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Local Amphibious Aircraft version of N219 to be prepared.

PT DI Mulai Persiapkan N219 Versi Amphibi

17 Desember 2018

Kunjungan kerja Tim N219 ke Aerocet Inc (photos : IMF)

Melihat kembali proses sertifikasi N219, semula direncanakan sertifikat dapat diperoleh pada akhir 2018 namun seperti kita ketahui bersama proses sertifikasi baru akan selesai sebelum Maret 2019. Sertifikat dikeluarkan oleh Direktorat Kelaikan Udara dan Pengoperasian Pesawat Udara (DKUPP) Dirjen Perhubungan Udara Kementerian Perhubungan.

Lalu bagaimana program pengembangan N219 versi amfibi yang semula direncanakan setelah sertifikasi? Ternyata tetap berjalan sesuai rencana awal yaitu pada akhir 2018 desain versi amfibi mulai berjalan. Pada akhir Oktober lalu dilakukan kunjungan Tim N219 ke fasilitas produksi Aerocet untuk mendapatkan gambaran nyata tentang alat apung amfibi/pengapung amfibi (amphibious floats). Alat ini diperlukan agar pesawat dapat melakukan pendaratan dan mengambang di atas air.

Aerocet Inc adalah perusahaan pemasok pengapung amfibi komposit terkemuka dari USA. Indonesia ternyata bukan negara baru bagi Aerocet, ternyata perusahan ini pernah mendapatkan sertifikasi dari Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Udara (DGCA - Directorate General of Civil Aviation) pada tahun 2016 untuk produk sepasang Alat Apung Amfibi (Amphibious Floats) tipe 6650 yang dipasang pada pesawat Quest Aircraft - Kodiak 100 yang di Indonesia biasa digunakan oleh misionaris MAF.

Amphibious floats Aerocet telah dilengkapi dengan roda pendarat, sehingga pesawat dapat mendarat di air dan darat (photo : Aerocet)

Kodiak 100 adalah pesawat dengan 9 penumpang, panjang 10,4 m dan MTOW 3,2 ton tentu berbeda dengan N219 dengan 19 penumpang, panjang 26,3 m dan MTOW 22,0 ton, namun itu tentu bukan masalah bagi Aerocet untuk menentukan pengapung amfibi yang cocok, Aerocet sudah berpengalaman melaksanakan pekerjaan pengapung amfibi pada pesawat Cessna, Cub Crafters, De Havilland Canada (DHC), Piper dan Quest.

Pengapung amfibi buatan Aerocet dengan bahan komposit ringan diklaim mampu menghilangkan kebocoran dan korosi dari pengapung aluminium yang lebih berat sehingga mengurangi waktu dan biaya pemeliharaan. Aerocet juga mendapatkan paten penuh atas "Oil-Bath Wheels" yang ada dalam pengapung, sehingga meminimalisir pemeliharaan bantalan (bearing) pengapung.

DHC-6 Viking 400 pesawat berkapasitas 19 penumpang varian amfibi (photo : Viking Air)

Namun demikian, jika PT DI akan menggunakan acuan pesawat yang sekelas dengan N219 yaitu DHC-6, yang sama-sama mempunyai kapasitas 19 penumpang, saat ini alat apung yang digunakan adalah buatan Wipaire Inc USA, dimana tipe yang digunakan adalah Wipline 13000 Floats yang berikuran panjang 9,88 m, terbuat dari bahan komposit lapis aluminium, untuk melayani pesawat DHC-6 dengan panjang total 15,77m.

Kita tunggu desain definitif N219 versi amfibi ini muncul, kita harapkan pesawat amfibi ini dapat berjalan sesuai skedul yang ada.

(Defense Studies)

NurW di 07.27

Unofficial lanes at Indonesia-Malaysia border area already closed
Senin, 17 Desember 2018 07:45 WIB - 0 Views

Reporter: Antara


Defense Minister Ryamizard Ryacudu (right) talks with Malaysian Defense Minister Haji Mohamad bin Sabu while attending the 41st Session of the Malaysia Indonesia General Border Committee (GBC MaIindo) 2018 in Kuta, Bali, Thursday (11/15/2018). . ANTARA Photo/Satya Bati/pras.

Putussibau, W Kalimantan, Dec 16 (ANTARA News) - Five unofficial small lanes at the Indonesia-Malaysia border area in the West Kalimantan Provincial district of Kapuas Hulu have been officially closed.

The closure of unofficial small lanes locally called "rat lanes" was carried out by using excavators on Sunday at 11:30 a.m. local time in an effort to prevent smuggling practices from both Malaysia and Indonesia, the task force commander of the two countries` border area Lt.Col. Imam Wicaksana said when contacted here on Sunday.

"The closure of the rat lanes is our response to the rampant smugglings of drugs and other illegal goods," Imam explained.

He further said if the illegal smuggling is not prevented, this would be very detrimental to the state and the Indonesian people particularly in the economic sector.

Imam expressed hope that the closure of rat lanes can reduce the illegal activities on the border areas, and it would no longer threat to the economic independence of the community.

In the meantime, deputy Kapuas Hulu District Antonius L Ain Pamero said, the closure of the rat lanes was a history as it was the first time that the illegal border crossing lanes could be closed for the common interest.
Editor: Andi Abdussalam


Prajurit TNI menggelar geladi bersih, Minggu (16/ 12), sebelum upacara peresmian Pangkalan Kapal Selam TNI AL di Selat Lampa, Natuna. (Sindo Batam)

Pertahanan Indonesia makin kuat dengan adanya Pangkalan Kapal Selam TNI AL di Selat Lampa, Natuna. Rencananya, pangkalan ini akan diresmikan oleh Panglima TNI Marsekal Hadi Tjahjanto besok, 18 Desember 2018.

Dilansir dari laman Sindo Batam (17/ 12), Sebagai persiapan peresmian, prajurit TNI menggelar geladi bersih upacara dengan parade pasukan yang terdiri dari Batalyon Komposit dan Kompi Komposit Marinir. Geladi bersih itu disaksikan langsung oleh Kamandan Komando Resort Militer (Danrem) 033/ Wira Pratama (WP) Brigjen TNI Gabriel Lema, Komandam Pangkalan Utama TNI AL (Danlantamal) IV Tanjungpinang Laksamana Pertama TNI R Eko Suyatno serta perwakilan dari Markas Besar (Mabes) TNI.

Geladi Bersih peresmian Pangkalan Kapal Selam tersebut juga dimeriahkan dengan demonstrasi terjun payung serta manuver empat unit pesawat F-16 Fighting Falcon.

Danrem 033/ WP menyampaikan bahwa Panglima TNI akan meresmikan pengoperasionalan pelabuhan Kapal Selam TNI AL di Selat Lampa. Dia menyampaikan adanya pangkalan baru ini, dapat memenuhi unsur kemitraan yang lengkap di wilayah Kepri, khususnya Natuna.

“Di samping itu diharapkan seluruh personel TNI dapat bersinergi untuk menghadapi ancaman serta memitigasi persoalan di wilayah Indonesia secara cepat,” kata Gabriel dalam keterang tertulisnya.

Sebelumnya, seluruh pasukan TNI melaksanakan doa bersama sebagai ungkapan syukur dan kelancaran pelaksanakan kegiatan peresmian Pangkalam Kapal Selam di atas KRI Makassar yang dipimpin oleh imam basar Masjid Agung Natuna, Ustad Gatturahman.
Indonesia never compromises in tackling armed criminal group
Senin, 17 Desember 2018 21:13 WIB - 4 Views

Reporter: antara


Illustration. TNI soldiers pray before taking a helicopter to Wamena, Papua. to deal with the Armed Criminal Group (KKB) which allegedly killed 31 PT Istika Karya employees while carrying out the Trans Papua route. (ANTARA PHOTO/Iwan Adisaputra/aww.)?

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - The Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs Wiranto stressed that the Indonesian government had never compromised in tackling the armed criminal group in Papua that had killed citizens.

"We have never compromised, as our view is not equal for the groups," Wiranto noted at a press conference in Jakarta on Monday.

Wiranto said this was related to the case of the deaths of 31 workers in the Nduga area of Papua on Dec 2.

According to Wiranto, the government`s view was to not be equal to the groups that opposed the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) and viewed them as having committed a mistake and had got lost.

He remarked that Indonesia, as a democratic country, will accept them again if they had realized and admitted to have been lost.

"Indonesia, as a democratic nation, will accept them if they are aware, but there is no negotiation in this process," he noted.

Wiranto said the Indonesian government had an opportunity to apply a military approach in combating the armed group in Papua.

He remarked that the international law allowed the use of weapons if there are groups that oppose the government by using weapons.

He viewed that the armed groups that killed innocent people could not be resisted only through a persuasive step by using words.

"This has been going on for a long time. I have dealt with groups in Aceh, Kalimantan, and Papua. When they held weapons, they felt great," he noted.

He noted that human rights activists must be fair to view and assess the problems in Papua lest the incident of the armed group involving the killing of construction workers in Papua was not said to be a violation of human rights.

Since he viewed that after the incident in Nduga there were no human rights activists who condemned the incident, he called on the nation to jointly defend the country from the armed groups trying to undermine national peace.

Reporting by Imam Budilaksono
Editing by Eliswan, Sri Haryati
Editor: Heru Purwanto

Indonesia must wait for production of Sukhoi-35: Ambassador
Senin, 17 Desember 2018 21:05 WIB - 8 Views

Reporter: antara


Indonesian Air Force Sukhoi fighter aircraft. (ANTARA PHOTO/Widodo S. Jusuf)

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Indonesia must wait for the production process of Sukhoi-35 fighter jets until the purchasing contract is signed by the governments of Russia and Indonesia.

"I cannot confirm when the planes will arrive in Indonesia, because it needs to be produced. But hopefully, the contract can be finished (soon)," Russian ambassador to Indonesia, Lyudmila Georgievna Vorobieva, said during an exclusive interview with ANTARA in Jakarta on Monday.

Negotiations to purchase 11 units of Sukhoi-35 from Russia have been completed, and the contract was signed by both parties in Feb 2018.

Sukhoi Su-35 Flanker-E is said to be replacing the F-5 E / F Tiger II at the 14th Air Squadron at Iswahyudi Air Base in Madiun, East Java.

There are similarities between the two fighter jets, including that both are twin-engine aircraft.

However, according to Vorobieva, some technical aspects still need to be discussed, and hopefully, it can be resolved in 2019.

The ambassador is optimistic that defense cooperation between Russia and Indonesia can be strengthened, with Russia`s willingness to be Indonesia`s loyal partner.

"Russia produces a variety of defense equipments. Whatever Indonesia needs, we can provide (equipments) with world-class quality," she remarked.

Indonesia had agreed with Russia to purchase 11 units of Sukhoi jet fighters, worth US$1.14 billion, through a barter scheme.

Through the agreement, Russia is required to buy a number of commodities from Indonesia, such as palm oil, coffee, rubber, and tea, with the total import of at least $570 million or about half of the Sukhoi deal.

The barter scheme could become a model of trade cooperation with countries from which Indonesia imports oil and gas.

Reporting by Azizah Fitriyanti
Editing by Yashinta Difa Pramudyani, Sri Haryati
Editor: Heru Purwanto

Singapore and Indonesia Successfully Conclude 20th Edition of Bilateral Air Exercise

17 Desember 2018

The Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF)'s F-16C and the Indonesian Air Force (TNI AU)'s F-16A/B and Hawk 109/209 flying in formation during Exercise Elang Indopura 2018. (all photos : Sing Mindef)

Chief of Air Force Major-General (MG) Mervyn Tan and Chief of Staff of the Indonesian Air Force (TNI AU) Air Chief Marshal (ACM) Yuyu Sutisna co-officiated at the closing ceremony of Exercise Elang Indopura at Roesmin Nurjadin Air Force Base, Pekanbaru, Indonesia earlier today.

The exercise comprised two phases – a Command Post Exercise, which was held at Paya Lebar Air Base, Singapore, from 7 to 9 November 2018 and an Air Manoeuvring Exercise, which was conducted at Roesmin Nurjadin Air Force Base from 4 to 17 December 2018. More than 150 personnel from both air forces participated in the exercise, along with a total of 16 fighter aircraft including the RSAF's F-16C and the TNI AU's F-16A/B and Hawk 109/209.

MG Mervyn Tan commented on the significance of the exercise, saying "This year marks the 20th edition of Exercise Elang Indopura since it was inaugurated in 1980. Over this period, we have gone from flying the F-86 Sabre and Hawker Hunter fighter aircraft in simple missions to employing our Hawks and F-16s together in complex scenarios. It is truly heartening to see how much we have grown together and how far we have come."

Exercise Elang Indopura serves as an excellent platform to enhance the professionalism and interoperability between the two Air Forces. This bilateral exercise underscores the close and long-standing bilateral defence relations between Singapore and Indonesia. In addition to bilateral exercises, the RSAF and TNI AU also engage regularly in a broad spectrum of activities, which include cross-attendance of courses, professional exchanges and reciprocal visits.

(Sing Mindef)
Indonesia must wait for production of Sukhoi-35: Ambassador
Senin, 17 Desember 2018 21:05 WIB - 8 Views

Reporter: antara


Indonesian Air Force Sukhoi fighter aircraft. (ANTARA PHOTO/Widodo S. Jusuf)

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Indonesia must wait for the production process of Sukhoi-35 fighter jets until the purchasing contract is signed by the governments of Russia and Indonesia.

"I cannot confirm when the planes will arrive in Indonesia, because it needs to be produced. But hopefully, the contract can be finished (soon)," Russian ambassador to Indonesia, Lyudmila Georgievna Vorobieva, said during an exclusive interview with ANTARA in Jakarta on Monday.

Negotiations to purchase 11 units of Sukhoi-35 from Russia have been completed, and the contract was signed by both parties in Feb 2018.

Sukhoi Su-35 Flanker-E is said to be replacing the F-5 E / F Tiger II at the 14th Air Squadron at Iswahyudi Air Base in Madiun, East Java.

There are similarities between the two fighter jets, including that both are twin-engine aircraft.

However, according to Vorobieva, some technical aspects still need to be discussed, and hopefully, it can be resolved in 2019.

The ambassador is optimistic that defense cooperation between Russia and Indonesia can be strengthened, with Russia`s willingness to be Indonesia`s loyal partner.

"Russia produces a variety of defense equipments. Whatever Indonesia needs, we can provide (equipments) with world-class quality," she remarked.

Indonesia had agreed with Russia to purchase 11 units of Sukhoi jet fighters, worth US$1.14 billion, through a barter scheme.

Through the agreement, Russia is required to buy a number of commodities from Indonesia, such as palm oil, coffee, rubber, and tea, with the total import of at least $570 million or about half of the Sukhoi deal.

The barter scheme could become a model of trade cooperation with countries from which Indonesia imports oil and gas.

Reporting by Azizah Fitriyanti
Editing by Yashinta Difa Pramudyani, Sri Haryati
Editor: Heru Purwanto


So our Su-35 "sinetron" still going on, lol
Panglima TNI Resmikan Satuan TNI Terintegrasi Natuna
Matius Alfons - detikNews

Panglima TNI Marsekal Hadi Tjahjanto meresmikan Satuan TNI Terintegrasi Natuna di Faslabuh Selat Lampa, Kepulauan Riau. (Matius Alfons/detikcom)
Natuna - Panglima TNI Marsekal Hadi Tjahjanto meresmikan Satuan TNI Terintegrasi Natuna di Faslabuh Selat Lampa, Kepulauan Riau. Peresmian diawali dengan upacara bersama ribuan prajurit.

Marsekal Hadi tiba di Faslabuh Lanal Ranai, Selat Lampa, pada pukul 09.41 WIB, Selasa (18/12/2018). Hadi tampak didampingi istrinya, Nanik Istumawati.

Hadir dalam acara ini KSAD Jenderal Andika Perkasa, KSAL Laksamana Siwi Sukma Adji, dan KSAU Marsekal Yuyu Sutisna. Marsekal Hadi akan memimpin langsung upacara prajurit.

Baca juga: Panglima TNI Kunker ke Naval Station Norfolk di AS

Panglima TNI Marsekal Hadi Tjahjanto meresmikan Satuan TNI Terintegrasi Natuna di Faslabuh Selat Lampa, Kepulauan Riau. (Matius Alfons/detikcom)

Satuan TNI Terintegrasi yang ditempatkan di Natuna nantinya bertindak sebagai satuan terdepan dalam menghadapi ancaman potensial. Satuan ini diharapkan mampu merespons dengan cepat potensi ancaman.

Sebelum meresmikan Satuan Integrasi Natuna, Marsekal Hadi mendatangi Rumkit TNI di Natuna guna meninjau hanggar integratif dan Siskodal STT Natuna.

Panglima TNI Marsekal Hadi Tjahjanto meresmikan Satuan TNI Terintegrasi Natuna di Faslabuh Selat Lampa, Kepulauan Riau. (Matius Alfons/detikcom)
Panglima TNI Kunker ke Naval Station Norfolk di AS
Mochamad Zhacky - detikNews

Foto: dok. Puspen TNI
Jakarta - Panglima TNI Marsekal Hadi Tjahjanto melakukan kunjungan kerja ke Amerika Serikat. Ada sejumlah kegiatan yang dilakukan Hadi selama beberapa hari di Negeri Paman Sam itu.

Pada hari pertama di AS, Hadi menerima pasukan Airforce, Navy, Army, Marine Corps dan Coast Guard di Comny Hall Fort Myer Virginia, Rabu (11/12/2018) pukul 10.00 waktu setempat. Ia didampingi Komandan Marinir AS Jenderal Joseph F Dunford Jr.

Panglima TNI Marsekal Hadi Tjahjanto (Foto: dok. Puspen TNI)

Agenda selanjutnya adalah menghadiri pertemuan bilateral dengan Dunford. Kegiatan Hadi lalu dilanjutkan dengan berziarah ke Arlington National Cemetery.

Hadi disambut Komandan Washington Military Distric Mayjen Michael L Howard beserta istrinya. Ia sempat menjalani sesi peletakan karangan bunga lalu berkeliling ke museum.

Pada Kamis (13/12) eks KSAU itu lalu melakukan kunjungan kerja ke Naval Station Norfolk. Dalam kunjungan ini, Hadi disambut langsung oleh Komandan Fleet Forces Command, Admiral Christhoper W Grady.

Foto: dok. Puspen TNI

Kemudian kegiatan dilanjutkan dengan berkunjung kompleks FFC Headquarters, kompleks Maritime Operation Center-FFC di Gedung NH-95. Hadi sempat mendengar paparan tentang profil FFC dan Maritime Domain Awareness.

Panglima TNI juga meninjau Joint Deployment Operation Center. Di sana Panglima menerima paparan dari Rear Adm Andrew Loiselle, Wakil Direktur Future Joint Force development J-7.(zak/elz)

What it is in Norfolk joint maritime command centre

Maritime Operations Center Offers State of the Art Capability for U.S. Fleet Forces
Story Number: NNS091022-11Release Date: 10/22/2009 2:25:00 PM

From U.S. Fleet Forces Public Affairs
NORFOLK (NNS) -- U.S. Fleet Forces Command (USFF), along with U.S. Joint Forces Command (JFCOM), celebrated the opening of the new Maritime Operations Center and Joint Deployment Center in a ribbon cutting ceremony at Naval Support Activity, Norfolk Oct. 21.

The new facility houses a state-of-the-art command center to direct maritime operations and collaborate with Joint, interagency and multinational partners. Both commands will share this space, but will have separate areas for their specific mission requirements. Should the need arise, a movable wall that separates USFF's spaces from JFCOM's can be raised to create one large, joint working environment.

For USFF, the new space will be home to the Maritime Operations Center. The MOC provides critical support in the execution of the nation's Maritime Strategy, giving commanders the processes, enabled by interoperable, networked systems, to enhance maritime capabilities.

"Here, our MOC team can perform the full set of mission essential tasks necessary to command and control all of our forces across a full spectrum of operations - from day to day issues all the way up to full crisis response," said Rear Adm. Gerald Beaman, deputy chief of staff for Global Force Management and Joint Operations.

Eight MOCs across the globe together form a network for the integration of maritime forces in any theater and across traditional combatant commander boundaries. Information linked from these MOCs support leadership decision making through greater global maritime domain awareness.

Retired Adm. Edmund Giambastiani, guest speaker for the ceremony, served as JFCOM commander during the planning phase of the building renovation.

"This new facility, and its automation and connectivity, will greatly assist Joint Forces Command and its components in further improving its effectiveness and transparency," said Giambastiani.

For USFF, the facility offers the commander improved access to timely and accurate command and control at the operational level, as well as the ability to work along side JFCOM in times of crisis.

"This space will allow our most important resource, our people, to work more effectively together, and will ensure both U.S. Joint Forces Command and U.S. Fleet Forces Command can continue to take operational warfighting far into the future," said Beaman.


LAPAN: TNI AL Tetarik Boyong Pesawat N219 untuk Gantikan Nomad
Muhammad Kurnianto (Kontributor)
Amri Mahbub
18 Desember 2018 09:35 WIB


Pesawat N219 melintasi taxi way usai terbang perdana di hanggar PT Dirgantara Indonesia, Bandung, Jawa Barat, 16 Agustus 2017. TEMPO/Prima Mulia

TEMPO.CO, Tangerang Selatan - Selain maskapai di Indonesia maupun maskapai luar negeri, ternyata Tentara Nasional Indonesia juga tertarik dengan pesawat N219. Angkatan Laut tertarik untuk menggantikan pesawat Nomad.

Baca juga: Awal 2019, PT Dirgantara Indonesia Produksi Massal Pesawat N219

"Untuk memantau perbatasan wilayah Indonesia," kata Kepala Program pesawat N219 LAPAN Agus Ariwibowo saat ditemui usai workshop Composite Float Development For Amphibious Aircraft yang berlangsung di Puspiptek, Jumat pekan lalu. Namun, hingga berita ini diturunkan, TNI AL belum bisa dikonfirmasi perihal minat mereka terhadap N219 untuk menggantikan Nomad.

Menurut Agus, kandidat utama yang menggantikan pesawat Nomad milik TNI AL ini adalah pesawat N219. Selain mengangkut penumpang, pesawat ini bisa dimodifikasi untuk mengangkut orang sakit.

"Nanti kami juga menawarkan teknologi amfibi yang bisa digunakan untuk mendarat di air. Bisa digunakan untuk pesawat angkut pasukan untuk dikirim ke daerah terpencil," kata dia.

Pesawat N219 memiliki kapasitas 19 penumpang ini. Agus menjelaskan, pesawat ini hanya membutuhkan landasan sebesar lapangan bola atau memiliki landasan sekitar 500 meter untuk mendarat.

Saat ini, Lembaga Penerbangan dan Antariksa Nasional (Lapan) bekerja sama dengan PT Dirgantara Indonesia menggarap pengerjaan pesawat Amfibi untuk digunakan di wilayah perairan yang tidak terjangkau oleh pesawat selain amfibi.

Indonesian Navy interested to use N219 replacing Nomad.
Su 35 will came in 2019, well Putin too

Dubes Rusia pastikan Presiden Putin kunjungi Indonesia pascapemilu 2019
Selasa, 18 Desember 2018 16:06 WIB

Pewarta: Azizah Fitriyanti


Duta Besar Rusia untuk Indonesia Lyudmila Vorobieva dalam keterangan pers bulanan yang dilanjutkan acara tutup tahun di Kedutaan Besar Rusia di Jakarta, Selasa (18/12/2018). (ANTARA News/Azizah Fitriyanti)

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Duta Besar Rusia untuk Indonesia Lyudmila Vorobieva memastikan bahwa Presiden Vladimir Putin akan melakukan kunjungan kenegaraan setelah pemilu serentak di Indonesia pada April 2019 dilaksanakan.

"Hubungan bilateral kita sangat positif dari berbagai konteks selama setahun ini, meskipun sayangnya kita tidak berkesempatan mewujudkan kunjungan presiden kami karena masalah teknis, tetapi saya harap tahun depan bisa terlaksana, tentunya setelah pemilu," kata Vorobieva dalam keterangan pers bulanan dan acara tutup tahun di Kedutaan Besar Rusia, Jakarta, Selasa.

Terkait alasan waktu kunjungan Putin yang dijadwalkan pascapemilu 2019, Vorobieva memahami bahwa perhatian pemerintah dan rakyat Indonesia tentu akan lebih tertuju pada kesuksesan penyelenggaran pemilu yang aman dan damai.

"Kami menghormati proses demokrasi di Indonesia dan akan mendukung apapun pilihan rakyat Indonesia," kata dia.

Meskipun belum bisa menyebutkan tanggal pasti soal kunjungan Putin ke Indonesia, namun Vorobieva mengindikasikan bahwa kepala negara Rusia dipastikan berkunjung ke Indonesia pada 2019 dengan agenda yang telah dipersiapkan kedua belah pihak.

"Kita punya agenda yang padat, salah satunya yang terpenting penandatanganan perjanjian kemitraan strategis Rusia-Indonesia," kata dia.

Kerangka perjanjian kemitraan strategis Indonesia-Rusia mulai dibahas setelah Menteri Luar Negeri Rusia Sergei Lavrov berkunjung ke Jakarta pada 2017 dan Menlu RI Retno Marsudi melakukan kunjungan balasan ke Moskow pada Maret 2018.

Menurut Vorobieva, kehadiran Presiden Putin ke Indonesia akan makin menegaskan arti penting Indonesia bagi Rusia, salah satunya di bidang perdagangan, yang pada 2017 lalu mencapai 3,2 miliar dolar AS atau meningkat 25 persen dari tahun sebelumnya.

Indonesia juga tengah menunggu pengiriman 11 pesawat tempur Sukhoi SU-35 dari Rusia yang menurut kontrak akan dilakukan pada 2019.

"Rasanya saya tidak bisa cukup menekankan bahwa Indonesia merupakan negara yang sangat penting bagi Rusia, terutama setelah Rusia dan ASEAN telah lebih dulu menjadi mitra strategis yang disepakati dalam KTT ASEAN-Rusia di Singapura pada November lalu dan Indonesia adalah negara kunci di ASEAN," kata Vorobieva.
Indonesian Navy to remove main gun from Ahmad Yani frigate for gunnery simulator
Ridzwan Rahmat, Singapore - Jane's Navy International
18 December 2018

A computer-generated visualisation of the gunnery simulator that will be used by Indonesian Navy trainees. Source: Indonesian defence industry source
Key Points
  • Indonesia is building a naval gunnery simulator that will be equipped with a 76 mm cannon retrieved from an Ahmad Yani-class frigate
  • The simulator, which will feature a mock-up bridge and mock-up combat systems, will significantly improve the Indonesian Navy's training efficiencies
The Indonesian Navy (Tentara Nasional Indonesia - Angkatan Laut: TNI-AL) is preparing to remove the primary weapon from one of its Ahmad Yani (Van Spejk)-class frigates, KRI Slamet Riyadi (352).

The weapon, a 76 mm Oto Melara naval cannon, will instead be installed at a future land-based gunnery simulator that will be built in Paiton, East Java. A source from within the TNI-AL and an Indonesian defence industry source have both confirmed the matter with Jane'sseparately.

The sea-facing gunnery simulator will be constructed on an existing small-calibre weapons range currently in use by the Indonesian Marine Corps (Korps Marinir: KORMAR). The facility will be managed by the Indonesian state-owned defence electronics company PT Len on a commercial contract once it is ready.

"The existing range in Paiton is usually used to train our KORMAR personnel on the 40 mm, 37 mm, 20 mm, and 12.7 mm weapons," the TNI-AL source told Jane's . "We don't have a facility yet for 76 mm and 57 mm calibre weapons," he said, adding that the future gunnery simulator will significantly improve the TNI-AL's training efficiencies, and lower operational costs as trainees do not have to be deployed at-sea for the purpose.

The simulator complex, which is slated to begin construction in 2019, will be equipped to emulate a range of combat operations at sea, and feature a fire-control radar, combat management systems, and communication systems trainers.

An image released by the industry source indicates thatSlamet Riyadi 's gun will be mounted on an elevated pedestal ahead of a bridge simulator complex.

Indonesian Navy to remove main gun from Ahmad Yani frigate for gunnery simulator
Ridzwan Rahmat, Singapore - Jane's Navy International
18 December 2018

A computer-generated visualisation of the gunnery simulator that will be used by Indonesian Navy trainees. Source: Indonesian defence industry source
Key Points
  • Indonesia is building a naval gunnery simulator that will be equipped with a 76 mm cannon retrieved from an Ahmad Yani-class frigate
  • The simulator, which will feature a mock-up bridge and mock-up combat systems, will significantly improve the Indonesian Navy's training efficiencies
The Indonesian Navy (Tentara Nasional Indonesia - Angkatan Laut: TNI-AL) is preparing to remove the primary weapon from one of its Ahmad Yani (Van Spejk)-class frigates, KRI Slamet Riyadi (352).

The weapon, a 76 mm Oto Melara naval cannon, will instead be installed at a future land-based gunnery simulator that will be built in Paiton, East Java. A source from within the TNI-AL and an Indonesian defence industry source have both confirmed the matter with Jane'sseparately.

The sea-facing gunnery simulator will be constructed on an existing small-calibre weapons range currently in use by the Indonesian Marine Corps (Korps Marinir: KORMAR). The facility will be managed by the Indonesian state-owned defence electronics company PT Len on a commercial contract once it is ready.

"The existing range in Paiton is usually used to train our KORMAR personnel on the 40 mm, 37 mm, 20 mm, and 12.7 mm weapons," the TNI-AL source told Jane's . "We don't have a facility yet for 76 mm and 57 mm calibre weapons," he said, adding that the future gunnery simulator will significantly improve the TNI-AL's training efficiencies, and lower operational costs as trainees do not have to be deployed at-sea for the purpose.

The simulator complex, which is slated to begin construction in 2019, will be equipped to emulate a range of combat operations at sea, and feature a fire-control radar, combat management systems, and communication systems trainers.

An image released by the industry source indicates thatSlamet Riyadi 's gun will be mounted on an elevated pedestal ahead of a bridge simulator complex.

Great, make sure old hands are also sent there to help with recalibrating in case the simulator is unrealistic... and also to get some practice in. God knows our navy doesn't get a lot of firing exercise.
Russian ambassador confirms Putin to visit Indonesia after 2019 election
Selasa, 18 Desember 2018 21:24 WIB - 0 Views

Reporter: Antara


Russian ambassador to Indonesia Lyudmila Vorobieva speaks at a monthly press conference at the embassy in Jakarta on Tursday (18/12/2018) followed by year-end function. (ANTARA News/Azizah Fitriyanti)

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Russian Ambassador to Indonesia Lyudmila Vorobieva confirmed that President Vladimir Putin will conduct a state visit after the simultaneous elections are held in Indonesia in April 2019.

"Our bilateral relations are very positive in various contexts during this year. Although we have not succeeded in arranging our president`s visit due to technical problems, I hope that next year, the visit would be conducted, of course, after the election," Vorobieva stated at a year-end event at the Russian Embassy here, Tuesday.

Vorobieva said she fully understood the stance of the Indonesian government and people to give more attention on realizing safe and peaceful elections, so President Putin is scheduled to visit after the national event is completed.

"We respect the democratic process in Indonesia and will support whatever the Indonesian people choose," the ambassador affirmed.

Although she has not specified the exact date of Putin`s visit to Indonesia, Vorobieva noted that the Russian president was certain to visit Indonesia in 2019, with an agenda that has been prepared by both parties.

"We have a solid agenda, one of the most important of which is the signing of the Russia-Indonesia strategic partnership agreement," Vorobieva stated.

The framework of the Indonesia-Russia strategic partnership agreement was discussed after Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov had visited Jakarta in 2017 and his Indonesian counterpart Retno Marsudi paid a return visit to Moscow in March 2018.

According to Vorobieva, President Putin`s presence in Indonesia will further emphasize Indonesia`s importance for Russia, especially in the field of trade in which the value had reached US$3.2 billion in 2017, an increase of 25 percent from that in the previous year.

Indonesia is also awaiting the delivery of 11 Sukhoi SU-35 fighters from Russia, which according to the contract will be carried out in 2019.

"I can stress no more that Indonesia is an important country for Russia, especially after Russia and the ASEAN become strategic partners, which was agreed at the ASEAN-Russia Summit in Singapore in November 2018, and Indonesia is a key country in the ASEAN," Ambassador Vorobieva stated.

Reporting by Azizah Fitriyanti, Libertina W Ambari
Editing by Andi Abdussalam

Editor: Yosep Hariyadi


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