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Indonesia Defence Forum

idk how the TNI will prioritize which things that more important than other but I do know that if the system is spread out in a big area and unlike how it being used in Israel it'll be prone to saturation attack.

lmao if they don't plan to buy more than 2 batteries its no used to have it.

and iron dome shouldn't be put in a big city(unlike in Israel), it should be put around an area with high density of key infrastructures (ex. naval-port, airport, industrial complex and etc).

btw is there any news regarding purchasing new batch or AIM 120 in the future?
the first batch was 36 C-7 ver, isn't that an insufficient number?
currently we have 25 F16 that mean only 18 can be sortie at once with minim 2 AIM 120 at a time or 9 with 4 at a time
and don't forget we have 2 squadrons of F16 in 2 different airbases, I doubt they will store all the AIM 120 in one airbase
Don't worry mase...

Singapur aja yang punya 60 F16 dan 40 F15 (total 100 fighter) hanya punya 100 AIM C7 lho.

AIM C7 kita bakal nambah banyak kok, apalagi dengan adanya prospek viper 2-3 skadron dan nasams yang katanya sebagian dari 5 detasemen baru itu. Prediksi saya nasams ada 18 satbak dan yang jarak jauh 2-3 satbak.
strategic place like airport / airbase / naval base , for wide area defense , i think we should just procure more fighters

maybe this one

Locally made & design?? Nice....
With only 12.7mm why not make it smaller and unmaned? Unless we want to carry troops with it as well.
Geezz I surely missing alot of information regarding locally made armored vehicle. I only know Harimau, Anoa, badak. Thank you for sharing man.
strategic place like airport / airbase / naval base , for wide area defense , i think we should just procure more fighters

maybe this one

You know this thing carried 20 mm Denel gun.

Tank with 12,7 mm cal HMG? Should be this one

Nguyen already on the move for their future plan

ini kapal kue monde butter cookies (iver) kita kapan teken kontrak nya :disagree:
Mounting the millennium gun

KRI Kerambit, I just noticed that this version of KCR 40 Already using modular construction
We need much more kcr 40 or kcr 60 class ..low cost n fast production line..using c 705 missile or other..
Klo konflik terjadi 1 kapal fregate atau destroyer dikeroyok ramai ramai pakai kapal kelas ini jg ngap ngap..
We need much more kcr 40 or kcr 60 class ..low cost n fast production line..using c 705 missile or other..
Klo konflik terjadi 1 kapal fregate atau destroyer dikeroyok ramai ramai pakai kapal kelas ini jg ngap ngap..

Depends on, Destroyer US like Arleigh Burke class had great acceleration and maintained speed, along with superrior sensor nodes and far better arsenal on their disposal, like standard missile who can be used to attack small warships from more than 150 km distance. Especially when they carry at least one or two Romeo helicopter. Its suicidal trying to take on an Arleigh Burke especially on high seas just with those small arms
Depends on, Destroyer US like Arleigh Burke class had great acceleration and maintained speed, along with superrior sensor nodes and far better arsenal on their disposal, like standard missile who can be used to attack small warships from more than 150 km distance. Especially when they carry at least one or two Romeo helicopter. Its suicidal trying to take on an Arleigh Burke especially on high seas just with those small arms
There's a very small chance that we're going to go head-on against Arleigh-Burke-class anyway. These KCR were designed for Littoral warfare, in combat not very far away from the shore, the idea is to overwhelm bigger ship with tons of smaller, maneuverable boats that carry just the same amount of firepower per shot as the bigger ships. KCR best used near shoreline and preferably in chokepoints such as straits, that way it's numerical advantage can be used effectively, and of course there's no high-seas scenario for the KCRs.
Falcon & Flankers enginesView attachment 569246 View attachment 569247 View attachment 569248 View attachment 569249

There was a failed negotiation with Dassault for Mirage F.1CNView attachment 569250

Since long our armed forces is underfunded, and not prepared to be an proper armed forces ready to take on near peer enemies

There's a very small chance that we're going to go head-on against Arleigh-Burke-class anyway. These KCR were designed for Littoral warfare, in combat not very far away from the shore, the idea is to overwhelm bigger ship with tons of smaller, maneuverable boats that carry just the same amount of firepower per shot as the bigger ships. KCR best used near shoreline and preferably in chokepoints such as straits, that way it's numerical advantage can be used effectively, and of course there's no high-seas scenario for the KCRs.

The most likely adversary of our KCR is numerous corvettes of PLA navy, they are capable to be deployed on shore and near high seas, along with that most likely they will be never deployed alone but as a combined fighting units backed with frigates and aerial surveillance
Since long our armed forces is underfunded, and not prepared to be an proper armed forces ready to take on near peer enemies
Well we all must admitt that lots of things within our defence aren't ideal, in fact far from being ideal. At this very moment we're still trying to catch minimum power under MEF ( minimum essential force ).
Mounting the millennium gun

KRI Kerambit, I just noticed that this version of KCR 40 Already using modular construction
Block building ship or modular is very common, since the begining MEKO using modular architecture for the upper part such us bridge and superstructure
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