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Indonesia Defence Forum

Indonesia prepares defence MOUs in line with diversification strategy
Jon Grevatt, Bangkok - Jane's Defence Industry
04 December 2018
The Indonesian Ministry of Defence (MoD) said on 4 December that it is drafting new defence co-operation agreements with Spain and Serbia as part of continuing efforts to diversify its military trade and industrial partnerships.

The MoD said that the accords will be framed by separate memorandum of understanding (MOU) agreements expected to be approved by the Indonesian government soon. It said such approvals will provide the legal foundation for defence industrial collaboration between Indonesia and the two countries. The scope of collaboration, however, will remain dependent on contracts.

The MoD said that the MOUs will enable Spain and Serbia to assist in the development of Indonesia's defence industry and enhance the capabilities of the Indonesian Armed Forces (Tentara Nasional Indonesia: TNI).


Interesting about what Serbs can offer to us

KFX/IFX Fighter Aircraft development reaches 20 percent
Jumat, 7 Desember 2018 10:39 WIB - 0 Views

Reporter: antara


Fighter aircraft model made by Indonesia and South Korea, KFX / IFX (AntaraNews.com/Ade P Marboen)

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - The development of fighter aircraft 4.5 generation, Korean Fighter Xperiment/Indonesia Fighter Xperiment (KFX/IFX) under cooperation of Indonesia and South Korea which was established since 2011, has been reaching 20 percent.

"Until now the development process has been reaching 20 percent. There are three stages we need to pass, namely technology development, EMD (engineering and manufacturing development), and prototyping," Director of Technology and Development of PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PT DI) Air Marshal Gita Amperiawan said at a press conference here on Thursday.

According to him, after the G to G cooperation project has been running for seven years, the preliminary design review phase has completed to ensure the configuration of the KFX/IFX fighter aircraft has met the operational requirements of the Indonesian Air Force (TNI AU) and the Republic of Korea Air Force (ROKAF).

"Today we are socializing to all stakeholders, including the Ministry of Defense, Coordinating Ministry for Politics of Law and Human Rights about the development progress of the engineering manufacturing development phase," Gita said.

He further said, after the preliminary design was completed, the two countries will develop the prototype of the fighter.

This fighter aircraft is expected to be mass produced in 2026 after passing flight tests and certifications.

"We have passed the technology development phase and EMP. The details of the design are expected to complete around July or August 2019, and we will begin prototyping, testing and certification processes," he noted.

Gita added that the Indonesian and South Korean governments accommodate common requirements that the prototyping should accommodate the interests of the Indonesian Air Force.

There will be 168 units of aircraft to be produced. South Korea will receive 120 aircraft while Indonesia will get 48 units.

"We contribute 20 percent in each phase according to the agreement," he said.

At the same occasion, Chairman of PT DI`s KFX / IFX Program Heri Yansyah said the Indonesian aircraft industry PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PT DI) and Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) are just system integrators in the development of KFX / IFX aircraft.

"So, all components will be produced by other parties including engines and avionics. The navigation is produced by other parties that will be integrated into this aircraft. We also have plans on how aircraft technology can be built by Indonesia`s local industries, such as PT Pindad," he said.

According to Heri, Pindad, which is the Indonesian state-owned enterprise specialization in military and commercial products, could make weapon system for this generation 4.5 fighter.

"The weapons can be produced by Pindad. We also build technologies, such as data links, weapon integration, and radar. These are our works that we call strategic investment. We will figure out how to produce fighter aircraft in the country because it relates to our independence," Heri said.

The KFX/IFX fighter is a generation 4.5 of semi-stealth multi-role aircraft developed by Indonesia and South Korea. This fighter aircraft is designed to replace ROFKA and Indonesian Air Force`s fighter jets.

Some of the advantages of KFX / IFX fighter include semi-stealth, and have semi conformal missile launchers, advanced avionics and air refueling.

In a memorandum of understanding signed by the two countries, Indonesia covers 20 percent the total cost of the fighter development program, while South Korea bears 80 percent of it.

Reporting by Syaiful Hakim
Editng by Libertina, Rahmad Nasution
Editor: Heru Purwanto

Tak Ingin Ketinggalan, Balitbang Kemhan Dan LAPI ITB Garap Radar Pasif Mobile
indomiliter | 06/12/2018 | Berita Matra Udara, Berita Update Alutsista, Prototipe, Radar | 6 Comments

Berita tentang rencana pengadaan radar pasif untuk pengamanan di Pulau Natuna rupanya membawa angin segar pada dunia litbang alutsista di Tanah Air. Era penggunaan radar pasif jelas memberi efek deteren, pasalnya sistem radar pasif mampu mendeteksi sasaran secara senyap, karena tidak memancarkan sinyal radar, mampu juga mendeteksi emisi di daratan dan lautan, handal terhadap jammer, bekerja secara rahasia, mudah diintegrasikan, serta dapat diintegrasikan dengan sensor radar pertahanan udara aktif yang sudah ada.

Baca juga: Lindungi Wilayah Natuna, Indonesia Pilih Radar Pasif Vera-NG, Pengendus Pesawat Stealth

Untuk radar pasif di Pulau Natuna, kabarnya akan menggunakan Vera-NG buatan Era (Omnipol Group), Ceko. Dan melihat keunggulan sistem radar pasif, mendorong elemen di dalam negeri untuk membuat prototipe radar dengan model dan kemampuan serupa.

Adalah Balitbang Kementerian Pertahanan (Kemhan) PT LAPI ITB, beberapa waktu lalu telah menampilkan sosok radar pasif dalam kendaraan khsusus (ransus) di Indo Defence 2018. Meski masih purwarupa, desain ransus dari truk dengan karoseri yang futuristik, boleh dibilang berhasil membetot perhatian khalayak luas.

Radar pasif adalah sistem perangkat pendeteksi target layaknya radar aktif, namun tanpa mentransmisikan sinyal ke target yang dimaksud. Sebagai bahagian dari elektronik warfare (pernika), radar pasif ini berperan penting dalam melakukan fungsi deteksi target menggunakan sinyal referensi atau sumber sinyal tertentu termasuk untuk mengetahui lokasi sumber sinyal serta melakukan tracking.


Fungsi-fungsi yang ada di radar pasif antara lain adalah PCL (Passive Coherent Location) yang berfungsi untuk mendeteksi dan mengidentifikasi objek dengan memanfaatkan pantulan gelombang elektromagnetik yang ada di lingkungan sekitar.

Lalu ada PET (Passive Emmiter Tracking) yang fungsinya untuk mendeteksi dan mengidentifikasi objek dengan memanfaatkan gelombang elektromagnetik yang dipancarkan oleh obyek itu sendiri. Yang terakhir IFF (Identification Friend or Foe)/ADS-B (Automatic dependent surveillance—broadcast)yang berfungsi mendeteksi dan mengidentifikasi objek di udara dengan memanfaatkan transmisi/pertukaran informasi IFF/ADS-B.

Komponen utama radar pasif terdiri dari antenna system, Mast and Traier, Digital Signal Processing (DSP), dan Display. Keuntungan radar pasif adalah tidak perlu memancarkan sinyal sendiri (silent) untuk mendeteksi target. Selain itu, biaya lebih murah karena tidak memerlukan transmitter.

Kemampuan pertahanan udara yang mengandalkan radar aktif akan sangat terdongkrak dengan dilengkapi sistem radar pasif, sehingga tidak saja pesawat konvensional bisa lebih mudah tertangkap radar namun juga pesawat non konvensional berkemampuan stealth, termasuk pesawat tanpa awak dan rudal jelajah bisa terdeteksi dan bisa dilumpuhkan sedini mungkin. (Gilang Perdana)
Take over only FIR for Sector A and still let Singapore to continue to control FIR for Sector C ....:-)


Akhir 2019, RI Ambil Alih Ruang Udara Batam dan Natuna dari Singapura

7 Desember 2018 8:22 WIB

Menteri Perhubungan Budi Karya Sumadi memastikan Flight Information Region (FIR) sektor A yang mencakup Batam dan Natuna akan diambil alih Indonesia dari Singapura pada akhir 2019 mendatang.

Saat ini, pemerintah melalui Kementerian Koordinator Bidang Kemaritiman telah membentuk tiga tim, terdiri dari Tim Teknis yang mencakup airnav, Kementerian Perhubungan (Kemenhub), Komando Pertahanan Udara Nasional (Kohanudnas), yang menyiapkan sarana dan prasarana untuk pengambilalihan ini. Kemudian, Tim Regulasi yang menyiapkan peraturan dan Tim Diplomasi untuk berunding dengan Singapura dan Malaysia.
"Insyaallah akhir tahun 2019 sudah diambil alih Indonesia," tegas Budi Karya kepada kumparan, Jumat (7/12).

Direktur Jenderal Perhubungan Udara Kemenhub, Polana Banguningsih Pramesti, menambahkan saat ini proses yang berjalan dalam tahap melakukan melobi negara Singapura.

"Saat ini tahapnya itu tim kita sedang lobi Singapura agar semuanya dipercepat. Insyaallah akhir tahun 2019 selesai," tambahnya.
Last edited:
Better late for Indonesia to make final decision to your SU-35 purchase from Russia ...

PLAAF's Su-35 is in Trouble : Vietnam Media

08 Desember 2018

PLAAF Su-35 fighter (photo : da feng)

China praised the Su-35SK's performance, but on the other hand they have made clear signs that the prospect of a possible repeat buy is very low.

According to the latest announcement from Russia, the KnAAPO aviation industry group has completed the delivery of 24 Su-35SK 4th Generation Multipurpose Combat Fighter to the PLAAF under a contract worth 2 billion USD signed in 2016.

Immediately, the Chinese Air Force published several Su-35SK fighter images of the 6th Brigade in a state of combat readiness.

Initial assessment of the PLAAF is that the Su-35's advantages are its high maneuverability thanks to the AL-41F1S 3-D vector-driven vector control engine, which has a durability of 6,000 flight hours (equivalent to combat Western engine and double Su-30) and large range.

On the one hand, China praised the features of the Su-35SK, but on the other hand they have made clear that the prospect of a repeat buy order is very low, as demonstrated by the identification of the "triangular iron" of the PLAAF, in the future has no room for the Su-35SK but only includes the J-20, J-16 and J-10.

The first weakness that China complained about the Su-35 was its avionics, which was quite normal, and was even marginalized when placed next to the latest variants of the J-11 or J-16.

China's electronics industry has made great strides in the development of many types of active-phase active-scanning radar (AESA) radars for integrated fighter jets, while the Su -35SK still uses N035 Irbis-E passive scan (PESA) backward than a generation.

PLAAF Su-35 fighter (photo : dambiev)

The issue of Su-35SK weapons is also a problem for China when it is difficult to integrate domestic air-defense missiles for the Su-35SK that are advertised as superior features such as the PL-15 R-77.

In addition, the Su-35SK uses Russia's own communications system, which is different from China, so it can not work together effectively.

Finally, the Chinese aviation industry has been self-sufficient from A to Z in all stages of production, so the use of an exotic fighter will make it difficult to make logistics, technically feasible.

[Indo Defense 2018] MP5 Clones, 7.62mm Rifles, News from Indonesia’s Pindad

New for the show this year was the PM-3 9x19mm blowback-operated submachine gun that takes MP5 magazines through the standard rifle magazine well used in other Pindad designs. The submachine gun was developed for use by the counter-terror forces of the Indonesian military and appears to be the result of wishing to maintain existing stocks of MP5 magazines but use them in a platform that is much more user-friendly and optics/laser/light ready. We are seeing this trend all over the world in that many LE/Military agencies have always liked the MP5 platform but are looking for ways to upgrade their submachine guns and modernize them.







SS2, SB2-V2, SB2-V5

credit Miles V

[Indo Defense 2018] MP5 Clones, 7.62mm Rifles, News from Indonesia’s Pindad

New for the show this year was the PM-3 9x19mm blowback-operated submachine gun that takes MP5 magazines through the standard rifle magazine well used in other Pindad designs. The submachine gun was developed for use by the counter-terror forces of the Indonesian military and appears to be the result of wishing to maintain existing stocks of MP5 magazines but use them in a platform that is much more user-friendly and optics/laser/light ready. We are seeing this trend all over the world in that many LE/Military agencies have always liked the MP5 platform but are looking for ways to upgrade their submachine guns and modernize them.







SS2, SB2-V2, SB2-V5

credit Miles V


What's a SB?
Indonesia, Australia extend counterterrorism cooperation agreement
Sabtu, 8 Desember 2018 18:11 WIB - 0 Views

Reporter: Antara


Chief of the Indonesian Counter-terrorism National Board (BNPT) Police Commissioner General Suhardi Alius and Australia's ambassador for counterterrorism Paul Folley sign cooperation agreement in Yogyakarta, on Friday (7/12/2018). (ANTARA News/HO)

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Indonesia and Australia have extended their counterterrorism cooperation agreement aimed at having a significant impact on bilateral cooperation in dealing with terrorism and violence-based extremism.

Chief of the Indonesian National Counter-terrorism Board (BNPT) Commissioner General Suhardi Alius and Australian Ambassador for Counterterrorism Paul Folley signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to that effect during a meeting themed "Consultation and Signing Ceremony of the MoU on Countering Terrorism and Violent Extremism" in Yogyakarta on Friday.

They signed the MoU in the presence of representatives from agencies related to counterterrorism in Indonesia, including the State Intelligence Board, Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security Affairs, Financial Transaction Report and Analysis Center, Foreign Ministry, Attorney General`s Office, Law and Human Rights Ministry, Strategic Intelligence Board of the National Defense Forces, and the National Police`s Counter-terrorism Squad, Densus 88.

"Today, we extended bilateral cooperation between Indonesia and Australia and exchanged information and views related to counterterrorism between the two countries," the BNPT chief noted in a press statement.

The two countries signed the counterterrorism cooperation agreement in 2015.

Suhardi said prevention is more preferable than law enforcement and that information exchange involving ministries and institutions of the two countries is needed.

The information exchange will help the two countries prevent and identify terrorism networks, he affirmed.

"No single country is immune to terrorism. Hence, we need bilateral, regional, and global cooperation, and we have done so with Australia," he noted.

Meanwhile, Folley remarked that relations between Indonesia and Australia have run well to a level of comprehensive strategic cooperation.

At the meeting, delegations of the two countries discussed national strategy to counter terrorism, the newest Indonesian law on terrorism, and efforts to deal with violence-based extremism and terrorism funding, among others.

Folley, who led the Australian delegation to the meeting, congratulated the Indonesian government on the passage of the new terrorism law.

Reporting by Sigit Pinardi, Suharto

Editing by Sri Haryati
Editor: Yosep Hariyadi

Interesting about what Serbs can offer to us

It depends on what Indonesia needs. Serbian defence industry is constantly growing. Exports in 2017 were around 570 million of dollars, and we should end this year with export over 600 millions of dollars. Even though when you say Serbian defence industry, most people will know about Nora B 52 howitzer or Lazar armored vehicle..., but actually main export of SDI is ammunition. From non lethal and small arms ammunition up to up to large caliber rounds for howitzers multiple rocket launchers.... And in recent years Serbia is putting itself on the map as a country which works intensively on developing several types of guided ammunition.

What is important here is that we have a complete production when we talk about this. From the HE (like Trinitrotoluene, Penthrite, Hexogen, Octogen, PBX....), single based powders double based rocket propellants and charges, spherical powders..., fuzes, primers... up to a complete product. This allows us to offer a complete technology transfer to the interested countries. In recent years we already had some such deals completed with countries like UAE, Vietnam, Azerbaijan ....

There are also possibilities for cooperation in different areas and on different products. There is already a topic dedicated to our defence industry, and you can check it out here:

But if you have some specific questions feel free to ask.
Alih Kodal Yonif M 643/WS dan Peresmian Yonif 645 Kodam Tanjungpura

Pangdam XII/Tpr Mayor Jenderal TNI Achmad Supriyadi, mengatakan Pembentukan Satuan Baru serta Alih Kodal merupakan bagian dari program pembangunan kekuatan dan gelar Satuan TNI AD agar lebih adaptif terhadap perkembangan lingkungan.

Sambas, Jakartagreater.com – Panglima Komando Daerah Militer (Pangdam) XII/Tanjungpura, Mayor Jenderal TNI Achmad Supriyadi, pimpin Upacara Pengalihan Komando dan Pengendalian (Kodal) Batalyon Infanteri Mekanis 643/Wanara Sakti dan Peresmian Batalyon Infanteri 645/Gardatama Yudha Brigade Infanteri 19/Khatulistiwa, pada Kamis 6-12-2018 bertempat di Markas Yonif 645/GTY, Sambas.

Dalam amanatnya, Pangdam XII/Tpr mengatakan Pembentukan Satuan Baru serta Alih Kodal merupakan bagian dari program pembangunan kekuatan dan gelar Satuan TNI Angkatan Darat agar lebih adaptif terhadap perkembangan lingkungan.

Dikatakannya juga, pada hakekatnya penataan organisasi TNI AD dalam kerangka Pembangunan Kekuatan Pokok Minimum atau Minimum Essential Force (MEF) yang dilaksanakan atas dasar konsep pertahanan berbasis kemampuan sesuai dengan kebijakan strategis TNI AD tahun 2010 – 2019.

“Perubahan Yonif 643/WNS yang semula berada di bawah kendali Korem 121/Abw berubah menjadi Yonif Mekanis 643/WNS dan beralih Kodal di bawah Kodam XII/Tpr adalah untuk memaksimalkan pengendalian, pengawasan dan koordinasi guna mendukung tugas pokok Kodam XII/Tpr serta salah satu upaya untuk menjaga keseimbangan, kesiapan operasional dan pembinaan satuan,” terang Pangdam.

Selain itu, Pangdam XII/Tpr juga menjelaskan mengenai pembentukan Yonif 645/GTY yang berkedudukan di Kab. Sambas merupakan implementasi dari perencanaan strategis TNI AD dalam pembangunan kemampuan guna menghadapi berbagai kemungkinan ancaman dan kontijensi yang dapat terjadi di wilayah perbatasan.

“Yonif 645/GTY memiliki arti sebagai Pasukan Pelindung atau Penjaga Terdepan dalam Pertempuran atau Peperangan dalam menjaga Keutuhan Wilayah NKRI, dengan semboyan ”GARDA TERDEPAN DAN BENTENG TERAKHIR NKRI, merupakan satuan tempur Kodam XII/Tpr di bawah Komando Brigade Infanteri 19/Khatulistiwa,” jelas Pangdam XII/Tpr dalam amanatnya.

Dalam kesempatan tersebut, Pangdam XII/Tpr secara resmi menandatangani prasasti satuan baru serta menyerahkan Tunggul Batalyon 645/GTY kepada Komandan Batalyon (Danyon), Mayor Inf Sugiarto di depan seluruh prajurit Yonif 645/GTY.

Pangdam juga berpesan kepada seluruh prajurit, agar memelihara serta meningkatkan kemampuan dan kesiapan tempur. “ Setiap prajurit wajib memiliki sifat dan sikap disiplin, pandai menembak, bela diri militer dan memiliki fisik yang prima serta selalu menjalin hubungan dengan seluruh lapisan masyarakat, agar kemanunggalan TNI dengan Rakyat tetap terjaga dengan baik,” pungkasnya mengakhiri.

Hadir pada acara tersebut Bupati Sambas dr Hj Juliarti Djuhardi Alwi, Danrem 121/ABW, para Asisten Kasdam 12/Tpr, beberapa Forkopimda Kab. Sambas serta seluruh prajurit Yonif 645/GTY. (tniad.mil.id)
Roket Buatan Pindad Akan Diuji Coba di Sukabumi
Syahdan Alamsyah - detikFinance

Foto: Istimewa Pindad


Sukabumi - Uji coba roket produk roket bernomor R-Han 122B buatan PT Pindad (Persero) rencana awal roket tersebut akan diluncurkan dari kawasan Pantai Karanghawu, Kecamatan Cisolok namun rencana bergeser menjadi ke Citarate, Banten.

Target sasaran peluncuran roket berada di daerah latihan militer Kostrad yang berlokasi di Pantai Cibenda, Kecamatan Ciemas.

"Ini merupakan program kerjanya Kementrian Pertahanan, uji coba Roket R-Hand 122B awalnya rencana peluncuran dari Cisolok, Sukabumi namun digeser peluncurannya ke daerah Citarate, Banten," kata Komandan Pos AL Palabuhanratu, Lettu Laut Ajat Sudrajat, melalui sambungan telepon dengan detikFinance, Minggu (9/12/2018).

Foto: Istimewa Pindad

Meskipun lokasi peluncuran bergeser, Pos AL tetap melakukan pengamanan wilayah karena roket tetap akan melintasi wilayah Teluk Palabuhanratu.

"Kita bersama seluruh jajaran tetap memberikan informasi kepada nelayan dan masyarakat terkait peluncuran ini. Tindakan pengamanan lebih ditujukan pada area yang akan dilintasi roket, yakni di kawasan laut yang berada dalam kordinat garis lurus dari Citarate ke Cibenda," terangnya.

Baca juga: Diuji Coba, Roket RH112B Jatuh dan Meledak di Lumajang

Senada dengan penjelasan tersebut, Komandan Rayon Militer (Danramil) 2201 Cisolok Kapten Inf. Enjang membenarkan pihaknya turut serta melakukan pengamanan jalur yang akan dilalui roket berikut mengerahkan anggota Babinsa memberitahukan ke masyarakat tentang rencana giat tersebut.

"Kita akan melakukan pengawasan jalur yang akan dilalui roket, yaitu teluk Palabuhanratu. Sejauh ini kami sudah lebih dulu memberitahukan terlebih dahulu kepada para nelayan tentang rencana kegiatan tersebut," jelasnya.

Foto: Istimewa Pindad

"Kami juga bersama-sama melakukan cek lokasi dan plot sasaran atau target dari roket tersebut," imbuhnya.

Peluncuran roket R-Han 122B akan dilaksanakan di selama dua hari, terhitung mulai hari ini. Informasi kegiatan tersebut juga dilakukan melalui selebaran dari Kemenhan melalui surat keputusan Dirjen Pothan Kemhan Nomor 01/Kep/2018.



Roket Buatan Pindad Akan Diuji Coba di Sukabumi
Syahdan Alamsyah - detikFinance

Foto: Istimewa Pindad


Sukabumi - Uji coba roket produk roket bernomor R-Han 122B buatan PT Pindad (Persero) rencana awal roket tersebut akan diluncurkan dari kawasan Pantai Karanghawu, Kecamatan Cisolok namun rencana bergeser menjadi ke Citarate, Banten.

Target sasaran peluncuran roket berada di daerah latihan militer Kostrad yang berlokasi di Pantai Cibenda, Kecamatan Ciemas.

"Ini merupakan program kerjanya Kementrian Pertahanan, uji coba Roket R-Hand 122B awalnya rencana peluncuran dari Cisolok, Sukabumi namun digeser peluncurannya ke daerah Citarate, Banten," kata Komandan Pos AL Palabuhanratu, Lettu Laut Ajat Sudrajat, melalui sambungan telepon dengan detikFinance, Minggu (9/12/2018).

Foto: Istimewa Pindad

Meskipun lokasi peluncuran bergeser, Pos AL tetap melakukan pengamanan wilayah karena roket tetap akan melintasi wilayah Teluk Palabuhanratu.

"Kita bersama seluruh jajaran tetap memberikan informasi kepada nelayan dan masyarakat terkait peluncuran ini. Tindakan pengamanan lebih ditujukan pada area yang akan dilintasi roket, yakni di kawasan laut yang berada dalam kordinat garis lurus dari Citarate ke Cibenda," terangnya.

Baca juga: Diuji Coba, Roket RH112B Jatuh dan Meledak di Lumajang

Senada dengan penjelasan tersebut, Komandan Rayon Militer (Danramil) 2201 Cisolok Kapten Inf. Enjang membenarkan pihaknya turut serta melakukan pengamanan jalur yang akan dilalui roket berikut mengerahkan anggota Babinsa memberitahukan ke masyarakat tentang rencana giat tersebut.

"Kita akan melakukan pengawasan jalur yang akan dilalui roket, yaitu teluk Palabuhanratu. Sejauh ini kami sudah lebih dulu memberitahukan terlebih dahulu kepada para nelayan tentang rencana kegiatan tersebut," jelasnya.

Foto: Istimewa Pindad

"Kami juga bersama-sama melakukan cek lokasi dan plot sasaran atau target dari roket tersebut," imbuhnya.

Peluncuran roket R-Han 122B akan dilaksanakan di selama dua hari, terhitung mulai hari ini. Informasi kegiatan tersebut juga dilakukan melalui selebaran dari Kemenhan melalui surat keputusan Dirjen Pothan Kemhan Nomor 01/Kep/2018.


Roket Buatan Pindad Akan Diuji Coba di Sukabumi
Syahdan Alamsyah - detikFinance

Foto: Istimewa Pindad


Sukabumi - Uji coba roket produk roket bernomor R-Han 122B buatan PT Pindad (Persero) rencana awal roket tersebut akan diluncurkan dari kawasan Pantai Karanghawu, Kecamatan Cisolok namun rencana bergeser menjadi ke Citarate, Banten.

Target sasaran peluncuran roket berada di daerah latihan militer Kostrad yang berlokasi di Pantai Cibenda, Kecamatan Ciemas.

"Ini merupakan program kerjanya Kementrian Pertahanan, uji coba Roket R-Hand 122B awalnya rencana peluncuran dari Cisolok, Sukabumi namun digeser peluncurannya ke daerah Citarate, Banten," kata Komandan Pos AL Palabuhanratu, Lettu Laut Ajat Sudrajat, melalui sambungan telepon dengan detikFinance, Minggu (9/12/2018).

Foto: Istimewa Pindad

Meskipun lokasi peluncuran bergeser, Pos AL tetap melakukan pengamanan wilayah karena roket tetap akan melintasi wilayah Teluk Palabuhanratu.

"Kita bersama seluruh jajaran tetap memberikan informasi kepada nelayan dan masyarakat terkait peluncuran ini. Tindakan pengamanan lebih ditujukan pada area yang akan dilintasi roket, yakni di kawasan laut yang berada dalam kordinat garis lurus dari Citarate ke Cibenda," terangnya.

Baca juga: Diuji Coba, Roket RH112B Jatuh dan Meledak di Lumajang

Senada dengan penjelasan tersebut, Komandan Rayon Militer (Danramil) 2201 Cisolok Kapten Inf. Enjang membenarkan pihaknya turut serta melakukan pengamanan jalur yang akan dilalui roket berikut mengerahkan anggota Babinsa memberitahukan ke masyarakat tentang rencana giat tersebut.

"Kita akan melakukan pengawasan jalur yang akan dilalui roket, yaitu teluk Palabuhanratu. Sejauh ini kami sudah lebih dulu memberitahukan terlebih dahulu kepada para nelayan tentang rencana kegiatan tersebut," jelasnya.

Foto: Istimewa Pindad

"Kami juga bersama-sama melakukan cek lokasi dan plot sasaran atau target dari roket tersebut," imbuhnya.

Peluncuran roket R-Han 122B akan dilaksanakan di selama dua hari, terhitung mulai hari ini. Informasi kegiatan tersebut juga dilakukan melalui selebaran dari Kemenhan melalui surat keputusan Dirjen Pothan Kemhan Nomor 01/Kep/2018.



Roket Buatan Pindad Akan Diuji Coba di Sukabumi
Syahdan Alamsyah - detikFinance

Foto: Istimewa Pindad


Sukabumi - Uji coba roket produk roket bernomor R-Han 122B buatan PT Pindad (Persero) rencana awal roket tersebut akan diluncurkan dari kawasan Pantai Karanghawu, Kecamatan Cisolok namun rencana bergeser menjadi ke Citarate, Banten.

Target sasaran peluncuran roket berada di daerah latihan militer Kostrad yang berlokasi di Pantai Cibenda, Kecamatan Ciemas.

"Ini merupakan program kerjanya Kementrian Pertahanan, uji coba Roket R-Hand 122B awalnya rencana peluncuran dari Cisolok, Sukabumi namun digeser peluncurannya ke daerah Citarate, Banten," kata Komandan Pos AL Palabuhanratu, Lettu Laut Ajat Sudrajat, melalui sambungan telepon dengan detikFinance, Minggu (9/12/2018).

Foto: Istimewa Pindad

Meskipun lokasi peluncuran bergeser, Pos AL tetap melakukan pengamanan wilayah karena roket tetap akan melintasi wilayah Teluk Palabuhanratu.

"Kita bersama seluruh jajaran tetap memberikan informasi kepada nelayan dan masyarakat terkait peluncuran ini. Tindakan pengamanan lebih ditujukan pada area yang akan dilintasi roket, yakni di kawasan laut yang berada dalam kordinat garis lurus dari Citarate ke Cibenda," terangnya.

Baca juga: Diuji Coba, Roket RH112B Jatuh dan Meledak di Lumajang

Senada dengan penjelasan tersebut, Komandan Rayon Militer (Danramil) 2201 Cisolok Kapten Inf. Enjang membenarkan pihaknya turut serta melakukan pengamanan jalur yang akan dilalui roket berikut mengerahkan anggota Babinsa memberitahukan ke masyarakat tentang rencana giat tersebut.

"Kita akan melakukan pengawasan jalur yang akan dilalui roket, yaitu teluk Palabuhanratu. Sejauh ini kami sudah lebih dulu memberitahukan terlebih dahulu kepada para nelayan tentang rencana kegiatan tersebut," jelasnya.

Foto: Istimewa Pindad

"Kami juga bersama-sama melakukan cek lokasi dan plot sasaran atau target dari roket tersebut," imbuhnya.

Peluncuran roket R-Han 122B akan dilaksanakan di selama dua hari, terhitung mulai hari ini. Informasi kegiatan tersebut juga dilakukan melalui selebaran dari Kemenhan melalui surat keputusan Dirjen Pothan Kemhan Nomor 01/Kep/2018.


Roket R Han 122B Diluncurkan, Ledakan Terdengar di Ciemas Sukabumi


- Roket R-Han 122 B sudah diluncurkan bibir pantai Citarate, Desa Cirendeu, Kecamatan Bayah, Kabupaten Lebak, Provinsi Banten. Melintasi perairan Palabuhanratu menuju target sasaran di Komplek Daerah Latihan (Rahlat) Kostrad Cibenda, Desa Mandrajaya, Kecamatan Ciemas, Kabupaten Sukabumi.

Pantauan sukabumiupdate.com, di Komplek Daerah Latihan (Rahlat) Kostrad Cibenda, Desa Mandrajaya, Kecamatan Ciemas, Kabupaten Sukabumi ini, terdengar beberapa kali suara ledakan tapi tak ada percikan api. Adapun target sasaran lesan terlihat jelas dari Kostrad Cibenda.

Pada hari pertama uji coba, Minggu (9/12/2018) ada lima roket yang akan diluncurkan. Uji coba roket R-Han ini akan berlangsung selama dua hari hingga Senin (10/12/2018).

Roket pertama diluncurkan pukul 11.13 wib dan roket kedua menyusul 42 menit kemudian. kedua roket ini mendarat di sekitar target sasaran. Roket pertama dan kedua jatuh tak jauh dari titik sasaran.


Jalur lintasan roket R Han 122B uji coba Sukabumi. (Foto: Istimewa).

Target sasaran roket R HAN 1228, berupa lesan (papan target) khusus berwarna orange, yang diletaknya dipunggung perbukitan Cibenda. Reporter sukabumiupdate.com, pun hanya bisa melihat lokasi pemantauan yang berjarak lebih dari dua kilometer meter dari titik target.

Rencananya tiga roket lainnya akan diluncurkan siang ini setelah proses evaluasi. Sayangnya sejumlah perwira TNI yang ada di lokasi tidak bersedia dimintai keterangan.
What’s Next for Indonesia-Italy Military Ties?
The latest iteration of a new defense meeting gave a glimpse of some of the ongoing cooperation between both sides.


By Prashanth Parameswaran
December 06, 2018

Last week, Indonesia and Italy held the second iteration of their new joint defense cooperation committee meeting. The interaction spotlighted some of the ongoing activity on the security side between the two countries, which has been growing in recent years.

Indonesia maintains defense ties with a wide range of partners, and Italy is on that list. Defense collaboration between the two sides has included several aspects including port visits, defense equipment transfers, and some education and training. That has continued on over the past few years, including the delivery of armored personnel carriers.

One of the mechanisms established to manage ties was the Indonesia-Italy Joint Defense Cooperation Committee (JDCC). Both sides had begun holding the meeting following agreement on the terms of reference for joint defense cooperation inked in October 2016, with a plan to continue to hold regular iterations of the JDCC every two years.

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Last week, the defense aspect of the relationship was in focus again with the holding of the second iteration of the Indonesia-Italy JDCC. The meeting was held on November 27 at Borobudur Hotel in Jakarta, and it was led by the heads of the defense ministries on both sides – Nicolo Falsaperna and Hadiyan Sumintaatmadja.

According to Indonesia’s defense ministry (KEMHAN), the meeting itself saw both sides review areas within the defense relationship as well as exploring potential areas for further collaboration as well. For instance, Sumintaatmadja noted that 57 Indonesian military personnel have completed education and training in Italy up to 2018, and noted that this was a key area within broader ties.

Defense industry was another focus of talks. Apart from the official meeting itself, the Italian delegation got to interact with parts of the Indonesian defense industry, with visits to PT Pindad and PT Len in Bandung. While such interactions with defense industry are not entirely new, they nonetheless emphasized ongoing efforts to actually concretize some of the conversations the two countries have had in this area.

Unsurprisingly, neither side disclosed any specifics about exactly what they would look to boost in the future in terms of areas of cooperation, with Sumintaatmadja merely saying that he looked forward to some opportunities being realized and then implemented by relevant ministries and agencies. But as Indonesia and Italy look to advance their defense ties in the coming years, this joint committee meeting will be among the forums to look at to judge the extent to which collaboration on the defense side is actually being advanced.

Indonesia-Japan 2045 Project Need to be Reviewed Periodically: VP

, Jakarta - Vice President Jusuf Kalla said that Indonesia-Japan 2045 Development Project that was aimed at advancing the peoples of the two nations needed to be reviewed periodically.

"Conditions in 2045 will be vary different from those of today. Therefore, I suggest that there should be periodic reviews for adjustment," the vice president said on Saturday.

Kalla made the statement when he was attending the event of 2045 Project Reception and the 10th Anniversary of Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia ceremony at Dharmawangsa Hotel Jakarta.

The vice president said Indonesia and Japan could prepare a bright future for the peoples of the two countries through the 2045 Project program.

He said that the project was also expected to bring important roles to Indonesia and Japan in global development.

With periodic reviews of 2045 Project, the cooperation between Indonesia and Japan could be carried out based on the need of the two nations in accordance with global economic and political developments.

"We need improvement and modernizing agreements to face the dynamism of new world trade paradigm. In this case, Japan could contribute to the goals of our target," he added.

The 2045 Project is a cooperation program launched to mark the 60th anniversary of Indonesia-Japan diplomatic relations.

It constitutes a projection of Indonesia`s development in the fields of economy, politics and social in 2045.

Vice President Kalla hoped that through the 2045 Project, development in Indonesia and Japan would be realized to provide benefits to the peoples of both countries and to improve bilateral relations.

"I hope that with the 2045 Project, a good and friendly relationship between Indonesia and Japan will increase and bring benefits to our societies," said Vice President Jusuf Kalla.

There will be research related to the 2045 Project which involves various studies to identify challenges and potential for Indonesia`s development. The results of the research will be submitted to the government, policy makers, academics and the public.

In the face of the year 2045, Indonesia and Japan are expected to achieve three common goals, namely maintaining democracy and becoming the largest maritime country; entering the top five positions in the global economy; and achieving a better quality of life through the Sustainable Development Goals.

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