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3 Kelompok Separatis Bersenjata Kini Bersatu Jadi Tentara West Papua

Tiga kelompok separatis bersenjata di Papua mengumumkan bahwa mereka telah membentuk Tentara West Papua (West Papuan Army), sementara para aktivis pendukung kemerdekaan menyatakan sekarang mereka siap "mengambil-alih negara kami".

Tentara West Papua Terbentuk

  • Tentara West Papua akan berada di bawah komando ULMWP
  • Kelompok ini menyebut langkah ini menyatukan sayap politik dan militer dari gerakan kemerdekaan Papua
  • Pengamat memperingatkan perkembangan terbaru ini akan meningkatkan ketegangan dengan militer RI
Kelompok-kelompok pemberontak bersenjata selama ini bertindak sendiri-sendiri dalam upaya mereka untuk merdeka dari Republik Indonesia. Bulan ini sekaligus menandai 50 tahun Papua menjadi bagian dari RI.

Para pengamat mengatakan perkembangan terbaru ini menjadi titik balik yang signifikan, namun memperingatkan kemungkinan akan meningkatkan ketegangan dengan militer Indonesia.

Tentara West Papua akan berada di bawah komando organisasi payung United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP), yang dipimpin Benny Wenda dari pengasingan. ULMWP selama ini menempuh cara-cara politik dan diplomatik untuk mencapai kemerdekaan Papua.

"Secara politis dan militer kami bersatu sekarang. Masyarakat internasional sekarang tanpa ragu-ragu dapat melihat bahwa kami siap untuk mengambil-alih negara kami," ujar Wenda seperti dikutip dalam website ULMWP.

"Indonesia tidak bisa lagi menstigmatisasi kami sebagai separatis atau penjahat. Kami adalah negara kesatuan militer dan politik yang sah," tambahnya

3 Kelompok Separatis Bersenjata Kini Bersatu Jadi Tentara West Papua

Tiga kelompok separatis bersenjata di Papua mengumumkan bahwa mereka telah membentuk Tentara West Papua (West Papuan Army), sementara para aktivis pendukung kemerdekaan menyatakan sekarang mereka siap "mengambil-alih negara kami".

Tentara West Papua Terbentuk

  • Tentara West Papua akan berada di bawah komando ULMWP
  • Kelompok ini menyebut langkah ini menyatukan sayap politik dan militer dari gerakan kemerdekaan Papua
  • Pengamat memperingatkan perkembangan terbaru ini akan meningkatkan ketegangan dengan militer RI
Kelompok-kelompok pemberontak bersenjata selama ini bertindak sendiri-sendiri dalam upaya mereka untuk merdeka dari Republik Indonesia. Bulan ini sekaligus menandai 50 tahun Papua menjadi bagian dari RI.

Para pengamat mengatakan perkembangan terbaru ini menjadi titik balik yang signifikan, namun memperingatkan kemungkinan akan meningkatkan ketegangan dengan militer Indonesia.

Tentara West Papua akan berada di bawah komando organisasi payung United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP), yang dipimpin Benny Wenda dari pengasingan. ULMWP selama ini menempuh cara-cara politik dan diplomatik untuk mencapai kemerdekaan Papua.

"Secara politis dan militer kami bersatu sekarang. Masyarakat internasional sekarang tanpa ragu-ragu dapat melihat bahwa kami siap untuk mengambil-alih negara kami," ujar Wenda seperti dikutip dalam website ULMWP.

"Indonesia tidak bisa lagi menstigmatisasi kami sebagai separatis atau penjahat. Kami adalah negara kesatuan militer dan politik yang sah," tambahnya
In their dreams.
Jokowi move is a significant threat for their existantional ideology and cause
We should lobby these Aussies first. The issue about OPM is not really about these bandits themselves, but it's these Bules in the south and their pacific pawns that keep bitching about HAM and just generally made our affairs in the East harder than it should be.

Papua will not be in this situation if these Aussies could just shut up and stop hosting those "activist", but unfortunately these bollocks are still western in brain, so they won't understand the concept of "harmonious relationship with thy neighbor" and prefers intervention whatnot. We should replicate the case with RMS, that is to make the host country of these rebels lose interest in their cause, like the Dutch that just doesn't care about RMS, we could do the same by persuading the Aussie government to abandon these OPMs and to sacrifice them to have a better relationship with Indonesia.
Air Force getting 6 more NC-212i aircraft: PAF chief
The Philippine Air Force (PAF) is acquiring six more NC-212i light lift aircraft, PAF chief Lieutenant General Rozzano D. Briguez said during the 72nd anniversary celebration of the service on July 2, 2019.

“An additional six NC-212i light lift aircraft are expected to arrive starting next year to support various operations,” Lieutenant General Briguez said.

PAF is currently operating 2 NC-212i light lift aircraft built by Indonesian state-owned PT Dirgantara Indonesia (Persero). PAF formally accepted the 2 aircraft in June 2018.

“The NC212i aircraft can be used strategically for producing artificial rain, maritime patrol and coast guard patrol. It can also be utilized for the following missions: passenger and troop transport, cargo/logistic transport, anti-smuggling control, immigration control, search and rescue, paratroop dropping, and medical evacuation,” PAF said.

“Compared to the previous NC212, the new model has a carrying capacity of 28 passengers, a digital avionic and next generation autopilot. It features a ramp access, next generation navigation and communication system, as well as, cheaper operational cost. Moreover, the said aircraft is capable of taking-off and landing on unpaved runway,” PAF added.

PAF also noted that though it has been using the previous generation aircraft which is the C212, this is the “first Indonesian aircraft ordered by the Philippines and is the latest generation of the NC212.”

why do we collaborate with poland for the KCR-60 project ? i think finland should be the one we working with , their hamina class are just perfect example of missile boat that can bite
Indonesia To Fund US$1.2B Submarine Construction Program With Foreign Loans

Indonesia will seek foreign funds up to US$1.2 billion to finance the construction of three submarines as part of the nation's minimum essential force (MEF) program.

While Korean Exim Bank is ready to finance the project, the Indonesian Finance Ministry perceives the loan obtained from the bank earlier to build the first batch of such submarines as “expensive.”

"The Finance Ministry views Indonesia as currently having a good investment rating, so the price (cost of funds) would hopefully be lower than that of the first such batch of submarines," PT PAL Finance Director Irianto Sunardi told journalists at the company's office in Surabaya, East Java, on Wednesday.

Indonesian shipbuilding company PT PAL and South Korea's Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering (DSME) had signed an agreement in April this year to construct three type 209-1400 submarines, as a follow-up program to three submarines constructed earlier.

The submarine construction will start before the year-end based on DSME's readiness, the official remarked." Similarly, PT PAL is also ready with all its agreements, especially which of the sections are made here (in Indonesia) and those that are to be developed there (In S Korea) until the sixth submarine is fully built here," he was quoted as saying by Antara News.

Indonesia has received the first batch of submarines built in cooperation with South Korea. Two of the submarine, Nagapasa 403 and Ardadedali 404, were developed in South Korea and are currently operated by the Indonesian Navy. The other submarine -- Alugoro 405, is undergoing a sea trial north of Bali Island.


I hope Jokowi gonna appoint Sri Mulyani and Susi Pudjiastuti again.
Sorry for the RBU 6000 thing, i just find the thing interesting after seeing it on action, and the fact that they are the only one of it's class still widely operated with no western equivalent (SK have some interesting things like ASW Missile attached with a Blue Shark torpedo), but don't worry cause i'm not serious in talking about them. Hmm.. i thought the X was "O" frigate, cause Luhut already explicitly said "138m" so i think it's not that surprising if Iver did goes into the inventory, it's not just fanboy's wet dream, compared to the "O" frigate, cause this one would be surprising.

As long as the choices would not **** up the combat link system and logistics, i agree that if there's a more affordable and cost efficient options, then AL should go for it, if Damen deal is THAT bad tho, at least i wanna see a complete set of PKR as the replacement for Ahmad Yani-class. PT PAL already released the production plan for PKR 3 and 4 two years ago, i think they'll continue the program as planned, but i don't have any connection in PT PAL so i can't argue any further.

Would be interesting to see an indigenous corvette/frigate design, but i still kinda skeptic if there's enough ToT from previous deals for PT PAL engineers to be able to design it's own combatant ship, even though it's still a "gossip", PT PAL wanting to move further into the combatant ship sector is very predictable, i expected it to come after PKR 3 & 4 and Iver, but apparently it's starting now.

Lets talk about the corvette again bro sis... Hehehe... At last somebody acknowledge it. I dunno why some military fans boy love sigma design base on look than other, trust me bro it would be surprise when the day patimura class will be replaced by the new one, the concept of block building its what we are studying from the sigma but building more for 9113 is not choice at all, (at least if there are no other choice or political aspect sigma design will be use) we can use and develop another practical ship design. Some said dpn class is better than tom class, that guy actually never knew what kind ship they talk about honestly. With all perspective, the best example concept will be applied, and patimura replacement will be such lovely surprise :yahoo:

Satuan Kapal Ranjau Koarmada II Sukses Uji Coba Senjata Ranjau

05 Juli 2019

Ledakan ranjau yang dinetralisir (photo : TNI AL)

Dua dentuman keras terdengar di Perairan Utara Jawa, disusul oleh Bubble Effect (efek gelembung) yang ditimbulkan dari ledakan ranjau yang dinetralisasi oleh Satuan Kapal Ranjau Koarmada II. Tahap netralisasi tersebut menjadi akhir dari rangkaian Latihan Peranjauan TA 2019 yang dilaksanakan Satran Koarmada II pada akhir Juni lalu.

Ranjau jenis smart mine TNI AL (photo : SatranArmatim)

Dengan mengusung tema “ Koarmada II Melaksanakan Latihan Peranjauan di Perairan Utara Jawa Dalam Rangka Mendukung Tugas TNI Angkatan Laut “, Latihan Peranjauan TA 2019 dipimpin langsung oleh Dansatran Koarmada II Kolonel Laut (P) Bambang Kuncoro , S.T., M.Si , yang juga selaku Wakil Direktur Latihan.

Peserta Latihan Peranjauan 2019 (photo : TNI AL)

Latihan Peranjauan TA 2019 pun dimulai dengan tahap Gladi Posko, Drill Pangkalan, dan Manuver Lapangan. Latihan ini juga menurut Wadirlat Kolonel Laut (P) Bambang Kuncoro, S.T., M.Si merupakan wahana uji Doktrin dan Taktik Peranjauan serta penggunaan Senjata Ranjau TNI AL.

KRI Pulau Rupatt 712 Tripartite class (photo : daftarkri)

Lebih lanjut Bambang Kuncoro mengatakan jika pada Latihan Peranjauan kali ini, tidak tanggung-tanggung Satran Koarmada II melibatkan 2 KRI kelas Buru Ranjau, yakni KRI Pulau Rengat-711 yang dikomandani oleh Letkol Laut (P) Mufianto Machfud, dan KRI Pulau Rupat-712 dengan komandan Letkol Laut (P) Khalimul Khakim. Juga ada 1 KRI kelas Penyapu Ranjau yakni KRI Pulau Rimau-724 dengan komandan Mayor Laut (P) Marthen Roy T.

KRI Pulau Rengat 711 Tripartite class (photo : Tribunnews)

Selain itu ikut bergabung 2 pesawat udara Cassa NC-212 dari Puspenerbal TNI AL. Sedangkan Senjata Ranjau Laut yang digunakan terdiri dari Ranjau Jangkar dan Ranjau Dasar yang disebar melalui wahana Kapal Atas Air. Tidak ketinggalan penggunaan Smart Mine (Ranjau Pintar) yang disebar melalui Pesawat Udara dan Kapal Atas Air.

KRI Pulau Rimau Kondor class (photo : 2enam)

Sementara itu Pangkoarmada II Laksda TNI Mintoro Yulianto, S.Sos, M.Si selaku Direktur Latihan mengatakan meningkatnya kemampuan tempur unsur ranjau merupakan hal penting. Sebab terkait dengan munculnya ancaman yang berdimensi militer, maka TNI AL dalam hal ini Koarmada II harus memiliki kesiapsiagaan dalam pelaksanaan tugas pokok.

KRI Pulau Rimau 724 Kondor class (photo : pulaurimau724)

“Selain itu dengan mempertimbangkan kondisi geografis sebagai negara kepulauan sangatlah mungkin mengembangkan operasi tempur laut dengan penerapan taktik dan strategi khususnya dalam Operasi Peranjauan,” terang orang nomor satu di jajaran Koarmada II ini.

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