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Mily, police joint team to evacuate rebel attack victims
Rabu, 5 Desember 2018 09:23 WIB - 1 Views

Reporter: Antara


The Police Mobile Brigade from Timika arrived in Wamena on Tuesday (4/12/2018). ANTARA PHOTO/Iwan Adisaputra/foc.

Jayapura, Papua, (ANTARA News) - The military and police joint team is readied to evacuate victims of the armed Papuan rebel attack from the site in Yigi and the top of Mt Tabo in Nduga District, Papua Province, Cendrawasih Military Commander Maj Gen Joshua Sembiring said.

The evacuation will be started on Wednesday by deploying troops through land and air routes, Sembiring said when contacting from Jayapura on Wednesday.

"For the first stage, the team would evacuate victims around Yigi and Mt Tabo," he said, adding that he could not confirm the number of victims that would be evacuated.

Sembiring is currently in Wamena with Papua Police Chief Insp Gen Martuani Sormin.

Earlier on Tuesday, the joint team has evacuated 12 civilians from Mbua, four of them are workers of PT Istaka, who managed to flee and sought refuge in the Mbua military post. The military post was then attacked by the rebels and one soldier was killed in the attack.

The attack on Sunday (Dec 2) by the armed group killed 31 workers of PT Istaka Karya, who were engaged in construction and building the Trans Papua project.

Spokesman of the Papua Provincial Police Senior Commissioner A.M. Kamal remarked that an Indonesian soldier was also killed in an attack on a military post on Sunday. The confirmation on the death of the Indonesian soldier was received from four workers of PT Istaka Karya who survived the attack.

On Tuesday morning, 153 military and police personnel were transported to Mbua, which is the closest sub-district to Yigi Subdistrict, he remarked, adding that two of the four workers who survived the killing sustained shot wounds when they were found by the on-duty security personnel.

Reporting by Evarukdijati, Sri Haryati
Editing by Fardah A
Editor: Sri Haryati

President mourns deaths of construction workers murdered in Papua
Rabu, 5 Desember 2018 18:00 WIB - 0 Views

Reporter: ANTARA


President Joko Widodo informed the press relating to the deaths of workers in Papua Province. (ANTARA photo/Wahyu Putro A/hp.)

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) expressed condolences of the Indonesian people, who mourned the deaths of construction workers murdered while building a bridge in Nduga District, Papua Province.

"I, on behalf of the people, nation, and state, convey deepest condolences to all families of the victims. Let us together pray that the souls of the heroes of Trans Papua development, are accepted besides God, the Almighty," Jokowi informed the press here, Wednesday.

Commander of the Indonesian Defense Forces (TNI) Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto and Deputy Police Chief Commissioner General Ari Dono are currently in Papua to handle the tragedy, according to the president.

Jokowi has ordered leaders of the TNI and National Police to catch every perpetrator involved in the murders.

"I affirm that there is no place for armed criminal groups like this in the land of Papua as well as in every corner of the country," he stated.

The incident has, in fact, strengthened the nation`s determination to develop Papua, he remarked.

Meanwhile, Jayawijaya Police Chief Adj. Sr Com. Yan Peter Reba noted that the rebel group killed 24 workers first and seven others, who attempted to hide in the house of a local lawmaker, and were killed later.

A Papua Military spokesman Lt. Col. Dax Sianturi remarked that the incident, occurring on Dec 2, involved an armed criminal group under Egianus Kogoyaa. The group, with some 40 members, had been known to be involved in similar incidents of violence.

The group also attacked a military post at Mbua, in the district of Nduga, killing a soldier and injuring another soldier.

Chief of the Presidential Staff Moeldoko stated that development would continue in Papua as scheduled despite the murders of 31 construction workers there by armed men.

Moeldoko described as barbaric the murders of the 31 construction workers building bridges spanning the rivers of Yigi and Aurak in the Yall District.

Reporting by Bayu Prasetyo
Editing by Fardah, Yoseph Hariyadi

Editor: Bustanuddin


Where those damned human rights groups and western backed free media? Those are gross human right abuse and clear massacre toward people who bring development and enlightment, toward civillians, are those workers doesnt have any human rights?
Where those damned human rights groups and western backed free media? Those are gross human right abuse and clear massacre toward people who bring development and enlightment, toward civillians, are those workers doesnt have any human rights?

Where they usually at behind their keyboard, and apparently there is already someone whose began advocating for "referendum"

One thing I've notice is the sheer stupidity of Indonesia journalists whose keep referring those monkeys as "rebel" :hitwall: while the current administration has already defining them as "armed criminal group". Just FYI for those of you who are not versed in international diplomacy legal norms, "Rebel / Separatist movement" do entice different treatment from international law perspective versus "Criminal Group", and so far I laud the current administration :tup: for defining those monkeys as "Criminal Group" rather than "Rebel / Separatist Movement", unfortunately those journalist doesn't understand the difference thus in some degree provide indirect legitimation for those criminal group :hitwall:
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Pesawat CN295 dan Helikopter BELL 412EP Produk PTDI Diresmikan Kapolri pada HUT KE-68 Korpolairud
2018-12-03 00:00:00


Jakarta, 03 Desember 2018 – Humas PTDI

Kepala Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia, Jenderal Polisi Tito Karnavian, didampingi Kabaharkam Polri, Komjen Pol. Moechgiyarto melakukan pengguntingan pita pada prosesi peresmian Pesawat CN295 dan Helikopter BELL 412EP bertepatan dengan peringatan Hari Ulang Tahun ke-68 Korpolairud Baharkam Polri, tanggal 03 Desember 2018 di Mako Ditpolair Korpolairud Baharkam Polri, Jalan R.E. Martadinata I/1, Tanjung Priok, Jakarta Utara.

Peresmian Pesawat CN295 dan Helikopter BELL 412EP turut disaksikan oleh Direktur Utama PTDI, Elfien Goentoro, Direktur Niaga PTDI, Irzal Rinaldi, Kakorpolairud Baharkam Polri, Irjen Pol. M. Chairul Noor Alamsyah dan Dirpolud, Brigjen Pol. Anang Syarif Hidayat.

Kontrak Jual Beli 1 (satu) unit Pesawat Terbang CN295 dan 1 (satu) unit Helikopter Bell 412EP, Nomor: KJB/02/KSA.2011/IX/2015 telah ditandatangani pada tanggal 21 September 2015, antara Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia dengan PTDI.

Penyerahan pesawat CN295 telah dilakukan pada tanggal 07 September 2018 atau empat bulan lebih awal dengan status Ahead of Time dari target delivery yang tertulis pada kontrak, yaitu Januari 2019.

Sedangkan 1 (satu) unit Helikopter BELL 412EP yang pada hari ini diresmikan dilakukan tujuh bulan lebih awal dengan status Ahead of Time dari target delivery yang tertulis pada kontrak, yaitu Juli 2019.

Kontrak jual beli tersebut merupakan bentuk apresiasi dan kepercayaan Kepolisian Udara Republik Indonesia terhadap produk PTDI. Kepolisian Udara Republik Indonesia sebelumnya telah mengoperasikan pesawat terbang NC212-200, helikopter BO105, BELL 412SP, BELL 412EP.

Dalam sambutannya, Kapolri menyampaikan bahwa setelah 1 bulan diserahkan, pesawat CN295 menjadi alat angkut personil dan logistik yang sangat membantu korban gempa di Lombok maupun di Sulawesi Tengah.

Helikopter BELL 412EP merupakan helikopter kelas medium dari kerjasama industri antara PTDI dengan Bell Helicopter Textron Inc.

Helikopter ini mampu mengangkut 15 orang dengan rincian, 1 pilot dan 14 penumpang. Helikopter BELL 412EP dilengkapi mesin Pratt & Whitney PT6T-9 with EEC/ECU 1,110 SHP, mesin yang telah diupgrade untuk tenaga dan performa yang lebih baik dengan kecepatan maksimal 122 knots dengan jarak tempuh hingga 364 NM.

Sistem avionik helikopter BELL 412EP menggunakan Garmin GTN-750 NAV/COM/WAAS GPS, yang memiliki fleksibilitas dan konfigurasi sistem avionik terbaik sesuai kebutuhan dan operasi customer.

Dengan diserahkannya helikopter BELL 412EP melengkapi pesawat CN295 yang telah diserahkan sebelumnya, diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kinerja Kepolisian Udara Republik Indonesia dalam setiap pelaksanaan operasi kepolisian Udara.

“Penggunaan hasil produksi bangsa sendiri, disamping merupakan kebanggaan nasional yang harus dipupuk dan ditingkatkan, adalah juga merupakan upaya jangka panjang bagi bangsa Indonesia untuk secara bertahap mengurangi ketergantungan dari pihak luar negeri, terutama dalam memenuhi kebutuhan alat peralatan pertahanan dan alat peralatan lainnya yang dibutuhkan oleh jajaran Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia,” ujar Elfien Goentoro.

Tentang PT Dirgantara Indonesia (Persero)

PTDI merupakan badan usaha milik negara yang didirikan pada tahun 1976, berlokasi di Bandung, Indonesia. Produk utama yang dihasilkan adalah pesawat terbang, komponen struktur pesawat terbang, jasa perawatan pesawat terbang dan jasa rekayasa.

PTDI mampu memproduksi jenis pesawat terbang CN235 yang dilengkapi dengan mission sesuai konfigurasi antara lain : angkut, cargo, paratroop, medevac, patroli maritime bahkan VIP.

Selain itu, PTDI juga mampu memproduksi pesawat terbang NC212i yang juga dapat dilengkapi dengan berbagai missionsesuai pesanan, antara lain: angkut militer, hujan buatan, patroli maritim, navtrain, termasuk medevac. PTDI juga telah mampu menghasilkan pesawat yang merupakan hasil kerjasama industri antara lain : C295 dengan pihak Airbus Defence & Space (ADS), serta helikopter dengan pihak Airbus Helicopters baik yang berbasis di Perancis maupun di Jerman dalam berbagai varian, demikian pula dengan pihak Bell Helicopter Textron dalam beberapa varian.

PTDI bekerja sama dengan LAPAN telah sukses membangun pesawat N219 dan telah sukses melakukan uji terbang perdana pesawat N219 pada tanggal 16 Agustus 2017, pesawat N219 merupakan pesawat penumpang dengan kapasitas 19 orang dengan dua mesin turboprop yang mengacu kepada regulasi CASR Part 23.

Proses rancang bangun, pengujian, sertifikasi hingga nantinya akan dilakukan proses produksi adalah hasil karya anak bangsa. Pesawat N219 memiliki kemampuan lepas landas di landasan pendek yang tidak dipersiapkan sehingga akan menjadi konektivitas antar pulau terutama di wilayah Perintis.

Where those damned human rights groups and western backed free media? Those are gross human right abuse and clear massacre toward people who bring development and enlightment, toward civillians, are those workers doesnt have any human rights?

Too busy glorifying and perpetuating this type of parody, apparently:

One thing I've notice is the sheer stupidity of Indonesia journalists whose keep referring those monkeys as "rebel" :hitwall: while the current administration has already defining them as "armed criminal group". Just FYI for those of you who are not versed in international diplomacy legal norms, "Rebel / Separatist movement" do entice different treatment from international law perspective versus "Criminal Group", and so far I laud the current administration :tup: for defining those monkeys as "Criminal Group" rather than "Rebel / Separatist Movement", unfortunately those journalist doesn't understand the difference thus in some degree provide indirect legitimation for those criminal group :hitwall:

I do prefer to define them as rebel/separatist group so that the military can work on the situation faster. We just need to be firm on our action, do not hesitate, quickly launch joint military operation there just like what we did in Poso. Smite them hard, and don't stop the operation until we successfully eliminate all those rebels.

By referring them as criminal group, it's the police that will be in charge of the situation. And that would bring us nowhere..

Just like what MOD said..
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I do prefer to define them as rebel/separatist group so that the military can work on the situation faster. We just need to be firm on our action, do not hesitate, quickly launch joint military operation there just like what we did in Poso. Smite them hard, and don't stop the operation until we successfully eliminate all those rebels.

By referring them as criminal group, it's the police that will be in charge of the situation. And that would bring us nowhere..

Just like what MOD said..

Agreed, labelling them as Armed Criminal Group are somehow misleading as clearly their intention is to fight the goverment and seperate from Indonesia.

"Word-play" will not sufficient for this case just to sweet-talk the international community, we need tangible actions on fields ie. Tinombala-like Ops

On the other hands Our diplomacy should also be enforced at international stage so that we are able to justify any decision we make to fight this rebels in front of international communicty. And a fact like this massacre should be our diplomacy ammunition.
And a fact like this massacre should be our diplomacy ammunition.

Indeed, it's time to strike... fast and hard. This incident would become shield & cloak that would provide sufficient smoke screen to keep our diplomatic image unharmed.

Launching Kapal Patroli Kamla 80M (OPV 80M)
1. Nomer lambung 8001
2. Nomer lambung 8002

bakamla 1.jpg
bakamla 2.jpg
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Indonesian soldiers preparing to board a helicopter in Papua province yesterday to retrieve the bodies of the construction workers killed in Nduga district on Sunday.

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Even the defence minister is calling them separatists, for this group at least, the time for word-play and maginalization-labelling has passed. Don't just send in the Raiders, send in the special forces!

What pissed me off is how the OPM are claiming that this news can't be trusted, and that it is open to a 'diplomatic' and 'gentlemanly' resolution to the crises... 3 guesses on what they want the resolution to be!

Either way, the building of papua must be continued. The fact that OPM has started to wage unrestricted warfare is because they are running out of areas to run too. With access to modern medicine, electricity, and development, more and more previously Pro-OPM villages are turning the other way.

...now if only if there was another way to change that toad of a governor Lukas Enembe. Bastard is nothing more than a greedy, two-faced opportunist.
Positive, KF-X / IF-X Combat Jet Program Runs After Plan (Part 1)



ANGKASAREVIEW.COM - Progress on the development of generation 4.5 fighter jets between South Korea represented by KAI (Korea Aerospace Industries) and Indonesia represented by PT Dirgantara Indonesia experienced positive progress.

This was revealed at a press conference held by PTDI, KAI, and Kemhan after a discussion on the Development Progress Status Review (DPSR) of KF-X / IF-X fighter jets at the Grand Mercure Hotel, Kemayoran, Jakarta today, Thursday (6/12) / 2018). Angkasa Review included the media who were present at the invitation of PTDI.

Sobat AR, present as a guest speaker was PTDI Director of Technology & Development Marsma TNI Gita Amperiawan, Heri Yansyah KF-X / IF-X PTDI Program Manager, and Republic of Indonesia Ministry of Research and Technology Research and Development Marsma TNI Bambang Wijanarko.

This event was held as a socialization of the results of the Preliminary Design Review (PDR) which was conducted in June 2018 ago. The final configuration of the KF-X / IF-X fighter jet was decided.

In this socialization activity, it was explained about the achievements of the iterations of KF-X / IF-X fighter jet designs carried out by the KAI and PTDI Engineer Teams from 2011-2018.

Opening the conversation, Gita Amperiawan revealed, currently the two Engineer Teams of the two countries are working on the design details (part drawing) of KF-X / IF-X. Hopefully, this process will be completed in July / August 2019.

After that it was continued with the construction of a prototype KF-X / IF-X fighter jet.

A total of eight prototypes will be made, consisting of six dynamic test aircraft (flight tests) and two static tests (land tests).

Two flight test aircraft are tandem versions. It is expected that the first prototype of the KF-X / IF-X will be rolled out in 2020 and the first flight will take place the following year, in 2021.

Related to human resources (HR) from Indonesia, it was stated that since being involved in the program of making multirole fighter jets with Ginseng in 2011, PTDI initially sent as many as 35 engineers. They were included in the Technology Development (TD) phase centered in Daejeon, South Korea.

Then it increased to 81 engineers in 2016 when entering the Engineering Manufacturing Development (EMD) phase which was centered in Sacheon, South Korea.

As its peak in 2020-2021 PTDI will involve approximately 184 engineers, at which time the construction of eight prototypes of fighter jets was carried out.

Sobat AR, further revealed by Gita Amperiawan that the manufacture of fighter jets will benefit many of the advanced technologies that PTDI will absorb. One of them is the manufacture of composite materials in the country for fuselage (fighter jets) which can also be used for civilian passenger aircraft and ships.

Meanwhile, Bambang Wijanarko stated that the program of making fighter jets was also an effort for the independence of the nation to make technology that had trepidation.

In addition, it can also meet the needs of the TNI AU for sophisticated multi-combat fighter jets that can be utilized up to the next 4-5 decades.

Rangga Baswara Sawiyya

Sorry for using google translate
Source: http://www.angkasareview.com/2018/1...r-kf-xif-x-berjalan-sesusai-rencana-bagian-1/

Korea Selatan (Korsel) menggandeng Republik Indonesia (RI) dalam pengembangan pesawat tempur generasi 4.5, Korean Fighter Xperiment/ Indonesia Fighter Xperiment (KFX/IFX) sejak 2011.

Tujuh tahun berlalu, progres proyek kerja sama G to G itu sudah sampai tahap tinjauan desain awal (preliminary design review) guna memastikan konfigurasi pesawat tempur KFX/IFX sesuai persyaratan operasional dari TNI AU dan Republic of Korea Air Force (ROKAF), sebagaimana dilansir dari laman Tribunnews (6/ 12).

“Hari ini kami sosialisasi kepada semua stakeholders termasuk Kementerian Pertahanan, Kemenkopolhukam lihat sejauh mana proges setelah yang dilakukan engineer Korsel-Indonesia selama fase Engineering Manufacturing Development (EMD),” ujar Direktur Teknologi dan Pengembangan PTDI, Gita Amperiawan di Grand Mercure Kemayoran, Jakarta, Kamis (6/12/2018).

Gita melanjutkan, hingga saat ini proses pengembangan sudah mencapai 20 persen. Ada tiga tahap yang perlu dilalui, yaitu pengembangan teknologi, EMD, kemudian protoyping.

Usai preliminary design review rampung, kedua negara ini akan mengembangkan prototipe pesawat tempur.

Pesawat-pesawat tempur ini ditargetkan baru bisa diproduksi massal pada 2026 usai uji coba dan sertifikasi.

“Kami sudah lalui fase pengembangan teknologi dan EMP. Setahun detil desain itu selesai kira-kira Juli/ Agustus 2019, kita mulai prototypingkemudian pengujian dan sertifikasi,” paparnya.

“RI bersama Korsel akomodasi common requirement, nanti dari hasil prototyping harus make sure ini mengakomodasi kepentingan TNI AU, tahap ketiga fase produksi dan marketing,” sambungnya.

Sementara jumlah pesawat yang akan diproduksi mencapai 168, dengan rincian Korsel akan memiliki 120 pesawat dan Indonesia 48 pesawat.

“Kita berkontribusi sesuai kesepakatan 20 persen dalam semua hal per fase. Project agreement-nya itu per fase,” pungkasnya.

Untuk diketahui, Pesawat tempur KFX/IFX adalah pesawat semi-siluman multirole generasi 4.5 yang dikembangkan Korsel dan RI. Pesawat tempur ini dirancang untuk menggantikan armada ROFKA dan TNI AU.

Beberapa keunggulan yang dimiliki pesawat tempur KFX/IFX di antaranya semi-stealth, semi conformal missile launcher, advanced avionics dan air refueling.

Dalam MOU, Indonesia menanggung biaya program pengembangan pesawat tempur itu sebesar 20 persen, sementara Korea Selatan 80 persen. Dalam 10 tahun pengembangan yang akan dilakukan hingga 2026, total biaya yang ditanggung Indonesia mencapai Rp 21,6 triliun.

Photo: Manajer Program KFX/IFX dari PTDI Heri Yansyah, Kapuslitbang Iptekhan Balitbang Kemhan Marsekal Pertama TNI Bambang Wijanarko, Direktur Teknologi dan Pengembangan PTDI Gita Amperiawan di Grand Mercure Kemayoran (kiri-kanan), Jakarta, Kamis (6/12/2018). (Ria Anatasia)

Editor: (D.E.S)
That LCU looks different than PT. PAL LCU design, no propeller guard, sharp bow shape, shallow draft & waterjet propulsion?

Is this built by PT. Tesco Indomaritim? as far as I know the ones with waterjet propulsion was built by PT. Tesco Indomaritim.

FYI, KRI Banjarmasin (592) & KRI Banda Aceh (593) also used the waterjet LCUs while BRP Tarlac (601) for Philippines Navy curiously enough, used propeller LCUs built by PT. PAL.

LCU for BRP Tarlac (601) built by PT. PAL
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