Space (Latgabma Malindo Darsasa) - 10AB / 2019 together with Brig Anuar Bin Abdul Wahab as the Chairman of the Steering Cawangan Operations and Exercises Happy Malaysian Armed Forces (ATM), held at the parade ground Standby Force Mission Center Peacekeeping (PMPP) TNI, Sentul, Bogor, West Java, on Friday (19 / 7/2019).

On the occasion, Maj Gen Ganip Warsito convey important to realize that the Asia-Pacific region is a stretch of a very strategic area in the world that gives many benefits and can be optimized for the welfare of our people, on the other hand also presents some challenges that must be anticipated together, like disaster nature, terrorism and radicalism.

Asops TNI chief also said that geographically and demographically Indonesia and Malaysia has a very close brotherly bond so that the mechanism is solid cooperation between the TNI and the ATM in order to build a network (network) which is structured in a joint military operation.

On the occasion, Maj Gen Ganip Warsito said that the focus Latgabma Malindo Darsasa 10AB / 2019 is the joint operations in the context of anti-terrorism operations. "We will share and take lessons from a variety of exercises that will be passed along, make an experience and a lesson for the soldiers and the second unit of the Armed Forces," said Asops TNI Commander.

"If the actual circumstances we are required to plunge to face the challenges that arise, the military and the ATM is ready to cooperate in accordance with the SOP Malindo agreed," added Maj Ganip Warsito.

Further Asops TNI Commander reminded that Malindo Latgabma Darsasa 10AB / 2019 used to be a means of establishing a positive and constructive communication between the Army and the ATMs, and expected that participants from both the Armed getting great benefits from this activity.

While it is still in the same occasion, Brig Anuar Bin Abdul Wahab as the Chairman of the Steering Cawangan Operations and Exercises Happy say that Latgabma Malindo Darsasa 10AB / 2019 also aims to realize the concept of joint operations in the actual terrain and improve the ability of the second soldier of the Armed Forces in carry out joint operations.

"I believe that through Latgabma Malindo Darsasa 10 Ab / 2019, the Armed Forces will share knowledge, and exchange of information so that this exercise can be carried out smoothly," said Brigadier General Maher Bin Abdul Wahab.

Latgabma Malindo Darsasa 10AB / 2019 held at the training area PMPP TNI in Tangkil village, Sentul, Bogor, West Java, followed by 234 soldiers and 138 personnel ATMs and carry out a series of training methods ranging from Subject Matter Expert Exchange (SMEE), Tactical Floor Games (TFG), and Field Training Exercise (FTX).

Reporter: Mulyono Sri Hutomo
Editor: Rajab Ritonga
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KRI SPICA - 934 " When The Depth Matters Where The Fleet Fights "







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This is the key to Indonesia's true power, PKRs looking good outside the controversies. About the Marines, should we really standardize all of their heavy equipment to Russian? BMP-3F and BT-3F tandem looking good and ease the logistics as they are of pretty much the same chassis anyway, hoarding hundreds of them is the to-go plan if we are not going to get sanctioned for it. LCAC+MBT for Marines could be good too, if the Army doesn't go full REEE at the idea, also i think some more AAV would do,we already have 15, so why not add more? at least if it make sense tho (if they could be any use and not giving logistical headache for the Marines for not being Russian).

yup, lovely millennium gun at last.
LVT7 aka AAV is still superior amphibious machine as they role as troops combat carrier, however its lack of protection & firepower may put 'em in danger, that's why in every combat scenario we have, they're not in front line. but our korps marinir love it so much.
adding new lvt7, for time being, not a possible, very very expensive.
but gettin some 2nd hand or even donation, no offer so far, sad huh..lol
mbt for our marinir, its never in my dream :angel:

hmmm ..... for me the goal is to become powerful and not "look" powerful , there's still so much a thing that TNI lack especially the training drill where the scenario always "Pembebasan wilayah" and in that scenario , it's looks like the enemy who attacked us are like having WW2 equipment rather than "modern" one , TNI should consider to build an OPFOR , the scenario lack of enemy having a decent networked environment , electronic warfare , and air superiority (while in reality that's probably the one we're going to face in battlefield ), that's why i said it feels like we were fighting a ww2 troops that somehow manage to time travel into the future and attacked our island :undecided:

actually we're not always boom..boom..boom the beach in armada jaya , lol.
take look this guys,

a different scenario of Armada Jaya 2018
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