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Indonesia Defence Forum

The purpose is practice how to move in formation while covering each other whilst clearing the building/ship etc,
will be more realistic and you will be more satisfied if they use air softgun but duite sopo

Allah Almighty...
we are practising to be ready for war...
in war the enemy will fight back...
some fund must be allocated for that... that is a must...

RAM biasanya untuk cat fighter siluman ..F22 ,F35 ,J20 .

IFX apa sudah pake RAM ? untuk gen 4,5 sepertinya ga pake ya, rudalnya terlihat gitu..makanya dibawah F35 ,

Solusi indonesia adl LFX LAPAN , KFX versi lokal dg teknologi RAM , mungkin gandeng korea lagi atau LM buat design ruang senjata di perut LFX.
View attachment 550163
Kira kira 2035 an keatas lah .

question :

as i recall, we did try to develop anti radar paint from clam shells, any news ?

Excellent point, however I don't see it as a form of deterrence, but more of a "regeneration"

we dont have many superb vessels... only martadinata class...
we have some mediocre class submarine... nagapasa class...
we dont have superb anti air capabilities... only short range... oerlikon

we do have... harimau medium weight tank... to be delivered...
we do have... sukhoi 35... to be continued...

the only thing for sure we have in our inventories are
anoa... hardly enough for our army... i do hope they keep the production... and.. the distribution
komodo... the same condition
SS2 rifles... where i live, in Jambi... the soldiers are still using M16... the mobile brigade is using SS1...

the other good news is the transition from a regular infantry to raiders, and raiders to para raiders

shooting skills is the only awesome thing we got right now... i am considering it to be a 'detterent factor'

we have superb special units... i believe that... I must believe it...
but the skill hardly distributed evenly to our regular grunts
not to mention the equipments

shooting practice only held once every 3/6 months with a limited number of bullets provided
they cant aim straight if they rarely shoot straight
n they always trained shooting in a relax condition...
they must be train in out of breath condition and then shoot straight

i am just an outsider... if my opinion is false... i do hoping i am wrong... i am sorry...
Hm, good to know.

I mean, depends on how we look at it. Compared to the equipments available, I guess we are doing all we can. But compared to the sheer population and the country's size....
correct me if Im wrong, this is just an opinin. The idea to "defend" the landmass using numbers are a thing of the past, especially when your landmass is made of islands. see how Japan fare in ww2,

you see our budget is only around $8-10billion (numbers vary through times),other countries had smaller or equal defence budget than Indonesia but the air force is quite large and sophisticated and the navy instead of using corvettes, uses frigates. that's according to my view is because they have less soldiers to pay (less money on pay and soldier social welfare to be spent)Chile,Norway,Thailand,Netherlands is just an example.
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correct me if Im wrong, this is just an opinin. The idea to "defend" the landmass using numbers are a thing of the past, especially when your landmass is made of islands. see how Japan fare in ww2,

you see our budget is only around $8-10billion (numbers vary through times),other countries had smaller or equal defence budget than Indonesia but the air force is quite large and sophisticated and the navy instead of using corvettes, uses frigates. that's according to my view is because they have less soldiers to pay (less money on pay and soldier social welfare to be spent)Chile,Norway,Thailand,Netherlands is just an example.
I wasn't meaning to talk merely about number, mind you, but also about how the numbers are spread evenly, over this VAST expanse of a nation.

But on the other hand, EVEN MORE equipment would be needed. So....
I wasn't meaning to talk merely about number, mind you, but also about how the numbers are spread evenly, over this VAST expanse of a nation.

But on the other hand, EVEN MORE equipment would be needed. So....
if we have the budget at least twice we had today that's not a problem. the thing is we dont, that's why some kind of choice must be made, either maintaining a huge army spread thin throughout indonesia with limited capabilities and with mediocore air force and navy , or slim the army (or at least until more funding is secured) and rely more on the more flexible and deadlier air force to safeguard the country,
anyway if an invasion /crisis finally happened we all knew who will bear the brunt.
if we have the budget at least twice we had today that's not a problem. the thing is we dont, that's why some kind of choice must be made, either maintaining a huge army spread thin throughout indonesia with limited capabilities and with mediocore air force and navy , or slim the army (or at least until more funding is secured) and rely more on the more flexible and deadlier air force to safeguard the country,
anyway if an invasion /crisis finally happened we all knew who will bear the brunt.

I bet we will never got enough funds for the armed forces, even when our country economy hit two or three trillion US dollar and we got a hundred billion US dollar as defense budget. The reason is simple, the more power we got the more thirst we will suffer. Our ambition will grow tremendously in line with National power we will accumulate over the times. China in the past is just like that, so with US with their Monroe doctrine, the act to showing in global order is just matter of power we had.

What i regret from the last debate is kind of premonition before WW II happened. Who is the intelligent giving rubbish information about there is no war in the next 20 years? It is very dangerous, one must take note one decade before Imperial Japan launching their wide scale invasion accross Pasific, the Dutch got the same conclution as what Jokowi had said yesterday. And when the US sanctioning Japan over their war in China mainland, the Dutch got too late to armarming themselves as possible.

And the same thing happened before operation Seroja, we got caught off guard and had limited support arms to invade Timor. There is cases like this happened around the world ...

I dont want a repetition of history, we need to learn and adopt a suitable measure in accordance of our need and era.
Its quite adequate, i think. There is no need to reduce in size as a whole. But need adjustment as Army territorial unit need to be reduced to let combat capable units to be increased and Navy and Airforce to grow
Agreed, decrease the size of territorial units, triple kostrad, double the reservist program.
Garuda Datangkan 3 Drone Garap Bisnis Kargo
01 Apr 2019, 13:47 WIB - Oleh: Rio Sandy Pradana


Bisnis.com, JAKARTA--PT Garuda Indonesia Tbk. akan mendatangkan 3 unit pesawat tanpa awak (unmanned aerial vehicle/UAV) atau dikenal dengan drone, untuk bisnis kargo udara tahap awal.

Direktur Utama Garuda Indonesia IGN Askhara Danadiputra mengatakan nilai investasi untuk drone jauh lebih murah dibandingkan dengan pesawat konvensional. Drone yang dibeli berjenis BZK-005 yang diproduksi oleh Beihang UAS Technology Co. Ltd.

"Drone yang ingin kami datangkan senilai US$1 juta per unit, sedangkan ATR 72-600 saja sampai US$22 juta per unit. Itu belum dihitung biaya lain seperti pilot dan set kru," kata Askhara, Minggu (31/3/2019).

Dia menambahkan pada tahap awal sebanyak 3 unit akan didatangkan. Pengiriman kargo untuk jarak jauh masih akan menggunakan pesawat konvensional seperti A330-300 atau B737-800 NG untuk jarak menengah.

BZK-005, yang juga digunakan sebagai alat pengintai untuk keperluan militer tersebut, mampu terbang dengan jarak maksimal hingga 1.200 km pada ketinggian 5.000 m. Adapun, waktu terbang maksimal selama 4--5 jam dengan kecepatan hingga 300 km/jam.

Askhara menilai pengoperasian drone sangat cocok untuk menjangkau bandara daerah terpencil. Drone hanya membutuhkan panjang landas pacu untuk lepas landas maupun mendarat minimal 600 m.

Selama ini, imbuhnya, drone hanya digunakan untuk kepentingan militer guna mengangkut misil. Beihang merupakan satu-satunya pabrikan yang memproduksi drone untuk keperluan komersil.

"Besok April kami akan ke Beijing untuk melihat review modelnya," ujarnya.

Askhara Danadiputra mengatakan alasan penggunaan drone tersebut karena dinilai lebih efisien dan meminimalkan risiko. Di sisi lain, investasi untuk pesawat tersebut lebih murah dibandingkan dengan jenis konvensional.

Dia menambahkan tarif kargo tidak bisa diturunkan lebih rendah lagi apabila maskapai tetap menggunakan pesawat konvensional. Terlebih, tarif kargo saat ini hanya cukup untuk menutup biaya operasional.

Penggunaan drone dinilai lebih efisien karena tidak membutuhkan bahan bakar yang banyak. Selain itu, mengurangi biaya pegawai dalam bentuk set kru seperti pada pesawat konvensional.

Askhara menjelaskan kondisi cuaca yang sering berubah dan topografi di wilayah Indonesia Timur sering menjadi tantangan bagi pesawat konvensional. Penggunaan drone bisa meminimalisasi risiko tersebut.


Three drones will be bought by Indonesian State own airliner Garuda Indonesia for transporting cargoes.

The drones also could be used for military purposes such as surveillance and delivering logistics.
Agreed, decrease the size of territorial units, triple kostrad, double the reservist program.

We got police and brimob as constabullary roles along with hansip and satpol pp. Need adjustment to increase our Airforce and Navy firepower
I bet we will never got enough funds for the armed forces, even when our country economy hit two or three trillion US dollar and we got a hundred billion US dollar as defense budget. The reason is simple, the more power we got the more thirst we will suffer. Our ambition will grow tremendously in line with National power we will accumulate over the times. China in the past is just like that, so with US with their Monroe doctrine, the act to showing in global order is just matter of power we had.

What i regret from the last debate is kind of premonition before WW II happened. Who is the intelligent giving rubbish information about there is no war in the next 20 years? It is very dangerous, one must take note one decade before Imperial Japan launching their wide scale invasion accross Pasific, the Dutch got the same conclution as what Jokowi had said yesterday. And when the US sanctioning Japan over their war in China mainland, the Dutch got too late to armarming themselves as possible.

And the same thing happened before operation Seroja, we got caught off guard and had limited support arms to invade Timor. There is cases like this happened around the world ...

I dont want a repetition of history, we need to learn and adopt a suitable measure in accordance of our need and era.
That's why we need a priority (ehemmmm Air force)





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