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Indonesia Defence Forum

Who is the intelligent giving rubbish information about there is no war in the next 20 years?

Keep in mind that Jokowi was referring reading the report when he was first enter presidential office. Anyway the way I see it Jokowi was blundered big time on the issue, although the other candidate doesn't fare any better as well
The Marine Corps is known as a reliable unit in maintaining old defense equipment, say from the generation of PT-76 amphibious tanks and BTR-50 amphibious armored vehicles which entered the display window in the early 1960s, until now both of them still exist.
Still within the scope of the Cavalry Regiment (Menkav), there is a amphibious tracked vehicle, that is the same age as the PT-76 / BTR-50, namely the K-61.



found near bintan
where i live, in Jambi... the soldiers are still using M16... the mobile brigade is using SS1...

M16 is still very good for training beginner shooter (accurate, lightweight, low recoil, and easy to shoot), IMO is far better for beginner to training using M16 before moving to anything with piston such as AKM, SS2 or HK416

shooting skills is the only awesome thing we got right now... i am considering it to be a 'detterent factor'

Are you sure you properly understand the meaning of "deterrence"? Never has (and will never be) the shooting skill of individual soldier is a deterrence factor.
when nasams 2 delivered? we need sophisticated air defence and integrated air defence network, AA gun and vshorad have very little chance stop cruise missile
when nasams 2 delivered? we need sophisticated air defence and integrated air defence network, AA gun and vshorad have very little chance stop cruise missile

Besides Skyshield and KRI's CIWS, what others AA Gun/Vshorad Missile in our inventory that can shoot down cruise missile/PGM?
Proposed designs for Malaysian MRSS project. Including the one from PT PAL, among others.

How the heck the Malaysian could manage financing any..? The best they could do these days is making Request for Information.

AA gun and vshorad have very little chance stop cruise missile

The main role of modern VSHORAD is to counter cruise missile NOT airplane :tsk:. In fact shooting down missile and other stand off weapon is what Skyshield was design for.

Besides Skyshield and KRI's CIWS, what others AA Gun/Vshorad Missile in our inventory that can shoot down cruise missile/PGM?

YES finally someone who understand the intended role for those VSHORAD :tup:

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